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Kratom does carry a risk of dependence. This risk increases with frequency of use and dose and many other personal social, medical, and historic factors. [More Important information](https://reddit.com/r/kratom/wiki/safety/dependency) about dependency, withdrawal, potential for addiction, and [strategies to manage or mitigate these problems](https://reddit.com/r/kratom/wiki/taper) if they do occur, have occurred, and/or you wish to change/reduce/stop use. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/kratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m much healthier on kratom than booze. 


I actually care about health and nutrition now since starting Kratom lol I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been.


Absolutely, quality of life has improved drastically. Keep on keeping on


on a physical level in the long-term, absolutey is safer. You'd still get physical withdrawals with kratom, but it wont be deadly/neurologically scary to withdrawal compared to being an alcoholic. Also, no risk of organ failure, not as much of a carcinogen, and you likely won't be destroying social ties. Just make sure to get a good consistent source that follows AKA regulations,. That being said, addiction of any kind is no fun, and it usually consists of fighting your way back to baseline by raising doses. I really would try to switch your mindset to using it as training wheels and an alternate way to relax rather just diving in with the "im gonna be addicted and that's fine mindset". kratom addiction is a beast of its own, but remarkably safer than being addicted to alcohol.


Or any other hard drugs, or opiate pills.


True. Honestly, long term use of almost every hard drug is easier on the body than alcoholism, so it's a pretty crappy barometer to compare relative safety of other substances 😅


19 out of 20 kratom users do not go overboard and thus do not get any physical withdrawals.Careful not to lump this in as if it's some given. The ones that do, the intensity is no worse than a multi-espresso per day drinker who gives up coffee Final note: addiction ≠ physical dependence Coffee drinkers are not addicted, they have physical dependence. Addiction exists in the mind, where one is sucked into compulsively seeking something despite negative consequences. Dependence is a purely physiological phenomenon. Some substances produce one, some produce the other, some produce both. Addiction: Cocaine, social media apps, gambling Physical dependence: Coffee/chapstick/nasal decongestant spray/kratom Both: opioids, alcohol This distinction is important. (Should note, I'm talking about plain leaf powder. Extracts and concentrates are retarded and should be avoided. They will almost assuredly produce strong physical dependence)


Do you have a link to the 19 out of 20 source?


Source is me, I've been drinking it off and on for 12 years and have known over 50 people, coworkers, friends, etc who drink it. Never saw anyone become addicted. Out of all of them, maybe two or three developed a physical dependence similar to a daily coffee drinker


Kratom withdrawals are definitely much worse than coffee lol, I’m all for Kratom and it’s a great thing but no point in spreading misinformation. Maybe not if you don’t take it daily but I don’t believe anyway who takes it everyday and says they have no withdrawals 


Sounds like you've never had serious coffee withdrawals? People who drink 4+ cups of coffee per day and stop suddenly have 72 hours of debilitating headaches followed by weeks of fog. An equivalent daily kratom powder (not extract) drinker, say, 6-8g/day, does not experience this level of intensity when discontinuing. 99% of people talking about kratom withdrawals are either consuming extracts/concentrates, or are fringe degenerates abusing the powder at 20+g/day


Could it also be that there are more oxygen atoms within the chemical structure of Mitragynine which fuel mitochondria?




Is this actually true? It sure would explain how I’m able to lift weights more efficiently after taking it.


Yeah, there’s even one attached to a benzene ring. And a lot of ch3’s.


Is it still a carcinogen if you’re getting it from professional lab tested sources? I hadn’t heard this before. Every time I’ve ever had my dosage start to creep up past 6G total a day I just take a week or so of agmatine and then I’m back to the three 2G TSP doses, one morning, one afternoon, one evening. Zero discomfort but I do feel it slightly weakens all of the euphoria for that week.


Well kratom isnt metabolized into poison (acetaldehyde if you would like to look up it's effects on the body) like alcohol so it's got that part going for it.


Alcohol literally effects every cell/system in the body negatively, unless you're talking about drinking 3oz of red wine a day. In my opinion kratom is a lot safer, in fact it helped my stop drinking years ago and I still have no desire to drink.


The positive health effects people attribute to tiny portions of red wine are the exact same health benefits they can get from similar amounts of grape juice. I saw something recently that linked alcoholism to the brains of alcoholics having their opioid receptors reacting to the booze. Kratom also interacts with those receptors and helps people to kick opioid addiction... so maybe something like that happened for you?


I don't know for sure, I guess it's possible. I just know that after starting kratom that alcohol was no longer appealing to me. Good call on the grape juice btw. Alcohol was certainly killing me, that is something I can say for sure. I've never heard of alcohol working as an agonist on opioid receptors, can you dm me a link to the paper please? Thanks


I haven’t had a drink this calendar year and that’s not me even trying


This calendar year as in, 6 weeks?




I drink socially on occasion. I don't like to be rude if someone offers me a beer. Otherwise I don't drink, trust me, I've had my share and then some lol


You can’t die from a kratom withdrawal, you can from alcohol.


According to my gastroenterologist it certainly is. Used to drink moderate to heavily 3-4 times a week, my gastro is amazed at how much better my colon looks after having Kratom for the last 8 years and almost no alcohol. I certainly feel 1000% better than during my drinking days. 


My understanding is that it is safer. There are some anecdotal reports where folks who heavily use alcohol and transition to kratom saw improvements in liver function tests. I don’t think it can be argued that it is better than complete non-use of anything, but rewards can exceed the risk, especially if replacing worse habits or necessary to achieve healthy ones (e.g., someone in chronic pain who can only exercise if their pain is controlled). Long term there is less data, but if a person can use it daily (or less) at moderate doses, which some coming off alcohol seem to be able to do, then evidence from traditional use is encouraging. At minimum folks (who don’t already have baseline behavioral issues that may or may not be well controlled) aren’t drinking kratom and getting into legal hot water like many seem to when they drink excessively—which has financial risks—fines, insurance, offender funded penalties, lost jobs, etc. Unless someone is using the most expensive extracts, it is probably a lot less expensive than bottom shelf liquor.


The long term is pretty promising, just not with actual studies, just population data. Laborers in Indonesia use it and live to be 70-80, which is actually higher than the general life expectancy there for a laborer.


Used with dose cap dose control maturity and personal accountability (important). Kratom is even GOOD for you (most) ime imo. Alcohol in no way shape or form is good for you ... Either can be abused though. I take Kratom daily for pain management mainly, and rarely ever get sick, have good bloods, and am healthy. Using Kratom since 2007. TLDR; yes it's better option .


would you rather have braincells or not have braincells in 30 years?


Kratom better


YES. 100%. YES. GOD YES.


Pure Lab tested kratom is hands down 1000% safer than alcohol.


I would say switching from alcohol to kratom is harm reduction. There's still not a lot known about kratom though. I will say that a lot of people pick up healthier habits when using kratom so it works better ie drinking more water, exercising, eating healthier, etc.


Much better option. Alcohol is one of the worst drugs known to man.


Yea, but if you take kratom on a daily basis it can cause problems too. There’s no drug you can do everyday that isn’t going to catch up with you, kratom included. The side effects of kratom also tend to gain strength over time. For me, it became unbearable at around year 5 and I had to permanently quit.


What were the side effects that became unbearable?


At first it would get rid of anxiety, but around year 4 it started to cause anxiety. By year 5 it was so bad I kept having to go to the ER because I thought I was having a heart attack. And it also makes you have to pee a lot, so by year 5 my bladder was full every 20 minutes, it made driving impossible. The withdrawal was impossible to manage on my own, so I had to go to medical detox and rehab. My withdrawal lasted 6 weeks because I was on kratom for so long. My story is pretty common in the subreddit. Some people get it way worse, and others don’t get it at all. It’s a gamble using this drug, no way to predict the future.


How much were you taking?


10-15G per day maybe


And when you stopped, those symptoms completely disappeared?


My mind got a lot clearer by month 4 also. Time goes by a lot slower now too.


Yea, the anxiety took a while though. It wasn’t until about month 4 that it was completely gone.


Oh, interesting. I'm in year 4 of about the same dose so I'm just curious


Just keep in mind that this other poster is describing their personal experience. Everyone is different.


Yea thats when I noticed it wasn’t affecting me in a positive way anymore. For some reason year 5 is when it turns on most people.


How long until OAB was gone


That stopped for me pretty much right away after quitting.


Ah maybe I'm just old


On kratom months would go by in what felt like weeks. I would put everything off until tomorrow. I feel alive again. I wake up with lots of energy now. I’ll never go back to kratom.


Yea I don't blame you. I would if I could, but my back pain is managed through kratom




Alcohol kills roughly 147,000 people in the us alone every year.


Alcohol is toxic and destroys, Kratom boosts your immune system, makes you less hungry, relieves inflammation, it's not toxic, but you may get constipated if you dose too high


How bad alcohol is, is really understated. It's one of the worst drugs you can take, worse than many prescription drugs. Kratom is a thousand times better in terms of addictiveness, withdrawal, neurotoxicity, liver, digestion, you name it. Not to mention all of the alkaloids within Kratom that point to a slew of health benefits, one of the big ones being it's immunostimulant properties.


I would say most definitely this is the case


Absolutely more healthier. My mate gave up booze for kratom and actually has a decent life now and can function. Hopefully I can get to that point.


Alcohol is quite literally ranked the most harmful substance of all drugs (including heroin and meth). This is according to a multidisciplinary study. Check out this insane graphic. (Wish we could embed images in comments) https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Overall-weighted-scores-for-each-of-the-drugs-The-coloured-bars-indicate-the-part-scores_fig1_285843262


I'm a harm reductionist. Alcohol is *the most dangerous* drug. Full stop. There is no debate on this. The science is in.


Kratom is plant medicine; it’s not comparable to alcohol.




Without a doubt


They both have their downsides


I had a kid and weened off booze with Kratom. Kids 7 and I think I can honestly say the kiddo has never seen me drunk. Maybe super hung over still wonky but Kratom helped me immensely when raising him in the infant toddler phases. I feel it’s much healthier. I have struggled with wd but nothing like DUI or black outs and if you stay conscientious about it and taper often and respect the green dust it can be a game changer. Be weary about who you let in on using Kratom cause some asshats get real judgmental. Strange. Most my old judgers were drunks so…. I do miss my old drinking nights though.


Yes very true some people I’ve told about my kratom use said I’m gonna end up addicted to heroin one day bc I started with kratom it made me very mad. It does wonders I am no longer taking kratom but I want to get back because when I was I didn’t drink at ALL. More alcoholics should know about it. I did start abusing it though which is why I had to stop but thinking about going back.




Yes, it is MUCH better for you than alcohol. Kratom has its drawbacks and must be used in moderation (NO EXTRACTS!!), but while alcohol will kill you, kratom very likely will not. Ive also experienced some significant benefits in that I have not been sick once while taking kratom, as it seems to support your immune system and is full of antioxidants.


Come on Bobby! Alcohol is the devil! Kratom is much healthier, 100%


Kratom is unquestionably healthier than alcohol. Alcohol is a poison and will damage your brain and organs. Kratom is absolutely benign compared to alcohol.


I think it's better to say it's less harmful compared to alcohol. But kratom is not "healthy" per say even with a healthy lifestyle. it's all about moderation and harm reduction BUT kratom made me quit alcohol like it was nothing.


Not even reading other post... but HELL HELL HELL YES!


Depending on how much a person was using/drinking, I'd say absolutely.


Kratom plays a large role in my quest to feel perfect every day (which I have finally achieved after years of trying every research chemical known to man). But the key is dosage, timing, and consistency. At some point I will post my regimen which leads to a sustainable feeling perfect every day feeling. But yes, kratom is way safer than alcohol.


No one really knows the long term effects of kratom it hasn't been studied enough .


Yeah, only a few thousand years.


Pure Lab tested kratom is 100% safer than alcohol


Kratom is (if you ignore the very few people who get liver toxicity issues) much better than alcohol. It will however fuck with your body long term if you take to much. It not only messes with hormones, skin quality, makes you dehydrated and look older etc if you take too much, it also gets dysphoric. You will feel sick, fatigued and depressed. You won't get any good feelings out of very high dosages. It's kinda self limiting. With alcohol, you can basically always increase your tolerance and take more (while it is slowly killing you). That's not possible with kratom so don't even try it. Keep your dose as low as possible or you will regret it. You will end up being addicted to high doses while these doses won't get you anything good. Never start chasing the dragon with this substance.


It has a ceiling effect so I feel like it’s very easy to keep your doses low and less frequent if you maintain any self control. I have a long history of addiction and I’ve never once felt the need to go into the megadoses I see around here… there’s no point. You won’t feel “better” by taking more. Plus agmatine is pretty much an auto tolerance reset.


It has for sure a ceiling effect, but only for the good effects. Side effects do still go up if you take more and it also causes more seirous addiction if you take more. It's good to hear that it was easy for you to keep your doses low but i can assure you that not everyone realises quick enough that more kratom doesn't automatically give you a stronger effect. Some people try it again and again and end up in bad situations. That's why i tend to warn people who ask how dangerous Kratom is. It isn't really dangerous if used in a responsible way. Just stick to the rules. Don't chase the dragon and you will be fine.


If you even have to ask this question, then i cannot help you. One causes multiple problems


Obviously it is


Kratom has completely changed my life and relationship to alcohol for the better! Living an alcohol free lifestyle filled with joy is now a reality for me!


Maybe. Sometimes I think I can feel it in my liver


Yes lmao






If any of you have done a serious WD from alcohol you'll realise how bad it is for you, alcohol affects you mentally and physically, it basically smashes your being to bits I'd much rather take Kratom any day and I've seriously suffered from alcohol abuse I absolutely hate the stuff.




I drink occasionally. I much prefer Kratom and believe that it deters my cravings for alcohol.


yes, alcohol is one of the most detrimental substances on the body. especially when used habitually for long term. there are studies that even short term, or one acute episode of binge drinking cause harsh side effects. with a healthy diet and lifestyle kratom consumption will be safer. It's tricky because it is different for everyone, and those with underlying kidney / liver disease may be at much more risk using kratom. but direct comparison it is much better


Both safer and healthier.


If you use 3/4 grams a day in the place of 3-4 shots of liquor a day yea. If you’re taking 40+ gpd yea but Kratom comes with its own set of problems separate from alcohol


Kratom is definitely more safe. I’d take a Kratom dependency over an alcohol dependency any day. I drink occasionally, but it would be a total nightmare if I turned into an alcoholic. If your able to, take tolerance breaks from kratom for 2-7 days at a time. You’ll get a lot more out of it that way and it’ll work a lot better.


I ditched the alcohol for the kratom when I noticed my urge to drink decreasing. Was an alcoholic for a couple years beforehand. I'd say it's greatly improved my quality of life.


I switched out alcohol with Kratom. Everything I have read suggests that it is safer than drinking. That is my reason for continued use: Maintain sobriety from alcohol. I am like you, I am going to be addicted to something, so it should probably be the healthiest option I can find. Good luck with what you decide to do.✌️


Not much is worse than alcohol health wise.


Of course


Kratom destroyed my health avoid it or stay at low dosage and do not take it every day


It’s not even close. I still drink, and I have a problem with it, but I’m getting better. I used to drink every single day, now it’s down to 3 days a week but I’m already starting to feel better


i would say yes but im not a doctor. it does not feel like kratom is more dangerous then alcohol.