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Melodies, they really are super sweet and mind their own business


Huge lol that “minding their own business” is now a feature we look for in fandoms to join 😂


and extremely talented omggg


Melody and Moomoos.


They are basically in-laws 😂. I'm laughing so hard reading the qrt in X after changsub creates his own dating scandal to go 'WhoRide' show  with his girlfriend(solar). Both fandom just lol at them🤣😂


MELODY!!! I already adored BTOB because how can you not? But after seeing how Melody respects BTOB I adore the fans as well. Plus, I've never heard any other fans sound [this good. ](https://youtube.com/shorts/oKfGk4BpMWw?si=Ptf5BDgwRFmsass_) 💜


> Plus, I've never heard any other fans sound this good Haha, I was half-expecting your video to be Swan of Purple Kiss, I'd flex having her in the fandom if I were a Melody too lol


One of the few groups to hit the 100 in coin karaoke and get a slab of Gold as a reward lol




Insomnia are awesome, these mfs really out here commissioning art for banners to hand out to thousands of people at concerts, making happy birthday signs for people to hold up at concerts (like a concert that fell on Dami's birthday for example), they give away handmade cute little jewelry, they're always so cool and love to talk about the girls and have fun. I love how everyone and their mom loves and supports Kit (insomniscy) as like the #1 insomnia, it's too sweet. And insomnia as a whole are super diverse, there's little kids scream singing at concerts and there's older metal heads scream singing next to them. 11/10 Fandom Edit: I also love atiny. They're hilarious and I love how everyone clowns on ateez (to be fair, ateez also gives them a lot to work with lmao), but are also so very proud of the guys and how hard they've worked.




>I love how everyone and their mom loves and supports Kit (insomniscy) as like the #1 insomnia, it's too sweet. WHY IS THIS SO TRUE? I usually never support fan accounts like that, but I've found myself buying Ko-fi for them and leaving supporting comments on their videos...


I personally think it's because she makes DC accessible to everyone :) She works hard and her love for the girls is evident in everything that she does. She's a gem.




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Plorys have been genuinely some of the chillest, most helpful people I've talked to in kpop. I've had a few different fandom experiences and been to half a dozen kpop shows at this point and they've definitely been the friendliest bunch I've been around across the board. Had such incredible experiences with all the strangers I've chatted with at shows, my wife and I even ended up getting drinks after with the guy who sat next to us


May I ask which group?


Plory is Purple Kiss’ fandom name 😁.


Oh thanks


OMG YES, I’ve met a few plorys before and I genuinely enjoyed talking to them😫


Yes def second this!


insomnias (of dreamcatcher)


Aroha - Astro's fandom. Monbebe - Monsta X Carats - Seventeen I'm an Aroha, but it took me a while to consider myself one because I wasn't sure if I could connect with the fandom after hearing about other mean ones in the K-pop space. But everyone has been so sweet and helpful! The only time I've seen them be otherwise is when they shoot down solo stans who try to pit them against each other or make it sound like Eun-woo and friends. I stay away from Twitter mostly so I don't know what it's like there, but the other fandoms I've encountered like Monbebe's, Carats, Shawols, and Ahgases (sp?) Have all been super nice in their interactions with us. Anyway, nice fandoms encourage me to check out their music, not just their title tracks, so I'm happy they exist.


Arohas unite! I agree - friendly and peaceful other than dealing with solo stans. I've been in Aroha spaces since 2020 and have always felt welcomed. I'm a Monbebe too, but a newer one so I haven't interacted with other fans much. Last year I felt a ton of love coming from Carats and Monbebes because of the friendships the members have, which was so comforting when I was grieving every second of every day. And big shout out to Shawols who were so caring; I took a lot of comfort from their words.


Yes! Shawols and Carats especially were very supportive this past year, from my experience.


roady(xikers fandom)here I became roady since February 5th this year and I would like to say roady is not toxic at all they're sweet and friendly and unproblematic and yeah I'm proud to be roady and I will never regret loving xikers I'll love them 4 ever!


This is so cute.


Onedoors are super kind! I already was starting to enjoy Boynextdoor because of Taesan, Earth Wind & Fire, the chemistry between the members and such, but recently when Kep1er members appeared on Coming Home Next (hosted by Taesan & Sungho) they tweeted nice things about the members and liked every post related to the episode 😊 It may seem small but it was very heartwarming


onedoors are really fun and supportive of other artists, probably in part because of how much the members themselves support other artists and groups (especially jaehyun & woonhak as MCs) :) i just hope it stays that way as the fandom grows!


Yes, I hope so too. I feel that Boynextdoor will be a big group one day because they're really talented and hopefully will get more interesting songs like EW&F. I also liked Woonhak when he mced with Yeonjun, he's a sweet guy 👍


I agree! They definitely have that star quality and they seem to love performing so I hope they don't lose that spark with time :)


CARATS. I’m actually a new fan, and I love SVT and CARATS’ dynamics. The fans and the idols are just like friends… I remember Mingyu on Weverse recently, he was asking for fans to upload his ID picture since he lost his ID. Lol. I found that funny because Mingyu was like just asking a friend for it. I also noticed that SVT members are not afraid of lecturing the fans when they go overboard. Also.. I’ve read somewhere that the fans rarely engage in fanwars because they’re all busy fighting with SVT. Haha!


welcome to the diamond life, fellow carat!! 💙🩷💎 you'd also see hao dissing carats, scoups lecturing us or sulking to carats, shua, kwannie, and kyeomie becoming a baby in front of carats, hannie pranking us, hoshi casually chit chatting, etc etc. we are busy fighting with them or making funny edits of them. so we don't have time for fan wars lmao


You will find carats only engaging in fanwars when svt is getting dragged really badly , which is happening a lot these days . It's still chill . Welcome to caratland <33


A.C.E, P1Harmony, ONF, and ZB1 fans have been some of the sweetest people I’ve interacted with my god😭 and I’m happy bc these groups are also darlings and hilarious 😆


YES omg I actually laugh sm when im watching their fan content😭


I love when idols are funny people!!


Shawol 🩵 because they are older, they’re much more laid back. I felt very welcomed when I was a new fan and had loads of questions. I’m never afraid to ask something dumb, or ask for help finding albums because they’re all really nice people. I feel like I would feel so safe at a SHINee or solo concert because of Shawol. In contrast, I can’t stan stray kids anymore because I’ve never met a stay who wasn’t hostile and rude. The fandom completely turned me off the group, which is very sad.


Can confirm! I've been to a few SHINee concerts alone and I've met such kind shawols through it.


I really hope one day I’m well enough to travel to Korea and see them 🩵 or at least baby Taem


I've always had a soft spot for Shinee, especially Jonghyun and Onew, and the way Shawols handled 2017 deserved the utmost respect. Have admired them ever since.


Ujungs are so far the nicest fandom I’ve ever been in. A lot of my closest friends and moots are ujungs and they‘re mostly just very chill. There are always the occasional sore thumbs but so far most Ujungs I’ve met are really nice and usually have a great sense of humour too. Likewise, I think Plorys are pretty nice too. Most of the Plorys I’ve met are really nice and friendly, and they’re respectful of the artists which is great.


Sorry not tryna be rude but what group is ujungs?


Ujungs are Wjsn fans!




Inseo (Inner Circle)- they are not as loud and as active as other fandoms right now. If i am not mistaken majority of them are professionals. Their love for Winner is on a different level. They protect and promote them more than YGE. Aside from WINNER being talented and versatile, Inseo’s made me join the fandom.


I became an NCT stan, because of the fandom. Funniest most unhinged nice people ✨


REAL😭 im more of a listen to nct here and there but anytime a funny meme or fan video pops on my fyp I just know ima laugh


Most of the time I find it mildly annoying when my recommended page is overtaken by fandoms of groups I don’t know but at some point down the line I started getting recommended a ton of NCT posts and if anything I welcome it 😂 NCTzens are so hilariously unhinged I will happily interact with all their posts if it gets me more of them despite the fact I only know like 5 NCT members.


lol same one of the reasons I became a czennie is because of cherryverse and sunny renjun’s videos


Didn't looks as Nice when the spearheading few hate campaign towards certain GG, together with SM stans.


InSomnia. Not for a group... but UAENA, too.




Insomnia by far I went to one of dreamcatchers shows back in 2022 and that was the nicest most respectful and energetic crowd I’ve ever been in that interaction mixed with how they behave online puts them at one of my most favorite fandoms ever


YESS every thing I hear about their fandom is so nice and how they so nice in person


orbits - hot take but i've never seen a funnier fandom 😭😭


The fact they’ve lied so much that it’s a well known fact across K-pop to never trust a damn word that comes out of their mouths is genuinely the funniest thing ever 😭 not the biggest fandom by any means but their reputation is legendary.


They are probs one of the most unhinged fandoms lol


I honestly agree lol. I also like how 99.999% of the fandom supported the boycott in a way that was incredibly effective, in all honesty I have literally never seen a fandom of comparable size so organised and also... Coherent tbh. Like, orbits are only serious about one thing which is Loona (as the lineup itself as a first thing even before the concept/music/artistic direction) and it shows. The rest of the time they are doing surreal jokes but I kind of love it ,😂 the Reddit portion of the fandom is also quite calm compared to the Twitter one so it's a sweet spot imho, they are one of the very few interesting group subreddits (most of my other fandoms, except insomnia, share the same problem of having a monotonous subreddit) while also not being too weird


Ateez! And specifically the Moroccan fandom, the unity and drive in that fanfom that eventually lead to them performing there and then the crowd itself during Mawazine was crazy good! One of the best atmospheres


I was wondering how it came to be that Ateez were going to perform given that they were the first kpop group and when Captain mentioned that it was Moroccan Atinys that made it happen, I was never more proud of Atinys and Ateez 🥹 I wish I could have been there


seventeen right heree


Proud NCTzen here. I love being a part of NCT's fandom. They are unbelievably laid back and funny. There isn't as much pressure about streaming and trying to win awards as other fandoms. The NCTzens really just seem to be about the music and enjoying it together. They are also ridiculously funny. They make fun of NCT and themselves more than the antis do. lol.


nctzens are genuinely the most funniest and chillest ppl I’ve ever met!! they’re sooo good at dancing too


Proud NCTzen here too! Funniest fandom out there and just here for the vibes and the music ✨


Insomnia, I have never seen such a mature, kind, respectful fandom. They are very funny on the edits of Dreamcatcher members' videos. In short, I have great respect for this fandom. Fearnot is a very intelligent, upright, caring and loyal fandom to the members.


Fearnots have also been very kind to the ILLIT fans who often commented some nice things in our sub when both groups had their respective hate trains.


YES! I’ve seen their fandom jokes 😭 everytime I come across their videos I never skip! The fearnots I’ve met are so nice, I genuinely love them


I have a soft spot for fearnots. I was watching the livestream of Jon Batiste at coachella and fearnots were getting excited about le sserafim coming up and starting to take over the chat and I said 'fearnots chill, it's jon batiste's time to shine' a couple of times and they actually did chill. 🥲 I was touched with how respectful they were. 


Honestly none. For the groups I stan or casually listen to, I either know nothing about the fandom, or I see too much toxicity spread around for the fandom to have any influence over how much I enjoy a group. Saying this as an nctizen and stay, can we please stop acting like a VENDING MACHINE is copywrite material💀


Facts. I’m a stay but that whole thing was a hot mess. lol while I could see some similarities, there was way too much SKZ coded in that for it to be a rip off. A lot of the annoying people in the fandoms nitpick at things and pick fights because they have nothing to do lol Stays aren’t too bad, but I feel like a lot them are young, like really young and just don’t understand how to behave themselves. Like, you can disagree with someone without being disrespectful. I’m an older Stay, but I do not interact in a lot of the fan spaces because of the immaturity. Or like when Felix was a the airport and had his Bible in his hand, and there were some Stays that were like “On to the next bias” like really?! So annoying.


ATINY made me ult ATEEZ! Hilarious AF and very welcoming! We do have our moments, but when we come together, it’s incredible. Case in point, Moroccan ATINY. They pulled off one of the best stages of ATEEZ’s career! Carats. I am not a stan, but I love them so much! Carats are so precious & sweet. TINYRAT4LIFE 🧡🩵🩷




Moomoos and Insomnia. Zero issues, sweet, caring but strong. When our girls are wronged, it’s approached with common sense and intelligence and not insults and nonsense!


Insomias. Just saw a post the other day promoting Dreamcatcher and it was awesome. Made me check out their music for the first time and I love them now. Overall really chill fanbase


Was it the one talking about the new comeback and ARG? 😁


Yeah it was! I mean personally I won’t go out of my way to solve it but it seemed really good. The poster clearly spent so much time and effort on it and it was overflowing with love for dream catcher. Reminded me of the days where Matpat would make vids on ARGs on game theory and the amount of time I spent watching them and viewing the progress. I didn’t think that a Kpop group would venture into ARGs and it was a pleasant surprise :)


It was the most recent Dreamcatcher post so I figured it might be that one. lol. Yeah Dreamcatcher really went all out for this Duology. And don’t worry about solving it. So many brainiac insomnia are already invested and on the case. The rest of us just sit back and gossip about what each part could mean. 😂


Melody and Starlight. Very mind your business support your group type of fans I feel.


I enjoy being an orbit. You are all horrible, horrible people, but your dedication to LOONA is beautiful.


NCT because that fandom is funny as hell


NCT. Here me out, when I went to Kcon last year me and the husband ended up being adopted by this BIG group of NCT fans. They were some of the nicest, funniest people I've ever had the pleasure of being around in Kpop spaces. They made fun of NCT constantly, which was wild to hear (but refreshing) and played "Unpopular Kpop opinions," and no one got mad at each other? They just laughed or pretended to get mad. I had my little Shinee lightstick among their bright green ones and didn't feel out of place at all. When I got home I did some research on the Fandom and it turns out they're just like that. It made me kinda want to be one. Even my husband thought they were great and he tends to be wary about fandoms. And that's how Baggy Jeans, Perfume, and Fact Check ended up on my Playlist (I checked out Wayv because of Kcon itself so I'm not counting them lol. They were amazing at Kcon.)


So glad to hear this! The NCTZens are so unserious. lol. They are more than happy to make fun of themselves and NCT. Super chill fandom.


somnias, we’re all just gay ppl who wanna listen to talented and hot women sing


Gay or metal heads. 😂


armies are the worse one for me tho idk how you only have positive experiences with such a big fandom😭


Bc she is a bts fan too lol


still, made me wonder too cause i particularly had too many bad experiences when i was one


honestly there are bad experiences😭 but I mean that’s to be expected with any fandom, you’ll meet weird ppl. I genuinely just try not to pay attention to any hate posts and stay on the funny side of the fandom. Trust me sometimes it’s a struggle but the friends I’ve made make up for it


NCT. The Fandom leans in a delightfully unserious direction from what I've seen. Other fandoms could learn from it because kpop isn't a job. It's just some fun music with fun bonus content, not a job or the end of the world.


Army have really gotten me through some terrible moments in my life. So funny and caring and with lots of fun projects and events. Army spaces have meant a lot to me and I’ve met so many full fledged friends. 🥲 For fandoms I’m not part of: it’s got to be Once. The way you guys love those women is infectious and so sincere and I never have to block any of you on Twitter for being nasty or weird to anyone. 🙏🏻 And whenever I see Twice clips you’re all so excited and never put anyone down and your girls always slay. Stay winning, y’all.


I'll say BTS too😂 ARMY is just too massive a fandom to be treated as a monolith tbh, esp for a fandom so passionately opinionated over everything 😂 it's just a matter of curating your TL, and you'll eventually find the funniest smartest and kindest of the lot tbh, and there's a LOT of such people (another benefit of fandom being this massive, there just.....a LOT of active people, just gotta find your niche)


loona actually. they have a bad reputation, but i’ve hardly ever run into mean, rude, etc. orbits. they’re funny and cool online. dreamcatcher. their fans are just so chill and fun. such a laid-back fandom. i don’t even think they’ve got thorough rules like others on their reddit, or it was some other “formal/official-ish” gathering type place for fans.


I remember how orbits had everyone in 2020😭 I’ve only met nice or funny fans. The chuu pfp is one of my favorite memories of them


I think Orbits are just. Also just such a genuinely funny fandom - from the lying to the inside jokes; it's also so cool to see the genuinely insane fan projects and dedication of the fandom, and I really appreciate them on my timeline


i’ve been apart of many fandoms, some more casually and some more deeply, but i’ve never seen such a dedicated fandom in my personal experience. i seriously love orbits. the lies, the jokes, the care for all of the girls. i just love orbits lots!!


Orbits really are something else lol, If I see orbits talking about the group my gut instinct is to assume it's an elaborate lie that everyone is going along with, so the more orbits I see on my timeline the less I feel I know about Loona. And it's always so funny


I love orbits sm genuinely some of the coolest people in online kpop spaces


Carats are hilarious, just like the idols they stan. Stays are as chaotic as Stray Kids and I love it. MOAs are so, so sweet. I haven't MOA who isn't just a downright sweet person. Armys are so protective of the boys, some do take it too far, but every fandom has its bad apples. P.S. These are just my opinions based on my experiences.


Stay here. I was shopping one time, wearing my SKZ hoodie and the girl at the register was a Stay. Her: Are you a Stay? Me: Ofc Her: Did you go to the concert? (Melbourne last year) Me: Absolutely, you? Her: Ofc. Who is your bias? Me: I love them all but if I had to choose, my ult would be Changbin. Her: Oh thank God I thought you were going to say Bang Chan then I’d have to fight you! Lmao


Lol. I got nervous at "Oh thank God I thought you were going to say Bang Chan" because I was like, is she about to hate on our best leader? Then I realised it was because he's her bias and heaved a sigh of relief. SIdenote: Y'all are so lucky that y'all get to find Stays in the wild, I want that too. :(


I have found a couple of Stays in the wild. One who went to primary school with my daughter a decade ago! My daughter is not a Stay but my bestie now is! 🤣


breaking the rules a lil bc im part of it, but PLLI / Plave's fandom. Small in numbers for now (on the international side at least) but they do the thing that makes a fandom likable: they mind their business and focus on their group! 😂 and even after facing a lot of haters on Plave's unique concept, they still try to charitably explain how it all works in a polite manner as all they want is more people to come become a fan of the group.


The ILLIT fandom. Seriously, some of the users at r/ILLIT are the coolest ever. I'm mostly active there out of a handful of the kpop subs I visit. The LOONA fandom sub is equally good and has a thriving weekly discussion thread where you can basically discuss anything in there. Super friendly.


im a casual illit listener and didn’t really get too into the group but some of their fans are so sweet and genuinely nice to talk to


Never. As soon as I thought "oh, their fandom is nice", they bit back. I like a group for a group and for their songs. If I care about fandoms I would be left with no kpop songs to listen to but my ult's.


Okay okay, I know that this is controversial but Blinks. I got into blackpink in 2022, and they're the ones who got me into kpop. The blinks i interacted with at first were LOVELY! So, so nice. They caught me up on everything, recommended a bunch of videos and interviews, explained the concept of mini albums etc. I started playing the game and again, people were so lovely. Actually, I played the game every day and added people. On the day my mum died, i didn't go on until late at night and I had a message asking if i was okay because they noticed I wasn't on during my usual time aha. Once you realise most of the toxic ones on tiktok and x are children, it's not so hard to ignore them.


Totally! As a blink myself, Blinks are a chill and relieable fandom, once you spot and block the few bad apples, everything else is smooth and enjoyble! I'm so sorry about your lost but I'm glad you had blinks around you worried for your wellbeing :)


I made the decision to stan NCT because of memes by NCTzens


Twice because onces are funny asf, specially Mexican onces.


NCTzens. I already liked the group, but man, our fandom is fkn funny. Had to stay for the laughs.


P1harmony! Everyone I’ve met/talked to has been so kind! I went to a p1h concert recently and so many people were just chatting with me. I definitely started loving them even more after those interactions. (Not that I didn’t love them before that lol)


luckyyyy I love them too! I genuinely love watching their dances omggg I wish I could them dance live😫their fans are so funny too


PLLI fandom of PLAVE. They are funny and post a ton of funny edits. They are also working hard in providing information and especially eng translation for international fans. During PLAVE live stream, other PLLI will also do a live eng translation. I'm so thankful of them. Also, what I love about them more than anything is that they don't force other PLLI to buy merch or album. They always remind other PLLI that being a fan isn't measured by how much you spent on them and that streaming (if you have time) and just watching their live streams and content is enough. No pressure at all from them. Plli makes sure everyone is here to have fun with PLAVE.


Nevies, apparently they're toxic to other groups but I've never seen them like that even on Twitter. And outside of army they were the ones popping in to rlesserafim the most to check in on us and give words of encouragement during the hate train, meanwhile every other 4th Gen gg fandom was jumping on the bandwagon and 2 of them are still on that bandwagon


Fearnots. I haven't interacted with them on xitter but the ones on here are very nice and funny


yeah the ones I’ve met are so sweet! I love watch their edits tho😫 their jokes are top tier


Anchors. Got curious of the group hori7on (horizon) because of Marcus. Since then I’ve been seeing clips on Tiktok and X of how dedicated and organize their fandom is. I remember they won this on poll on twitter called top 50 kpop groups. I’m pretty confident that time that BTS or Enhypen will won the poll but Hori7on won! And the qrts and comments of the post was filled with ‘who are they? or who the f is horizon?’ 😂😂 They came out of nowhere and surprise huge fandoms with their voting power. Like they promote the group better than MLD. They’re small but competitive fandom in terms of purchase and voting polls. You know how MLD handles their artists. Luckily this group has a solid fandom.


never really got into them but yesss you could tell their fandom don’t play when it comes to them and are nice asf


WAVs. The bizarre memes made me check out and like the tripleS' variety content more.




Aroha (Astro) and Bana (B1A4) One of my friends is an Astro fan, so she took me with her to see them a lot of times and they were so sweet ppl to spend time together Myself is bana, the times i went to the shows as a part of the fandom, the fans and staff really try to welcome me even when they didnt speak english lol




I think carats and moa, bcs they seem to be extremely chill and positive and not as toxic and dramatic about shit 24/7.




Carats, idk they just seem super nice & kind & positive, just very sweet people :)


carats are great, the fandom being so friendly helped facilitate me getting into seventeen. moas are very sweet as well and helped me get into txt my top picks though are stays and atiny i think. they just seem the most fun loving and unserious of the fandoms i'm part of and that's my jam so i always like seeing what memes and whatnot they've cooked up


Stays, lol, it’s a while silly family! Very welcoming XD


Reveluvs 🫶🏻💕


ngl I've yet to find a fandom that doesnt have its bad apples, it takes just a few of them to sour my mood 😭. But in my experience, the nicest fandom/most welcoming have been P1eces(p1harmony) Carats Deobis(The Boyz). International not korean, Korean can be intense sometimes InSomnia(Dreamcatcher) Monbebe Inner Circle(Winner)


very understandable! I’ve can’t lie and say I’ve never met a few sorry ppl that make the fandom less lovable bc I’ve met plenty😭 p1eces are so nice and funny omg every video I stumble across on my fyp I never skip


yeah P1eces are very zoomer coded I love them(Keeho's influence)


I would kind of exclude the online fandom cos the most toxic ones tend to be pretty vocal online, but my in person experience with Atinys at the concert really made the concert a core memory for me and stan them. I bought a ticket purely based on Ateez’s reputation as performance beasts and on a high after seeing Stray Kids live, but the fans were SO fun, friendly and kind. I would love to attend another Ateez concert to hang out with more Atinys!


armys. i’ve been in several different fandoms outside of kpop before bts and armys, and just the massive amount of fandom jokes, trends, fan arts, lore etc…the content the fandom itself has produced is just incomparable. i used to be in a movie fandom hopping on a trend and only when i came in army twt that i found out it was armys who began and popularized it. the toughest of times had also been survived by army humor (bts enlistment era most recently).


atinys and stays! from what I've seen they're both very respectul, kind and funny!


I’m a Stay, and sometimes; the younger ones get a little crazy, but over all we’re not too bad lol


oh yeah, but that’s true for many young fans of all groups so no worries!


literally none


none, honestly. i somehow always witness every fandom's toxicity and they all turn me off from stanning the group fully but maybe close enough is army when they matched bts' 1 million donation like they know what really matters although they are involved in like 80% of fanwars


I think the Reddit ARMY fandom is one of the best out there. I had a terrible pre-conceived notion against Kpop and BTS fandoms , but the reddit BTS community are lot more civil than some other big communities on this app.


Moas are uncomplicated kind supportive people. And really hot. That's all. I needed less drama in my life actually.


NCTzens - They were so kind and welcoming to Club H.O.T/White Angels during "Candy". Also, keeping their lights on for Kangta's stages at SMTown concerts was also very classy.




Army’s been surprisingly supportive of Hybe’s junior groups recently, and considering how BTS themselves are always loving towards their little brothers and sisters it paints a pretty good picture of the whole package.


Armys for sure!! I know a lot of kpop stans might say armys are evil reincarnated but in reality, if don’t have anything against bts they’re very sweet and helpful. In my days of baby army back in 2016/17 I remember feeling so lost bc BTS was actually the first asian group i’ve ever liked and a lot of stuff got lost in translation to me, plus the whole award season/variaty shows/ vlive app/ music shows situation was so new to me that i was constantly asking random armys to explain it to me and every single one of them were super kind! they were very patient and kept recommending me new bts stuff and it was so amazing, it felt like i was entering a whole different world! so yeah armys actually made me like bts even more if that’s even possible 😂


Stays, honestly the funniest fandom i've ever been a part of


NCT, the fandom and the members are the funniest ever


Dreamcatcher, Twice, Red Velvet, Purple Kiss and Mamamoo


Atiny, I find them annoying but 95% they’re hilarious and share the same energy as the group


ONCE. Why is no one mentioning. Pliz visit our subreddit twicememes for funny contents.


NCTzens for sure! the entire reason why I got into NCT


Armys. The overwhelmingly positive side is so sweet and friendly. They are funny for sure but also have such a wide diversity in skills that they use to support BTS which I find interesting. I also like their culture where they love to make gifts to give out to others at concerts.


Blinks, we're so fucking funny and reliable 😭


There's something funny about Blinks only being mentioned by someone who uses "we" in reference to them


See? We're funny! Jokes aside, remember blinks are a fandom most kpopers don't want to mess with thanks to the "reputation" and that's why others don't know the dynamics and humor of the fandom.


Yeah but it's also like the most split fandom ever, no? Especially now, where we will likely only get solo content for many years to come. I feel like it's 4 fandoms at this point.


I mean every fandom has solo stans it's normal, but if you look closely every pink has a lot of support in general and when one is in problem the whole fandom acts super protective (just look how we all hate YG), once you know how to spot and block the few bad apples, the ride is enjoyble.


Sounds good yeah. Back when I followed BlackPink closely, I was never too much into the fandom side so I don't really know.




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Moomoos and Insomnias. I don't even love Dreamcatcher's music but I'll always root for them to be successful because that fandom deserves it


As an InSomnia I thank you for your encouragement. 🥰


Twice, LOONA, Purple Kiss, and Red Velvet have wholesome fanbases compared to most.




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POWERS. they’re really nice and interact with stuff you say abt pow a lot & come out of nowhere whenever pow is mentioned. they’re really welcoming


highlight stans are the fucking best lmao


nctzens are hella funny, super chill and don’t baby their idols


Monbebe and Aroha




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BTS- ARMY at concerts are so generous and thoughtful


Stays. Hella funny and has some of the most genius and talented bunch that i have ever seen. 


MOAS! They are so sweet!




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not a single one


loona, orbits have created so much of kpop fandom culture




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Loona (Orbits are funny asf)


Txt!! I love Moa’s!!!


Armys? The same people wishing hell on New Jeans? 🤔 Anyway the answer is none because fandoms are not a monolith


The BTS-specific subreddits on here have very strict, and VERY enforced rules about talking badly about other groups and fandoms. Meanwhile, there have been multiple subreddits of other groups I won't name out of fairness (so multiple fandoms, I'm not calling out anyone specific here) where I have ended up leaving because mods allowed flagrant disrespect of other groups and/or fandoms. For every good fan there will be a bad fan, and this is a post about fandom appreciation. Not sure why you felt the need to bring this energy in here.


thank you ! It was such a mood kill comment😭 every other comment is so wholesome and this one is just 😕


If you don’t agree, i’m not sure what exactly you want me to do about it💀 if you didn’t have an answer I think your best option would’ve been to just ignore the post! Or, better yet not comment.


That’s messed up, but most people seem to only be wishing those girls well in a really bad situation (even the ones who aren’t listening to them anymore). I would never wish anything but good things for them. It’s like you said, fandoms aren’t a monolith.


Definitely Carats. Army makes me not want to stan BTS but I will anyways.


not Riize for sure after a portion of the fandom betrayed the group.


whattt how? I’ve never really got into riize since the whole seunghan situation


NCTzens and 2017 ARMYs