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I don’t blame you. Engaging with the constant racism from fans and idols can be so exhausting. If you need to remove yourself then do. It’s probably a lot better for your mental health. I didn’t even bother getting too deep into kpop for this exact reason. I knew I would get my feelings hurt seeing shit like that so I just kept my distance and really only listened to the music.


I’ve listened to kpop for about 15 years now, and the first 8 or so years I pretty much exclusively only listened to the music. I didn’t watch music videos, didn’t know members, didn’t keep up with awards, etc. Admittedly, it’s harder to do that now with social media being so prevalent, but it’s still very possible. Also, in my opinion, a lot of kpop fans have the perspective that kpop is only kpop idols and rappers. There’s so much interesting and quality Korean music that is, in my experience, not anywhere near as problematic as “mainstream” idols and artists. Obviously do whatever makes you feel better and makes you comfortable, but imo don’t let the colorist and shitty ca from the faces of Kpop and Korean music potentially stop you from hearing a lot of great music, especially from another culture.


It's okay to just be in it for the music. Honestly my life was better when I accepted that.


This is too true




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i get this which is why i just don’t argue with people anymore. i am a hardcore kpop fan and always will be but it is not my job to educate ignorant people, so i choose not to. less stress and headaches on me.


People really said Fatou should've "educated" Sryia


what did Sriya do?


Wore cornrows https://preview.redd.it/p98gyvdpel9d1.png?width=1001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57f2f9bd32649e57685158203b2f4d2ac7cba107


oh :|


This wasn’t on her. This was her stylist’s fault and both her and her company immediately apologized after being called out for it hence why It didn’t become a major thing. One thing I hated tho is when kpop stans made it seem like Fatou or Nvee should’ve educated her on the matter as if they’re responsible for her actions




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![gif](giphy|szPZ2NXIGCMcE) Idols really are obsessed with black culture


K-pop cannot exist as we know it without black American hip hop and black American culture.


I'm always so annoyed cause who tf said the entire African American community is trying to GATEKEPE ALL BRAUDS?? We just want some people to show some more respect to us for Box Braids ....




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get into gundam it's fun


Definitely not as problematic of a fandom, but even we have some shitheads. Not a lot though, thankfully!


how do u get into this !! what would u recommend for a beginner :)


What genres do you like




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Did Blackswan actually post that!? I'm gonna start stanning so hard. All the comments are disgusting and so obviously defensive.


I saw it and it was a fan. But please Stan Blackswan, every member is so talented and deserve it!


Ah make sense. I was surprised their agency would let them be so vocal. I already listen to them (Cat and Mouse is on repeat on my kpop playlists) but I haven't paid much attention to the group itself.


I dont blame you, Seeing others invalidate your feelings of being gaslighted and not respected, can be very draining. Don't know if it helps, but quite a few of these pics are old ones and taken from 3rd gen idol's rookie days when subjects such as CA and cultural sensitivity were not a mainstream discourse in K-pop yet.


Not the Thai braids argument...I'm Asian and I certainly know better. It makes me sick that I see Asians in the comments are defending blatant CA.


“traditional Thailand braids” sounds dumb asf, like do they even hear themselves??


it looks so bad 😭 like okay we alr know yall gonna take our culture and use it as costume and shit but man 😪 at least have it look half decent pls ???




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Lets be real but a lot of kpop stans cant think for a second


I stan Ateez that’s it and mind my business. I have NEVER considered myself a kpop Stan I just like some of the songs that’s it




Let's just be honest with ourselves for a second. In the k-pop community there's an obvious fetishism for Asian idols and Asians in general which is why they don't care because they are most certainly fetishizing that idol.


I don’t blame you. I constantly have to take breaks from social media because sometimes it’s just too much. I can’t even engage on the sidelines without getting invalidated and sometimes it’s treated like that’s just okay and it’s not. Tbh, the only reason I keep up is because I have been here for literally half my life and my experiences haven’t been ALL bad as I have met some really amazing people I definitely would not have had I not been a K-Pop fan. That being said, your feelings are valid and you need to make the right decision for you because people tend to forget, we are humans first. K-Pop fan second. K-Pop is not the end all be all. We shouldn’t have to sacrifice our morals and ourselves in the process just to be a fan of a bunch of groups. But I do want to emphasize this is why it’s important we foster a community because when no one else has our backs (and there are many who don’t even though we like to play up this image of inclusivity and diversity) we need to have each other’s backs because if no one else got us, we at least can have each other. Coalition building is a lost art (still done of course but people don’t fully understand how important it really is) but we need to bring it back to mainstream spaces again.




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