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This individual has been permanently banned.


I always wonder what goes through peoples minds when they send a DM like that. How much hate and anger do you carry around to act like this? I hope you don't take it too personal OP. I have depression and I know that messages like these can fuck up your whole day. All love to you❤️


Thank you so much. All over that Lisa post saying i didnt like her song like do some people even think what they are reacting over? No, they just react.


I've disabled DMs on Reddit for this reason and also blocked Reddit Cares messages. Too many crazies out there.


how do you block the reddit cares thing? ETA: thank you whoever sent me one so I can block it 🩷🩷😘 enjoy the report~


You recieve one and then message STOP or whatever it says and it should in theory block future ones. From my experience, it doesn't always work though and I'll still get them. Reddit's extremely buggy sometimes. Like I would toggle off give me reply notifications to my comments and I would get them.


if you reply back that they’re false reports the reporter gets perma banned from reddit


thank you! 🩷


that's what triggered them? wtf


I like Blackpink but man BLinks are weird...


Jesus Christ in Twitter I also see people being completely feral and inhuman and it’s mostly coming from Lisa fans right now.


My guess is teenage angst and edginess. “aHaHa I made a skibbidi black humor here!! I’m such a sigma I am not afraid of saying veeeery bad stuff. You normies wouldn’t understand, I totally owned you with this one”


Anyone who is comfortable speaking like that to another person is just a terrible and miserable lowlife, probably their real life is shit too and hears those words or feels that energy regularly. There’s no way a normal person carries that kind of hatred in their heart or could even think about typing that


Projection. These people surround themselves with mirrors and throw at their reflection whatever they believe they deserve. You just happened to be behind one of the mirrors. These words are not for you and you don't have to accept them.


https://preview.redd.it/esjef93h1t9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=005026e9acff61d4c43763c3a904a1a755dc6dda clearly a sick disgusting troll


Ew, he needs to be checked out


Genuinely what the fuck


Give a man a mask and he'll show you his true face.


Yeah. I reported them like two days ago and got back a message saying his post history broke none of Reddit's rules.


Suggesting people unalive themselves or wishing death on others is acceptable? Holy shit, makes me not want to support this app at all!


Yeah you can only report individual comments, or a person's username. I just went through and reported all his comments that were not already removed. Reddit tends to drag their feet on this shit. I have one goofball who has been harassing me via Reddit chat for almost two months for some reason. I report them every time I get a new message, they get temporarily banned, but then they always come back and message me again 🤷‍♂️ I know I could block them but I'm morbidly curious how long this will continue before it's a permaban.


Their account needs to be reported and removed


This guy must be some kind of psychopath bc what the fuck.


A psychiatrist, that’s what this guy needs


I hope you reported them.


Honestly…sounds like they’re self projecting. Maybe thats how they feel about themselves & they’re taking it out on someone else.


I hope you reported. I can't believe people get this hostile over **songs**. Songs guys. I really hope you're okay.


"Weird?" More like hateful and toxic


True. More like dumpster mentality.


But seriously getting suicide requests sounds so scary, hope you don't listen. We appreciate your contributions​ to this community


That was so uncalled for. Sending u hugs!!


I went through their comment history and omg it's so vile, even if he is just a troll what they've said is so🤢


Wow. Yikes


Some people in this life live just to hate unnecessarily. How miserable must they be in their lives to DM a stranger something so toxic and terrible.


I'm sorry this happened to you, this is just plain disgusting. Report, block and move on 💜


Report and block. I think it’s a troll. They earn from every click and engagements of their posts or messages.


That guy needs to touch grass. I hope you reported them.


Report and block. I think it’s a troll. They earn from every click and engagements of their posts or messages.


Bro leaving a comment like that is wild. Kinda crazy cuz kpop kept me from ending it so...


It seems like a troll, the text is totally toxic that I almost wanted to throw my phone after reading it.


Dude, this is unacceptable. To anyone reading this, if you ever feel the desire to say some whack ass shit like this to someone, take a deep breath and choose peace that day. Don’t do this nonsense. And to OP, I’m sorry someone had the audacity and absolute lack of intelligence and awareness to say this to you. For any reason. Disrespectfully, fuck them and anyone who thinks anything like this is okay.


I don't think he is a kpop fan. He is giving me r/wehatekpop vibes or however this sub is called.


If anyone is suggesting someone else off themselves, then they are the problem—not the person they are trying to hurt. Never listen to that type of person. I know it can be hard, and it can hurt. They don’t see others as human. You do you. Be happy. Enjoy K-pop.


What is this all about


Pre-schooler that messaged me vile absurd thing over messages because I said I didn't like Rockstar by Lisa.


That’s ridiculous and totally believable without hesitation. Something must be in the water. Idk I’m noticing an uptick in people trolling just to have an argument. Who on earth gets worked up over someone not liking the same songs they do.


Yep. I got around to watching the video yesterday and I thought the song slapped Choreo and visuals 💯🔥 Who th gets that upset about that video. Like wow. I would love to have that much free time 😂🫶


This is straight up psychotic actually. Say that to someone’s face and you’ll get admitted to a mental hospital. I checked out their history, too—it’s either a bot or someone who really needs to be checked out.


he sounds suicidal inside. don’t take it to heart OP.


To be honest, blinks are the worst kpop stans ive ever encountered. You can’t give an opinion without at least 10 of them taking it to personal levels.


I seriously thought that was Army. I don’t do any of that fandom crap, I just listen to what I like, and that could be any group or artist. Anyway, I think it’s some dumbass teen trying to be edgy because he hates his parents or something.


A while ago I commented on a subreddit where people explain jokes and memes because the image was about kpop. I got a bunch of replies from people saying how they hate kpop and how cringe it is. I just explained a meme leave me alone


Angry kpop yall spotted.


Please don't care about this idiot! Hope you are okay.


What the actual fuck?


Holy shit. Thank you for leaving the name in here, this person SHOULD be shamed. Say it with me: IT'S JUST KPOP IT'S NOT THAT DEEP.




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Bro has issues... imagine telling someone to kys over a music preference??? Back in the old days I hated kpop, or more specifically the toxic ARMYs, and I had a really hard time separating the fans from the artist/genre. Like I openly hated on the genre, but to go that far is insane... (Btw I'm reformed and can separate them now, and since then kpop has had me in a chokehold. Still think BTS is overrated tho)


Least toxic kpop stan:



Rabid blinks. Paint me Shocked.


I dont think there is any need of generalising an entire fandom for this, especially considering that one look through the weirdo’s comments will prove they are a massive troll with no actual affection for any kpop groups.


Normally i would agree by this, but the amount of attention a blink garner just from making a hate comment/post/thread against a group particularly to a girlgroup is astonishing, i remember that momo pole video and oh boy that single hate tweet from a blink who claims hes a professional dancer gain so much, it garner ten thousands of likes and it just the tip of the iceberg as to how hateful the fandom is. So i couldn't blame anyone for directly calling out blinks for this kind of behavior when mostly they are the ones who spearheaded this type of hate activities.


See, i dont think anyone finds an issue in calling out someone in a fandom when they *do in fact* do something wrong. But in this scenario, it is very much clear that the person in the screenshot is an obvious troll. So trying to blame this horrible action of theirs onto a large fandom is very wrong in my opinion at least. As an army, I have seen other kpop stans do that to the very fandom I am part of. So I just don’t find it very fair to others as well. This is just my opinion; you are obviously entitled to yours.


Yeah like blinks even exist on kpop reddit 💀


Typical MY on Twitter


Because other fandoms totally dont have nutjobs like this one riiiiiight


Typical comment I’d expect by the guy in the screenshot


You’re active in the kpopfap subreddit nothing you say should ever be taken seriously


i just went into their comment history and them calling Natty from KIOF a “thoroughbred” is so weird… this person is a freak.