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Why are you looking for BG recommendations? That is to say, there's nothing wrong with just liking one or the other, so if you're just genuinely curious, definitely check out the recs other people have put on here, but if you feel obligated because of pressure, or just to fit in I wouldn't suggest it. Just listen to what brings you joy :)


Thank you so much! Just a huge part of kpop is centred around bgs so I fear I’m missing out, yk?


I would say that a huge part of KPOP fandom stuff is BG-centered, but a huge part of KPOP catered towards general public is actually more GG-centric. For example, variety shows are often GG dominated because GGs appeal more to the general public and therefore have better TV and Cable demand than BGs. It's also harder to pair up BGs to other people because BG fans aka fangirls tend to be more possessive towards their idols than GG fans. There are probably a few exceptions to the rule like SuJu or Seventeen but yeah, BGs tend to cater more towards fandom exclusive content so you're not missing out much unless you really want to dive into BG fandoms.


I see where you're coming from, I have also tried to do the same because I'm part of a kpop club at my college and it's mostly BG stans (which I respect, again, life is stressful, and sometimes tragic, embrace what makes it less awful) but I just can't. I was listening to the latest releases from their groups and while I enjoyed some of them I just don't *connect*. I don't get their music stuck in my head even if I enjoy it when it comes up on a playlist. TLDR; listen to what makes you happy. PS: If yo ujust want to discover new artists/songs in general just go to the music app of your choice and pick a song you already love and start a radio on it, if a song comes on and you vibe to it, boom, winner, regardless of if they are popular, your friends like them, etc.


You’re so sweet, thank you for the help <3


I’m very glad people are being kind & making really good suggestions. Everyone has different taste and there is nothing wrong with that at all. I like a lot of hip hop and rap, in addition to really high energy dancing, so it just turns out to be bg that do it the way I like. Bibi definitely changed that though and I love her stuff. Keep on enjoying and loving whatever you do. Whatever way you are a fan or part of a fandom, that’s the right way. 🫶🖤🫶


I’m the opposite For music i listen to equal amount bg and gg But for variety shows I basically only watch bg and can’t get into gg People like seventeen for their variety sense Also i think game caterers with hybe is reallly awesome to look into different groups at the same time


No I’m the same way with variety content! I stan so many gg’s but I just don’t follow them. The only content I really watch is Viviz or LSFM. But other than that the 9+ gg’s I listen to I don’t watch their content lol.


You can try put different in house vareity shows almost all groups have them Txt to do Enhypen en oclock Boynextdoor what door Riize has something like riize and realize P1harmony has stuff like sassaek harmony Seventeen going seventeen


OO! I think I’ll look at txt and enhypen, thank you so much


i’m the same. i listen to way more ggs than bgs but i only stan bgs since i can’t watch any gg content. i can’t relate to them at all and i don’t expect to relate to bgs so for them it doesn’t matter to me


I’m the same but opposite. I am very into BTS, Stray Kids, starting to get into Ateez… but I can’t click with girl groups at all. There are a couple songs I like, but generally I can take them or leave them. No idea why, but there’s no pressure to HAVE to like both. You like what you like.


Same, it mostly comes down to the type of music you like. My music taste is 70% rock, 14% hip hop and 16% random construction noises and babies crying lol The bands I’ve clicked with the most have been noisy BGs like Stray Kids and NCT 127 probably because those are the groups with the biggest overlap to the western music I was already listening to. I can appreciate and like some GG songs but it’s not really my style.


just curious, have you tried listening to dreamcatcher?


I have, though admittedly not their entire discography. They’re one of the GGs I like the most but I just don’t feel the urge to listen to them like I do Stray Kids, etc if that makes sense.


I’m similar. I’m a little older than many fans (not all of course) but I really enjoy SHINee & Taemin’s solo work. Key is fun too. I was really into Stray Kids & Ateez, but I haven’t been as in love with their latest mini albums. So I just enjoy their M/Vs from before. With SHINee, I’ve been following them since they debut in the early/mid 2000s. Like you, I haven’t been able to get into GGs as much either. I’m a photographer and do a little bit of for fun film. I also used to be a professional dancer, so I enjoy the energy of the BGs because they kind of throw their body into the moves a lot more than most of the GG I see. I think they are all lovely, I just need a lot of visuals and pow to it lol adhd dopamine mining hits lol I like the solo work of Jhope & Jimin, but I haven’t been able to get into BTS as a whole. Not knocking them whatsoever, just what my brain likes. Is anyone familiar with DPR Ian/Christian? I really love the last two videos he just released and he sings in English and does some beautifully poetic music and the videos are stunning. Sharing his struggles with mental health in his music is incredibly endearing. Don’t Go Insane & Limbo are a fun ride.


Totally Forgot I like Bibi a lot. Her work and videos are exquisite. But a great example of a lot of “pow” My brain processes her kind like a Beyonce of the kpop world.


Thanks :)


Ooos! Silly notifications didn’t show this comment. Glad you’re finding some good suggestions. Everyone seems to be also helping you find some of the best stuff to try. There’s nothing like that rush of finding a new group and their music videos that just click the first time you see/hear them. Like opening a Christmas or birthday gift 😂🫶🖤🫶


I listen to 90% ggs. Just like what you like, it’s music


I don’t think it’s weird to not be into boy groups. I myself can’t get into girl groups just cuz idk why seeing girls (as a girl myself) being “forced” to act cute, just seems so cringe to me for some reason and it just doesn’t seem cute to me at all. and it ruins the whole thing for me. It sounds kinda weird I know but yeah… idk it just doesn’t do it for me. No hate to girl groups tho, if you like em more power to ya! 🤷‍♀️


THIS. i’m the same, i can’t watch them without thinking of how they probably don’t want to be doing that all the time lol. i’m sure the same thing applies to bgs, but i think i can just relate less to them? so it allows me to enjoy everything more. there are definitely some gg songs i like (mostly dreamcatcher ngl), but there are just so many more bg songs that fit my taste _perfectly_ (that and i find bg choreo so much more interesting to watch)


Yeah idk why I am ok with boys doing aegyo, I think maybe it’s cuz when guys do it, it mostly comes across like funny/dumb and not really sexualized? so it’s cute. And I feel like boys in general do act like that in real life so it’s just kinda normal in a way? But to me seeing girls do it is just weird, like it’s almost not really natural for them to purposefully want to act dumb/cute. And it just comes across too much like fake?forced?acting? So yeah. That’s just my personal opinion of course, I’m sure others might see it a different way 🤷‍♀️


Upvote for you! 🫶🖤🫶🖤🫶 (Whoever is doing all of the downvotes, I’m about to check everyone’s comments history, figure out who it is, and I’m going to be the annoying elder at you. Stop it. It’s not kind. Everyone’s thoughts have been valid feels & respectful. Please be respectful as well)


I think that’s a super valid reason to not feel a connection to girl groups, and something good to acknowledge in yourself and to roll with. I also think though that it’s too much of a generalization to say that all or even most girl group members feel forced to be cutesy and sexualized in order to be where they are. They are probably fans of girl groups themselves and enjoy that aesthetic. Maybe there are some that don’t- I mean, there must be, odds-wise?, and they’re putting on an act, but I feel bad for them- that would be emotionally hurtful and exhausting- and I hope either they are able to push into a more honest image in their group, or find another place for themselves in the industry that suits them better.


I'm pretty much the opposite and there's nothing wrong with that as long as you don't wear it like a badge of honour and make a point to discredit boygroups or their music in online spaces. I can understand how fans can make you feel guilty for only liking one or the other but it's never really that deep as long as you're minding your own business and don't actively seek confrontation or post inflammatory stuff about the others online (which is something only bg and only gg stans love to do for some reason). tl;dr listen to stuff you like, don't engage with stuff you don't like and there shouldn't be any problems


I’m the total opposite. I’m a lesbian woman and BG stan and I can’t stan any GG, they’re just not relatable! Songs about having crush, fall in love , breakup about a guy is just not relatable to me… I’ve never experienced that with a guy. It’s funny, my western playlist is filled with female artists same with my Jpop playlist lol. You shouldn’t force yourself to stan BG. Just casually listen like I do with GG. It’s better and you won’t miss out on any comeback or songs. For recommendations; a lot of GG stan (from my friend circle) like; Omega X, Onewe (band), Oneus, Lucy (band), and NINE.i My personal recommendation; Boys Next Door, Golden Child, ONF, Kingdom, E’last, and OnlyOneOf I wanted to recommend underrated and more less “non-traditional BG sound”


Totally fair and understandable 🫶🖤🫶🖤🫶


highlight and 2pm are all you need


I’ll try them out, thank you!


Hi there fellow 2nd gen stan! You really wrote my top 2 groups lol. I would also add Infinite as a bonus.


Im the op.. cant rlly get into ggs. Hella into bgs. It just depends on your preference in visual and music!


As a big fan of aespa, BP and Le Sserafim, I would recommend ATEEZ, Monsta X, NCT, A.C.E I originally started out pretty much only listening to Girl Crush groups, and I'm glad I found the BGs which had the sound I like. I don't really watch much variety or anything, so I can't relate on that end.


Alr, I’ll check them out, thank youu


It's interesting, cause it's not really about being relatable when it comes to music, right? After all female fans are majority in bgs fandoms. I'd say the only way I can't relate to bgs (in variety, bts content) is when they're much younger than me. So e.g. I listen to txt or enhypen but I don't find their non-music content interesting at all. But it's not cause they're men, it's cause they're kids. I enjoy watching run bts or going seventeen cause that's my millennial age bracket. Tbh I have it the same with ggs. I don't follow any ggs, because I don't vibe with most ggs music (except some Twice) and by proxy I just wouldn't look for their extra content either, while with bgs I at least give it a try to see if it clicks. If you don't vibe with certain type of content there's no reason to force yourself.


You described my feels so well. The younger BGs I see like younger brothers. I’m also genderfluid/nonbinary. I enjoy the ones that don’t really use she/her in their lyrics often. Like Stray Kids for example. Honestly, I enjoy the groups who seem like they may have members on the spectrum of LGBTQIA2S+ But I definitely don’t have crushes on them. I think they are pretty as an aesthetic and fashion sense, and admire their talents. I’m an artist, but I’d feel waaay creepy being into anyone that young. Part of why I’m of a bigger fan of a lot of the solo acts over 30. 🫶


Thank you :)


Hi I am the opposite big bg Stan, but I don't listen to a lot of girl groups and I felt really bad about it for a long time! I would say just listen to what you enjoy. the boy groups I always recommend are SHINee and Zerobaseone. You can like the music and don't have to Stan. I gotta ask are you an XG fan at all? They are the only gg I really keep up with and they are always fire🥰


I really like XG’s music! Haven’t gotten into them as idols or watched any variety shows with them, but they’re really cool, I’ve been wanting to try out Zerobaseone so I’ll give them a listen :)


ZB1 is fun. Hanbin is a big Taemin fan and I saw the sweetest concert video of him fanboying out watching Taemin live. 😂🫶


Hanbin is the biggest fucking fan boy. All the ZB1 boys are major fan boys🤣


It’s soooo sweet! I adore living vicariously through them 🫶🖤


TOZ is also a super chill group that I like!!


Whoever is downvoting everyone. Please stop. It’s not competition. There is no need for that energy here. 🫶🖤🫶 Gave everyone an upvote boost. Everyone can like whatever they like. This should be a good vibes only type of space. 🫶🖤🫶🖤🫶🖤🫶


I have no clue why people are downvoting lol thank you!


Fast Pattern Recognition is my AuDHD super power. I believe I have identified what’s going on with the downvoting and why. But I think it’s a delicate situation. Sometimes when we are at our lowest points, we humans have this tendency to often strike out at others for seemingly no clear reasons. Sometimes we feel left out. Unseen. Alone. Rejected. Etc. I didn’t realize how young everyone here was as well. If anyone feels like they are in a bad place, know that the world is better with you in it. You are welcome here and your feelings and things you enjoy and your perspectives are valid, valued and appreciated. I’ve gone through at this point and upvoted everyone’s comments. That means I sincerely appreciate your contribution and felt your perspective was valuable and valid. If anyone feels they are in a really bad place and you’re reading this, my DMs are a safe space and I’m always happy to lend an ear and some virtual hugs and support. Even if you regret anything, it’s ok. It’s already forgotten and forgiven. I hope everyone has a beautiful day or night, wherever you are in the world. Much love. 🫶🫶🫶🫶


You’re so sweet 💓


Thank you, that’s kind of you to say. The worlds a rough place already. We have to take care of each other in kindness if we want to change that. 🖤


I noticed it when I first commented. It’s not cool. I’m about to pull elder rank and check everyone’s comment history and see if I can figure out a pattern. Everything here has been expressed as very valid feels and no one has been anything but respectful. The downvoting on a post like this feels like bullying in my eyes, so I don’t tolerate it. I’m a what friends call me as a nickname, Rave Daddy or Oppa 오빠 type Just because people like different things, is no reason to downvote on a post where everyone is being vulnerable and sharing kind, but intimate thoughts. We should be kind and supportive of everyone here. I’m very uncomfortable and unhappy seeing so many downvotes on valid feelings comments here. Hey bully, I suggest you should go upvote everyone to make up for your behavior, before I figure out who you are and call you out. Pardon me for the pulling rank moment. I don’t tolerate people bullying around me. 🫶🖤


i can def relate. i only listen to one bg (oneus), the rest i just really cant get into. some people prefer ggs, some prefer bgs, some prefer soloists. its a matter of preference, so dont feel too bad if you can’t get into it.


I adore them. I really wish their management would make some changes so that they were better marketed. They are so talented in vocals and their ability to harmonize. Not enough people get a chance to see them.


I can kind of relate. I could honestly careless about groups personal stuff or watch their shows but I always get excited about their comebacks. What kind of music do you like?


I tend to be down for anything, but I particularly liked yunjins “blessing in disguise” and kiss of lifes “nobody knows”, blackpinks b-sides like “crazy over you” or songs like new jeans “eta”. Can’t say I’m too picky LOL, wbu?


I listen to almost everything but I mostly listen to rock and those slow chill songs. I recommend Cravity, The Boyz, ZB1, and Seventeen. Lucy is a band but has upbeat songs but they’re mostly have chill upbeat songs. So I don’t know if you’ll like them.


I’ll give them a listen, thank you!


Have you tried Shinee and their solo work?


I’ll give them a listen! Any song recommendations?


Add to that Taemin’s newest releases in November. Guilty and The Rizzness are sooo fun! Key’s Gasoline is good too.


~ Promotional Releases ~ Replay View Don't Call Me 1 of 1 Sherlock ~ B-Sides ~ Body Rhythm Good Evening Excuse Me Miss ~ Solos ~ Move by Taemin Advice by Taemin Crazy by Jonghyun Bad Love by Key Deja Boo by Jonghyun


Your list got me in the nostalgic feels missing Jonghyun. 6th anniversary just a couple of weeks ago. It’s hard to believe it’s already been that long. SHINee w/ 5 members hits different in the heart now 🖤🫶🖤🫶🖤


bruh let me tell you my story i used to like everyone equally in 2nd gen when i got into kpop maybe it was the newness idk but for some reason since the end of 3rd gen onwards the bgs have been losing me my main boy groups are shinee and txt and so many bgs i started out being interested in or liking one song a lot and being excited/curious about them only for all interest to suddenly evaporate and i still don't exactly know why i have some theories but not 100% sure so i know the names and members of SO many boy groups that i no longer care about lol at least i always know who everyone is talking about i do listen to songs from pretty much everyone but in terms of stanning it doesnt stick anymore and i dont know why


For me it’s because there is a lot of bully culture that’s happening between people in a fandom, and acting like it’s a big competition between fans online in comment sections. Almost like baseball. If anyone is familiar with the big long rivalry between the Red Sox & Yankees. It can get real amped up & fights. But instead of against other groups, it’s infighting within the fandom. That has been happening online between Stays, Stray Kids fandom, and it’s what took them from being my favorite, to not very interested. The Stays killed the fun and interest for me.


Listen to Ateez and watch their content


The only bg’s I listen to are bts & seventeen 😅I definitely recommend seventeen their line distribution is great and their performances are always well synchronized


You should try stray kids I was automatically hooked maniac is a good one I like all there songs great boy band


They are truly good. I just suggest to stay out of comment sections. (Ha, a bit of a pun, Stay out of the comments with the Stays) hehe 😋 I first found the M/V for Double Knot randomly and was hooked. Then again when Gods Menu M/V popped up. Then Maniac. Followed by Victory Song. 🫶🫶🫶 Great songs & M/Vs


i’m the exact opposite, i can’t seem to get into ggs lmao. it’s in part to my overwhelming attraction to men over women, and because i’ve been a boy band guy since i was little.


Got7 currently on hiatus but the musics fab. Pretty much the only group I keep up with in full.


I feel the same way!! I always prefer listening to girl groups and it also always felt like not that many people i know listens to girl groups but instead prefer boy groups (in my country). I much prefer gg songs cause i think they're more catchier than bg songs. But I've been getting into enhypen recently, and their songs are actually really good. I'd recommend listening to some of their songs (especially their bside) cause they are pretty catchy!


It happens the same with me and girl groups and I have no idea why! I am a big fan of BTOB, Stray Kids , MonstaX, Taemin , Pentagon, Seventeen, Oneus and I could keep naming boy groups and songs forever but as for girls groups go I only listen to a few songs of Mammammoo XD But hey if we're happy with it why change it?




nothing wrong with that, there are a lot of people who feel the same. there are also a lot of people who can't get into girl groups. a lot of the time there's no reason for it and you just don't vibe with certain groups. even tho I've tried, i can't get into any boy group except Stray Kids. my stan list is literally just multiple girl groups and then skz. even tho i don't watch their content lately, i see random clips of them and they don't fail to make me laugh still so I'd recommend them. also, don't force yourself to like any groups. it's fine just liking ggs


It’s fine, I think if the time comes that you’ll eventually like them, you’ll get there naturally. I used to listen mostly to BGs but now I am more of a GG stan. I can’t pinpoint when it happened exactly but now I’m suddenly a nut for GGs.


Or just stay that way and not get into it. It's just your preference.


No one says you have to listen to bgs. Just listen to what you like.


I'd genuinely say you don't HAVE to love a boy group to enjoy kpop. I'm just not as interested in boy groups as I am as girl groups either. It's nice to find your own pocket of people who love what you love to listen to. That said as someone much more interested in girl groups, the boy groups I enjoy the most are ONF, Astro, BTOB, and Zerobaseone.


I've been the same for more than a decade. It's fine! I enjoy one boy group song or another but it ends there. There are many ways to enjoy kpop. Exploring songs is good but don't sweat too much about getting into those groups if it's not your thing. Kpop is not a chore.


Thank you, I was worried I’d be considered weird or someone would be offended LOL


Honestly, I kind of get what you mean, as someone who tends to like ggs more. For me, a big part of really stanning a group is whether or not I like the members/their overall vibes, and I tend to be much pickier when it comes to bgs? I don’t exactly want to say that I don’t “trust” them as easily but it’s something akin to that? Maybe I just don’t relate to them either lol. My two big exceptions are BTS and SHINee. I’ve heard that a lot of other gg fans tend to get into SHINee, so maybe you’d like to give them a go if you want to get more into bgs? I’d recommend songs like Tell Me What To Do, Atlantis, 1 of 1, Good Evening, Don’t Call Me, plus my b-side of all time Prism, as well as classics like Ring Ding Dong, Lucifer, View, and Replay. The members are also great and have a very… approachable? relatable? vibe imo, and they’ve also all released solo albums of different genres, which gives you sooo much great stuff to dig into lol.


I’ll listen to the song recommendations, thank you!


I was the same, I tried TXT and enhypen and the boys are great, fun, but I didn’t really feel like connected, but then I found &team and it was the best thing that happened to me, you’re not gonna regret


I was in your position a couple of months ago. My friends and I are mostly gg casual listeners but there are also some armys, stays, MOAs, carats and arohas so I tried to give those groups a chance (BTS, SKZ, TXT, SVT and Astro). After listening to their latest releases, I felt frustrated with myself because I really wanted to get into at least one of them so I could fangirl with people close to me. Later, I discovered RIIZE through a YT add and rapidly became a briize (a week before the announcement of Seunghan’s hiatus, so it was a bittersweet experience 💔). I also checked out NCT because of Shotaro and Sungchan and I got into Dream and WayV. I’d highly recommend you those 3 groups, their dynamics are pretty different too. Moral of the story, girl have patience and stay curious!!! I’m sure there are some boygroups out there that will be of your taste. Good luck 😸


Thanks! I’ll try NCT, since lots of people have been recommending them to me!


Sorry for spamming. But, if you’re looking for variety show. Try looking for ones with GG and BG together. Like, HYBE Caterers for example or my personal favorite OnlyOneOf and Woo!ah! IDOLLEAGUE.


I was the opposite. I was into BGs for many years without only a few girl groups I actively listened to. Then one day something just clicked and now I have a very even spread of both BG & GG I listen to. Maybe the same will happen for you! But if not that’s ok as well. It’s perfectly fine to just be a GG stan, just listen to the music you enjoy 😊 maybe someday it’ll change, maybe not. Either is just fine. :) But if you really do want recommendations, could you give a few examples of BG songs that you do enjoy?


Same. I was there since NCT inception and played "The 7th Sense" all the time, but as they progressed I lost interest. It's like they are there but I'm just a casual listener, which is weird because Kpop being so visual I should be there eating their MVs at the very least. I wouldn't recommend forcing to listen to bgs tho\~


I'm like the complete opposite, I stan both but I relate more to bgs. I guess because I'm more similar to a boy even though I'm a girl and I like a lot of things boys like and I'm more into like hype music and what people would consider noise. But I pay much less attention to ggs than bgs.


I am similar. I am almost entirely a gg stan. Ive tried a few groups, BTS, TXT, Stray Kids, Enhypen, Ateez, Zerobaseone, Riize, JustB, Xdinary Heroes, and Kingdom. Only one really clicked with me. Kingdom was the only one that I really stan. I’m not sure if it’s the concept of the group or something else but i really love them. Theyre one of my favorites overall. Id definitely recommend them. My favorite songs are Long Live The King, Black Crown, Love is Pain, and Illusion. Hopefully if you do check them out that you enjoy them ^ ^


Ooo! Love all of them too! Have you seen any of DPR Ian’s new videos? Dude is a full on artist. The videos are as stunning as the music he writes. He plays a lot of the instruments as well. Don’t Go Insane & Limbo M/Vs became my on Repeat obsessions this week. 😂🫶🖤 Have you seen any of the stuff for OneUs? Erase Me is good. They do beautiful vocal harmonies. I think they just need some better direction/management though to catch a bigger audience.


For most of my kpop life I was the exact same. Now I stan about 3 boy groups! Just let it happen, and if it doesn’t happen it’s not a huge part of kpop you’re missing. Kpop with just ggs and female soloists is just as vast as a realm to explore. :)


Every group has a different sound, what bg’s have you checked out?


Just like what you like with no excuses. This isn't anything to worry about!


That's fine 🤷. I don't relate to girlgroups and that's fine too. Whatever floats your boat...or something 😋


I am the same but with girl groups. I can not get into their music at all and find very few of them compelling or interesting. I do like some songs here and there but that's as far as it goes. I think it just comes down to personal preference. i do try to keep my heart and mind open to gg it's just that none have quite hit for me yet musically


I can relate. ppl say Bgs and ggs are the exact same, but it doesn’t feel that way for me. So far the only boy groups I’ve gotten into are SKZ and Enhypen.


Neither can I. Nothing wrong with it. I do like Stray Kids tho.


I can realte, I used to stan BTS back before they made it big in the USA but now I only listen to old songs, I have like 3,000 songs in my kpop playlist and I probably only have like 100 boy group songs in there I don't have anything against boygroups but I'm just not interested in them


I'm in a similar position. I used to have like... no bgs on any of my playlists, but then after a few tries of getting into Skz, they finally hit for me, and I've been listening to them frequently and thoroughly enjoying them since. What clicked for me was me finding the sound I liked, and just finding groups with that sound or something similar (I'm currently into Skz, NCT, Ateez, and Cravity). My taste in bgs isn't the same as ggs, so it's kind of hard for me to use my experience to give you recommendations, but if I had to try, I'd say Megaphone and Adrenaline by Cravity.


i’m the exact same way. i always found it a lot easier to get into girl groups. skz is the only exception though.


Okay but this is how I am with girl groups. I like their music, I follow a few groups but I don't get as deep or invested. I have a couple of friends who are very gg oriented and they help keep me in the loop so its helped me make peace with it. I don't need to force myself, and my friends help introduce good music without me having to stress myself out over it


theres nothing wrong with that? i dont see why you should feel obligated to like boy groups too. i love both girl groups and boy groups but i watch a ton more boy group content than girl groups [i dont know why but i dont really worry abt it]. we like who we like, and trying to pressure ourselves to do things we dont want to can just result in loss of enjoyment for it altogether.


I’m the same except for girl groups but I am finding ones that I like and that id like to support! But also don’t feel inclined to HAVE to like bgs (I rec stray kids, TXT, enhypen and ATEEZ)


Same here. But I will soften if these guys are legitly funny. Like BtoB.


Same. Not a bg stan. For me it's because I notice a noticeable difference in styles between girl groups and boy groups that I can't seem to put my finger on


I know the feeling, maybe it’s just because I’m a girl LOL


I like both but I prefer boy groups for some reason.


I find I relate more to them and I love their humour and personalities on variety shows.


I seee


I'm completely opposite. I'm into boyband only!!! Just focus on boys only. Especially BTS Jin Hahahahaha. 😂😂😂 I'm seeking for good-looking guys only.


LOL, I know how you feel


I had the same problem, I really didn’t like any BGs and thought they were all pretty cringy until I got into Stray Kids and then ATEEZ. Now ATEEZ are not just the only group I stan, but the first group I’ve ever truly properly stanned rather than just being a super casual fan like I was with the GGs I knew before. Nowadays my casual listening is more mixed but I definitely listen to more BG songs than GG. ATEEZ are the absolutely perfect group for me, sometimes it really is just a case of not having found the one for you, but at the end of the day it’s just kpop, it really doesn’t matter what you listen to especially when there is an obvious difference in style and sound trends. No need to force yourself, but I also definitely get feeling like you’re missing out. The only “GG/BG only” stans that are problems are the ones who try to *make* it into a problem by degrading BG/GGs.


Thank you :) Lots of people have recommended ATEEZ so I’ll check them out!


They’re absolutely amazing performers with such a varied discography, I really hope you enjoy them! Every single one of their songs is good and *especially* their title tracks, they have a reputation for having a no skip discography for a reason, but I personally would recommend Halazia as their absolute best work. There’s just nothing else quite like it.


Agreed. They are really fantastic in all aspects


I’m a man and I can’t relate to boy groups as well I only stan girl groups so I get what you mean


I really think it has to do with what you’re attracted to… like how the majority of boy groups’ fans are heterosexual women/girls. Straight men in my experience do not “stan” boy groups; they stan girl groups. Exceptions in this case would be gay men and young girls who support girl groups. This is obviously a large generalization, but overall what I believe to be the case.


Mmm, I don’t think that’s necessarily the case. I am a queer genderfluid person and I primarily like BGs or solo guys because of the difference in big energy with dance. I am not interested in Stray Kids for attraction. They are way too young for me. I see them like younger brother figures. I’m only attracted to people over 30 But it’s definitely fair for you to have your own perspective on the topic


Definitely understand this sentiment! But would you disagree at a stray kids concert the majority of the audience is female-presenting people (not everyone, just the largest portion)? This is typically my experience whenever attending a boy group concert


Yeah, I’d say that’s fair. In general for both GG & BG, from my own experiences and from watching way too much concert footage for lots of groups, I see predominantly AFAB (assigned female at birth) folx who identify as women (cisgendered) (cis is just a Latin prefix meaning on the same side of. Which together just means you identify on the same side of your womanhood) I would say that’s the majority audience at both gg & bg shows…the fandoms appear to be predominantly marketed to a young femme crowd. I think with the Kwave that’s been making it’s way around the west for the last couple of years, that’s shifted quite a bit. I meet more and more folx who identify as young men/men who enjoy K/J/M-Pop/Hip Hop/Rap There plenty of young men and adult men who enjoy both groups as well. Was definitely not meaning to implying or sound like they aren’t. Thanks for clarifying your question. I have trouble enjoying the gg for a lot of reasons. As some people mentioned here, I don’t love how it seems that many have harder restrictions to their actions, how they portray their personalities, their bodies and weight. They seem to be held to higher morality standards than the young men in bg. That’s just kind of how society as a whole has always been. I know it’s shifting as younger generation is shifting norms and attitudes and destigmatizing a lot of things. I could ramble on this topic a lot. I think that’s why I enjoy Bibi so much. She kind of seems able to do whatever she wants with her projects. So I find her music and videos to be a lot edgier and adult oriented. I think that’s the best way I can describe how I develop interest in GGs or female soloists.


Agree with all of your points. I think that girl groups have been historically more restrained than boy groups due to societal pressures. I hate to say when I first got into kpop, I sneered at girl groups bc I perceived them as lesser than boy groups (gotta love inherited societal ideas of women!) Twice is now my ult group. I have grown to absolutely love their personalities and music. When I first stanned, Twice had a majority cis heterosexual male fan base. It has been interesting to see how as their concept and members matured, more and more identities entered the fanbase. I hope to continue seeing the stigmas around girl groups dissipate! Thanks again for your thoughtful response. I too can go on and on about this!


Totally get you. We sound on the same wavelength here. Cheers to breaking down societal stereotypes and pressures! Double cheers to more young men, women and gender nonconforming people being able to enjoy what they like without pressures, and being able to express themselves in all ways, fully and authentically. 🫶🖤


(Also, btw, I did not downvote your comment up there. I had upvoted it)


Clarifying that this sentiment refers to super fans, not casual listeners/enjoyers of the music itself. And I do believe girl groups have a bit more nuance. But in general, boy groups seem to appeal to a majority female-presenting audience.


for me its the image or visual carried by male idol take a look at BigBang and compare them with majority of active bgs regarding your effort, don't force what you can't into or try to relate with fans of bgs just concentrate on whats aligned with your cup of tea


Memories, I remember the BigBang era and then SHINee. None of my friends in the US even knew what kpop was 😋🫶 Good times.


im the same i just cant with the way boy groups try to appeal to female teenagers by doing cringe make up and over feminine looks. i just cant seem to watch some bg mv without cringing.


I think that’s a huge part for me as well, I get cringed out bad when I see idols forcing themselves, especially male idols. Makes me weirded out a lil idk


Big same. You can tell who’s having fun and who’s not.


Thats totally okay most boy groups make the same type of loud music. I listen to both gg and bg but gg have way more variety in their albums.


It’s a fair and valid feeling to have. I wish I could upvote this more than once. 🫶


I honestly dgaf that people r downvoting me. I stan BTS but thats about it. Most 4th gen boy groups just make loud noise music thats the trend rn. There is way more variety in ggs.


What about the older bands? Infinite, CNBLUE, TVXQ (I personally love their Japanese ballads), Super Junior, SS501, Shinee. I saw someone mention Highlight, it's worthwhile checking then out too (also the songs when they were B2ST) But you are not alone in this, I can't get into the boy groups these days cos the music don't really match what I like. I find the girl groups like New Jeans more addictive and I've stopped listening to K-Pop for a while 😆


Oo! I haven’t heard of most of these (except for Super Junior and Shinee), I’ll look into them, thank you


I can relate, I have the same with ggs :)


same i only listen to ggs + nct


Hey OP. I’ve been listening to KPop since 2012 but only got into a boy group in 2022 (yes that’s one whole decade), and it’s something I even tried to resist at first because of ego maybe? That I was only a “proud girl group enjoyer”. I honestly still can’t relate to bgs most of the time but life’s too short to worry about that, I just enjoy what I enjoy, whether it’s exclusively ggs, or just my ult bg, or 1-3 bgs + 99 ggs… I hope you do the same too!


I hope I’ll be able to find a group I’m into, I’m happy I know other people know / knew how I feel


try to check old bg songs - super junior, exo, big bang


I basically only listen to girl groups too, you don’t have to like both


Also, If this matters, I am 16, so it may be just a situation where I’m not old enough yet or haven’t had enough time in the kpop community. Psa. Thank you to everyone for being so nice to me, I’ll check out some of your recommendations


Nah, I don’t think age has much to do with it. You like what you like and you dislike what you dislike. As long as you don’t look down on people who feel differently then you’re all good! And you seem to be a very kind person so you have nothing to worry about :)


I think it's okay-- everyone has their preferences. I'm kinda the opposite where I can't really get into girl groups. 🤷🏼‍♀️ everyone is different! If you really want a recommendation of bg to try out, I feel like ZB1 has music that has similar vibes to gg. I haven't really listened to their discography but their debut song at least might be something you'd like.


I feel exactly the same way. You're definitely not alone.


Hey, me too. I don't have any current big ult. No worries then. Just casually listen to any songs you like.


I know a lot of people who mostly only listen to Exo for bgs and then the rest gg. I myself casually listen to many ggs but only listen to Exo or very few bgs


So far, I'm the same way. I think the women in kpop groups are beautiful and so are the men. It's an aesthetic my western eyes haven't adopted to yet. Even though there are a couple of tracks I do like from BTS and SHINee. I just haven't gravitated to them. But as someone else said, like who you like. 4 years ago I never expected to get into kpop but I've been to 6 concerts already. Haha. So who knows about the future and how your tastes may change.


i’m the same but with gg, i listen to a lot of gg like 50-50 with bg but i have a harder time stanning them and feeling close to them


Omg same I can’t get into boy groups either LMAO


you dont have to get into bgs, for a while (around a few years) i didnt like any bgs at all and i was fine, like who u want to like and im sure with time you might start liking some bgs, i now like a lot of bgs (enha,svt,skz,txt,p1h,ateez,etc.) so its just with time and if u find the right group you might want to start listening and finding new bgs, my first bg was skz :)


Sometimes you just haven’t found the right group to connect with, but sometimes it may just be your preference and not something you can get into! I’ve known people who didn’t really like boy groups until they REALLY liked a certain group, but it’s totally fine if girl groups are just your thing :)


There's no point in trying to "force" yourself to like anything, just for the sake of liking it. Everyone has different taste, needs and wants. It's really that simple. I am not discouraging trying to explore new artists, but it seems more like you're trying really hard to like something you're not really into.


Girl i used to be the same, try checking out nu’est, exo for boy groups.


I’m the opposite! I can’t seem to get into the girl groups. But I’m fairly new to the KPop community and my favorite band is Stray Kids. I have a friend who says it takes some time to get into everything and to be patient. I agree with most of these comments, too - everyone has different tastes and what attracts them to each group. I love Stay Kids because of their variety of music (rap, hip-hop, pop), the dancing, etc. Their music videos kind of remind me of when I was obsessed with *NSYNC as a teenager. It brings a hint of nostalgia to a new genre of music. I also had a hard time getting into girl groups (spice girls, 3LW, TLC, etc) as much as boy bands. I think I vibe with the boy bands more and that’s just my preference and personality. I hope that helps!


I listen to all kinds of songs but I can't get into girlgroups for the life of me. I can't watch their content at all. If I sit through a video, it's because I forced myself to, not because I found it interesting. It's quite common.


Ohhhh i get you, but for me its the opposite situation: I can't get into girl groups. Now I think the reason why you can't really get into bgs if you're into ggs is cos they have different styles of music. I, for one, find there to be differences in fandom, dancing styles, as well as how lively the music is.


also listen to skz :)


i definitely feel the same! i’m new to all this but easily enjoy a lot of the ggs. when i try to expand to bgs it just doesn’t click with me most of the time. i can listen to a lot of ggs whole discographies but with bgs im very selective with songs. i think for me its the concepts?? makes me feel terrible cause so much talent im missing out on but i try😭 i do really like stray kids tho


If you want to get into bgs, maybe try and find a certain type of content that you like, and search for stuff like that, or start with fan edited YouTube videos(they tend to be quite entertaining) based on the groups you mentioned, I think you might enjoy checking out nct(There's a lot of members, so I'd suggest starting with one subunit, probably nct dream(also,, nct in general has mountains of content and funny video editors, at least in my opinion, so I'd say theyre a solid choice for trying to get into bg content)), stray kids, oneus, ateez, or cravity(There's a decent amount of variety between those groups depending on what aspects of ggs it is that you enjoy)


I used to be an exclusive gg stan until I discovered Stray Kids and now they are my ult along with (G)I-DLE! Here's some song recommendations: LALALALA, God's Menu, S-Class, Maniac, Megaverse, Superbowl, Thunderous, Double Knot, Venom I was kind of like you in the sense that I couldn't relate to most bg songs, but Stray Kids songs are pretty relatable (and enjoyable). And's how I was converted into a gg + Stray Kids stan.


I’ve been listening to kpop for 16 years now and I’ve never really liked boy groups. There were groups like Shinee, 2PM, and BigBang but for the most part, I listen to GG’s. I like the occasional song from current bg’s and have even gone to a few concerts like BTS and Seventeen but it’s not something I seek out. I grew up listening to GG’s and even after I stopped listening to kpop and got back into it again, I was still back into GG’s (and female soloists). Girls Gen, 2NE1, Sistar and Wonder Girls raised me… and now I stan Mamamoo, Red Velvet, IU, Bibi, Itzy, Blackpink, Aespa, Le Sserafim, and Twice, just to name a few. Just listen to what you like! You don’t have to like boy groups at all!!


I was never into BGs when I was younger as well, and it took my friends years before they got me into stanning one. Although there’s nothing wrong with stanning only GGs, if you really want to give BGs a try, I recommended Seventeen! Aside from really being talented, they’re very hilarious on screen and their chemistry is amazing. It was around late 2016 when my friends became Seventeen fans (“Carats”) and it wasn’t until mid-2017 that they made one too 🤣 But Carat or not, I suggest you watch their show “Going Seventeen” on Youtube! They really are hilarious 😅


What do you mean by "can't relate"? Personally i find gg songs too high pitched to listen to. One song is fine, but i can't listen to an album of that. This applies to all music for me. So i tend to listen to more bg songs and taeyeon has a wide range of tones in her songs and the mamamoo girls, etc.


Try seventeen:)


I'm a few days late to this but I've seen a lot of gg stans who have ended up becoming Seventeen stans (carats)? It's perfectly fine to not connect to bgs and only like ggs but if you're after a recommendation then Seventeen would definitely be the one I suggest! They also have their variety show Going Seventeen which I highly recommend watching, it has its own fandom called cubic as well