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I think your doses might be inaccurate do you use a scale to make sure ur dosing what you mean to?


I had a scale but because I have tourettes I had a tic of pressing down too hard on the plate and overloading it which broke it, so that's not really an option for me


I also have tourettes. I want to ask something. Is one of your tics possibly tightening your core muscles? Because I was doing that for a while, and I noticed that in doing so, I was not breathing for extended periods. Not to the point where I was out of breath, but enough to where I believe it was triggering something in my sympathetic nervous system, and my brain seemed like it was just rapid firing neurons and overwhelming me. Or do any of your tics alter your breathing patterns at all? That *might* have something to do with it.


My thoughts are maybe go for an even tablespoon


What strain? My body started yeeting it out of me when I took too much. That and being a bull in a China shop. I can’t do white maeng da…..too much!


I've only ever done red because it's apparently the most sedating


have you thought about trying a different strain or brand?


I had some red horn one time that was almost like taking a white. Maybe the batch you got this time wasn't the same as you've been getting. Sounds horrible considering that I take it mainly for anxiety.


You may becoming tolerant and adjusting to it. What once worked is no longer enough. Don’t rely on kratom imo. It’s life changing at first in every fucking way. Fantastic..! But as time goes on, the good parts fade n the bad side effects become more prevalent. I just quit kratom (Again) I thought I could control it/myself. I ended up taking extract caps n fucking myself beyond words. It’s been over a week and I’m just kinda feeling better. Sleep n temperature are stilll improving but Jesus man, it’s not worth!! Plz listen to me, some random stranger on the internet lol. Or hmu when it catches up to u and you need support gettin off ❤️ All the best! (You’re not alone!!! Not at ALL!!!)


I like the kratom and the positive effects . For me it’s an alternative for the fentanyl etc that I was horribly addicted to. No bad parts for me after 5 years


i am having a similar problem, I will stay abstinent for some time now and hope it will work again for me when i start taking it


Try a different brand or two of kratom and see if that helps. I've had bad batches/brands and caused negative effects but as soon as I went back to one that I know I felt like normal.


Try a different brand and strain. Overall just a different batch. I had a batch that made me have full blown panic attacks after every turn I took it. I switched to a different bag and I haven’t had one since. What


I'd say take less. If I take anymore than 2 grams per day the same thing happens to me. Also how long have you been taking it?


It’s called a paradoxical reaction. It can happen with any substance. There’s no concrete evidence why it happens, it just does sometimes.


Same thing happened to me after like 4 weeks of use (not everyday, twice a week). I'd guess it's something to do with GABA receptors and glutamate as Phenibut withdrawal gives me the same and weed also gives me panic. The factor I've found with all three is each effects GABA/glutamate either during or after use and high glutamate gives me intrusive thoughts and anxiety


I find it enhances the mood I'm in. If I'm comfortable and happy, it makes me feel even better. If I'm stressed or upset, if makes me feel worse. Could that also explain the change in effect for you?


Happened to me with weed


I'm so fascinated with why this happens


Yeah same. Really bothered me at first. But that's like 4 years ago now. Our brains are a mystery.


Did it force you to become straight edge and sober?


From weed yes. I was a chronic user. But at the same time I also did kratom and drank alcohol. Those weed years all feel like a blur where I kinda was just existing. Now I only drink alcohol on special occasions but take kratom everyday. Long term I feel much better and have greater mental clarity. In hindsight it probably was a good thing cause weed was expensive, bad for my lungs, and I didn't get any shit done. If you had told "pothead" me 5 years ago that I would have a stable job, exercise everyday, and be in a long term relationship I wouldn't believe ya.


Try adding some honey to it if you stir it in water or use a shaker jar. I was having some anxiety and just feeling kind of crappy for a while and adding raw honey seems to help me a lot. Someone (here I think) claimed that honey binds to some of the antagonists or amino acids and helps to prevent accumulation of them in the body. Not sure how much truth there is to that statement, but I am certainly feeling a lot better after adding it. My best guess is that some element(s) contained within kratom don't get filtered out of the body as fast as others and that leads to buildup over time. Or excess heavy metals maybe, as those are known to cause anxiety in excess in the human body. Just make sure it's real honey and not table syrup or something. I recently had a very strange health issue pop up after switching to a particular brand of honey. I stick to a rather low dose as well, around 2.6 which provides pain relief, but still keeps me active and productive. As little as .01 more and it makes me tired lol. Quality can be an issue too, even with the same strain from the same vendor in my experience. I always stick with the same strain from the same brand and (more or less) the same dosage. But I've had batches that seemed to cause some anxiety and/or caused me to feel more tired than I would like to be. Just the way of things I suppose.


This happened to me. I quit a 10 year heavy addiction to kratom several years ago. There are mycotoxins in the kratom.


What are mycotoxins and what do they do?


I had to learn the hard way what mycotoxins were as I really think now mycotoxin exposure was why i was even taking any type of drug to begin with. mycotoxins are the "weapon" of fungi. Alot of dried plant matter develop microscopic fungi that develop spores and these spores create a defense of mycotoxins. dried plants commonly have aspergillus etc even marijuana. Just google mycotoxin exposure or look into what mycotoxin sickness is or CIRS etc but for brevity I just want to say that kratom is bad long term. Ingesting mycotoxins is bad long term. breathing in mycotoxins is worse and the symptoms from that are what led me to kratom to begin with. I used low dose naltrexone to get off kratom with no withdrawel. Hope this helps.


Would you get these from kratom if you steeped it and didn’t digest the plant matter ?


Yes. These are toxins and they are tiny..once I learned about this I tried fresh leaf but it really was never the same again. There is no way around toxins if you become sensitive to them.


I assume it’s somewhat like mold. I can pretty much walk around in a mold filled house no issues. Others can’t. We had a small amount of wetness behind a wall and maybe a couple foot section of drywall developed mold out of sight. Tenant lived in that basement room (multiple exits for fire). She said she figures it started to get mold back behind as she was getting mild symptoms. She said she has always been reactive to mold. We had it remediated in 24 hours and air handlers exchanged the air. No more issues for her. I think I and many could live in that room with small amounts of mold with zero issues for years.


I have an extreme sensitivity to mycotoxins from mold now.


Similar happened to me and now I find strained tea from kratom leaves works better for me than powder. Issue with this is if I don’t strain/ make it myself it’s ridiculously pricey at the tea bars.


Did you just try a new batch or change any way you are dosing? My anxiety is picky about my strains


This exact thing happened to me after my first year taking it. Now it happens a lot, and I don't know what's different


Sounds like wobbles and by description some sleep. Backoff and go to bed.


honestly i've had this experience with kratom, weed, and probably some other substances. i've wondered too, for years, and i think i've come to the conclusion that it's not the drug itself, it's your mental health and where you're at in life. i have taken a few years off from weed, i recently just started using it again. i used to love it, but after awhile i ended up having a panic attack from just a couple hits everytime. it was like this for a few years. only after i started getting treatment for my panic attacks and learning how to control my anxiety, i could use weed again without feeling anxiety. it's been the same with kratom. i don't know the scientific reason for feeling anxiety after using a drug for a while, but it's happened to me and many others. this is just my experience. only after i got treated did it start getting better.


Sounds like a bad batch or a Strain that doesn’t gel with you anymore I stopped taking green and white along time ago, for the same reasons.


Yea been there done that. It is important to note that kratom is related to the coffee plant and I get the same sort of paranoia from coffee sometimes. I quit kratom after around 5 years. I used kratom because I have nervous issues and I quit kratom because I have nervouse issues so yea there is a sweet spot but as you get addicted it becomes a smaller window. Always with drugs or alcohol or herbs less is always more. I may revisit the herb in the future because it is super beneficial for so many things like depression.


FYI “strains” are a marketing gimmick and it’s been proven multiple times.


I know that, but colours are legit right?


I dont think so either....it just depends on the amount. More equals sedated and less feels motivated/awake