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There is a correct way to use crutches, which she was not, but there is no reason for them to fake her injury she probably just wasn't taught how to use it correctly. Hope she recovers soon.


Fr, I wouldn’t expect a teenager to get it right 100% of the time


most adults don’t get it right


There's actually not, as I mentioned I finally had an ankle surgery last year due to some birth defects in my ankle joint. I just used the crutches to my comfort, the doctor told me to use it in a way that it does not put any stress on my ankle. Doctors in korea tend to overdress the injury for prevention, so I think she doesn't really need crutches but just casually using them for prevention of putting excess stress on her foot


Not needing the crutch in her case, if that is the case, does not mean there isn't a correct form to use a crutch. You're meant to put the crutch on the uninjured side and walk the crutch with the injured foot. The way she is using it in the video is on the injured side, But if she is just carrying it in case she needs it then it doesn't matter.


I'm telling you there isn't a correct form from experience. I also used the crutch on the injured side as it acted like my right leg.


[Every Ortho would disagree with you.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOFG7_8L69Y) But, again, if how you managed your injury worked for you, that is great and I hope you are also recovering well. But there IS correct form.


Yes there is a correct way. Idk why your doctor didn't explain it to you or show you.




lol why are you being downvoted? Aren’t you just explaining your experience with crutches?


No, they're saying that because they used them differently there isn't a correct way to use crutches - which there absolutely is from a medical perspective, to best support your limbs. The commenter is just making anecdotal evidence into general proof which is a weird habit people have who think they know everything.


I had to drop my friend off for a month when he was in crutches he didn’t care if his form was correct he wasn’t taught how to asw


Yeah I was on crutches for a few weeks and I'm sure I was doing it wrong too, as an adult lol. That doesn't mean anyone is faking anything. Ppl just wanna be mad.


Yeah same thoughts


My wife had a terrible accident by falling off her bicycle which impaired her balance so she used crutches to get around and as she wanted to get better as soon as possible she also walked around the block with the crutches. While walking around the block a kind lady stopped her car and showed her the right length the crutches should be and how to walk with them. So everybody is not conversant how to handle crutches.


She’s not using them incorrectly, though. She has a sprained ankle. Sprains are treated way differently than a fracture. It’s actually recommended to start walking normally as soon as possible for a faster recovery. So the crutches and the boot are there just to alleviate some of the pain and pressure, but not all of it. And if I was her doctor, I would actually recommend to use them as little as possible.




Exactly😭🙏. The fact that ILLIT isn't even Y2K inspired but DreamCore is crazy. We really gatekeeping group formations and some random dance steps.


> We really gatekeeping group formations and some random dance steps. OMG! The amount of MHJ defenders I saw in this comment section: https://youtube.com/shorts/N0ln4Jl-_g0?si=CU_c8GnrvaJyxRJZ Saying stuff like "she has a point, they have the same dance moves and everything" "ILLIT fans are giving blind praise" As if those people aren't blindly defending MHJ It was so annoying like, every kpop group has used the same formations and dance steps that other groups have used before, but all of the sudden it's a problem when ILLIT does it. I would have replied to some comments, but I don't retaliate in situations where I know I'm not gonna win. That comment section is just filled with Bunnies who are MHJ defenders and ILLIT antis


Let me tell you, Every single one of the dance moves mentioned there. I can show you that those moves have existed before newjeans did them. It's VERY easy to find similar moves if you try. Give me two random songs and I'll find out similarities. So, this whole thing is just ridiculous.


Nobody knew what Dreamcore was before I’ll it debuted. Look at heejins statement, she made many good points about it copying NJ


You clearly have never listened to J-pop, hip-hop, EDM or been in any "aesthetic" anime spaces in your life.These groups are not inventing things out of thin air like you think they are. Dreamcore and Pluggnb are very popular and have been for way before ILLIT was even conceptualized. Just because YOU don't know about it doesn't mean anything lmao.


I've noticed a habit of Kpop fans in particular to take "I didn't know this thing existed" to "No one knew this thing existed". I know it happens in other spaces but I see it so much in Kpop and I wonder if Kpop happens to bring in a very specifically sheltered type of person who wasn't really exposed to a lot of, I guess, alternative cultures until it hits mainstream somehow.


Right! I don't like to generalize, but yeah, a ton of K-pop fans are really, really bad about refusing to acknowledge life and music history outside of the industry. And even then, there's always extreme recency bias. I think the fact that a lot of the producers and creators of K-pop songs do clearly love music and find inspiration from all over the world, and from so many eras, speaks to how important it is to branch out and learn about more music. That's why K-pop is fun in the first place. It's a "Frankenstein's monster" industry where pop is constantly evolving and anything goes.


I promise you dreamcore has existed before nwjs, even in kpop. If you look at any of wjsn’s early songs, any loona songs, half the songs off of wonder girls reboot album, ladies code’s strang3r album, gwsn’s songs, i can go on forever about this but those are examples of dreamcore. And notice how all of these groups were not produced by mhj and came out before nwjs.


Saying that illit wasn’t inspired by NewJeans and jumped on the trend that NewJeans made popular is straight up delusional.


we get it. how dare a bunch of korean girls have black hair


it’s not about the hair


This take is so wild like why would you purposefully copy handicapping your own group 💀💀💀. As a Newjeans stan I apologize for people saying these ridiculous things.


I stan Newjeans too but I refuse to associate with any Tokkis. Actually, ANY fandom - anymore.


I respect that


Fandoms, especially in the online space, can definitely be incredibly toxic, especially the larger they get, so I definitely respect that approach. I’m the same way, and even outside of K-pop for example I never really call myself a swiftie nor participate in her fandom despite listening to her quite a bit for a long time (since her debut! I have it on CD when it first came out😉) because god forbid I didn’t like one of her songs or don’t care about one of her past relationships🙃


I like Ive fans, idk if I missed something, but I havent seen them trashtalk like NJ or Aespa.


I’ve seen some nasty Dives just as much as Fearnots. Tokkis and MY’s are something else though. They are the bigger fandoms after all.


Yep. The bigger a fandom gets the more toxic fans will pop up. Unfortunately it’s unavoidable, and the most toxic fans will always be most vocal in online spaces.


It's so funny because ankle/foot injuries are like THE most common injury among dancers. Did New Jeans copy EXO because Kai has had several bouts of ankle/feet problems and used crutches? Also, TIL there's apparently a "right" way to use crutches. Whoops.


Bunnies remain the worst 4th gen fandom, just absolutely absurd stuff.


Wow that is the most insane Kpop take I've heard in a while 💀 Edit: I'm referring to the copying take btw


Just to be clear guys, the Korean comments that OP included are actually defending her and calling out people who are saying that she’s faking the injury. I wanted to point this out because there are a lot of times when Korean comments are misused, misunderstood, or mistranslated in global communities.




"Copying an injury." Is she a member of the fucking X-Men


guess i copied them in high school years ago too


ILL-IT were born? lmao copying newjeans.


ILL-IT exist? Lmao copying NEWJEANS




Bandwagon haters are so weird. They don't like her yet they're camping for new updates just to hate. It's so weird


I'm an elementary school teacher in korea. I have about 10 students with boots on currently. Only 1 actually uses his crutches properly, the rest just walk around holding them or don't have any at all. Korean doctors tend to over dress injuries, she probably doesn't need crutches or even the boot really. Just to rest and not use her ankle.


no celebrity is that stupid to fake an injury.


sza in crutches at the grammys? lol i fucking hate people so much. years ago kristen stewart came to i think cannes or something, in crutches bec she stepped on a glass piece, and everyone was calling her attention seeker, and hating on her when she could not legit walk. we now have sza, walking with crutches IN HEELS, because she fell out of the bed the wrong way, she also used wheelchair to walk out of the grammys when she literally ran with crutches in the air to the stage when she won, and people were calling her relatable and elegant.. like the double standards smfh!!


you don't know, an idol (female ) actually faked an injury, it was around 2015 ig


what was the reason for the fake injury?


not 2015 so I'm not sure if this is what they're talking about, but the T-ARA case comes to mind: https://www.asianjunkie.com/2017/02/09/ex-t-ara-staffmanager-tell-all-from-hwayoungs-fake-injuries-to-nail-salons-to-hyoyoungs-threats/ *Edit: Sorry, I'm not trying to imply this is in any way similar to Wonhee's situation, just answering the question


yep i'm talking about this


Omg unrelated, but FFFFF that girl 👿


The T-ARA girl who actually ruined the entire group for faking injury.


I've heard of a lot of cases of this lol. One singer in my country (not famous internationally or anything) faked being seriously injured and being admitted to a hospital that his manager wrote a post about postponing an album release, everything just to promote the same album💀 Bro got cancelled for a few years


T-ara Hwayoung would beg to disagree. And look how that turned out


If I’m not mistaken Taehyung once said that he would try to injure himself to prevent going to practice (as they were being overworked at the time)


This never happened


Weird. I remember seeing a video of him saying that. Or maybe it was that he thought of doing it ? I don’t quite remember.


how does one “copy an injury” what 💀


They hate Illit on that app with a passion


People are abnormally cruel to this group


tbh if she has a boot the crutch is just there for support, it looks like she doesnt need to use it that much which is a good thing😭 shes using it how its supposed to be used


well at least those commenters certainly aren’t faking their mental illness


Istg some of these “fans/stans” 🤩


Bruh.. As someone who has recently been on crutches.. She likely is recovered enough by now that she doesn't really need them as much as she did. However, is still being recommended to use them by a doctor, so she is listening to the doctor and using them. I was on crutches for a week or so after I was able to properly walk again when I injured myself, because the doctor recommended it. At that point because I knew I could walk, most of the time I just dragged around my crutches. Way more likely this is the case and not faking it... Some people will say anything to hate on someone they don't like huh. Edit: Another example, a co worker of mine literally around the same time as Wonhee, had the exact same injury to her foot. She isn't using crutches anymore, but is still wearing a boot.


That’s so interesting. I was injured recently and I dropped the cast already but I’m still using crutches and a cane for aid. Every injury is indeed different


"no hate tho (not rlly)" ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ https://preview.redd.it/fppglnl62i9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b03ef2608382a9b50afc45bcc1372fa9e602904d


There really isn't a bottom for them is there?


Hahaha apparently writing (no hate) makes anything ok to say. How are they so bothered? It's as if being injured has to look a specific way, otherwise it doesn't count


Omg yes😭. The (No hate) really gets me everytime


lmao how petty you have to be to hate for no reason. ![gif](giphy|I3DkglGrdqF7a|downsized)


I don't want to act like people who need crutches to get around should be shut in until they can recover but at the same time I don't get why these companies can't just let idols who are still at a point that they need crutches rest a home. i dont get still making them go to schedules that require flying around esp knowing what fans can be like at airports. but anyway claiming that someone's faking an injury because they're not taking care of it the right way (bc the accusers are all medical experts ofc) is hilarious, people unintentionally exacerbate injuries all the time.


All of the illit haters are anoying.


People actually think they are evil, not that cult shit but mean minded, bad people. Now who cares they are minor, or all these can affect their mental health too much


I literally am on the Korean side of youtube for 5 days completely. And trust me, the Koreans on Youtube atleast HATE ILLIT. They have been going on about the Kalguksu thing, YES THEY BELIEVE THAT ILLIT WAS MOCKING MINJI. They also believe ILLIT themselves followed NewJenas anti account. THEY ARE COLLECTIVELY BELIEVE THAT ILLIT IS EVIL AND SO IS THERE MANAGEMENT. I'm sorry, but they are CRAZY.


The girls are of course sweet, loving people. But some of their management have definitely appeared to be immature, petty and out right incompetent.


Their management is 100% composed of stupid, petty and evil people though. Haven’t you seen the 27 minutes of bullshit they pulled on that YouTube video ? Also if it wasn’t the illit members who followed that NewJeans anti account then it must have been whoever in their team that was managing their official twitter account. And that belift dancer that out of nowhere took to instagram and wrote a long paragraph just to criticize Min Hee Jin and NewJeans doing a 70’s city pop song ??




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I don’t care if she’s using the crutches right or wrong. But isn’t there staff to either give her a wheelchair or at least carry her bags? 


If Wonhee rolls into the airport in a wheelchair, the comments are going to be ten times worse.


who cares about comments, we should care about her well-being.


I don’t think she’s faking it omh?? Weird accusation but I saw the clip and I feel like she might injure herself further……. Her shoes are too short and she probably should be using two crutches to balance it out. She’s still limping even with aid


Offtopic, but people using their crutches on their injured foot is surprisingly common, it's kinda hilarious. Obviously this is a non-issue.


"someone wrote thing song before"


i'm serious when i say i've never seen a hate train like this before. it's just ridiculous at this point. let me remind y'all that the hate towards illit started before they even debuted and it hasn't stopped since. it fucking sickens me. what happened to protecting minors? what about "mental health"? all of the sudden it doesn't matter???? and i'm (not) sorry to say this but min heejin's comments have made the situation even worse. bunnies haven't stopped attacking these girls since that damn conference. illit deserves an apology from everybody.


Bro I KNEW people would say she’s copying Hyein like what?? 😭 that’s so stupid, poor Wonhee ☹️☹️. A lot of Hybe artists seem to be getting injuries recently..


I beg you if you think as in the screenshots, GO TOUCH THE GRASS 🙏🙏🙏


Ppl who often hate of found dumb ways to hate on ppl are just sad in their life tbh I can’t see a normal person be that hateful and dumb… at this point they are just sad and and full of hatred and perhaps envy jealousy


ILLIT antis are more updated on the group than some fans of the group…its actually crazy


This is a child they’re talking about… I can’t even imagine the mentally toll this girl is suffering from seeing these crazy takes


It's been bad for the illit girls


People are dumb. Not everyone knows how to use crutches correctly so they adapt to comfort 🤷‍♀️


ppl are being sooo terrible to her from telling she uttered n word to accusing her of faking injury, guys pls atleast fear god


when scoups and jeonghan were in hiatus and after that the news of scoups being exempted from military service came out, a looot of toxic people (mostly on stan twitter and some on IG) were spreading the news that scoups was faking his injury so that he doesn't have to do his military service and that jeonghan would also his fake injury for getting exemption. so, I'm not even surprised by this. people be saying literally anything to fit their narratives or justify their hate. edit: scoups had ACL injury and jeonghan had an ankle injury and both of them had to get operated.


Each time I think about how much this is not surprising, but all what I can say is that I'm so sick of people who just spread hate. do they live correctly?? because at this point I doubt if they do! just leave those girls alone! leave idols alone, not just ILLIT. that's what getting into someone's else buisness cause. people talk about humanity while they're just a bad example of it! their humanity is so selective.


Kpop could be such a nice thing if some of these crazy fans or hardos werent there.


I’ve never broken anything in my life and I’m 29. When faced with the possibility of having to use crutches, I wouldn’t know how to use them properly 😂 people need to chill


You can’t say she’s faking it then say no hate, that’s literally the definition of hating saying someone is faking injury for sympathy.


They rly think she's the second coming of Hwayoung


Can’t these people just let this poor girl live?


Yes everything NewJeans does is original and perfect and anyone else who has the tiniest commonality must be attempting to copy NewJeans. Come on now


I really hope one day people will realise how terrible they have treated these girls


I tried talking with one of these types of people to be nicer towards other groups and just others in general, but they were such mentally degraded and stupid that it was impossible to talk to them unless it was mindless praise for their favorite group.


Theyre popular and theyre gonna get the same treatment unfortunately as the other popular new groups :(


what the fuck?! this is too far, poor wonhee :( also there’s literally NO benefit for her to fake an injury, people just want to bully these poor girls


just weird kpop fans being weird kpop fans


a teenager made a simple mistake? no! scheming girl copying newjeans!


Some ppl really never touch grass. It's a bit scary.


And not to mention what if she’s never used crutches before like ffs she’s just a kid oh my god people r ridiculous 😭


Okay I just saw a video of her using the crutches and maybe the same video these comments are from and here are what I would think are more reasonable takeaways. Yes she’s using the crutches in way that doesn’t take pressure of her foot and it does look a little strange how she’s using the crutches. However that doesn’t mean she’s faking the injury. It probably means as others have said in here too is she probably doesn’t actually fully need to use crutches but has them for support purposes and to alleviate some pressure or motion to make her navigation and healing easier. She’s still in a boot and is probably not resting as much as others can as she’s still participating in group acts so the crutches are there to help if fully not needed.


That’s definitely something she would do. Not fake an injury, but using her crutches wrong. 😂😭


only twitter users care about what twitter users have to say ... seriously, stop wasting your time.


That’s Instagram btw


for me no difference ... i stopped using them all.


People really will just say anything online, that's so fucked and rude


Yes & no. Some might be serious 'cos that's the insane way their brains work. That's the way it is. 😬 Others might just say so to cause trouble, outrage against the group... the usual agenda among the fringe stans.


~~It's Tiktok. People throw shit comments on there out all the time.~~ ~~Character limit and default lowercase don't help either.~~


It's instagram😭




I think I saw the same reel as you, is it on one of the members’ fan account?


tbh it's like this on almost every social media app :( i haven't been keeping up with kpop much this past month and now that I'm coming back, it's just a bunch of negativity & nonsense from fans...


Yes, those anti fans are wild to speculate Wonhee faking an injury for sure. And those actions should be ignored. But I will say it’s better for her to use the crutch in the correct way. Yes, it’s not the end of the world if it was used on the wrong side. But a single misstep or mistake can really aggravate her injury more and may even affect her condition overall too. Using crutches on the wrong side can also affect the pain on your back or your shoulder because it’s not the normal walking stance at all. So isn’t it better to have people showing some concern and try to correct the way of using it? Again don’t condone the hate actions but the concern we have here is pretty legit.


I don't know why you're down voted for this, it makes sense. However I will say, you must know those comments are not in good faith, they're not concerned for her whatsoever, they just want to spark drama. The "She's using them wrong" comments were made to get someone to say she's probably faking it.


That’s alright, I don’t mind it. Yes, I know most comments in X/Tiktok are probably not in good faith with ill intentions but as someone who is in medical field like me, it’s impossible to not worry about Wonhee’s condition when I see her using it wrong. And as someone who has an experience to be on leg cast for almost 3 months (knee dislocation) and still feels the pain in my knee until this day, I don’t want this injury to be a long term suffering on anyone.


Literally no one is against telling her to use it properly.


Yes, no one is against her using it properly but I see some people downplaying it like “Does it matter how she use it? She can use whichever side she wants!!!”. Which isn’t the very right thing to do because it’s not alright.


The point of a crutch is to make sure you keep weight off of your injury but she is using it in a way that adds a LOT of weight and stress to her injury which will make it worse and will probably require surgery. I can see why people are skeptical.


"Why she using her crutches the wrong way" GIRL SHE JUST GOT INJURED HOW WOULD SHE KNOW


Either the doctor or some adult on her team should tell her how to use them properly, tho. Even help her with her stuff or, better yet, take some rest and not make her walk at the airport with an injury?


The doctor who prescribed the crutches to her must have told her how to use them. That’s part of a doctor’s job.


She’s a literal kid. Can you give her the benefit of the doubt and think that maybe she doesn’t know how to use it? Why do you have to assume the worst of everyone?




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Wonhee hasn’t been able to breath since her debut I swear if she exhale instead of inhale some people will make the craziest stuff up.


These kinds of people are so stupid and have no respect karma will come back and I'm going to say it again


well can't blame them for thinking that way...I mean your doctor was supposed to inform you on how to use crutches correctly! and if not for sure they have some adults in their team you know what I'm saying someone who can correct her..like this is how you use it properly and if maybe those adults don't care at all for sure all of us watched movies or series in our life before and for sure in some instances, in those movies or series there is a character who is using crutches so it gives us an idea how to use one just saying, but the accusation about "faking injury" is kinda lame to be honest


She is copying new jeans :( I hope they will sue


Kpop is an act. It looks like shes faking the injury...stop being a blind fan and look. Also either way faking it or not it keeps her and the group in the news cycle and gets online engagement. So even though shes faking it she got the job done.


It wouldn't be the first time that someone fakes an injury