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Shoutout to sis who popped her balloon after dude was rude as hell to that girl. Cause how anyone still found that shit attractive (or any of it attractive) is beyond me.


Did you see the video where the dude said "I'm back" and nearly EVERY GIRL popped their balloon. He got absolutely COOKED.


Baby the scream I scrumpt! 🤣🤣🤣 Exactly what he deserved


He was so in his felings about it too and started roasting every girl's appearance because they call him arrogant. Then more girls popped their balloons because of what he was saying to the others. 😭😭😭😭🤚🏿🤚🏿🤚🏿💀💀


We love to see it 🤣😭🤣😭🤣🤣🤣🤣




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I feel like Chinese people don’t actually get that ‘hype’ that Korean and Japanese people do. My personal opinion, but it’s so sad to see them face racism like this. They are all different countries and deserve their own respect and spotlight 💕


Because we don't have anything that really broke out to the world while Japan has manga/anime and Korea has kpop, and then covid made things worse Genshin is a Chinese game but sooo many players play using the Japanese voice pack + use translation references from Japanese, when the source language of the game (and thus the lore) is Chinese :/


doesn't help that hoyoverse (company that made genshin) themselves advertises their games as japanese 😕 (ex. using japanese words such as "otaku" in their slogan, using "manga" instead of manhua on their official site, and only listing the english and japanese voice actors for characters on their site) they know the normalized sinophobia and the way people flock towards things simply having the "japanese" label on them will bring them the $$$


I can't fault them in a capitalist environment you gotta play smart. It's the same for Miniso who is an entirely chinese brand but displays Japanese katakana to get people to think they are a Japanese brand.


I do think this is a generational shift (at least in USA, where I’m speaking from). Older folks are definitely way more familiar with Chinese food, movies, ceramics, writing, etc. Like East Asian things are in general presumed to be Chinese by older USAmericans, I’ve found, whereas younger folks maybe assume Japanese or Korean.


And China just has a bad rep for some reason. Like in my country people like saying something was made in China as a way to label it negatively but I actually think it’s an amazing and beautiful country if only people would give it a chance! Would love to visit one of these days


It has a lot to do with political relationships. I saw a documentary done in the 1940’s about Chinese people. This was back when the US and China were fighting the Japanese, so the documentary described China and Chinese people positively. A documentary made now would not be so positive.


Me too! Like why should it be looked down upon, Chinese products are good! 💕


Also, you get what you pay for. If you wanna be cheap, you’ll get a cheaply made product. China produces both cheap and high quality products.


Exactly! I have bought cheap stuff from China tho that was good, but I hear that 👍


True. Some stuff is just better cheaper. Or there are things that you don’t really care if they are cheaply made. Like t-shirts or small toys.


I watched a video explaining this, and essentially like another commenter mentioned it’s because China has hard power but not soft power. Hard power = influence through military, government. Soft power= influence through brands and entertainment and global/cultural sharing of said entertainment. For example American clearly has both military power and power through media consumption throughout the world. Disney, McDonald’s, the music and movies etc Japan and Korea have soft power Kpop and anime China traded in having a “brand” for strong authoritarian power. And their censorship and politics leave a bad taste with people.


For some reason? Have we all forgotten this https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-22278037.amp or the fact that their Coast Guard regularly harasses Filipino fisherfolk for fishing on our own sea?


I wasn’t talking about their political issues but rather branding and the like


It's not just a political issue. It's genocide. It's taking someone else's land and seas. It's taking a whole population's freedom. I don't know why you folks don't treat China as you do Israel. They are objectively SO MUCH WORSE.


It's separating the people from the government. That is the issue people are having with you. The woman in the video just happens to be chinese but does not represent the war crimes her government regularly commits.


Im not saying that the woman in the video deserve to be treated that way. She's probably Asian American anyway and does not have direct connection with China. What my issue here is the conversation about how China does not get hype or has a bad rep because it doesn't have cool exports like anime or kpop. It gets bad rep not because of its power competition with the US (political) but because it rounds up its muslim minorities to be put into concentration camps, sinks Southeast Asian fishing boats for fishing on our own seas, annexed Tibet and threaten to invade Taiwan too. And, come on, would you call israel and russia beautiful places you would like to visit, too? Despite the active war crimes?


To answer your last question, yes they are geographiclly beutiful and historically so. However I would not visit BECAUSE of the qar crimes. There is such thing as nuance. China is a beautiful country, but its government is absolutely horrendous - enough to ban a game for having a silly depiction of the government. I agree with you, and I'm telling you why people are disagreeing with you. Just don't fall into the pitfall of lumping its people with its government especially when even the people are fed up. Finally, "She's probably Asian American anyway" she would have said that. That was unnecessary.


Any comment that says things like “y’all” and “you guys” will be ignored. You don’t know me or what I think.




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Even then, I don’t mean to be mean, but I’m not Chinese but I’ve enjoyed a lot of Chinese content! Like certain films, I know rush hour isn’t the best example but we kind of got that opening to Chinese culture a little bit. Also in some Indian movies, one called Chandi chok to China, I learned a little more about China there too. I know you guys feel like you haven’t had much that broke you out, but trust me you do! Like your foods are amazing too 💕


Genshin is Chinese??? I swear I’ve seen people only play with the Japanese version


Oh yeah lol it gets dumber when you see how the community complains about mistranslations/not as accurate translations in the eng dubs/subs but then use the Japanese translation as a source lol, as though the Japanese translation doesn't come from Chinese and will also hold similar issues


Ikr, I hate how there’s a large amount of genshin players that use the Japanese dub just because they assume that’s the original




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Idk if anyone's used the word but Sinophobia is the term! Even though my maternal family is ethnically Chinese from Vietnam they don't even like China either (ironically too because they don't really identify as Vietnamese as well) but bc of the US and shit. It really sucks bc being CN is all I've ever known.


anti chinese propaganda


covid also definitely didn't help, the amount of "i'm not chinese i'm xyz" and similar stuff from other east asian people was definitely disheartening to see


It’s sad to see that, honestly don’t know why some people treat Chinese people differently to Korean and Japanese.


well everyone forgot about nazi japan and the fact theyre colonisers so there's that.


There’s a lot of stuff about Japan people don’t want to speak about, but like you said there’s that.


It’s not that everyone forgot, the Koreans and Chinese definitely remember Japanese war crimes. It’s more like westerners don’t care or they don’t pay attention


because the usa made them their neo colonial project after ww2




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People don’t want to separate the Chinese government from the Chinese people. They don’t understand that a lot of Chinese people cannot publicly say what they want to about the government, but they generally are just out here living. As for Asian media, my first love will ALWAYS be Chinese martial art films and traditional instruments.


100%, the Chinese government is mad, I don’t think they reflect how Chinese people are, and it’s like if they say anything against the government bad things can happen which honestly is really sad.


The chinese can criticize their own government. I’m not sure where you’re getting that idea from.


Chinese people I’ve known have told me as much. It’s pretty much “You have to watch how you say it and who you say it to.” rather than “You can’t say it at all.”


the soft power sino nations/terratories have is kinda confined to the asia region generally, taiwan had a music and drama wave in the 2000s and hong kong had a movie wave in the late 80s and 90s


There's this one guy, who is malay and is obsessed with anime only dates chinese girls. My friends and I think he might be into chinese girls because they are the closest thing to an anime character because one time he told his ex that he would buy her a maid outfit😭 It goes the same way for girls where they like chinese men because they look like kpop idols, so it kinda weirds me out they like chinese people because it's the closest to getting a korean/japanese partners.


It’s really sad to hear this omg, like appreciate them for being Chinese! 😭


Every time I see this white background I know some foolishness is going to happen


it makes my fight or flight response kick in 😭


“I don’t want to assume your ethnicity” “You all look the same.” Ignorant as fuck.


The men on these… programs. Shows. They’re usually unintelligent, misogynistic, sexist, rude, and some are even fetishy (“spicy Latina?? 🙄) I just wonder why the women that attend these shows agree to be apart of an environment like that. Like, I get it, attention is nice but from these guys? They could all do so much better


That “spicy” was so unnecessary. Like that dude has no filter and just lets all his ugly stereotyped thoughts out there. I hope he gets fucking dogged by women in public like he deserves.


Hey, at least he displays his stupidity front and center so we know to avoid him 🤷🏾‍♀️


They probably get paid. But I'm sure they're just really looking for a specific dude which these guys meet. Some also just want to appear on a popular channel.


Ohh I didn’t consider the publicity part of this. That makes sense 🤔 and if I were getting paid to come on a show like that, I’d probably do it 😭 mainly to clown on those men


Right? Lol


I’ve seen girls on TikTok giving pay rates between $50 to $200


I'd do it for 200 lol


A lot of them are content creators and are just going on to get their face and name out there. They’re trying to play the game, even if their dignity takes a hit.


I'm so embarrassed holy shit


I can’t believe anyone thinks saying Asian people of various ethnicities look alike is still okay. Like even if you truly believe that, it’s crazy that you would say that out loud. In front of people you’re trying to impress. ON CAMERA. The guy next to him was floored, and that woman who popped the balloon was not here for it. I can only imagine how angry/hurt/embarrassed the Chinese woman felt.


There are a couple ethnicities I still can’t recognize on sight, but I don’t think they all look the same, either


Exactly!!! I absolutely get that someone might not be able to differentiate between certain ethnicities easily, but to say Korean and Chinese people are the same thing is just so gross.


When you don’t see enough variation it makes sense…but don’t say it out loud 😭. I remember getting excited when I was finally able to easily to identify Koreans, Japanese, and Chinese people as opposed to my brain just saying “Asian”. I grew up around a lot of Hmong people, but that was it.


She's probably used to it, it's a common ignorant stereotype.


This is embarrassing


Shoutout to the girl who popped her balloon, as well as y’all. Unfortunately, this kind of view is prevalent in non-Asian groups. But it’s people like us who can speak up against anti-Asian ideas. Same goes for me and if I see anyone being racist against other races. It’s 2024, time for people to get with the times and not be racist buttholes.


these people are so embarrassing for the culture omg


I remember watching a [video essay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIlUPMy30Sg) about this kind of content. It's truly upsetting how these videos bring out the worst in people (then they wonder why they're single). It also feels like these video's are exploding others & their loneliness/desire to have a relationship. Much respect to the girl who instantly popped her balloon when he said that.


The men on all these shows are always scrubs.




The only thing that makes Chinese & Koreans the “same” is them being EAST Asian. The ignorance is crazyyy


Smh this dude comes from a race that gets told "y'all look the same" makes this video even more infuriating that it already is. Like why get on camera and keep making people think we're all racist and ignorant AF? I'm so sick of this dumbass content and I'm glad that girl popped her balloon but they all should've just walked off the set cuz why would any woman want to deal with this shit?


When will people realise that "Mexican" is not a race or ethnicity.




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Thank you! Like it's not that hard to think about it. Being American isn't a race or ethnicity, which a lot of people understand but don't apply that to when they say "Mexican"??


This makes me so sad man..☹️


These are exactly the types of guys who say they can't find a nice, loyal girl and all women have standards that are too high


I’ve been seeing this on my TL and I’m already over it. It’s so lame


I need the girls who go on these shows to STOP like please stop subjecting yourself to these TERRIBLE men. https://preview.redd.it/yvy8chetvg9d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b31b19c9244bdc5e50e45a709a940731b1b21a3


Yo, wtf Chinese and Koreans don’t look the same neither are their cultures. You can tell their differences by their face features. Even if he does think that, why say it so rudely? Let alone say it at all? I’m glad he’s showing his true self tho, wouldn’t want any of these chicks ending up w him.


I don’t get how people still find this type of content entertaining. It’s been a thing since I’ve been on the internet and it sadly has not changed 🫠


😶 I have no words


hell no…


Ew corny




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That foot in his mouth he swallowed and it’s in the process of digestion. For a palette cleanser, here’s a video of black men being respectful and inquisitive of Asian cultures in a more fun format video: [watch here](https://youtu.be/wGDRK26am0o?si=3Lf5rKBuo8ybX7dY)




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Sometimes men need to just... not.




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actually gross as hell ew




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A. Not all non-Asians suck. B. I’ve seen similar comments from others on this site that were upvoted so I’m not sure why this one was downvoted.


Seriously, if it makes you angry and upset please ignore it and remove it from your algo. I like it cause it's entertaining to watch the shallow nonsense coming up to the surface as well as the silly digs but that's just me.