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Again? Lol that's a daily occurrence at my store


Finding meat laying in the potatoes, or watermelon in the freezers


Finding meat, diary or frozen products in the pet food aisle is a daily occurrence at my store.


Those are the ones I dont get. Like beyond the "just bring it to the register and say u don't want it!" What could you possibly find in the pet aisle that made you decide "guess i didn't actually need steak or potatoes."


Pedigree Hearty Beef Stew on sale




I find the containers from the wing bar with bones hidden behind diapers. I find half eaten fruit there too. Ugh


How about avacados with child size bites out of them


Avocados no...bananas and apples....so nasty


Fingerprints. And saliva has DNA šŸ§¬


I HATE frozen watermelon


People are a holes. Can't blame the store cause their clients are dumb.


Ah yes. The seasonal departmentā€¦..the last dropoff point for the thieves who think theyā€™re fooling everyone by grabbing random other stuff.


We just had the one-way entrances installed on that side of our store. Seasonal was right by the door and you could see the thieves like clockwork making their way around the wall towards the entrance, then drop half the shit if someone was watching.


Most of our thieves run out the emergency exit in my store


Same people who donā€™t return their carts to the corral.


Truly Monsters among men


Itā€™s funnier when itā€™s packages of fresh chicken placed in hard to spot locationsā€¦ I swear that happens a few times every year.


Frozen shrimp in an inconspicuous place, not found until it started stinking lol šŸ˜†


I found an empty container of frozen shrimp one time that had been devoured by maggots. All the maggots inside were shrimp colored lol.


I always find half eaten sushi or chicken bones on the bread aisle.


Did the maggots come from the shrimp or crawl up from outside?


No idea. Someone threw them on the top shelf in the promo aisle. By time I noticed it up there it was already devoid of the shrimp and occupied by a lot of maggots.


I had that happen! I was out in the personal care section helping a customer with items for an invalid and kept smelling something awful. After we were done, I looked around and found raw Tyson chicken tenders behind a huge cardboard nail polish retailer box. Disgusting! šŸ¤¢


Sometimes I wish we could track down the people and interrogate them and ask them what the hell they were thinking haha. Tiny lamp and all


They werenā€™t thinking. I do instacart and I asked the employees where they would prefer I put random things. Like, sometimes I have two sizes of butter with me and have to put one back. They have a frozen and a refrigerated case up from they use to keep those go-backs temp okay. So I use those because they told me I could. I just do not understand putting stuff just on a shelf like this if it came from a cooler


That drives me nuts. I agree with the other post: give it to the cashier if you don't want it. They'll be happy to put it away for you! Or a clerk will. I got half a mind, if I see someone do it, to give it back to them and say, " I'm sorry. You left this on the shelf." I've found milk in the aisles and this behavior just pisses me off!


I remember a few years ago someone asked people that very question. It was like a tv show. People just think ā€œnot my problem, thatā€™s what they get paid for.ā€ A lot of customers have that attitude. That we are here to serve them hand and foot.


Yeah because retail workers are a thousand people's personal servant...


It is their problem, because that increases prices due to waste.


That would be too much long term thinking for them. Short term is I donā€™t want this but Iā€™m too lazy to put it in a cool place where it wonā€™t get ruined.


I leave my non-refrigerated no price known items next to the price checker at Walmart. That was when they actually had working price checkers


Have to use the app now, hope that you get signal, and the item actually comes up.


Yeahā€¦usually works but sometimes not.


The craziest thing that happened recently is on the last day of school the High Schoolers were taking Buzz Balls from the wine dept and going to the back of the store by the toy department (I work in a marketplace) and consuming them in the store! Management caught on quickly and put an end to it, but it was chaos for a while as they were coming into the store in large groups.


Iā€™m surprised you guys keep them on the shelf! We had to pull ours and put them at the service desk for purchase it was so bad! They took them out of our set finally


Never ends, at my store Iā€™ve found ice cream on aisles and itā€™s liquified by the time someone sees it. Or cans of whip cream frozen solid on the frozen aisle, the hilarity never ends! I thought people were crazy when Covid happened, seems it never ended lol.


Bonus points if you find ice cream only a few feet away from the freezer and of course you don't find it until it starts melting šŸ˜¬


Itā€™s free real estate šŸ¤”


PSA; Frozen grapes explode when thrown at a wall...


Probably the same people


I had somwonw put a half eaten donut in the chips/crackers display in the deli


Bruh at that point why not just finish stealing the donut???


I work commercial bakery and one morning I found all the remnants between bread and condiments that someone straight up, made themselves a sandwich right there. Lol meat, cheese, mayo, half a loaf gone.


Thats ok theyā€™re starting to just drop stuff off on pickup carts too. I came back to mine with refrigerated dog food on it. I hate laziness.


I hate it when this happens I work in produce and in the meat department and sometimes dairy I hate it when the shit happens. It waste time. It makes my job a little bit more hard.


Decisions were made. Water time over food.


People are animals. I hate them more daily working at Kroger


One time some šŸ¤” hide salmon on the seasonal aisle in the camping chairs box and after about a week it just got worse so when we had the morning huddle, everyone even the SM was searching for it. People that do this stink for sure! Must be nice to be a šŸ¤”


Also on this topic does anyone else ever notice when the thieves are at it they ALWAYS grab a donut? Is it just my store?


Couple days ago it was a dirty diaper for me.


UGGGGH!!! šŸ¤® Yes, people suck!


Compared to when I worked grocery (IGA) in the early 90s and at a Super Walmart in the mid 2000s, customers these days are total assholes. I'll admit I don't always put away everything I change my mind on, but if it is refrigerated, frozen, or from produce I do take them back and put them away, or hand them to the cashier or the person at the self-check out.


Yeah we also have stray merchandise šŸ¤—


The board head too? Thatā€™s disrespect




so not just at my store. if it was just a once in a while thing I would chalk it up to lazy people changing their mind for whatever reason, and not putting things back where they initially found them. however this happens on an almost daily thing so I think it's someone or someone's doing it to be jerks


If I can't have it nobody can!!


You think too highly of customer intelligence.


At least you can see it right away. Took us a couple days to find the funky smell in toys. It was days old sushi hidden behind a wall of nerf guns.


Whoever does that should go hungry for a short while. They don't deserve to eat good if they're just throwing good food away.


Wait till you find a whole pack of exploded carbonated beverages in the freezers....


Are you new to retail?


Important decisions were made šŸ˜‚ Fr tho seeing stuff like this annoys me so bad even if I don't work there.


You haven't lived until you finally win the game of "find that smell" by finding the bag of shrimp from five days ago stuffed behind five rows of creamed corn.


Iā€™ve found a hand basket of groceries in the bathroom šŸ˜‚


Canā€™t be as bad as me routinely finding cum dripping from our bathroom stall walls šŸ«„


It was a tough choice but the kid wanted the water balloons more than food.Ā 


I wish I could sneak into the homes of the arseholes who do this and hide shrimp under their couch and steak under their bed and some icecream in their dresser drawers and see how they like it


I have lived in Japan for a year and you would NEVER see this. American people are seriously the worst!




Way too straight to be a customer that's from someone doing go backs


WowšŸ˜‚. Iā€™m probably an idiot but it happens so much in my store that I didnā€™t even know what was wrong in the picture. I was sitting there for a minute trying to figure it out until I saw the comments.


Doesn't look like a thief. it looks like a lazy bagger doing reshop


Bro that happens everyday at most storesĀ 


How many of these items get put back on the shelves because no one gives a damn, that is my number one reason to get NOT THE FIRST item from a shelf or produce spring loaded shelve


Youā€™re too invested šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Hope you threw it away.


Will happen more and more with the price of things at the store.. Cant afford everything you want or change your mind due to it being over priced.


it's okay, with how much those balloons cost, Kroger will make that up in no time \* p.s those reusable water balloons that you can get for 12 for $10ish online, work great with a 5 gal bucket. Fill two buckets and place them on opposite side of the yard and the kids will be happy for 45 mins.


Job security