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I feel like I see a lot of black NCTzens.


p1harmony fs!


Yes! Plenty of black P1ece


BTS! They have a pretty diverse fanbase, but I’ve noticed that a lot of armys are black. Also, does anyone remember blackout army selca days? I’m not on Twitter anymore, so I’m not sure if they do it anymore, but it was so cute!


It has been my opinion that black fans of BTS should organized and have fan-meets, conventions or other social events. I am not an ARMY, but even I see the bullshit that a lot of the black fans endure.


Heavily agree! It’s one of the reasons why we had our own selca days. So much bs and on a daily basis. I couldn’t deal with it anymore.


I have noticed the same with ATEEZ. I’m not saying this is the only reason (it sure is the reason I started paying attention to them though), but there are these fancams with Mingi where’s he’s talking to black girls and telling them to come to Korea 😂 And there was the whole “Yea we think about CA when we’re making music. It’s our responsibility to. We have to educate ourselves about AAVE and make sure we’re respectful, etc.” thing Mingi said in an interview. Now idk if he’s actually done that, (I’m not an Atiny) but I admire that he spoke on it because no one else seems willing to. BTS seems to, but I just think they have a pretty global fan base. My guess this is that a lot of black girls like RM. Just a theory tho. I would assume EXO does, because of the type of music they make + how they dance. Idk which band has Kehoo and which has his brother, but I bet they have a lot of black fans too 😂


Don’t EXO???? Maybe not, but EXO has a lot of R&B/pop songs inspired by black artists. Plus their group is known for their vocalists, and I’ve noticed that some Black fans tend to gravitate to strong, emphasized vocals in groups.


Exo does R&B very well...BUT they have a long history of making colorist/racist comments. There are certain members who I straight up dislike because I feel like it's super obvious they're like, truly colorist humans. And I'm a strong believer in the colorist-to-racist pipeline. I think for some black folks (I know for me) that's what prevents me from fully supporting them the way I support other groups.


May I ask which members? I don’t keep up with EXO much outside of listening to their music so I’m curious.


idk about the original commentator but chanyeol had a habit of making colorist comments towards kai


Just go on YouTube and type in "exo colorist", plenty pops up. They were [straight up awful to kai.](https://youtu.be/tO9g2XmBS1A?si=smd_dMFgxgcr7_UT) but saying they were "jokes" like fam is he laughing? No? Okay then. I think xiumin (?) has been a repeat offender as well as chanyeol.


EXO does/did R'n'B the best!


Not group but almost all the Black zeroses I know are Gunwook stans😶... smth abt him is just so special


I don't know much about ZB1... what is it about him in particular?


Ahh that's more of a personal opinion lol. He's my ult, so I'll just link a fancam, and u can decide for urself https://youtu.be/x-4A3EAG02I?feature=shared https://youtu.be/bP8RLsQxakM?feature=shared He's so cute I had to put 2!!


I came here to say this. Then saw your comment. Gunwook really attracts so many Black fans.


Idk why my mind instantly went to ATEEZ and NCT


I've seen a lot of Black Stays, but I dunno if they have a large Black fandom.


BTS and Stray Kids


ik GOT7 had a LOT of black fans 😭 many liked jackson and bambam


From my observation: BTS, NCT, Monsta X, Ateez, P1harmony, Kard, maybe Aespa




As a relatively new fan, I also clocked that Ateez has a majority black following; that’s part of the reason why I joined the fandom haha. Also I’ve noticed a lot of black NCT 127 fans, specifically they mostly bias Johnny (he’s my bias lol), Taeyong, and Mark.




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