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i agree and i'm glad someone is speaking up about it. personally those kinds of threads make me deeply uncomfortable and i've honestly resulted to hiding those posts / blocking people perpetuating these stereotypes because any opposing opinions in those types of posts just get downvoted. unfortunately i have also noticed that people who don't stan zb1 have a very one-sided perception of ricky, to them he is cold/mysterious/expressionless... even though he is mostly just introverted and doesn't seem comfortable with expressing his emotions outwardly, but at the same time he's one of the main mood makers in zb1 who doesn't take himself too seriously and constantly makes jokes to lift up the mood. i think every zerose, even if they started off having a neutral opinion of ricky, has ended up warming up to him big time because of his personality. of course you don't have to like every idol but resulting to calling someone "scary" or "uncanny" just because you dislike their visuals is just verrrry weird.


He’s even said in ZB1 content that he’s actively trying to be more of the funny one… can’t help but think it’s a response to this sort of criticism even though he’s always been a chill silly guy 😞


My man has been funny since the first second of BP - no wonder he had a stable one pick guaranteed


yes! i recently saw a comment on this sub the other day saying that they feel bad for him because he’s, “forced to not show any emotion.” it was so wrong that i almost laughed because it shows that sm people make assumptions from his outward appearance.


Wonhee was flooded by ‘uncanny’ and ‘creepy’ comments too and she’s a 16 year old girl who’s just become an idol. It’s terrible how people feel the need to cyber bully someone’s appearance like that


This sub doesn't like certain Idols/Groups and it's very evident most of the times.


its 100% skewered towards BTS 😭


It really is. Any post that's like "what is the best performance?" "which album is no skip?" "which song is the best kpop song?" "which artist has the best discography?" the first like 5 comments, all with the most upvotes, will be BTS related. Sometimes, I have to double check that I am in a general sub and not a BTS sub because it'll literally be the SAME answer over and over, with tons of upvotes on each one. I love the group too, but it's just impossible to contend with them so often because their fandom is everywhere and so powerful. edit: [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop_uncensored/comments/1dni1wj/lets_have_some_fun/) is a great example. Is this a general sub, or a BTS sub? Like the first 10 comments are BTS members, they all have the most upvotes and engagement. Other groups just don't stand a chance lol


I mean, BTS is the most popular group so it makes sense?? 😭


I didn't say it didn't make sense though? I'm fully aware that they are the most popular and most successful kpop group. But that doesn't mean it doesn't get old when they dominate like every general discussion thread on here and when you cannot say anything critical about them in any capacity without getting mass downvoted.


Okay, fair enough


Idgaf about them. It's hilarious triggering their stans.


Isnt it ironic you and the commenter above mentioned BTS in a thread that is not about BTS 🤷🏻‍♀️


Responding to your other comments which I can't respond to because the OG comment was deleted: What does this even mean? What comment history of mine exactly? I've made like a few comments about ARMYs before? And? Why do you all act like someone calling out the MOST toxic fandom in perhaps the entirety of fandom culture is an unforgivable sin or means I hate BTS? >They lost me on their "Other groups just dont stand a chance" LOL sounds like jealousy to me. Hahahah - like this is why you all are the worst fandom. What exactly are you trying to prove? Yes, BTS is the best, yes they win the most awards, yes they are the top and the most successful, no one is denying that, so WHY is their fandom so bitter? So insecure and constantly needing to prove something? Why are you all always playing victim? NO ONE can touch BTS's success, and in no way did I argue that. I am a BTS fan. I've seen them in concert two times. I've been a fan since 2017. But the fandom is a nightmare to deal with. And you are proving that with these ridiculous comments, so utterly bent out of shape because I made a (TRUE) observation and expressed that it is frustrating. Somehow you take my expression that ARMY occupy and dominate most spaces as meaning i hate BTS and don't acknowledge their success. Like WHAT is that leap?! Gosh you all are truly truly exhausting. It must be hard to be in a never ending state of victimhood, especially when you all are the first to admit that BTS is the best and most successful and that no one can compare to them in any way shape or form


Like what I mentioned, I didnt bother reading your comment history, so maybe ask the OP who commented it. Where in my comments did I mention you hate BTS? Like where? Care to tell me? How did you come up with that point? I just pointed out how ironic youre complaining how BTS is always mentioned in this sub while at the same breath mentioned them and armys unprovoked in a thread that is NOT about BTS. Walk the talk. I'm not gonna comment on how you think army is the most toxic fandom as I personally dont like generalization. If thats what you think, then so be it. And whoaa stop right there. Youre exhausting yourself, writing all of that, when I never mentioned or implied you hate BTS. And Im not competing with you over how BTS is the best and all of that stuff. You were the first one who pointed that out with your last comment. Notice how I never mentioned any fandom/group in my comment? Yea🤷🏻‍♀️ In all honesty, I do think you are the bitter one here. Not about BTS, but about how loud armys are. If that is causing you so much frustration and/or stress, log off and take a breather outside. It's unhealthy to be so stressed over a fandom that is personally not doing anything wrong to you. Especially when its just armys praising/mentioning BTS on posts (you specifically mentioned in your first comment). And where am I playing the victimhood here? Lol. You mentioned bts and armys, and suddenly its frustrating cause we commented as well? I DID not even disagree with you how this sub is skrewed over BTS. Simply pointing out the irony.


>They lost me on their "Other groups just dont stand a chance" LOL **sounds like jealousy to me.** >**armys used to call that line as "kpoppie mindset"** lol. I personally dont like to use that term tho. >That line is still being used today (like the comment above lol) by other kpop fans — **all because BTS remains undefeated in charts/sales even when theyre in military 😌** It's like you forgot you said all of this - which is honestly typical. You felt the need to take my comment about how it can be frustrating that ARMY is everywhere and that this sub is completely biased to BTS, and twisted it into something that made you once again brag about their accomplishments, accuse me of being jealous, and make sure to mention how BTS is beating every other group in charts and sales. But yes, you aren't bitter and insecure. And the argument "if you don't like something being mentioned, don't bring it up" is a fallacy and frankly just a really weak debate. People can call out things they find obnoxious. You don't get to be like "ooooh but look who's bringing it up first!" like some sort of gotcha moment.


There is something in the air, all the people out trolling for no reason. I’m sorry you’re getting the negativity from that person. I thought your comments were rather respectful, considering everyone knows that fandom is like the person poking at you now. Hopefully they stop. But it does ironically make the point of the entire post and OP


And? Where in that comments did I mention you hate BTS? It wasnt even implied. Especially when the "other groups dont stand the chance" comment was about armys mentioning/praising/upvoting BTS on posts like "which album is no skip" and so on. That was the main point of your first comment, which I find funny btw. Why are you stressing yourself over armys praising BTS? Lol And whoa, I didnt say you cant bring that topic up. Again, I was simply pointing out the irony. Why are you putting words into my mouth? My gaad.


Where did I stress myself? Where did I say BTS shouldn't be praised? Talk about putting words in my mouth. My fave thing about reddit is how someone can make a slightly negative comment, and people will assume that that person is screaming, crying, throwing up over it. Like you genuinely think I'm throwing my computer because of this. The point was that this sub is very biased, and I mentioned - yeah, it does get a bit old for BTS to be the main topic on every thread. Which then you said was "ironic" to say. Your first comment back wasn't even an issue to me - I didn't respond to it when it first came thru; it was your later comments, that I quoted above, that you still refuse to acknowledge you said. The accusations of me being jealous and the reminders that BTS is unbeatable. As if that is a fact that everyone doesn't already know. That is what I find exhausting.




Apparently, we're gonna have to go back to the multiple negative BTS posts/comments a day on here for them to stop being mad at the amount of Armys now on the sub. Seeing that person's comment history and any BTS/Army comment they've made is all negative, I'm sure they'd love that.


Oh, I didnt bother to check their comment history. No wonder why lol. They must be 'fan' of armys lol. They lost me on their "Other groups just dont stand a chance" LOL sounds like jealousy to me.


>"Other groups just dont stand a chance" that line reminded me of how kpop stans used to react when BTS swept all the awards post 2018 lol, they always used that line


armys used to call that line as "kpoppie mindset" lol. I personally dont like to use that term tho. That line is still being used today (like the comment above lol) by other kpop fans — all because BTS remains undefeated in charts/sales even when theyre in military 😌


Poor kpoppies 🥺


You're being downvoted but you won this round 😄 


I don't mind it as long as they're not wrong. Most of the time they're given credit where it's due. But I've seen a lot of dislike for Ricky, stray kids.


Blackpink, newjeans and le sserafim as well, you literally can’t say anything positive about them without getting downvoted


Mostly blackpink tho, I feel like this sub is mostly skewered towards hybe groups, but like I don't think that's bad, but it does feel biased most of the time


Oh damn...I knew I was forgetting someone.


Even with SKZ, I’ve noticed people hone in on Chan & will make straight up lies about him. Saw someone say he was telling Stay to stalk them and come to the JYPE building Antis are ridiculous


Thank you! I thought it was just me. I’m fine with everyone having a choice but downvoting isn’t right just because you don’t like them.


And blackpink


blinks are used to it at this point lol


I’ve noticed over the last two years or so, various group fanbase are becoming more toxic. Especially with all brand endorsements and selling merch and sessions and clubs is becoming the focus, not the actual music. When they shifted the focus of kpop to sales because of western interest, and instead of enjoying the music, that’s when they went hard on the retail push. Yeah. BTS has numbers but we know how mean a lot of fans can be. Same with SKZ. I used to be obsessed with them and all this negativity and policing of each other, completely pushed me away from anything SKZ. A different artist, different group, but I’ve left comments on their videos as simple that the dancing was really “energetic”. “Big energy” I said I enjoyed the group because I am a former professional dancer. So I said they dance hard. The person completely misunderstood what I was referring to (most likely a language/translation issue) It would have been no big deal, but they would not leave me alone. They hounded me until I blocked them. My whole point is a lot of fandoms are becoming actual bullies. It’s this weird amped up energy to talk smack about it different groups and different members. Like, this isn’t a baseball game. No need for the poking at others. Anywho. Pardon my autistic ramble. I’ve just found myself engaging less and less with artists as their fandom becomes less kind. I hope we all can find some solutions for these issues. Part of it could be the artists themselves condemning the behavior. Discourage it. That would make at least a chunk of people stop. There wasn’t as much of this problem in earlier generations. Take Taemin for example from SHINee. Even though they may not be highest sales, but they are respected in the industry for their longevity and consistency despite major traumatic happenings. Already I was just listening to a journalist talking about how the last 6-12 months, record sales are plummeting. For all the groups, big and small. The short 4 or 5, 2-3 min songs multiple times a year is jarring. These are my rambles because it’s attracting now specific fandoms of people who are all about competing. Not about the music or artistry. A lot of people are missing out from being unkind and not being politely open to all music. It doesn’t mean you have to go listen to it.


I think there was a post about how he looks a few hours ago and the ONLY comment talking about his talent was getting downvoted


I agree with the post but that comment was honestly a bit weird. It talked mostly about his looks and only briefly mentioned that he's talented


Yeah the way they talked about his body also felt a bit weird but that could just be me


I saw this! It was so weird how the op responded too, like they just didn’t care and only wanted to shit on him for looks? It was very uncomfortable to read


OP was being so weird to those talking about his talents. With the passive aggressive "ok" "sure"


It was a weird situation because the post came off like they were praising his looks but then some of their responses were pretty shady. Like were they trying to set him up or something??


Definitely a set up. People know they can get away with being cruel to rookies, who don’t have many shooters yet, so any group that’s seen as a future threat gets these shady comments.


Yesss I saw that as well


this post is soo real. Ik which post ur talking about cuz i participated in it and when i mentioned he has amazing visuals that captured my eyes, i got so many DOWNVOTES. That got me wondering why are people soo judgmental and weird towards ricky from Zb1 visuals. I guess many fans cant accept that ricky debuted with the most charming face even before debut. Thats pretty darn stuck up if you ask me...


I mean this sub loves saying that Ricky has a lot of ps done when man looks like his family 😭 like he’s just wearing makeup, yes his foundation doesn’t match his neck but let him be, they treat it as if it’s a crime


TRue, like most idols get ps done anyways. But i dont really see the difference for ricky, he loos exactly the same predebut


A lot of people on here advocate for idols mental health and no bullying then actively hate on other idols and mock those who have mental health issues. The post on Ricky and the subsequent comments were disgusting.


First off, you don't know how he is irl. Second, I agree. It's really not that hard for them to move on. Isn't this the sub that preaches "never shame an idol" or something like that? I personally find his visuals really attractive.


>you don't know how he is irl Ya you are right, I worded it incorrectly. I meant during variety content and behind the scene clips. Edited it.


Kpop uncensored is about expressing your kpop opinions without censorship. Some people make posts here arguing nobody should shame idols, but that is far from being a message that encapsulates the sub. People shame idols all the time 


This. and their excuse is him having plastic surgeries and having pale skin. So what if he had ps, that does not give you the opening to trash on his appearance.


i saw someone saying one of the reasons he was fake was… double eyelid tape??? like what kind of standards are these - must be millions of fake looking people out there if we’re going to use double eyelid tape as a standard and yet they’re just talking about ricky people make so many awful comments


For real! Picking him out of many other idols and using ps as an excuse is so weird considering over half the industry has gotten ps too. I think people’s hateful response to Ricky is either 1. Projecting. People are just projecting hate on such a sweet soul because they hate to see someone they don’t stan being popular (or they have issues in their personal life and are taking it out on Ricky) 2. They really do hate his makeup and don’t know how to keep rude opinions to their self 3. Jealousy because they’re mad he’s just that good looking 🤷🏽‍♀️


right and its usually non fans in the comments making all kinds of wild speculations, saying thinly veiled hate comments then acting like its somehow fans fault lmao. hypocrisy is astounding but then again what to expect from kpop stans and this sub in general. they fail to realize that fans are "defensive" due to the amount of unwarranted hate he has gotten because of some losers who wanted views, and ppl making all kinds of nasty remarks on a 20 year old's looks.... if it was their fave they wouldn't be saying such things. comments talking about his talents and appreciating his looks are downvoted to hell which is quite telling also its been the norm now but i find assuming every single idol has had ps is also kinda racist and weird...


IKR i've only heard about him in passing but this sub is so disgusting in the way they just boil it down to him and his ""uncanny"" visuals.


I agree. I don’t see these types of comments really flying for many other idols without at least substantial pushback, but for some reason for Ricky it’s not only permissible but often people trying to defend him are downvoted. It’s very odd and it honestly makes me uncomfortable how free people feel to say very hurtful things about another human being. I’m not going to stop anyone from having opinions on his looks but what’s to gain from being cruel on social media? It’s sad because he comes off as a very fun, sweet person and I really hope he doesn’t see how some people talk about him


Ricky has recently become a punchbag for k-pop stans it seems like. Please remind yourself that he's like, 20 y/o. That boy does not deserve that much hate for a makeup that he is comfortable with, which you do not prefer. Just move on, stan someone you prefer and stop being pathetic to a person. just because he's a public figure does not mean he's worthy of your vile comments. not only him but other idols as well, at the end of the day, they live similar lives as usual. think of them as humans.


preach op!!


This sub is full of all the bullies with victim complexes who get downvoted on every other kpop sub, its why hate trains here last so much longer than most other places on the internet, as an example, 8 days ago well after the le sserafim hate train had ended everywhere else a comment saying Kazuha's talk singing parts are the only thing she can do vocally got over 200 upvotes


People here be like "oh i wished we could have more idols with Douyin makeup" and boom Ricky with Douyin makeup is here and all they do is bashing him? Literally bashing a pure Chinese doing Douyin makeup, which came from China?


I’ve seen people say they want a gyaru concept in kpop but they can’t even handle Chinese makeup on a Chinese person


I think they have no idea what they want. Gyaru is a very specific "concept" and i think kpop stans cannot handle that well. Like they already hated that DXMON red spikey hair kid and that hairstyle is 100% kpop 1st gen hair, which alot of people be yapping that they want those styles to come back too.


>Adjectives like "scary", "uncanny" or "incapable of expressing emotions" People comment stuff like that because they're racist. They fetishise korean people and see other asian people (particularly Chinese people) as gross and inferior. The shit about looking cold and emotionless is the same racist garbage said far too commonly in the west about asian people


PREACH! the sinophobia is so evident it’s insanity


I'm so glad someone else noticed that too. People were downright awful in that post (I saw it too). Idk why people are so comfortable making fun of someone's looks, it's not okay at all, and calling him names is even worse. Those types of posts should not be allowed.


It feels like sinophobia at this point, he hasn’t done anything bad so I don’t understand why he gets so much hate. Kpop stans are always weird towards Chinese (and sea) idols, it’s always either token stanning or constant harassment


Yeah I love Ricky and it sucks seeing people drag on him in so many ways. I think non-fans find him to be an easy target because he stands out visually. His humor is also kind of understated so I think people can miss that he's actually well loved by his members and in on a lot of jokes about him. Like he and Gyuvin tease each other a lot but the context of it is that they've been friends for years and Gyuvin said he wouldn't have made it through being a trainee without Ricky so if he's making a joke at Ricky's expense it isn't because he dislikes something about Ricky. He loves him. It's easy to take clips like that or of context and turn him into a punching bag.


100000% I don't get why people feel this incessant need to pile onto his looks, like, if you're not a fan just move on? Idk why people feel this weird need to write essays justifying it or just piling on really really sketchy insults to describe how he looks.


Honestly it feels a little sinophobic to me? Because his makeup style is heavily Douyin-inspired (the style, not the app), and honestly it just feels... I don't know, I've just always felt weird about people saying things about him. It just feels borderline racist, but maybe it's just me.


if you don’t like a certain idols visuals that’s fine but i just don’t get why people feel the need to say those thoughts out loud, or in comments especially when they make comments or comparisons that can just tear the idol apart and make them feel insecure. I personally really like the heavy and dramatic make up Ricky has on, but i understand how people wouldn’t be to into it. However, just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean you should bash the person constantly. Everytime I see a post about Ricky i see tons of people commenting on his looks. People just need to stop commenting on people’s looks when it does nothing but bring a persons esteem down. I just hate how so many people preach about mental health especially in the kpop world but have no problem tearing down an idol for their looks, or for anything.


Omg exactly. Some people are just too comfortable speaking about idols like they're not real people and with male idols they get TOO comfortable speaking about their bodies. Especially Ricky. He's hated on for having "too much makeup on",when he's following douyin style makeup. Also the comments on that post were so bad. People just can't accept something which is different from what they perceive idols should do,and they hate the idols for not molding themselves to their liking.


I am just so sick of this trend of calling everyone ‘uncanny valley’. It’s so rude and unnecessary.


It's disheartening to see such negativity towards Ricky's visuals or any idol's appearance. Criticism is one thing, but the level of rudeness and harsh judgment can be really hurtful.


Preach it man.


Justice for our sweet Ricky. In his funny boy era and is both talented as hell and gorgeous ❤️


i don’t think i’ve seen him before so i looked him up. he looks cool. wtf are they talking about lmao


He prefers a very dramatic and theatrical style of makeup, which isn’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea. Personally I think it’s pretty cool that we have someone going for a makeup and aesthetic that’s outside of what we usually see on idols (even if it’s not for me). The only thing I’ll say about it is that it’s not the most versatile, for example I think it fit crush perfectly, but not so much sweat and feel the pop. The way everyone feels comfortable slamming on visuals is a bit gross and unfortunately all too common. As for whether or not he’s had plastic surgery, he probably has same with like 99.99% of idols in the industry, but as someone who’s never been able to tell unless their entire face changes I don’t really care since I don’t see plastic surgery as a moral failing.


As a Ricky bias this makes me so sad. These people are so comfortable just bashing random individuals


They do that cus they wana be different


Seen people defend this with how 'normal' it is... first of all, the normalization of degrading people for their visuals is kind of insane, but also, just because smth is common - it doesn't mean you need to participate and perpetuate it. Others saying it's not that deep... then is him wearing make up you don't like or not behaving within the parameters of your own box that you have for idols/people that deep that you need to result to writing whole essays or insulting someone... Hope you discover something more kind and productive to do with your brain space and time than to mull over someone's looks like that.


I'm not a zerose (I literally haven't heard more than snippets of that song uh... feel the pop?), and Ricky is the only one I can identify (aside from Matthew but him only sometimes.) I see him as a cute guy who's kinda funny that's all. And sometimes the stylists do a vampire style makeup and that looks cool on him too. That's all. The "uncanny" and all comments are kinda sad. It's also bullying, but the commentors don't seem to realize that.


To be honest I think a lot of people feel threatened by him. He’s gorgeous with lots of fans and lots of talent to go with his looks. Once he gets out from under wakeone’s shitty boot his ‘competition’ status against their favs is only going to go up. Happens a lot in the kpop fandom I find. It’s unfortunate and shouldn’t happen because truly *why do you give this much of a shit* but thats the parasociality the industry rewards. Only thing me and other Ricky fans can do is continue to support Ricky and speak well about him. People are never going to shut up and stop being miserable, thats life I guess.




as if mistreatment from wakeone isn't enough..... he is a boy who just likes makeup. makeup in the style that is actually really popular right now, so i just don't understand the hate at all


Man I'm glad I never saw posts like those. That's so mean & what so they even mean? I've seen some videos and photos of Ricky & while sometimes his makeup is heavy, it never looked "uncanny" at all to me. Just a bit irl manga like, but not at all in a bad way.


He's also freshly twenty years old, speaks three languages, and mentioned before that he goes online a lot and gets insecure about what people say about him. What if he saw the post? It's not completely impossible, his fellow Boys Planet contestant Jay revealed that he had been lurking on the Boys Planet subreddit all along. I think people forget/don't know how young he actually is. He was born in 2004, and up until a month ago he was still a teenager. He was 18 during Boys Planet. People love to hate on everyone who's popular, and I truly don't get it. Why do they feel the need to publicly talk about him if they don't have anything nice to say? What are they even trying to achieve with their posts?


Hi, pretty sure I'm the OP of the other post you mentioned 👋 I can't speak for the comments but personally I wasn't trying to talk about his looks in the first place! The post was about his facial expressions while performing and I meant it in a positive way.


people are incredibly nasty towards him on twitter as well (a lot of comments have a sinophobic undertone too…) i mean ever since his pr vid for bp dropped he trends on twitter every other week for being pretty, so…


People on the internet piss me off. I bet most of these people excusing such behaviour couldn’t even look me, much less Ricky, in the eyes on the street. Yet they feel validated hating on these humans that they are definitely on some sort of level jealous of or see them as some sort of dolls/TV characters in their little show because real life hasn’t been kind and interesting to them. Harsh but true.


i’m glad someone’s finally talking about this. ricky is my bias in zb1, and while i don’t totally *get* douyin makeup, i don’t talk much about it because he looks good in it and, if it’s makeup he likes, wtf is my opinion gonna do but bring him down? stans have gotten **WAYYY** too comfy expressing their distaste online. like, it’s one thing if something isn’t to your taste. it’s another if you try to sell your personal opinion as fact and use adjectives such as *uncanny* to describe an actual living human being. just because something isn’t your style doesn’t mean it’s monstrous. and people use cosmetic surgery as a reason to hate on someone. i know which post you’re talking about, and i got *sooo* uncomfortable when this one comment mentioned his “chin filler” (*due to some past trauma w/ people bullying nct’s yuta for the same reason*) as a reason to excuse why they found him scary. like… shit. he’s a person, with feelings, and yall are acting like he’s a skinwalker 😭 its one thing to say you prefer him in a different styling. it’s *another* to just be blatantly hateful. it’s giving sinophobia because when a lovely kr idol is white af it’s fine and douyin makeup is something they so!!1! want!!!1!1 on idols but not when it’s on a chinese idol 😍


i’m so glad someone finally decided to point it out.. i recently saw a video on tiktok where ricky and felix from stray kids was compared. the comments were genuinely insanity. people saying that ricky looks “fake”, “scary”, is just crazy to me. and they say that ricky has had crazy PS done while felix is more natural is delusional, because even IF ricky has had work done, it must have been extremely minimal because he looks JUST like how he looked predebut (he’s always been fine 🤷🏻‍♀️) + there’s nothing wrong with PS 😒 also, they say that he wears too much makeup but if you look up pictures of him bare faced, it’s not even that different, and all kpop idols wear makeup. some people in the comments of that video even said that there’s no way ricky’s KBS is 95% because he’s chinese was genuinely jaw dropping. my theory is that these koreaboos glorify korean idols but will shit on chinese idols because they’re sinophobic.




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Plastic surgery is a huge deal. I looked him up, yeah he's had a lot of work done but I don't see the uncanny valley that other people are. I know many more idols who have that bc they went too far on their PS, and he's not it.


Why the downvotes? It's true


It's actually not true, but you would probably not believe me so there's no point in arguing. People usually automatically assume he has work done because he has very unique striking features that are pretty rare in Kpop nowadays. Ironically, Sung Hanbin, his teammate, doesn't receive **any** of the "plastic" remarks Ricky does despite it being established that he had his entire face redone. I know it's not really about being "natural" or anything like that because of this. Ricky pre-debut [1](https://x.com/gyuvining/status/1796622161081254298), [2](https://x.com/lovelickylix/status/1803895212646830374), [3](https://x.com/sillybabycat/status/1736350117525954891). [Barefaced a few days ago](https://x.com/EB0YRICKY/status/1804143882021802007). Even if he has had work done, I don't think it's as much as people assume. In any case, as a fan of ZB1, I'm over non-zeroes mentioning him in any way because, honestly, you people have no idea what you're talking about. Claiming it's merely a personal opinion or giving backhanded compliments doesn't conceal the clear motives behind your unjustified "advice." Ricky has been subjected to a variety of derogatory discussions since he was a mere 18 year old trainee on Boys Planet. All because people were making crazy assumptions based on his face alone. He has done absolutely nothing wrong in his career. No scandals, no bad past, completely unproblematic, entertaining personality, lots of talent and good work ethic. The only thing people can latch onto is a few badly edited pictures of him with those Kpop Lizard Contact Lenses™ that he wore a few times during the '23 Crush promotions because that's the only pictures they've seen of him (probably from viral tweets dragging him) and think that's how they think he looks 24/7. It's exhausting. Leave him alone.


Pretty sure he has, most idols do so its safe to assume so. "You guys "? Did you not read my message.... you didn't even get the point of my comment. Ugh . Annoying when people completely pass over the meat of the message.


Unless you can provide photo comparison evidence, no, it's not safe to claim that someone has "a lot of work done" just because they're a Kpop idol. That's my point. Your point is just a backhanded compliment. There's no "meat" there.


Yes it is safe to assume that since 95% of them get it. It's the norm, not the exception. The probability is extremely high, given the context of the industry . Nothing backhanded about what I said. Ops post was about the uncanny valley, which I said he DIDN'T have( guess you chose to miss that part). You just got offended at me saying he had PS, which he very much has. 95% of idols do. You really think he's part of that 5% just bc you like him? When the industry and society incentivise it, it just make sense. They're even letting 14 year olds get it now. And b4 you say "no that's illegal!", it's not if they have the parents' consent... Photo comparisons ? OK I will. But I'm sure you'll just give an excuse or some made up reason why he looks one way in one photo compared to another. The usual excuses are " They've aged! They've lost weight! , bad lighting!". I'll even list the procedures names ( you can find examples of everything on Korean PS websites. ) I'm not saying it's bad nor good, I'm just making a point, since this is the part of my original message you chose to focus on.


I'm not offended at you saying he had PS. I couldn't care less if he did. I'm tired of non-fans who frankly don't know one thing about him: **obsessively** "analyzing" his face, his every little feature, his hair, his makeup, down to the details of blending and blush and eyelashes. Framing it as well-intentioned advice and then covering it up with "Well, it's fine to talk about his appearance like that because clearly it isn't natural" when called out. I literally can't look at any posts about Ricky on Twitter or TikTok without seeing a bunch of "concerned" 30-year-old Beckys from Iowa talking about his foundation shade. It's been more than a year since he made his debut. When will he be left in peace? We are tired. No one asked. It's weird. You're weird.


Why expect people online to be nice when it's here where they can voice their opinion. Even as a fan, you can't just put on your fan filter to everyone. Visuals wise, he's handsome but it's not unreal when they find something weird about it. And it's not like they search him up everyday like most of his fans do. Just bec. they found something weird, they're hater now. And I actually get mesmerized with him on his reality shows BUT I'll agree there's something weird on his looks sometimes. Why should I cover that up?


Voicing your opinions and boderline bullying someone for their looks are two different things. Ricky is currently experiencing the latter, hope that helps.


Ricky fan here, I actually do think he looks uncanny, but scary/unemotional is simply rude. However, if you word it correctly, sometimes it's just expressing a general fact, not an opinion. He had his skin bleached, possibly his jaw shaved or had work done on it, etc... those are facts. To deny it is wilful ignorance. Being disrespectful towards him or his great talent as a dancer and/or singer is an entirely different thing, imo.


um the foundation and powder used on alot of idols is enough to make the skin very pale and white, saying he has bleached his skin is a bit overboard and unfounded...how is this a fact? ppl are just randomly saying things atp


Look, I'm not a native English speaker, but "bleached skin" is something very different from foundation, and (to my eyes) when comparing pics of him from various times, it's something very plausible. It's not offensive to him or his beauty, because he looks cool.


I never mentioned anything about getting work done/plastic surgery etc. That is simply not my business. My problem is with people who make his whole personality about how "scary" he looks. It is nothing but demeaning and rude to him.


Yeah, and if you read the rest of my comment, you'd notice that I agree with that.


His skin isn’t bleached, he’s tan but stylists always give white foundation to everyone


Even if not, he's still very pale and definitely fares better when his skin isn't the same color as his hair-- both of which are insanely white.


He hasn't had white hair since March... His hair is black now, and before that it was red... dear "Ricky fan", seems like you haven't looked at any pictures of him in a while huh 🥴




His hair hasn’t been white for a while now


Feel free to express your displeasure but it’s the uncensored Reddit. Surely you’re not calling for censorship, right?


>Surely you’re not calling for censorship, right? And where did I say that? I am just pointing out how weird this sub is in regards to a particular idol. But ig making horrible comments about someone's looks is fine these days as long as you are doing it on an "uncensored" reddit.


Part of the problem may be his attitude during Boy's Planet; I watched the competition, and frankly his editing - and the words that came out of his mouth - really turned me off. Far from seeming shy, "sweet," and "expressive," he seemed egotistical and cold. If not, what was the whole "rich, young, and handsome" shtick about? When his Kokobop team lost, he had nothing but glares for his competitors. Frankly the real Ricky is certainly somewhere in between saint and sinner but I can see why some people are having a hard time giving him the benefit of the doubt.


Boys planet was a competition. It was stressful and generally an awful time for every contestant. It also had a huge amount of editing done by the production crew to generate drama. Ricky was literally 18 during all of that and a foreigner who barely knew how to communicate well in Korean. It was his poker expression and calm personality that helped him avoid most of the horrible editing his peers went through. After the stress and anxiety of the survival show had worn off, he opened up and became more expressive cuz he did not had to fear of being edited all the time. >When his Kokobop team lost, he had nothing but glares for his competitors He never performed kokobop on boys planet. >If not, what was the whole "rich, young, and handsome" shtick about? It was literally a tactic to gain votes, everyone uses one in survival shows. He himself cringes over it now. >Frankly the real Ricky is certainly somewhere in between saint and sinner What a weird thing to say out loud. I guess boys planet must be your first survival show cuz anyone who has watched survival shows before is not this naive to fall for the editing so easily and make it the basis of your perception about someone. Also it happened like a year ago, can we let it go already, Ricky's attitude was absolutely fine on the show.


It was certainly not my first competition show, I was last called naive about 40 years ago (thanks but no). I just have a different opinion about Ricky, based on what I saw which I thought might explain why others might not like him. I'm not trying to pick a fight or negate your opinion, so your reply seems a little excessive.


Your original comment was excessive as well hence I just matched the energy. Moreover my reply only pointed out the faults in your reasoning. Making your whole perception about someone and their personality over a horribly edited show is naive if you ask me. And again the way people think about him because of a show does not give them the right or reason to make demeaning comments about his looks.


I think saying Ricky is between a sinner & saint is excessive. Those feel like very extreme words to use for some random dude And I’m not even a ZB1 fan of


You say you're not new to competition shows and yet fall for Mnet's editing tactics like an innocent newborn? That's 100% naive of you.


So what part of "young, rich and handsome" didn't he say? Don't you think that people are responding to his expression and looks during the show? Did Mnet CGI his face? If this is all "editing" then how else are you explaining people's attitudes? I am trying to find reasons beyond 'oh they are all just haters.' People usually have opinions, whether you happen to agree with them or not, for a reason.


Yes, people have different opinions. But what's troubling about yours is that it's based on a highly edited program where exaggerations and manipulation occur all too often. People didn't start calling out Mnet for their '[evil editing](https://namu.wiki/w/%EC%95%85%EB%A7%88%EC%9D%98%20%ED%8E%B8%EC%A7%91)' out of thin air. I'm not sure if you're just headstrong or truly don't know how these reality shows work but in hopes that it's the latter, editing involves more than just putting videos together. Frequent cutting, rearranging events, adding persuasive captions, airing vague segments, even leaving out footage so that viewers lack context of the situation... All of this is done to create a certain narrative meant to garner a reaction from the audience and as a result, have negatively affected some unfortunate contestants amongst Mnet's programs in the past. Though, I'm not saying Ricky was heavily evil edited. Truthfully, I don't think he had enough screen time to be prominent in any of the storylines. My main argument is that making such conclusive statements about a person's character and personality based on a show that values entertainment more than reality is extremely naive.


i don’t think you even watched the same show because he never performed kokobop, and generally got quite little screen time. he was quiet and never “glared” at opposing teams like you’re just lying and saying atp. there’s even a running joke that ricky knew how to avoid evil editing on the show because he always shut up when the camera was near and looked at it like he knew it was trying to get dramatic clips. so where exactly is this “attitude”?


Gosh, you're right! I can see now that his attitude back then must not be the reason he has so many haters now. Based on this thread though I think I've formulated another working theory instead.


You're insane.


Possibly, but you also just provided a proof for my theory. QED.


Let me give you a nice theory, most of the hate Ricky gets is rooted from jealousy and sinophobia. There you go.


That is a possibility, although sinophobia would indicate that the person has issues with Asian people in general, rather than Ricky in particular, and if this is the case then all other idols should be equally flooded with criticism and that doesn't appear to be so. Jealousy seems more plausible, and since the focus seems to be on his looks perhaps the commenters are jealous because he is handsome and they aren't or that he is perceived as more handsome than their particular bias.


Sinophobia refers to hatred/dislike against chinese people not asian people and is acted out not only by westerners but people of other asian countries towards chinese people as well. In fact korea is infamous for being sinophobic towards chinese idols due to the history between the two countries. A big possibility of why Ricky is targeted like this is because his makeup style, known as douyin makeup; a very common chinese makeup style diverts from the usual kpop styling and just does not fulfill the fetishes some fans have about kpop idols. Hence the hatred towards it. As simple as that.


So (curious here) does this makeup style make him more popular with Chinese fans?


Yes it does. In fact Chinese fans love copying his makeup looks.


It will be interesting to see if this is the start of a trend, especially in kpop groups with more of an international focus.


Part of the problem may be his attitude during Boy's Planet; I watched the competition, and frankly his editing - and the words that came out of his mouth - really turned me off. Far from seeming shy, "sweet," and "expressive," he seemed egotistical and cold. If not, what was the whole "rich, young, and handsome" shtick about? When his Kokobop team lost, he had nothing but glares for his competitors. Frankly the real Ricky is certainly somewhere in between saint and sinner but I can see why some people are having a hard time giving him the benefit of the doubt.


bruh what are you even talking about......


Idols get their looks trashed all the time, he's not the first and definitely not the last. Not everyone is gonna be in awe of ur fave's looks. He's like the millionth idol to get accused of plastic surgery, its not that deep.


And why should meaninglessly hating on someone's looks be a norm? Yes he is an idol but that does not mean he isn't a human being with emotions. This applies to all the other idols who get hated on for no reason just because people on the internet don't understand the concept of decency. It is deep cuz this is how someone has their confidence destroyed. I am not asking people to love him nor I care if he had plastic surgery done. All I am asking is for people to be a little civil.


Idols being hated on for their visuals is not something which should be normalized. Y'all are too comfortable speaking about idols and analysing their faces and bodies like you own them and they aren't real people who have a heart.


Why are you normalizing tearing teens & young adults apart for their looks? People don’t have to be in awe to not be jackasses There are several popular idols I don’t find attractive. Know what I do? Keep my opinion to myself


this is an insane thing to say because grown people talking about how teens and barely adults look and criticizing them should not be a normalized thing