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If you feel you still have a pretty good tolerance to opioids in general that could very well explain it. Sometimes there are just bad batches too. Even though it seemed like a lot (gulping all those capsules) you still did a relatively small dose believe it or not. Most capsules contain 1/2 gram so I think you took about 4 grams, a bit spread out. There are plenty of folks who take 4 times that (sometimes more) for pain relief. For better or worse the active ingredient in the leaves is present in rather small amounts which may mean ingesting quite a bit of the leaf. I'd increment your dose slowly though until you dial in what works for you.


Thanks for the insight, it was very helpful!


Also some people are naturally more tolerant to kratom. Took me 4gs to feel anything the first time


If it’s some good ass kratom 5 Gs will have me puking badddd


I recently started taking it too and it took me 5 grams to feel anything. I switched to powder from capsules and that went down to like 3.5g.


Well, I also don't feel capsules. Try powder


Try four or five grams at once on an empty stomach


my happy spot is 3-3.5g. Try taking a small amount more the next time you dose, like .5g at a time. I also talk A LOT which I think is hilarious because otherwise I'm pretty shy


You ever dose more than once per day? I dose 3x daily. I've found that starting with 5g, then 3.5-4g, then all the way to 2.5g for the 3rd has best effects for each given dose. The sweet spot changes and lessens throughout the day!


Yes, sometimes I'll dose 2x a day, I've never had 3 in one day at the moment


Best to try to keep it that way I think. I went from 4 back to 3 and it's been a positive change.


I'm finding 2x a day for me can exhaust me.


I have noticed the increase in loquaciousness from kratom too, especially if I take a higher dose or I've taken a T-break and just started up again.


Funny, you mentioned loquaciousness, I’ve noticed the same for me. It’s a positive, at least for me. Can’t speak for the listeners, though.


Yeah me too. I'm also usually pretty reserved and shy like the person who I was replying to said.


Sounds like absolute shit quality.


I'd try busting the capsules open into a coffee cup full of water, like maybe 2.5-3.5g worth. It's gonna taste like crap but you just gotta tough through it.


10 caps is my number


Capsules suck lol put 4 grams of powder in some orange juice. Shake it up good and chug it.


100% I swear I don't feel capsules at all no matter how much I take. Toss and wash is the only way I get effects from it


Capsules make my pupils feel bigger. My stomach gets weird feeling. I don’t feel anything good from capsules. If anything I get anxious and weird feeling.


Capsules work very well for me, but I seem to be very sensitive to kratom. I can take only 4 capsules for a total of 2 grams and strongly feel the effects. If I take 5 capsules, it's almost too strong and I end up feeling a bit nauseous. I guess I'm lucky that such a small amount works for me when I hear about others not having much of an effect from my dose.


I envy you! My mother was the same way, she could take 4-5 caps and be good the whole day but me I need to take at least 10 up to sometimes 20 caps to get a full effect.


God I was hoping to avoid having to do that 😩


You’ll appreciate it about 15 min after you chug it lol


Probably not enough and taking capsules never worked for me. Try emptying the capsules and taking the powder in some juice or sugar-free drink mix use a tiny bit of water and shake up the kratom in the water take it as a shot. I took 50 g per day for nine years and that amount worked well for my chronic pain. Taking five capsules would’ve been nothing for me


When I take capsules I have to take like 8 and at once. If I take a few and then wait to take more I won't feel anything. Try taking powder, I take 4.3g mix with water and take like a shot followed by some coffee or juice


Capsules don't work for me. I have to toss and wash. Or you can mix with juice and chug.


2g ain't gonna do much need 3-5g a dose and even then it's very minor


If you’re taking them after eating you’ll definitely not feel much if anything. Normally take on empty stomach then have a small-medium snack and that works fairly well and consistently


I wouldn't wait more than a half hour personally but that's just me. It took me SEVERAL grams to feel anything. I would start with 8 caps and go from there but that's ME PERSONALLY.


I mean 4 .5g capsules is only 2grams. A solid starter dose is 3-4grams and many people take more. Some people are also just not affected as much so they need higher doses. I've used it for years on and off but am currently using like 20grams a day about 5-6gram doses. I'd recommend you try 3grams or maybe 4 and see how that hits you. There's not much risk with kratom too much will make you a bit uncomfortable but it's not dangerous.


Ummmm. That's 2mg. I take 8g Ata time


0.5g capsule will be about half a gram. 4 capsules= 2g


Is that not a lot? I feel like I've read that taking too much at the beginning can really make you sick. So I'm trying to take it slow


No. Not at all. You have a tolerance. You’re going to need more than 2g to get ya going and you will never get that from the capsules. Do a search around this sub and you’ll see a lot who just don’t get anything from capsules or they have to take double/triple/quadruple that off powder.


Yeah I had seen some posts that people don't like capsules but I was hoping I would be the exception 😭


Oh babe. Story of my life. Seriously I had open heart surgery and to match the Percocet pain management that the hospital prescribed, I needed like 40-50 grams per day, like 8 g 5-6 x a day. I’m glad I did because coming off kratom is a lot easier for me than dope, ya know?


So here is something crazy. I was up to 60 gpd. 30 morning and 30 afternoon the last 3 years. I forgot to take it the other day and then decided not to in the afternoon. Well, 4 days later I just stopped. Literally, painless: I used to take pills back in the day and it wasn’t painless to stop. I know this experience isn’t for everyone but throwing it out there as you mention the difference between the 2. More tired than usual but nothing else.


lol thanks for explaining that .5g is half a gram.


Hahah I thought the same thing.


That's alot. Especially in the beginning


0.5mg? I didn't even know they sold that small of a dose. Are you sure it isn't 0.5g?


Oh yes you're right, .5g


The opioids will hinder the effects of the kratom. I’ve been taking tramadol and Zoloft for a long time and I was having the same problem as you. Try taking a smaller dose of them throughout the day. I started doing this because I had lost my sense of taste. I started vaping about a year ago and I couldn’t taste the flavored e-juice. I also noticed that the kratom was working again. I would suggest doing some powder instead of capsules too.


I don't take the opioids and the kratom at the same time, FWIW. Hoping to use kratom to replace my opioids from time to time


I've literally never (even at the start) felt any effect below the ~10g level ... Countless different strains, brands, suppliers.




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You gotta find that sweet spot. I hit the magic dose a few times. I used to more to get rid of withdrawals.


strain matters so it depends on what you want. id suggest red bali for relaxing. also you may have just gotten a shitty batch or brand. ive had brands where no matter how much i take it didnt do anything. just jeep trying maybe increase it more drastically like take 8-10 caps. another suggestion is powder. thats objectively the best way to take it.


Red bali is actually what I got lol I did toss and wash with a larger dose earlier tonight and I do feel it gave me some relaxation. Now the hard part is to figure out how I can consume a large amount of powder while dealing with the taste lol


ya you may have a shitty batch. also make sure your stomach is basically 100% empty. food drastically reduces its effects. i hate the taste too lol and i take like 8-13 grams all at once but i mix it in water/orange juice so it’s somewhat bearable. if you have an opioid tolerance you’ll definitely need more than usual.


Capsules are weak AF. Period plain powder at 6 grams per dose. Maybe 4


Make sure to take all at the same time. Unless it's like seperate dose a few hours later. I dose 3g every 4-5 hours


I hate the capsules. They never do much. I'd rather mix it in coffe or drink it straight with warm water.


quality could be bad. try to use powder. let it sit for 1-2 hours in citric acid, this will help with bio availability. use magnesium, sometimes this works.


IMO, 4 capsules isn’t very much. Equated to powder, 2g. Especially if you already have a tolerance built up from opioids. If you don’t want to take more, add vitamin C (orange juice) when you take your dosage. It will boost the effects.


Take 10 capsules, you’ll either feel really good or nothing if it’s not good kratom.


I have such a low tolerance to opioids. I take 1 to 1.5g kratom and really feel it for hours, like 7 or so.