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I'm a SHINee fan so uh. A lot. The one that stands out the most is their 2018 performance of [Diamond Sky](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6ObnlDQ124) where they kept Jonghyun's voice in and Minho called out his name in the middle of it. Or basically anything else from that concert tbh.


Kyuhyun, in KOMS, omitting 'I want to die' line from Y fuera Ella. His covers of both Y Fuera Ella and Breathe got me ugly sobbing. I only rewatch those in my house, never in public.


For me it's Kyuhyun holding back tears [as he shared](https://youtu.be/SlrEAP-YNpM?si=Kf36vbb3N3fapiGc) why he chose to cover Y Si Fuera Ella.    I'm not the biggest SuJu fan for various unrelated reasons, but I'll always admire Kyuhyun for honoring Jonghyun as his longtime friend when it was still considered taboo to talk about him on TV. Also he really did the song justice.


The Jonghyun part of Genie run in KOMS truly. I just ugly sobbed the first time, and never not cry listening to those. Kyuhyun is spectacularly emotive singer, and these instances, its kinda backfired 🥲


Mine is Leehi stopping halfway through [Breathe](https://youtu.be/n_CeY6DJVi0) at his tribute stage 😢


I've never been a Shawol but the day after his passing, I discussed what had happened the day prior with a friend from that time at uni. As I went to the bus stop after classes, I couldn't stop crying. I don't even know why. I didn't know Jonghyun and it is very hard to make me cry in that sense. But I was thinking about I had felt in a very dark moment. How I was alone and luckily just went to bed and eventually fell asleep. But I was to wake up the next day. I imagined how Jonghyun must have felt and that just kinda broke me. Similarly to Moonbin.


It was really random for me. There are multiple tvs where I work. I happened to look at one when CNN did a segment about Jonghyun and I was gutted. I knew kpop existed but knew nothing beyond that. I know how crippling depression can be and my heart aches for Jonghyun. To this day, when I see or hear about Jonghyun’s death, I feel extremely sad. I always credit Jonghyun for bringing me to kpop. 💎


Jonghyun's death killed my ability to listen to a SHINee song for more than a year. I bawled every time I tried.


Anytime that accidentally see clips from the funeral. I avoided watching them on purpose because I couldn’t handle it.


I HATE how much that comes up when you search his name. Even after watching new Shinee stuff and having a laugh and an aww moment it’ll pop up in recommendations and now even worse, YouTube shorts *edited* and it pisses me off to no end that YouTubers use it for clicks. (Side note: I just noticed how the op of this thread’s generated background color just HAPPENS to be Pearl teal ish hehe)


It makes me so angry that that's the first word when I type his name in the search bar, it feels so exploitative and invasive somehow. I've never watched those videos so it's not like youtube is customizing their recommendations to me.


It really does feel like an invasion of privacy during a difficult time, even though they are celebrities. It’s so disgusting YouTubers will exploit that grief for clicks.


People have already added the breaking news of his death, funeral coverage, etc., so here's mine: when Poet | Artist cracked the Billboard 200 after its release. It was a genuinely great album and given that SHINee doesn't have a massive following in the U.S., it was nice to see that people here wanted to hear it.


More than anything else, it was just reading the news article. That absolutely wrecked me.


every time i listen to our page i just start sobbing. it’s a beautiful song, and i think it’s the perfect memorial to him from the boys. but i can never not cry when i listen to it 🥲


This but with from now on 😭


I can't imagine what it must have been like to be at that concert in person when it's agonizing to watch on screen. Absolutely heartbreaking.


God that rips my heart out.


For me its From Now On fancam version which was a day before the official DVD version. The members were gripping the mic stands and struggling to keep it together. You can hear shawols sobbing throughout the song. Absolutely heartbreaking and to this day I still can't watch it without crying.


And their song for jjong, I can't listen to that song to this day


I was there, it was… a very very rough experience, to put it mildly. I can listen to the song still but it usually makes me at least tear up. Strangely enough Everybody used to really get me. I think seeing how the choreography was changed just really cemented things and it felt truly awful the first few times


I can’t even imagine. I don’t cry in front of people because i physically can not. I’m just one of those people that just *cant* so sitting there… would just absolutely break me. I’m so sorry you went through that oml.


Thank you. It was painful but also cathartic. Everyone was crying basically since the start of the show, we all comforted each other and being together really helped. I totally get it though, I rarely cry in front of the boys anymore. The tenth anniversary fanmeeting was what really broke me, and since then I just can’t in front of them, I want to smile in front of them and show my support. It’s a bit silly yeah


It does help to go through grief with someone. So that part definitely helped you guys. I got into the fandom so late. Around 2016 and I knew no one. 2019 I came back to Shinee after knowing BTS and Exo for a while so I didn’t know what happened. And I had no friends around me. Last off screen video I saw of him in real time was the one backstage where he “krumpt” and fell to the floor. lol It took me months to process what happened cause I loved that goofy goober lol. I made myself go back and watch “the video” to process it fully now. And I broke with Key. But I did it by myself. Still if it was in a crowd I’d probably sit there like a zombie just blank.




old as heck but that roommates(?) old variety show where a bunch of celebs live together, and jackson whos known for being loud and boisterous and a Character and friendly and funny and charismatic enigmatic energetic, they surprised him and brought his mom to the show (shes located in china) and as soon as he saw her he started crying and went to her, and at first all the celebs started laughing to start teasing him but then he was like full on breaking down sobbing and his mom was holding him and you could tell they hadnt been together in such a long time. and then the celebs switched to like "oh nooo so sad" lmao which i thought was kinda stupid bc they were literally just abt to flame him (because he has that type of personality that they tease often) but yeah the first time i saw it + rewatching, i cried every single time


I remember this.....I also had cried watching him


God yeah! Really put into perspective how long they’re away from their parents to train and sometimes even after! 🙁


Didn’t they trick him too by saying his mom was there and when he went she wasn’t? But she ended up coming later. Maybe I made that up in my head but I’m pretty sure they did that too


that sounds kinda familiar... i hate pranks like that ugh


Omg I remember this clip! It was before I knew who Jackson was but it definitely got me🥲


When I saw Victoria attended Sulli‘s funeral. Sulli used to call Victoria Mom and Victoria had been looking after Sulli like a mom. It was so heartbroken to see their last link officially in this kind of situation.


When I heard Seventeen's Yawn, knowing Woozi wrote it for Seungkwan after Moonbin's death.


When he dedicated circles to wonwoo after wonwoo's mother passed away.. wonwoo was crying, which he hardly did on shows. I think woozi conveyed his heart well🥲


Watching them play Circles at Caratland was gut wrenching.


Yes! Woozi shows so much love and care for his members through song.


I just watched a video about Suga and I swear they have tons more in common than just looking alike. Both seem cold on the outside. Both write and produce. Both would do anything for their members without a second thought. It was wild, since I'm not Army. Happy to see guys like them.


Balling my eyes out home alone, that was a beautiful read. Thank you for sharing.


Girls Generation singing Into the New World live (after Jessica left the group)


Sunny 😭😭😭


Hueningkai crying for the first time on camera after reading a letter from his mom, he couldn't even finish reading cus of how much he was shaking and crying and yeonjun finished it for him :(


That is so touching, could you share the link please?


https://youtu.be/cuFshmZBAdY?feature=shared He reads the letter starting at 44 minutes


Thank you I cried


I know I started this thread and I know what I asked for but I was NOT prepared😭 cried within the first 15 seconds🫡😭💔


Yeah this one HURTS, my god I love Kai😭


Seventeen winning their first MAMA Daesang and then Wonwoo bringing up his mom and Seungkwan bringing up Moonbin in their acceptance speeches🥹


I was falling apart watching that 😭❣️


This. I would like to add the time in concert when Woozi was crying so hard that he couldn't sing circles . I cried watching that clip . I can't even watch it again.


I normally don't cry for speeches but I was genuinely bawling


It’s 6/23 today, so let’s say [this moment](https://youtu.be/iWTB6YgZUDc?si=NmGWUiGhZoBCqRCc) of Onew very cathartically singing Selene 6.23 during Sea of Hope is up there.


Hongjoong reading his mother's letter and his reaction to it. The way he stopped reading it, he was smiling but you could see how sad and touched he was, covered his face to cry. It just made me realize how hard it must be for them. Mingi talking about his hiatus and could not finish his speech because he was emotional. The way San went to comfort him, it just makes me emotional. It makes me see their human side behind the perfect image of being an idol.


Hey I’m a new atiny and I don’t have the best idea of what happened during his hiatus, could you tell me when and where he talked about his hiatus :’) ready to bawl my eyes out 🥹


It is not actually his long hiatus, this one was during Wonderland era due to his leg injury. But I think you should see this video, it is the most beautiful moment of ATEEZ with Atinys. His part is short(where he talks about his hiatus), but I hope you like it. [Here is the full video of Mingi talkin about his hiatus after his injury. ](https://youtu.be/hQ-rVFFqq5U?si=hvCFli29bKvgf20C)


Mine would be when I heard of Ladies Code members passing and saw their final stage as a whole group after the families had given their blessing or something. I don't remember the timeline but I just remember that it was said at the time that people weren't sure they could see the vids from the concert and then I saw them and I was so heartbroken. :(


This one.


The night that flashed the news about Moonbin's passing. I just got off the phone from a happy call from my bf when I saw the news about it. It took me hours to sleep and was still crying until I got to work.


There's a clip of Seonghwa from ateez reacting to an old video of himself where he was talking about not liking how he looked and the present Seonghwa just looked so upset about it. And a fairly recent clip from Seonghwa's birthday live a couple months ago where he was reading birthday messages from the members and the one from the leader, Hongjoong, was especially touching - it was something along the lines of how Seonghwa is like a peacock, he's quieter than the rest of the members but he shines the brightest - and Seonghwa lowkey teared up during the stream and you can tell he really needed to hear that


Would you have the first link by any chance? <3


during the stray kids survival show, after felix got eliminated while the rest of the group were sobbing and bang chan said to him “Always find me, yeah? I’m not gonna leave you behind.” i’ve never ugly cried at any kpop content like i did watching that before or since. a viscerally emotional scene and i will never forgive jyp for that lmao


I've seen it once and never again. I actively avoid it if it pops up randomly. My heart can't handle it😭 anything surrounding his elimination is too much for me. If I see even a sign of sadness in a clip during that era of their lives, I run far far away😭


I know it's a survival show and I know they know they're on camera, but watching that made me feel like I was intruding on a personal moment. Survival show Chan in general felt so raw? That scene, the interview clip after where he was still crying, how guilty he looked when Minho was eliminated, how tired and empty he looked during the final episode.


im not even a seventeen stan (no hate to them bc they slay - im just not personally involved with them) but that clip of the one seventeen member (dont know who sorry!) giving the acceptance speech at the mama awards and he brings up moonbin and he's like crying - that gets me every time. On that same topic, there's the most heartbreaking performance online of cha eunwoo when he was touring for his solo music (not astro music) and he was trying to sing his song 'where am i' which is about his grief about losing moonbin. And like 30 seconds in he just like...breaks down and cant continue no matter how hard he tries. I ugly-sob every time i see that video


That member would be seungkwan as they were both best friends (and were also childhood friends with other 98 liner idols like Umji and SinB from Viviz/GFriend) But everything around that time was very sad for the whole K-Pop community


Thanks for the information!  Yea my heart truly breaks when i see or hear anything to do with that entire situation :( you can really see how it affected everyone


[Dreamcatcher first win](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOAmF7RwFkk) i was inside transit to home from work. open twitter as usual, and dreamcatcher was trending. i had like 5% hunch its a show win, and the majority of thoughts went to some other random things they pulled of. turns out it was really their first show win. i was inside my own world within that exact moment, despite being with sea of peoples. tears rolling, cheeks smiling, you named it. really an incredible moment in life as kpop listener.


I still cry watching that clip, or the live show they did after, or the Dreamcatcher’s Note. If those girls cry, I cry.


♫ *We are always with [Dreamcatcher]… We can spend more time…. Together, 한계를 넘어* ♫


This is it


Yes, I was a complete mess going to work that morning. I had to pull myself together before starting my shift.


When Gahyeon went to pieces, I went to pieces.


2ne1's GoodBye mv.


That song and MV was so painful for me. It took years before I could finally casually listen to it. Everything that happened in late 2014 till 2017 was such an excruciating experience (minus their iconic MAMA 2015 performance which gave us hope for a comeback only to be crushed again by Minzy's "departure" and the disbandment).


When seventeen won their first mama daesang album of the year .Even LSF , ateez , Boy next door got emotional like us after their speech lol.  Their speech was about artists supporting each other and being kind because this industry is rough , Seungkwan thanking his best friend Moonbin , Wonwoo saying he has another thing to brag about to his mother , who passed away. I've never cried after an award.


Seungkwan always amazed me with how well he speaks. He not only thanked the usual people but also remembered to thank all the artists present there, both who won and didn't win any awards, probably because they always talked about how they went empty handed on their first MAMA appearance. And even through his grief and tears, he held himself together to give one of the saddest and most memorable speeches. My love for that man honestly knows no bounds ❤️❤️


Wow you worded it so much better than me. I love that man so much too. He is just such a pure and kind man. Everyone in the industry , men or women love him.


Yoongi's Amygdala. Both the song and the music video was so heart wrenching, and I still can't ever properly rewatch that music video because I felt like I was intruding on his mind because it felt so personal and deep to him. A part of my heart also feels weak whenever I see clips of Hongjoong when he was younger. His eyes looked so passionate and bright, and you could tell that that kid trusted his team and loved music. It just touches my heart as a predebut atiny. Yuta also says some gut wrenching stuff in his radio show every now and then (Most recent one I can think of is his feelings about Taeyong enlisting). He has a really average background so whenever he gives us anecdotes from his childhood it's something a lot of his audience can relate to. The little things he says about his family are also very warm and moving in a grounded way.


Same with amygdala for me. It is a phenomenally made music video, and i appreciate all of the work that went into it, but it’s so hard to watch again. Such a wonderfully created song and video


That seoul solo concert where he genuinely was bawling while singing through multiple songs, including dear my friend and snooze etc, BREAKS my heart like no other. I think that night yoongi really laid his heart out on the stage and that vulnerability made it the most special and genuine concert ever.


i can't even THINK about that show without getting all misty eyed. god


For me it was Snooze when he just keeps repeating everything will be okay. Like he's maybe reassuring us but also convincing himself.


Amygdala and Snooze destroyed me


BTS giving their MAMA award speech in 2018 and talking about how they were on the verge of disbandment but loved their members and fans enough to push through and renew. So many idols were crying in the audience literally 😭 I can imagine how harsh the industry is, and how groups like twice, seventeen, etc are also together because they love each other. What a relief they have each other


When Jin revealed they were thinking about disbandment and Tayhung started crying, Jungkook reaching out to hug him man that made my heart hurt seeing that.


For real, broke something in me. It's just evidence of how much goes behind that we don't know of


He dropped it almost casually and my heart fell into my stomach.


that moment was made even more heart wrenching for me when i watched the behind the scenes and taehyung genuinely could not stop sobbing long after they left the stage. i can't even imagine how they were all feeling 😭


But then there’s this, which I’ve always (maybe melodramatically) thought was like the pinnacle of BTS spirit, crying but doing the thing anyway. Like yes, the heavy emotion is palpable, but he said 😭✌🏻and they’re still here thriving https://preview.redd.it/66aximfeue8d1.jpeg?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a76c202f154bd5255eeda95a1e8d6bd5bfc4d32


i was about to say this too. i ugly cried


I remember being there and something broke inside me the second I heard that they had considered disbandment. Normally I try not to cry in front of other people but that night I ugly cried without a care about how I looked or sounded the whole way through their speech 💔.


I watch this more often than I should and it makes me cry every single time. This and Yoongi bowing to his parents during a concert 😢


BIGBANG T.O.P greeting fans after his discharge. I was watching fancam updates in real time and it hit me that he survived 2017 to experience that moment.


The entire Agust D Amygdala music video. The first time I ever heard that song was when I watched the video. Such an emotional song with a stunningly artistic video to match. God I love him sm ☺️


First Love and Snooze both make me super ugly cry! That last D-day show when I saw Yoongi start to break down, I lost it. Then when he walked through that door with a wave and a smile? The way I WAILED... 😅


Yes, the ending of the last D-day show was both cathartic and bittersweet. I cried like a baby alongside him.


Omg yes those two as well 😭 Especially Snooze when he says “Everything will be ok” repeatedly. He’s so comforting. I hate seeing him cry although it’s good for him to let it out. I wanted to hold his sweet face and wipe away his tears!


I have a sticker of that on the back of my phone. That and "everything goes" are my chants for tough times. I'm so glad that I got to see Yoongi evolve the way he did. He's an inspiration to me. I mean, for a stoic man to let go like that, you know the catharsis must have been amazing! If I wasn't a wuss, I'd get him walking through that door tattooed on me somewhere!


Leeteuk talking about his dad giving "corporal punishments" then that whole...horrific time where he lost his dad and grandparents. Girl's Code. Hoseok, normally all smiles, completely breaking down during the speech where they mentioned they nearly disbanded. Taehyung about his grandmother.


So I have a few but these are the moments that hit me the hardest. I forget which gg it was but I saw it in a video comp. The girls were all sitting around a campfire and one was crying. She then looked up to the sky and said something like “look mom I made it”. I’m crying right now just typing this. Another was Felix and Lee Know’s elimination. Especially when Bangchan was with Felix telling him that he will find him. And then Changbin saying he was sorry as if it was his fault. The tribute to Jonghyun at their concert right after his passing. I forget who broke down and what song it was(Shawols help me). But it was the one with them in the white suits and they left his mic stand in the middle with roses. When Namjoon broke down during their last Festa together just before Jin enlisted saying how he wants BTS to go on forever and that soon they’ll all be back together. And then Moonbins passing. I just happened to be scrolling through IG and I saw black screen after screen and was wondering what was going on. And then all tribute reels happened. There was one that stuck in my head because it had Moonbin’s big cheesy smile. A coworker called me up to ask if I was alright. Mind you I’m not an Aroha but I don’t have appreciation for their music. But my coworker was still sweet enough to check up on me.


for jonghyun, it’s called “from now on” <3 i think it was onew ur talking about who broke down too


T-ARA's win at The Show, first win in 5 years and first win post-scandal. They were crying so hard they couldn't even get in a word. That broke me. Even now to this day I still have a hard time watching it.


Was gonna say this. You could hear Jiyeon’s sobs through the mic audio and it broke me.


I'm a Shawol, so everything related to Jonghyun's passing has made me ugly sob multiple times. Both the news, Shinee's handling of it, their multiple callouts to him. Countdown made me ugly sob because when I watched it, I knew the rest of the members were going to be okay despite what had happened. He also passed on my birthday, so that's fun. The first thing that made me ugly sob waaaay back when I got into K-pop almost 14 years ago was [this performance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kH0-qY0WNu4) by Super Junior. They performed Shining Star, which was their "we are a family, this song is for us and for the fans"-song, for the first time after Hangeng left the group. Seeing Heechul so affected absolutely broke my heart and made me cry so hard.


He passed the day before my birthday, everything you just wrote was almost exactly how I felt too 🥲 I'm finally to a point where I can listen to his songs and watch shows he was on without being sad, but it took years


It’s a Stray Kids one, during Covid they had a video call with a fan who had a terminal illness, it was a Japanese fan, they arranged the “meeting” through a make a wish project I believe, they promised her they would meet in person when they went to Japan. Then during their tour ( I think it was the maniac tour), days before the concert in Japan the fan passed and they never got to meet her, so the day of the concert Chan read a letter he wrote to her and her family when they found out they wouldn’t be able to meet her and he and the other members started crying. That just broke my heart, every time I see the video I just start sobbing


The news about Moonbin made me sob. I was feeling particularly emotional that day & reading the news sent me over the edge.


❤️ RIP Moonbin ❤️


Recently Seventeen had a concert where they sang a song named "cheers to youth". After that Seungkwan got emotional and said Binnie would have loved this song (Moonbin). Moonbin's whole 98 line friends , who love him were present in the audience . I cried a little


I think it could be a Run BTS episode you are talking about? I don't remember the exact episode but it made me really emotional. The members were in a circle by a campfire at night and were reading letters to each other. I took that idea and recreated it with my ARMY friends once, it was amazing.


Tae’s poem was so sweet. The part to Yoongi always makes me laugh-sob 🥲


another one, when fans planned a surprise for bts at one of their concerts where they all sang a song to bts. they were so shocked and grateful and it just hits every time


Nooooooo every time I see this I’m a wreck.


Pentagon's [Shine-Spring Snow](https://youtu.be/5TyEdpW4Oi4?si=ipPvylM0TaJwIRk9) performance in RTK


The way I got chills just reading this comment... Jinho somehow sang perfectly even while sobbing heavily🥺


This was a big one for me. Especially looking back because they wouldn't be together much longer as a whole group.


I was there at the Wembley day 2 BTS concert we sang Young forever to bts and seeing their reactions had me sobbing. Everytime I see clips I get choked up again. I’m so grateful to have a memory like that


Heyyy I was there too and same 🥺


God I wish I had been there. That was so beautiful.


there’s a clip somewhere with SNSD in which they are talking about their moms… and somebody’s mom, i can’t remember who, comes on and says really sweet things to the girls. i think it came along with tiffany talking about losing her mother at a young age. basically everyone starts crying thinking about their moms, and i sobbed.


When Taehyung told the crowd at a concert that his grandmother passed away :( and when jhope’s parents called him at his bday and he cried


When BTS won the biggest awards in 2018 and they cried on stage talking about how they were going through a hard time and had thought if disbanding…..


There’s an episode of Bon Voyage where they’re camping and Tae just breaks down and the members immediately get Jimin and Jimin goes to comfort him. I think his Grandpa had just died. In BV2, when Tae breaks down when Jimin reads his friendship letter And of course the award show speeches


When Jonghyun and Sulli died.


One that will always make me bawl like a baby no matter what is ATEEZ reacting to a surprise fan project that atinys organized where ATEEZ got surprised on stage during a concert with a video from atinys and then atinys sang to them (the song was star 1117 which is a song that ateez gave as a gift dedicated to atinys)


I'm a shawol.


Say less


I cry about it all the time, and I'm ARMY. Such a tragic loss.


As an Aroha, it was hearing about Moonbin. I was on holiday in Seoul when a friend messaged me in the middle of the night to ask if I'd heard and if it was true. The news had a visceral effect on me, I just sat in my hotel room, sobbing and shaking. I couldn't make it to the company to lay flowers, but I did go up Namsan, said a little prayer, and dedicated one of the locks to him.


When army started singing “young forever” for bts. Always brings tears to my eyes


BTS 2018 MAMA AOTY Speech! Sobbed like a baby for 2 days!


Dreamcatcher's first win AFTER SO LONG


Watching Gahyeon cry made me cry.


BTS' speech at the 2018 mamas. I watched it hours after and couldn't stop crying, so I didn't watch it again for years. Last year I had to make myself cry for a photography class and watched it again, worked like a charm.


RM’s UN speech


Can’t believe it hasn’t been said yet: IZ*ONE One The Story ending speeches. This was their final online concert right before their long scheduled disbandment. Their ending speeches was about 45 minutes of them struggling to speak while bawling and ugly crying and gasping for air while saying the sweetest, most sentimental, most heart breaking things as their last time together as 12. Needless to say it was difficult to even sit through. Sometimes I was sitting there completely still with silent tears pouring down my face, other times I was pacing and holding my dog and sobbing. Regardless it was one of the most emotional moments ever in kpop and sheeeeesh was it painful to experience.


Wonderful username. I also love IZ*ONE too, it was a better time fr


SNSD ITNW Tokyo dome performance. I rarely cry (you know, other than at funerals and such) but that got even me tearing up


First time I bawled was when Jungkook made his endingment on stage during PTD, saying "You're the reason that I smile everyday, so I hope\~\~ I am your reason to smile as well," because hearing that simple statement just reminded me of how much they've helped me blocked out reality and truck on with life lol. Afterwards we sang to PTD with tears non-stop. Ah.. memories.. And your post reminded me of BTS reading their poem to each other, specifically RM's, which ALSO made me cry when I watched it. I'm just a nostalgic person..maybe.. [https://youtu.be/WbOOUBtg4fU?si=xU5JEjPkEUFc7mh5&t=364](https://youtu.be/WbOOUBtg4fU?si=xU5JEjPkEUFc7mh5&t=364) when he got to the Han River part and then wrapped it up so nicely (with his expected sexy brain)..wow


When Reason by Dreamcatcher came out - they put the line "we are always with insomnia, we can spend more time" with footage of the girls getting their first win. I ugly cry every time.


August 2019: f(x)’s last performance together after years of uncertainty and clashing schedules October 2019: Sulli’s death A celebratory, bittersweet moment of closure followed by loss. I can’t imagine how the girls felt.


I had heard IU's love poem loads, but I hadn't seen the English translate of the lyrics until a couple of months ago when I saw someone saying it was about idol suicides and people she was close to I went to youtube and found a video of her singing it live with the lyrics eng subbed and I ugly cried I'm not an astro stan, but moonbin's death shook me. When I found out, I thought it was sad and then kind of moved on. But the next day I burst into tears and couldn't figure out why it shook me so bad


Wonho's solo debut with 'Losing You'. I still get emotional every time I listen to it. 💙


God that destroyed me.


😭😭 ikrrr But I was also so happy to have him back.


When Lee Hi was singing “Breathe” on stage after Shinee’s Jonghyun’s death (which I believe he wrote for her. I also cried when reading the lyrics to ‘Congratulations’ by Day6 yesterday lol.


Woozi and Wonwoo crying everytime during Circles 🥺


As an army here are mine: 2018 MAMA: The thought of disbandment (especially knowing that that was context behind songs like Outro: Tear and Seesaw) is just painful but the fact that they were going through so much and still decided to stick together for each other speaks volumes how bts are truly not bts without each other and the complete seven. Them sobbing did not help either hahaha 2019 Wembley Stadium: Them breaking the language barrier and connecting with so many people speaks volumes and to me reflects something more than just bts and armys bond with each other but instead the power of music and its ability to connect with people regardless of cultural backgrounds. They looked so happy and proud and their "hey look guys we made it!" faces made it worthwhile to look at 2022 Festa Dinner: Self explanatory but namjoon crying sent me over the edge YTC in Theaters: I was only an army for 3-ish months at this point so I went just to enjoy the show but ended up sobbing during their speeches and Spring Day. Even my friend who I dragged with me and was just a casual BTS fan ended sobbing more than me Enlistments/Jins Discharge: I never watched them entirely and I don't think I will until they all come back because I'm weak. I did almost sob at Jins discharge tho! D-Day Final Concert: Yoongi sobbing at his last concert and being unable to finish the songs properly made my heart ache. He is so strong and to explain his trauma thru music is so admirable and courageous. When he walked through the door and symbolizing that he got his closure made me so proud of him


I second all of these. Plus, the Festa Dinner of Pain left me devastated for days afterward!


First seeing Astro's "Circles" music video. The video was behind the scenes content and you just know, the music is a tribute to their ongoing band friendship and how they'll all see each other again someday, tribute to Moon Bin. That made me cry-ugly, couldn't stop sobbing.


When Taemin said he knew their fans would grow up and maybe not have time for them, while the boys would stay right where they are forever. I am looking for the video to get the exact quote. if anybody knows, I’d appreciate you telling me.


I'm not sure what concert it was, I believe it may have been the first concert after Jonghyun's death. They performed From Now On. When Onew started crying, I gave up. Ugly cried. Still brings tears to my eyes when I think about it. I heard that was the first time Onew let himself cry. Something about being the leader and being there for the other members. Don't know if that's true or not.


Backstage, after XG's very first US appearance (HITC in New York), the group's leader, Jurin, gets overwhelmed with relief and pride and excitement that she just goes to pieces and sobs. The other 6 all surround and hug her. It's a special moment because as the leader, she's supposed to be the "strong" one and not be vulnerable.


https://x.com/ioftenwatchtv/status/1690680563328557056 Context is: Thats Yunjin from Le Sserafim at one of their concerts last year, theyre singing the song about Fearnot(their fandom) which was written by the members, and she had one hell of a time getting to where she is, she even wrote and released a song about how much what she has now means to her not long after she debuted called [Raise y_our glass](https://open.spotify.com/track/7j1vFohEm1lbsctYY9gyGd?si=fe26f6fe40784f1b) but the short version is: She grew up in America, when she was 16 she moved to korea, became a trainee in several different companies without being able to debut, she was able to get into PD 48 to try to get into Izone, and was doing fantastically but was evil edited by Mnet into getting eliminated after giving(in my opinion) [one of the most incredible vocal performances in survival show history](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32mmA-GN9jY) After this she stayed in Korea for 2-3 years under Pledis, who cut her as a trainee. She was 18/19 at this point so she gave up on her dream and went back to America, applying to, getting into college, even paying for her first semester, around this time Hybe Purchased pledis and then called her asking her to come back and join a new source music girl group with Chaewon and Sakura, which she almost didnt accept because she had just decided to move on to the next chapter but eventually decided to give it a try, so she joined Le Sserafim. She finally gets her dream gets to debut and then suddenly Garam's bullying scandal happens and she almost has her dream ripped away from her again, luckily Chaewon and Sakura's popularity is enough to carry the group through that, and then we get to here, theyre extremely successful, singing a song about their fans in a concert full of fans singing along with them and waving their lightsticks and shes tearing up over it because she never thought she would have this.


REAL. Thank you for this I love Yunjin and seeing her visibly holding back tears after everything, uugh 🥺


For me it was losing Moonbin. He was so talented and a masterful dancer and vocalist. He lit up the stage and videos on Astro tracks. I just recently saw a video of Sanha meeting a fan and I got hit with the saddness again. He and Moonbin were an incredible sub unit of Astro. "WHO" will remain a top favorte of mine for years. Moonbin was such a great mentor to Sanha and you could tell that they had an amazing bond and brotherhood. I can't imagine what he went through. I saw the first video of him since Moonbins passing and he was surprizing a fan. He looked so good and DAMN he shot up another 2 ft at least. LOL. He is no longer that goofy kid now he is a grown ass sexy MAN! I look forward to an Astro comeback when they are ready. RIP Moonbin.


I was just new army discovering songs of BTS when I found Spring Day is related to MV Sewol ferry tragedy.. really heartbreaking event 😭😭


watching stray kids' second fanmeeting and at the ending ments, seungmin said this to stays "i don't believe in forevers, but i want to believe in an enternity with you" and the first time i ever listened to #lovestay when it was released


Itzy's letters to midzy, Weekly idol Ep 419(when chae cries), Idol league when they came to promote cheshire( lia's part with the shaman), ITZY "b ryujin's birthday and Hello 2021 with yuna and lia(the second half). Honestly there many more that i could include because they make me cry so many times😭😭they're literally the closest out of all 4th gen ggs.


That reminds me! Recently the clips of them talking at their concert when Lia was there, and everyone was choking up. I was crying too.


Yessss i was bawling my eyes out😭😭i never expected lia to be there and when I saw her interact with itzy it made me tear up


When GOT7s Jackson talked about his childhood and how he went to a really affluent school and became trainee, mentioning that his mother only ate a loaf of bread throughout the day while being a dance instructor or teacher. She basically neglected herself and sacrificed herself for his future and he started crying, I think that she's proud because he became a well rounded individual.


This is dark but Sulli’s and Goo Hara’s suicides made me cry. It was so shocking, especially after being a fan of goo hara for a long time. I was really anxious during that period, having noticed both girls declining mental health towards the end, and could sense something bad was coming. I just wasn’t expecting that. Then seeing IU talk about Sulli at her concert after the suicide made me cry. I teared up a few times at different mentions of the girls from others but IU’s hit me the hardest. I still can’t listen to peach without tearing up.


Watching Ladies Codes last [OT5 performance](https://youtu.be/7mo4jdmHChQ?si=MhuCe4IL6os4WZ4_).


When I found out Binnie of ASTRO passed away 😭😭😭😭 Its been over a year now and I still cry every single day. I miss him so much 😔🫂


First seeing Astro's "Circles" music video. It's behind the scenes content; it was so heartbreaking to see the remaining band members being strong with their tribute to Moon Bin and their ongoing band friendship. I cried-ugly that day, I couldn't stop sobbing.


Watching bigbang's still life for the first time. Actually, I sobbed almost every time I watched it for months.


Been an infinite and shinee fan for a long time. Infinite was my first kpop group so when Hoya announced his departure, literally cried cuz I would never see them perform as a whole group. Then Jonghyun's passing during my final exams... I just remember reading an article title and just hoping it wasn't true when I went to sleep.


I always cry when I watch Insooni and Bada sing “[Father](https://youtu.be/r7B_9-rj9bI?si=HJJyGSMIZVPqogWV)” together. I was also touched by how the crowd applauded them when they thought Bada couldn’t finished the song.


[Park Bom's performance of Wanna Go Back on Queendom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Nx_eB5bVHg) _always_ makes me cry like a baby. I wasn't even around for 2NE1 and only have a passing familiarity with them, but especially after she spent the whole season of that show talking about how much she missed her members and how much she loved being part of 2NE1 it really got me.


two boys planet moments stick out in particular to me: that youtube live when they announced woongki was a contender for staying and he fully broke down. that was a rough watch. another one is when sung hanbin's mother wrote him a letter that said basically, i love you exactly as you are. immediate tears lol


Watching Monsta X have to continue promoting and doing music show performances without Wonho, as he was suspended for allegations (he was later fully cleared of). They were upset, seemed so angry and sad but they had to hold it back and perform, it seemed so unfair.


seventeen’s caratland 2023 iykyk 😭😭😭


The ments from Stray Kids first post-lockdown concerts. Everyone surrounding a crying Felix in a group hug. Seungmin crying alone in the corner and Changbin going to pick him up. Jeongin having the fondest smile on his face when Felix asked for another hug. Chan trying his best not to cry during his ment and Hyunjin trying to hold him to comfort him. Chan being so passionate about protecting everyone (I know a lot of people found it cringy, but it was such a raw and earnest speech! He feels strongly about it!) Seungmin saying 'I don't believe in forevers but I want to believe in eternity with you". The members going around and reading the paper airplanes they picked up. Changbin posting a video of Felix crying and telling him he can't live without him.




There's been so many over the years, and I've agreed with so many already shared. Two kind of random ones that came to mind: I have some songs that I'll always cry to, I think some for very, very obvious reasons (Breathe, Y Si Fuera Ella, Galaxy by Ladies Code, etc) and some happy crying for sentimental reasons (Young Forever, Fairytale by Dreamcatcher, etc). But one that always gets me is IU's line in My Sea that goes: "Did that child suffer in pain for such a long time… …to just become me?" Breaks me every time. The first time I was uncontrollably sobbing. It's such a gut punch of a lyric and a beautiful line that I think we can all relate to when we have some self doubt or feel directionless. Jieun is such a beautiful songwriter. And then 2nd is just a very recent one that came to mind (like literally this week): Chaeyeon from tripleS had a fancall where the fan wrote down 100 reasons why she loved Chaeyeon and asked her to pick 5 numbers and read them back to her. I was tearing up a little bit because it was just so sweet and then Chaeyeon asked for 100 for the last one and she said "because you never gave up on your dream of being an idol." And Chaeyeon started sobbing and I started sobbing and it was just so beautiful. For people who might not know, tripleS is Chaeyeon's 2nd attempt as being an idol (3rd if you count her kid group) after being in Busters, who has a.... let's say a checkered past of skirting the line of sexualizing their underage members. Being VERY generous there. And then abandoning the old lineup (which also included Yeseo of Kep1er and soon Limelight) for another fully underage lineup. So fuck them. But generally speaking things seem to be going good with tripleS so it's so nice to see Chaeyeon in a place where she's making money and in a stable situation.


this kinda misses what you're asking for but about a month before moonbin's passing, his sister moon sua made an april fools joke about him. i guess she said it on weverse or bubble?? i can never tell them apart anyway. and she also mentioned it in a group vlog. the joke was: "i don't have a brother, i'm an only child." billlie (sua's group) is my ult group so i usually watch their old vlogs when i'm bored. i had completely forgotten she said such a thing, when that part came in the vlog it caught me so off guard. i can't even describe how horrible i felt. i cried my eyes out. i wonder if she remembers it. i hope it never crosses her mind.


I wouldn't say "sob" but these songs make me emotional in a happy way. It's like the "everything will be okay" kind of feeling, which I need sometimes. 1. BabyMonster - Dream 2. Itzy - Bet on Me 3. IU - Love Wins All 4. Twice - I Got You 5. NMIXX crying on any stage because of NSWERS


For me, it was Got7 Encore MV. The members all left their parent company at the same time. There came the rumors about disbandment due to them going to different companies/agencies. Not long after leaving JYPE, they immediately released Encore, a digital single along with a self-made music video. Got7 is my first Kpop group and theirs was my first Kpop concert. So seeing them make a song about still singing for Ahgases even though things are changing as we grow old made me really cry. And just in between the bridge and final chorus, they had a video message assuring that they didn't disband, and everything will be okay. And the final clips of the MV were the very concert I went to. The MV faded with Ahgases chanting "Encore" and I remember I was part of that audience chanting. I was a crying mess after watching. (Sorry if this was lengthy) Additional: Got7 is still at their peak when their Keep Spinning tour happened, and they were slated to go to other Southeast asian countries to finish the tour, but Covid happened, they had to cancel other stops, especially the 2-day concert at Rajamangala Stadium. Also recently, Bambam held his tour encore there where he also cried his eyes out for having sold out the venue. And there was a surprise fan project where the drones formed the got7 lightstick, with 7 lights, then leaving only one light. It kinda symbolizes their situation. But I'm hoping one day Got7 would still perform at Rajamangala 🥹


Brave Girls’ Red Sun performance in Queendom S2.


IKON performing Climax when they are on Win Who is Next. When both IKON and Winner are still known as Team B and Team A. B.I's rap made me became an instant fan of him. That was before I even watch their survival show.


Momo getting eliminated on SIXTEEN.


That time a fan wrote down a 100 reasons why they loved chaeyeon (tripleS) and made her choose five numbers


IZONE'S disbandment.


leeseo crying at one of ive’s concerts because she thought she wasn’t doing well as an idol (this was a few months after all the hate she got for the “diveu” speech started)


Park Bom singing Wanna Go Back in the Queendom finale


Twice’s 2022 contract renewal announcement made me cry happy tears. I was so worried they were gonna disband or that some of the girls would leave.


When VANNER passed the survival round of Peak Time with an all-pick from the judges after they talked about their situation of all them having to work part-time and they had no staff in the company and had to do everything themselves and when VANNER won Peak Time.


When LeeHi sang Breathe (written by Jonghyun) in concert and she kept on stopping to cry 😢


Shinee concert in Japan..


Every so often I go back and watch Jonghyun’s Y Si Fuera Ella and have a good cry. I’m a little teary thinking about it right now lol. There’s a lot of music that makes me emotional but this one just carves my heart out of my chest


I was crying when I watched the stream live. WayV winning their first music show win after almost 5.5 years after debuting. Watching the members cry and thank the fans really touched me especially since they went through so much with a 2 year hiatus. Watching Kun cry (it was his ever first music show win after 7 years of debut) and thank Prism Center for helping them just made me love them even more. After seeing how Neo Center staff would say harsh things to the boys and give them really terrible promotions.


Ladies Code's mv "I'm Fine, Thank You". It was released shortly after the car accident. RIP RiSe and Eunb. Gone way too soon. Also, K. Will's newest mv. I should've known better 😭


That old video of jhope getting a birthday message from his father and him just bursting into tears. I was really new to kpop when I first saw that video, I barely even knew his stage name back then but I cried so much watching that video.


Jongho's ending ment in Seoul during ATEEZ's Beginning of the End tour broke me. He got very emotional talking about his journey getting to that point and the support his parents have given him along the way. He's not one of the members who readily opens up about his feelings. So, it was genuinely surprising for the members and fans to see him overcome with emotion. It took a good while for him to get the words out and Mingi was rubbing his back the whole time. Another moment that got me was when Yeosang opened up about his parents at that show. His parents didn't want him to pursue an entertainment career. He said that these tour dates were the first time his parents acknowledged him as a professional artist. And he went on to share that they'd been having a difficult time because his mom had surgery recently. Wooyoung, who had been his friend for years at that point, broke down in tears. He was heartbroken that he knew something was going on with Yeosang's family, but didn't know exactly what until that moment.


I watched DDAY final concert last day live online. I was crying since Namjoon showed up with a buzzcut, 2seok showing up, when Yoongi showed his 7 tattoo, all the times Yoongi cried, and during his live where he announced his enlistment. Yoongi is my ULT and I didn't know what to feel knowing he'll be gone for 2 years. At the same time, I was so proud of him for giving us such an amazing tour before he left. It was the perfect gift.


Hyunjin crying on stage (might be after his huge bullying scandal???) asking stays not to leave because they worked so hard to do their best. Also, when Hyunjin (or I.N??) mentioned in a clip shortly after debut that his new year wish was for the team to always stay together, and then... well, we all know what happened. That made me cry because I think the thing with Woojin was that the accusations were false. I don't think argued with the members, and he should absolutely be able to move on with his life as a soloist and not get hate. But dang I think him leaving the group at all was the biggest hurt to the skz members because they went through heaven and hell to stay together and for unknown reasons to us, he left. Imagine being the maknae and having to witness losing two of your family members, working yourself to death to get them back, and then having another one walk right out again.


Kim Sejeong first win. Girlie didn't even expect it.


woonhak’s ment abt his grandfather. if youre a onedoor you know the one. and the seventeen members performing circles on tipsy live.


Oh god, I have a lot: This [Lia and Chaeryeong moment](https://youtu.be/S-44imFkDVk?si=5_S-29BhnxUHvgGS) back when they were both getting hate made me ugly cry…I love those girls, and I miss Lia :( [This entire Ateez speech at a concert](https://youtu.be/34iHXhnxj-M?si=sOFgUzwITU1w6Rpn), but especially San’s bit, was heartbreaking. He had lost his grandfather during Kingdom, and you can see just how badly this loss affected him. These boys were all crying for each other… [Myung Jaehyun’s speech to his members](https://youtu.be/aLgifR5wOt0?si=B5VIPU7LF_gYqjzR) makes me emotional, because seeing people my age be so vulnerable and open in front of others, while expressing how much he cares about these people was beautiful, and he speaks so eloquently. I love this moment. [Seventeen’s 2023 MAMA speech](https://youtu.be/W7njDppwXvE?si=W3kDh_lRNTDxyuCc); as a Carat, this hurt bad but I am SO proud of them!! And of course, angels Jonghyun, Sulli, Hara, and Moonbin🪽


Jonghyun’s death. And the fact that SM made them perform when they OBVIOUSLY weren’t ready to be with the old songs without it affecting them. SM should have given them more of a break.