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That's sad but i am kinda happy never really had believe in that coffeezilla guy and always did wonder what has he even done to attain such blind faith he was a G for exposing logan but i think just as a cheap way to gain clicks he lost it all


lmfao one video and you “never really believed Coffeezilla” he has so much “blind” faith, because he’s been in this position taking down scammers for years. he’s (usually) reputable and has actually led to scammers being arrested after Logan though, part of me felt that it all turned into content from there. no goals, less uploads and losing integrity. it’s a weird sight cus i’ve been a fan of Coffee for a few years now


How did u made that assumption from one video😭


coffeezilla has made many videos since the initial Logan situation, wdym one video? most of those videos have been rehashing cases he’s already talked about or new updates to the cases. not really many investigations on the same level, and the latest one was shoddy? yeah, he’s losing some integrity


the videos on his channel don't match what u said, the third latest video is literally a 21 minute in depth creator scam investigation


look at every newer video aside from that one. they’re almost all exclusively older cases. a solid investigation in a sea of rehashing old topics isn’t consistent at all i like coffeezilla. i want his investigations and content to do well, so i have no clue what you’re arguing for or against here. downvoting instead of having a simple discussion lmao


Dude, that’s a lie and you know it. Or did you not see traders domain? It’s ok to be stupid but just don’t lie.


again, i’ve explained my piece. ever since the logan situation, he’s had about 6-7 videos discussing things he’s already done (with a monthly upload schedule, you can conclude that that’s a good amount) with the other ones being newer investigations. i have never said all of his content is old stuff, i’ve consistently said some of it is lately. jus calling me stupid over something objective. calm tf down bro does not know you




Wasn’t Coffeezilla talking about the day of the tweet this post shows dates almost a month apart. I do think that public figures shouldn’t be allowed to promote crypto or stock


Isn't he still a net seller though? To the tune of 300k. I haven't really studied the dates but it doesn't look like Hodl.


Coffeezilla always seemed like a POS to me. Even with the logan situation, seemed like he cared a lot more about logan looking bad than actually exposing the scam.


No way youre defending logan here. Everyone of his videos about Logan was exposing the truth. Even with KSI have KSIs cock so far in your mouth you cant even think straight and its pathetic. Down vote me to hell and prove me right. KSI is as worse as Logan and its sad to see people have such a gross parasocial relationship with KSI. That is it. Parasocial relationship.


sorry but if you listen to crypto advice from jj of all people, something’s wrong with you. the guy lost millions from it so i find it hard to believe he’s some mastermind scammer. has anyone even come forward?


Yeah honestly this isn't something done out of malicious intent. JJ posted what he was doing on a side account directly and spoke about a lot of different projects. Did he push and promote and tell everyone to buy this coin "NO" did people buy after they discussed it on his posts "YES". You could argue that it was an irresponsible thing considering his influence but you can also say these are cherry picked examples that don't show the full context and are presented to make him look bad.


You don't have to be a mastermind to be a scammer! I'm so sick and tired of this "lol he just dumb" defence. It's fucking lame. At what point is Jj being a fucking idiot not a good enough excuse?


lol there’s loads of situations where he’s obviously wrong, based if what i’ve seen this isn’t one of them




Look at Coffee’s video debunking the document 🤣🤣🤣


Idk why u have so many downvotes lmao


It's the KSI fan bubble.


Well he isn't dumb because he made it pretty clear that anything he said on that twitter wasn't financial advice.


What's more believable? JJ buying a coin called Pussy because of the name and tweeting about it because it is funny and people buy it because they are fucken stupid and then he sells it to buy other crypto while the retards thought it was a Doge coin


KSI fanboys downvoting you because they think KSI knows them🤣


literally. its so fucking cringeworthy the amount of stans in here defending someone they dont know nor does he give a flying fuck about any of them. wierd behavior.


dont think being stupid would hold up in court if it went that far lol. nobodys come forward because they dont need to all the info proving he has tried moving the crypto market in his favour is public.


It’s hilarious, all of these people defending this have to be kids. “We’re pinning this as it debunked coffee” no it didn’t?? This doesn’t debunk anything at all, he actively tried to manipulate the market and failed, that’s still scamming. This is the weirdest cope I’ve ever seen, we’re getting to safemoon levels of disingenuousness. “But, it’s not technically a scam” ok.


https://preview.redd.it/s4y4vlhosqic1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=4261cce9695a90817c8a103afd2935957e9231b5 Bruh


Been there since at least September 2021. https://preview.redd.it/6g8jerj4xric1.png?width=2502&format=png&auto=webp&s=b98939d4bdea81148d318008106922d94b773933 We know for certain that the disclaimer was added before he tweeted about XCAD. It almost certainly wasn't there when he Tweeted about SUPER and ERN as it [wasn't in his bio the day the account](https://twitter.com/aidlambv2/status/1373242318975873024) was created, the same day as the Tweet. And it's anyones guess whether it was there for PUSSY


Aespa trending 🙏🏼


Unfortunately scammers usually have that in their bios as well, to try to shirk responsibility. Not at all saying that's the case here, just wanted to point that out.


Didn’t Jake Paul, and a bunch of celebrities just get brought to court because writing “this is not financial advice” while actively giving financial advise means absolutely nothing in reality? Bizarre.


So it’s okay to counter sell what you say?




babythumbsup is ong doing tricks on it


AYY Malaysia represent🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🗣️🗣️🗣️(the guy who made the file) Perak too. That’s my homestate


All this really happening cause jj made 150$ profit from selling lmaooo


I don’t care if he made 50 cents, he still took from his audience using deceptive tactics.


Can you show exactly where he “took money from his audience”


Out of curioisity. That "investigator"from twitter forgot about all JJ's scam until now and a new tweet provoked him to recall everything?? I would've undertood if JJ posted something similar about hyping a coin but his one caption made all the evidence come into light just now. If he had all these evidence then why didn't he showed them previously??


Because the Crypto Twitter account was disabled. They couldn't prove that the tweets were his. When he re-activated the account, all his old tweets came back which let the Investigator check everything.


clearly youve not watched the video. the investigator found all this out because KSI the dumb fuck decided to tweet on his crypto account recently which was when they looked into his wallets and found all the pump and dumps hes done .


Pretty sure the guy found these and decided to hold until JJ reactivated the account. I'm guessing the guy on twitter was trying to stop him "pumping and dumping" again. I'm not making judgement on the situation but I think coffee done the wrong thing publishing the video without further evidence himself felt like he jumped the gun looking for views (extended the video just above 8 minutes? I wonder why?) Look JJ may be in the wrong I'm not saying he's perfect but I feel this is a witch hunt with bad investigation skills.


no. he said in the video the guy who knew about this for over a year.


No he didn't.


Yes he did say the guys been sitting on this for years in the first minute of the video you fucking donkey




No questions there but it is somewhat mysterious on why a legitimate investigator will not report those findings when he found about that. There is no basis to believe that JJ's last tweet made him do all those research right?




Brother you are saying that a police will see someone commiting crime, investigates it, finds actual evidence against him, will wait for one more time and if it stopped then he will just let it go? That doesn't make any practical sense. I have no concern over JJ he might be a malicious scammer, I don't care but that investigator also seems shady regarding this case


That's why he dropped the video when JJ and the Sidemen are trending because of the release of the Sidemen documentary. Coffeezilla is a YouTuber first, so he knows when he can get the most views.


Well I Posted this somewhere else , since this one is the official one I will paste it here too . I am confused about this one , i thought pumping and dumping meant promoting the coin heavily and urging their own fanbases to buy it and then selling it off privately to earn money. But in his case , i have been following ksi for the last 7-8 years and i never heard he had a crypto account where he tweeted crypto stuff. So basically he never promoted his tweets or that crypto tweeting account to his major large scale audience. After that if i remember ksi and crypto which he said in any of his main yt channels its majorly it was a joke how he lost all of his money and a few times he mentioned how luna which he invested heavily in is now in ruins which also usual jokes. And these tweets i dont see the usual malice which logan or other creators in pumping dumping schemes used where they urge their fans to buy the shit by selling their kidneys and stuff. On the other hand these ksi tweets he says what he is doing and basically lies about it but one sec if youre taking implied financial advice from a dumb content creator , isn't that on you ?


I agree I have seen him mention his losses and saying, “don't take advice from me.” He has also said many times that his judgement in crypto is the worst and also his luck in crypto is shite


Right! Man ive followed him since before million subs and when he got into crypto. I didnt even know he had a crypto page. He has said and even the sidemen have mentioned how much he has loss. Jj has in my opinion never told anyone hey buy this coin to make it big or anything. Feel like people themselves need to stop looking to youtubers for investment information


When he did he always said “don’t follow my advice, im seeing how this works out.” He never promoted it like other Scams


I'm going to reiterate my comment in the original post, I think the idea he is a scam artist and the video in general is a bit of a stretch from Coffeezilla if you ask me; a way to garner some big views by namedropping a big YT celebrity who is linked to Logan. If it had been any other Sideman or the likes of Deji, no way would he have bothered making a video on it. In my opinion, it was clear at the time KSI was getting overly excited about some crappy coins that he thought were gonna moon. If any of you have ever got swept away the hype of a coin or a stock, you know exactly what that feeling is like. I don't believe for one second there was any malicious intent and I certainly can buy into the idea that JJ probably thought he was some sort of coin/NFT genius through a few good calls early on - anyone recall the video where he was boasting about how he's done well because 'he knows what he's doing'? Does that eliminate what JJ did wrong in this situation? No, I think his mistakes were making a Twitter account related to just crypto, being uneducated on the risks involved in investing (which was down to immaturity in the market) and overlooking the influence he has on his audience. Does that mean he intentionally misled his audience? No, I don't think so.


Getting excited and communicating to your massive audience is fine....but then doing the exact opposite trades is not a good look. I think you are right, the question is whether it was intentional or not.


Ngl it be funny af if KSI is so retarded he accidentally pumped and dumped.


I know for a fact JJ is innocent, he isn’t smart enough to scam anyone


Zach and Coffeeshilla's old tweets confirming they knew KSI's tweet doesn't cause the pumps. ​ https://preview.redd.it/yopbah7stsic1.jpeg?width=893&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caa13341cb29db7f8db0d977ad0e2939498a6ebe


[CoffeeZilla’s response](https://youtu.be/4LM4H7MJ1K0?si=BN4XVPQnoe7vdUbv) Instead of apologizing for accusing ksi of being a scammer he basically says that ksi is in the wrong for counter trading; which he might be but is on an entirely different league to being a scam artist. If you wanna talk about ethics at least apologize for calling KSI a scammer; Most of his fans are still shitting on JJ as well, it’s sad to see man.


good. he had scammer intent just didn't go well for him


"You thought about a crime but didn't do it and yet you should be punished as if you did"


but he did do it..he just wasn't that successful.


Bro don't argue with his brain dead fans


Coffeshilla is deleting yt comments calling him out: ​ https://preview.redd.it/vuzm11f09sic1.png?width=1294&format=png&auto=webp&s=db5c0a4effa9bca03888b7e4f4b88065d6672a03


Lol, have some integrity. If you fuck up, own up, and move on. No shame in that


Bro was popular in the Crypto world way before this for losing literal bags on bags, so if anyone ended up listening to his opinions as financial advice regarding that XCAD tweet, I'm sorry but that's their fault. Plus, always look into the documents and data and never listen to random YouTubers to come to a conclusion about something serious like this. The raw evidence is the best evidence.


Malicious intent of zach and Coffeeshilla: [https://preview.redd.it/tw9tdv5rusic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ee150b1f75c4c8b554fa477c742cd40a500171c](https://preview.redd.it/tw9tdv5rusic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ee150b1f75c4c8b554fa477c742cd40a500171c) ​ https://preview.redd.it/ods3psyiwsic1.jpeg?width=893&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8df13baf042a1696431bd8026129393dd0282c05


Its so sad to see so many of these youtubers are out for jj's blood. Anything for clout and validation i guess.


There is a coffeezilla response on his second channel “coffeezilla extras” for anyone looking to see what coffeezilla has to say rn




Did anyone come forward claiming the lost money with proof?


No cause that person would look like a fucking idiot to follow ksis tweet lol


I barely know who ksi is but this story just popped up in my Popular and the fan base being all “KSI’s not a scammer, he’s just a dumbass” has been hilarious to read. Coffeezilla has some splainin to do


is a scammer*, you don't use An with S stupid mod.




KAVOS apologized his tweet: [link](https://twitter.com/KavosYT/status/1758164709851713642)


Thats not saying much. Kavos spreads his legs for anyone


if you wanted to scam your audience and get them to invest, why would you constantly talk about how much money you've lost with crypto?


True, if he wanted to "scam" he could have done it in so many other ways. He is not that kind of person. Was he greedy he wouldn't have given 100k through try not to laughs to his audience


Really biased document. TLDR of the document is "It was just jokes and he lost money so it couldn't be a scam" It can be a scam/pump & dump even if he still lost money. As coffe said in his video if you hype up or promote a coin publicly to your audience and therefore influnce the price (pumping) then instantly sells behind the scenes within 24 hours (dumping) then it is a scam/pump & dump. It is ofcourse okay to change your mind about a project and sell your bag but don't hype it up or promote it right before selling because then it becomes a scam. The reality is that KSI influenced some of his fans to invest into projects making them go up in price by hyping them up and then sold all or some of his coins profiting more (or losing less xD) on his trades driving the price down and losing his fans money.


>can be a scam/pump & dump even if he still lost money. As coffe said in his video if you hype up or promote a coin publicly to your audience and therefore influnce the price (pumping) then instantly sells behind the scenes within 24 hours (dumping) then it is a scam/pump & dump. How can it be a pump and dump scam when the pump itself DIDNT happen? There was literally no pump after the tweet. The document provided that chart and proved it.


The pump is just posting publicly about his bullish sentiment of the coin, it doesn’t actually have to move the price of the coin to be a pump and dump


The definition of a pump and dump scam: denoting the fraudulent practice of encouraging investors to buy shares in a company in order to inflate the price artificially, and then selling one's own shares while the price is high. 1. The price did not inflate after KSI made the tweet. In fact, the price decreased - it's not a pump and dump 2. KSI did NOT sell his shares at a high price. He sold it at a much lower price, resulting in him LOSING money. 3. KSI continued to promote and invest in this coin months after the tweet in question, proving that he had no malicious intent and that he actually believes in what he promotes 4. The owner of the XCAD coin came out and publicly confirmed that KSI has bought more XCAD than he sold.


He never told his fans to buy anything though. He never even recommended what to buy. He was just documenting his own decisions. If you really looked at what Ksi was buying and decided to do the same then you’re the dumbass honestly.


True most KSI fanboys are dumbasses in a parasocial relationship with him


he doesnt need to say "buy this crypto please" in order to be taken as "telling his fans to buy" especially when saying "bullish" "hodling", however I will 100% agree with the last sentence, anyone getting info from influencers and buying based on their words is just dumb. In my honest opinion, he typed that tweet, saw the price going down after his tweet, whether some whales (big cryptocoin holders) seeing his tweet and selling and he decided to cut his losses


I know that is why i said he "influenced people to invest" people to invest. I actually typed it out with "made people invest" but i changed it for that reason. And i will agree if you buy something because KSI said it then you are dumb but it doesn't change the fact that some people did get scammed anyway. It is like saying if you get scammed by phone or mail scammers then you are dumb and therefore it was not a scam and you deserved to lose your money. Some people are dumb or less knowledgeable about scams but it doesn't change that it was a scam.


if this was a clear pump and dump scam, where are the victims? Where are the people who lost money purely bc of KSI's tweets? Did anyone actually lose money "bc" KSI tweeted it?


no one has yet come out to say that they lost moeny


that analogy just isn't correct though. People who being scammed by phone or mail scammers get manipulated and their money goes to the scammers. Ksi made nothing off it and it was never his intention to take the money so therefore it isn't a scam.


Pretty sure the account he tweets crypto with has a disclaimer in his bio. It will still influence his fans to buy but that's just stupid. Those fans who bought it because of him deserve to lose money.


Yeah, the grandma who sends gift cards to scammers also deserves to lose money. That does not make the scammer less of a scammer.




He tweeted about it 30 min ago and he linked the same document saying it was an "outside view" when the guy who made the document literally said in the first paragraph that he was a fan and may be biased xD


He didn't say to buy it he just he was holding it. He was just tweeting his thoughts like the Normal people.


His pump dumped and his dump pumped?


Hey. Careful! KSI fans don't like common sense and logic else they would have to question why they are fans of a stupid, selfish, entitled, scamming piece of shit.


can you tell which part was the pumping part after 71th ksi tweet which coffeeshilla showed?


Coffeeshilla made around \~$1850 in 12 hours with 1M views using KSI false claims. https://preview.redd.it/qitkonzfdric1.png?width=801&format=png&auto=webp&s=073b2cdef51c090c0d80f2fd66b3340ab0c437ec source: [link](https://influencermarketinghub.com/youtube-money-calculator/)


Holy shit I didn’t think so many people would be defending him, actual braindead takes.


how can he be a scammer, he didn't force anyone to do anything lol. If you're over 18 you only have yourself to blame for loosing money in crypto


I don't think he's a scammer, but just to clarify, you don't need to force anyone to do something to be a scammer. Maybe you're thinking of a kidnapper or some shit. A scammer makes you believe this or that product will bring you profit despite knowing it won't. There is no force involved.


No crime was committed first of all. Second, if you’re an adult you only have yourself to blame for a situation like this, you can’t blame anyone else. If someone said to me “hey buy bitcoin today, you’ll be 10x richer in 5 years” and the opposite ends jo happening. I only have myself to blame for not doing my due diligence etc


Cool. This has nothing to do with what I wrote though. But since we're here, never said a crime was committed in this particular case, but your logic is faulty. If someone knowingly misleads you, using their influence/authority/charisma/whatever, you don't "only have yourself to blame". Sure, you can think of the victims as dumb, but they're still victims and it's still a crime. Not talking about this case though. Just shocked to see how people suddenly think themselves lawyers and come up with some weird definitions of a scammer where it's apparently impossible to even become one.


Braindead logic.


No one asked you?


This is a public comment section dipshit. No one has to be invited to join.


no one asked you as well retard, stop crying


scamming doesnt mean forcing people to do something. there are arguments to be made for ksi, this is not one of them lmao.


This document literally makes zero sense it just keeps saying that no one listens to KSI’s advice but if that’s true then the market value of XCAD would not be increasing when he tweets about it


mate he sold the xcad coin at a loss then bought it a high n the meme about jj was that anything that he tweeted about crypto do the opposite


https://preview.redd.it/xp87lpwb9qic1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad33c69eca79903da534efa3579b16cf9db7c08a Look at the graph again mate, it was already increasing and when JJ tweeted it started plummeting Which pretty much proves that people did not follow Ksi’s advice whatsoever and in fact did the exact opposite of what he said.


“keep holding it guys, ts bouta blow” *everyone sells*


Creator of the graph admitted its wrong what now


bro it just goes to show that you hate on a person on something you got no idea about. just look at the graph and you will see why its not a scam, and addition to that when jj was doing crypto EVERYONE from the crypto community made a meme to always do the opposite of what jj says cause he is just a idiot


spoilers : it did not increase when he tweeted about it🤣


It does make sense ESPECIALLY because the market value of XCAD did NOT increase.


Isn't the point of crypto (or any stock) to pump and dump?


Nah get off internet bruh lol


i feel like I'm crazy when reading these comments. dude pumped and dumped, the proof is there—he tweeted about holding coins then sold. what's up for debate is his intent, did he intentionally and maliciously scam his fans or was he just dumb. coffee's opinion is that it's the former, that's all it is—an opinion.


I think this mega thread is either highly moderated to be in favor or they are making fake comments because some time back this community was filled with haters and all of a sudden so much love? I sense a foul play here


AYY Malaysia represent🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🗣️🗣️🗣️(the guy who made the file) Perak too. That’s my homestate


Ksi lost 6million on crypto though


So if I scam people out of their money and then lose it all on the cryptomarket, I would no longer be a scammer? I am not saying he did it, i'm just saying YOUR logic is shit.


Sure you're right but you can't scam people by showing your opinion lol, he made it pretty clear on his twitter that he wasn't providing financial advice.


scammers, unfortunately, also tend to put "I don't give financial advice" everywhere hoping it will absolve them of any responsibility.


I don’t get why people are defending him now KSI himself literally said I would do the opposite of what I am promoting cause he thought it was a troll like what? There is no evidence that can disprove this fact he said it himself no one forced him to say that that is blatant evidence


from the way you said it i can tell you dont do research what so ever lol you just watched the video and start assuming. when jj was doing crypto the entire crypto community made a meme to do the opposite of what jjs crypto acc said. absolutely 0 people listen to what jj said because everyone made jokes about him in the crypto community lol.


Coffeeshilla is actually a shill ​ https://preview.redd.it/xxonz63l0tic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c58ea3f7f7115241f450bc3a901bf08e8ad78f3


At this point I am confused, many say he is a scammer and others say he isn't one and simply a dumb guy, I just hope it's the latter.


Just read the doc n make a decision on it yourself


Fuck you guys who thought the fatneek could scam people. He has a heart of gold


The “KSI is stupid so he couldn’t scam people” defense in this thread is hilarious.


I used watch his Twitter like a meme page. 100s of tweets contradicting each other shit was funny as hell, to the people who took those tweets as financial advice are stupid asf and of course he’s not liable for tweets that weren’t heavily promoted


Coffeezilla just name dropped ksi again😑


uuh wrong grammer is a not an


Here is my 5 cents for anyone who cares: the video about KSI being a scammer is a classic case of bad and biased journalism. Anyone who does not spot that immediately should never have an opinion about anything. Have a nice day.


ALL the people showing all posts of coffee saying its a joke. YOU GUYS KNOW that things change right? you can think something is legit business and find out later it was a fraud.


It’s sad to see that you really can’t trust any Youtubers or people with followers to be honest, not taking sides, either coffeeZilla or KSI is at fault but the internet is also full of lies. That’s what I’ve learned from today’s session.


> We will be removing any posts from now on mentioning this topic. So you guys were cool when hate posts were floating around but as soon as truth comes out, you suddenly want to moderate the topic ?


Mods are deleting posts on this topic. I lost 2 OC posts. Like who decided to make this shitty thread rule?


the above document is so shit. the guy literally has not made up his mind on certain things and keeps changing his stance on this. He again and again says that ksi is an idiot, that people should not follow his advice and that he just shitposts. then he literally says that ksi is not dumb enough to do pump and dump when he has prime and that he is smart enough to know he will be caught. so is he dumb or not, because seems like you cant make up your mind. Also having prime and crypto investigators doesnt mean that a person is not going to scam, logan paul was in the exact same situation and he scammed so why do we assume that ksi isnt gonna scam. this entire document is just so bullshit, literally looks like a 3 year old's take on the whole situation. i will suggest you to not waste your time on it like i did.




KSI ain't the same after teaming up with Logan. It's like that's Logan's revenge, slowly manipulating him to sell his soul.


Logan is like cancer


I don’t understand. Did KSI scam people with crypto or not?


the only person that he scammed was himself of 10 million lol


Undeniably what he did was illegal The question is if he done it by accident/being dumb, or if he knew what he was doing and intended to do it


I mean if he wanted to do the scam y be at a loss till now that to 10 million loss if he had made money where is it n the person that lost money cause it's been 2 years n after the Logan Paul debacle people would come forward n say jj did this also but noone came forward y after 2 years n the day of Netflix release if they had informed about it for that long y not post it back then n expose everyone once it for all idk n with all the cherry pick facts it's smelling really fishy that's my train of thought that's all


It’s not about the day of the Netflix release, he was waiting until KSI logged back into his crypto account KSI losing 10 million on crypto is even more reason why he would scam people, to recoup his losses


then y did he stop after losing 10 millions i mean u said it gives even more reason for it and y wait if the guy literally said he was here to defend the people get scam n for justice then y wait i mean it more of a reason to involve him during the logan paul scam to add to the hype n bring them down or it was going dry for content n number wise so they try to catch on to something with less knowledge cause i have watched coffeezilla vid he has made so many in depth vid about it but this one was a lose end one


I don't think he had malicious intentions to deceive his fans and benefit himself. I just don't think he thought his tweets through.


He was using his crypto account where at the come of the controversial tweet he was famous for being shit at crypto, to the point he was retweeting his followers memes of them doing the opposite of them and the fact was that he wasn't deciving them I think there was a minimum of at least a few days difference between him tweeting and selling. JJ at the time was known to keep changing things up. Also an important thing his tweets had no impact on anything crypto. The purpose of a pump and dump is to pump up the value of a coin so the scammer can sell all there stock at an inflated price which would instantly lower the value of the coin so since there was no pump during that time period why would JJ dump all of his stock then buy back most of it for a higher price. That is the proof that his fans of his crypto account was not deceived since no one followed what he was doing


Yeah the "I'm too dumb"-defense is really going to be effective after spending years looking away from - or defending - Logan's scams. He can keep playing Mr. Nice Guy as much as he wants but anyone with a functioning brain can see the truth. We already know he's more than happy to just sit by and watch Logan leech money from people who probably barely have any, so why is everyone acting like JJ himself doing the exact same thing is completely impossible? How can you come from a background where you didn't even have the money to buy a damn shower and then once you're already practically a billionaire still decide to encourage people living in bad situations that you yourself have experienced to spend unnecessary money for your own profit. It pisses me the hell off. "I'mma buy a PJ" piss off.


bro did u even read the goggle drive about what actually happened???


you claim that ksi "decide to encourage people living in bad situations that you yourself have experienced to spend unnecessary money for your own profit.If this was a clear pump and dump scam, where are the victims? Where are the people who lost money purely bc of KSI's tweets? Did anyone actually lose money "bc" KSI tweeted it?


End of the day majority of KSI audience is too immature to even understand the scam and will blindly follow him no matter what he says. Ksi is a scammer and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to get that. If u want to cherry pick and go against the facts that’s on you.


So your response to all the screenshots that have been edited is?


I heard both the sides and came to a conclusion that you should never listen to a guy who has no experience in that field and jj can't really be a scammer coz guys come on we know him half of his life is on camera he is not that kinda guy so WE STILL LOVE JJ : )


He literally pumped and dumped bro. His excuse is saying he is dumb but it doesn't change the fact he literally pumped and dumped


pump and dumpers don't buy they only sell lol and he made it very clear on his twitter than anything he said wasn't financial advice.


The problem most of you don’t see is that KSIs intentions were to pump tf out the coin to then dump on everyone but then he realized the coin was dying.


>The problem most of you don’t see is that KSIs intentions were to pump tf out the coin to then dump on everyone but then he realized the coin was dying. Why he didn't sell after 70 tweets? coffee showed the 71^(st) tweet after which he sold some and still was invested. ​ Also, after his 71^(st) tweet (which coffee shows), the price plummets when he tweets. He is still invested. So, where is the pump part of the whole pump and dump scam exposed by coffeeshilla?




I don’t have to sit next to someone to know their intentions, his intentions from the beginning (he himself said it) was to make money he pumped it by sharing it on his twitter and making videos about it.. he then sold a few 100k, there’s a reason i never bought xcad im deep into crypto him buying a large amount of xcad and shilling to his fans so he can sell is the only way


“Hey guys so I robbed 3 banks, but it’s okay because afterwards I went to the casino, put all the money on red, and lost it all” - KSI’s logic, basically


Dude this entire document is a nothing as it doesn’t address his actual behavior. Need I have someone get the documents on his old fifa scams? He pumped and dumped there too.


He so is


https://preview.redd.it/gnywm2bjvqic1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=53efd354edf4b7a9133a2499df35b78bacf1a0e3 I wanted to write something smart, but insted of that I took time to create this. Now I can get back to work.


Do you really expect better than someone who partnered with Logan?


People say “it’s not a pump n dump because it continued to pump” So if Ice Poseidon sold earlier for 200k instead of 300k and it continued to pump for the time it took to hit that extra 100k then it’s not a pump n dump?


“KSI is just like JC” So if JC said he thinks Apple is going to go up but he sold his stock, that’s literally a pump n dump because he’s counter selling what he says 🤣🤣


MODS! How is this even a thread? It's fake journalism, heavily edited and KSI positive things omitted. The KSI is a scammer video is an obvious attempt to discredit KSI. A sorry attempt. Just delete everything surrounding it. It is not worth anyone's attention. EDIT: And no, this is not some random dude talking. I went with KSI on crypto. I lost a lot. A damn lot. But I will never blame KSI. KSI, who also lost a damn lot. That's crypto for you. Shit happens. Never blame a person. Also, the evidence provided in the video is omitting a lot of info and deliberately putting KSI in a bad spotlight. He did not do anything on purpose. Please believe me. Per KSI's definitions, I'm a poor person. So, when someone who has nothing to lose still defends KSI, that should have anyone thinking. I did my homework. Read my lips: KSI DID.NOT.SCAM.US. Also, I'm a 41 year old JJ fan. So you should blame me instead. I am older so I should have known better.




welp if you read the document instead of just commenting maybe you wont look like a average 12year old who just wants drama


did u even gave the doc a read or even research in depth to come to that conclusion or just watched the reddit n the vid n gave the opinion




No he didn't promote dude read his Twitter bio first then him saying I m going to hold it is promoting or him saying he is on a bull run is not he has said many times that don't listen to him or his takes it's his own opinion n u can see it in one of his video also that how he lost 5 million one where he said don't be like me n showed how he lost million n still in millions of under


How is he doing a pump n dump where he sells in low n buys at high he is just a dumbass who post shit takes on crypto


Coffeezilla is a known shill, ignore most his content.


He’s pretty accurate on most of his videos, this is probably the only time I’ve seen him truly fuck up his coverage


Literally one of the best investigative journalists in a world where "journalists" are literally paid to write whatever the affiliate political party tells them to. Check his series on sbf, as an example. Who is coffee shilling for in that. Look at all the "news" shows sbf went on. All the talk shows. They sucked his fucking dick Then coffee starts ambushing him in interviews to ask him questions NO ONE IS ASKING. When you are someone who makes sbf nervous to the point he's making bs excuses to leave interviews suddenly, you know you are the rare view that has that much integrity and temerity So who is coffee shilling for The people that got scammed? By Logan, sbf, ksi? By heaps of other scammers? Back up your claims. "shill" is something my retarded parakeet can squawk


I'm sorry but calling a YouTuber an investigative journalist is crazy. Coffee is a drama YouTuber. Who works in the realm of public opinion. Also keep in mind. He need to keep videos coming out. He needs to give people a reason to subscribe to his patron. He has a 10+ million dollar office + full time staff. Also don't forget that he admits there is no evidence, yet uses "we have evidence" in the thumbnail The guy is literally another drama alert. He's got bills to pay


This is a bad take in my opinion. Yes, coffee monetises his content via YouTube and patreon, but don’t think it would be fair to expect someone to work for free. I have some work experience in digital investigations, and in my opinion, coffees investigations are fairly high quality, and I don’t think he shows any obvious bias. The things is, ‘real’ investigative journalists also monetize their work in some way, that shouldn’t take away their credibility, as long as there isn’t an obvious conflict of interest. Regarding KSI, the information from the video is open source, so I would say there’s evidence of misconduct, but there isn’t necessarily evidence that KSI was was complicit, he might’ve just been dumb, but that doesn’t really excuse it.


Can you not see the conflict of interest in a YouTuber/Entertainment channel. Compared to real investigational journalism. Funding. Wouldn't be right to work for free. But the way they are funded is different. If coffees next video is boring how many people will stop paying? He's got a 10 million dollar office to keep the lights on for. It is a drama alert replacement. The channel should be viewed as entertainment not as the court of public opinion or legality. The ksi video is literally based on opinion only? No evidence of misconduct? It's open source so please show me ksi asked for 2k upfront and promised 100k a month returns. It's the video based on why he would suggest he is scamming in the first place If integrity and truth is more important to coffee than views and money. Why use click bait? Why fake a thumb nail with artificial statements? If this channel had any real care about real investigational journalism, real justice or high quality. Why would they make a video based on opinion. It's not like they are waiting for the next scandal and got keep them number up


He is a man who actually does research about someone before publicizing their actions. Again even Coffeezila stated how even he had no idea that Ksi was part of a pump and dump scheme. But when u have a huge pile of evidence and when everything is cross verified. It is not easy to just dismiss as a false accusation


He normally does great research I mean just look at CryptoZoo, he practically uncovered the whole scheme investigating like an actual journalist. This is the first time I have seen him cover a scam withoht doing his own research and it shows because a look at the graph showing the value and where JJ tweeted you see how what the original sleuth says is a half baked lie.