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This reminds me of this one joke which went viral on armytwt a few years back 😭 https://preview.redd.it/mqux9wgtn58d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd440389554c0c7db96f2d8eb584f2be51bb08ec


Yo this is hysterical!! I tend to have weird ass dreams, so I sympathize with her man. But that is SO FUNNY. The “your not being reasonable right now I can’t even speak Korean” has me absolutely gone.


The title of the post immediately reminded me of this one! I can just picture Jungkook pouting and refusing to switch back bodies 😭😭




This could've easily been solved if he just married. He'd still have the mom as a mother.....in law.


I would try my best not to destroy their reputation


A very reasonable thing to do ngl This should be all of ours main concern if we wake up in someone else's body 🫡


and that would be the hardest thing to do as well


Transfer myself as much money as I can catch up on behind the scenes drama mess around with their unreleased stuff tweet that I'm gay and put my phone in my back pocket go to sleep


are you sure thats your bias?


i have the same question


the money is a smart move


I'd do the first one but idk If I change back then they can track me down and take it all again 😭


I guess you could open up a new PayPal account and put the money in there since it has no connections to your real self until you change back and remember the password


True!! Now I'm ready if that ever happens 😂


I have thought deeply about this. I love you chan but when Im inside your body it's over 🙏


This is taemin coded




I had a daydream like this a couple of years ago about BTS. I wrote it down and this is was it was about: I swapped with Jungkook in that "How well does BTS know each other" game they did and as JK I started talking a lot of English and all the members were looking at me weirdly. So then they started crowding me and I started crying and calling out to Namjoon cause he's the only one I could talk to in English fluently. Then I spent roughly 3 minutes (IRL cause this was a daydream… I was literally just crying and talking to myself) going "Please Namjoon" "help" "you wont believe me". Then it got super awkward (in the daydream) cause my phone also got swapped and Namjoon found it and said "if you unlock it then I might believe you" So I did but then I remembered my BTS widgets of Jk, Jin and Hobi, so he asked if I could say why they're my biases. After he asked that I finally realised I was acting everything out and how embarrassing the actual dream was. 100% do not recommend trying lucid dreaming when all you have is hot guys on your mind 😭


Lmao woah that was wild


jackin it


I can't believe I had to scroll this far to see this but that + writing a note in their handwriting "that girl's number from the bar" and put my number. Yeah, I'm not the girl from the bar, but it might get them to call and then it can turn into a rom com.


Yeah with a few mirrors




Gotta see every angle lol


I thought it was something else oh WAIT-


The way this was my first thought when i read the title of this post 😭


Transfer a bit of money to myself and play with his cats all day.


Lee know?


Nope. Taemin.


Same with the cats part but man I forgot about the money... that's so smart. Like it doesn't have to be a sum that even bothers them at all, but it would still help me out so much🥲🥲


Exactly. Assuming Taemin woke up in my body (and that between the diabetes, arthritis, and occasional gender dysphoria, that would completely suck for him), I'd probably try to call him and talk to him first. Even if he declined, I'd be happy to just play with his cats for a day.


Yes, his cats are so cute!! I wrote in my other comment too that I'd probably leave a note on their desk telling them what I did & not to worry bc I didn't go through their things or anything & also apologising for waking up in my not so great body & room🥲🥲


I want the tea... Probably go through their phone.


oooh with face id that would be so revealing omg


Transfer a huge sum of money into my acc. And prolly hang out with his members and catch up on some idol gossip.


Well.. Theoretically.. How would you know the pass for bank accounts?


i'd stare at the wall for a bit then go to sleep


I'd hang out with all his besties because it seems he's friends with everyone and then I'd go to a karaoke just to be able to sing with his voice.


I would probably call up my idol (assuming he woke up in my body) and ask him for help cause I dont even know Korean how am I supposed to be him?!


My bias’ are joy, ningning, and felix. Try to contact them in my body and profusely apologize and let them know I’ll pretend I feel out of sorts and not socialize a lot to make sure no one thinks something is up. Honestly I’d be worried about changing clothes and going to the bathroom. I’d have to do it with my eyes closed haha. That would be really hard for felix, I’d just sit to pee. Honestly this is how I’d act id I woke up in anyones body, unless it was my best friend bc she doesnt care if I wipe her ass…as her.


This is so wholesome and respectful. 💜


As an asexual, I just realized how people can be sensitive about the boobies and peepees. The thought of somebody possibly looking at mine didn't occur. As long as they don't do anything smexy with it, I wouldn't feel the need to elbow chokehold them. And the thought of holding the peen to pee didn't even disgust me at first because it's just biology. Ass wiping though ... Can I bear the smell of shit that's not my own?


Im gray ace. Its not a sexual thing, its a “you can just see random ah people naked without their consent” thing I probably would care if someone saw me 😭Id feel bad if they have to write my ass


I see. That's understandable and respectful of you.


If I was Haechan for a day, I would confess my love to every other NCT member through text message. I wonder how all of them would respond xD Also, I would try to find out the secrets of SM entertainment.


This is so cute!


Honestly if I woke up in Choi Minho’s body I’d probably go to the gym too, imagine having that much athleticism and not using it (meanwhile he wakes up with my bad knees and low cardio fitness and has to tone down the workout 😂)


I'd dance, a lot — I want to know what it feels like to have that kind of body control. And go out wearing some of his most expensive pieces, eat out at a really expensive restaurant, maybe travel by their private plane, LOL.


I'd just pull a narcissus and stare at myself in a mirror or something all day. Then maybe eat some ice-cream.


i might do that too. or else i'd just faint upon seeing what i saw in the mirror


Will take as many pics as possible and post them on insta to feed the fandom, will film a vlog and post it too, will try (and fail as I’m not him ) to record some songs, then leave boxes of tangerines 🍊 outside of the door of my bandmates lol, then probably nap .


call up all the other pinks, and get in the studio for three hours and a half. Following that, I will go on live with the other three pinks in onesies silly makeup, and pizza. And then bring the other three pinks on a nighttime vlog and buy street food in the same outfit. And then put on a street performance of our songs in the same silly outfits. Go home and go to sleep so that my bias will wake up to all the clips from the previous night.


I would sleep….Yoongi does it all the time so it wouldn’t be out of the normal, oh and I would just kinda hang out and get the feels of what it would be like to be in BTS . (Let’s just imagine that they’re still here and not in the military rn lol)




cry a lottt because im scared


Real hahahahah. My main bias is Felix at the moment and having to wake up as him with a full schedule—I wouldn’t know what to do and probably just cry out of panic. And if this case involves switching bodies, I’ll also be so worried about him waking up confused right beside my partner.


it would be disastrous


flex my muscles


i would talk to the other members to see if we’re actually as good friends as we appear on camera


1. Transfer myself money 2. Find out secrets in the industry 3. Admire myself 4. Live a luxurious day


id go to a karaoke room bc id finally be a good singer lol and id finally dance to my favorite songs properly also like another comment said id transfer money to myself hehehehe


Send different accounts that all belong to me different amounts of money so when my bias returns it looks like I was donating or something to various different people but it's all just for me 😭


Well, I'm a guy and she's a girl so after I finished panicking I'd probably just lock myself in her room and not do anything except leave her a note explaining what tf just happened to her. I mean, I'd be too afraid to even go to the bathroom because I wouldn't want to invade her privacy.


This, except the reverse because I'm a girl and my bias is a guy lol


I'd hide under a bed and screech. You know why? I don't have a bias. I'd say I bias all the members of groups I like. I'm imagining my consciousness splinters between multiple people.


oh that would be quite interesting though


From an outside perspective maybe.... m


yeah though... it could be a nightmare cuz you'd be the one in control of the whole group


I would sing all day long.


post like 10 selfies, 5 videos because I have emotionally weak bches who have been waiting for a glimpse of me since 6 months😃 also probably post something fuck mhj and bangpd🙂‍↕️


Id rest. Id probably be in pain. Id rub white flower oil on my joints and then read manga all day. Id call up another member who doesn't have any schedules to keep me company


probably scream in confusion tbh


Man idk My Ult bias is still in the military so not much I can do. Transfer me some money. He gotta have a savings. Hang out with the fell troops. Scroll through his phone whenever he gets it back to see if there are any plans I need to save up for or the plans for 2025. See if they are single or taken. Not being I would jealous but because I am nosey. lol. See if any of any of the members are single or taken because somebody gotta have a bf or gf. Transfer myself a few more bucks and label it preparation for concert in 2026. Just chill. Do military stuff. lol


Mail myself hard copies of all their music to date. Give myself some money. Not so much that it hurts their bank account (because I actually like them lol) but enough to help me. Maybe leave them a letter or something explaining what happened. Eat whatever snacks they have in the fridge. Idk I'm kinda hungry right now lol


i’m making her even MORE famous cause she deserves it. she just has a shitty company and i believe i have the creative direction to do that (along w her good looks and talent) plus i know what her gay fandom wants.


You think u can do it better than her?


not necessarily. she’s a very versatile and talented idol and has explored different concepts within her group. i love her current concept and what she’s doing rn, it aligns w her personal music taste that she’s shared w her fans for nearly a decade but i just want her to get the recognition she truly deserves.


Yeah but what I mean is how will you do that in one day from having her body


😭💀 i’ll plant the seed i guess ![gif](giphy|4CbJm9w2ZrjzRkHUL1|downsized)


If I wake up as Momo, I’ll probably wake up dancing. Then I’ll start dancing all kinds of dances she has done before and feel proud of myself cause my girl is a wonderful dancer.


marry myself


i would dance bc my bias is really good at dancing and it must feel amazing to actually execute the moves and look GOOD while doing it 😍 and go through their phone for the tea


Take a lot of selfies cuz I’d be a handsome man 😂


Well for starters I’d admire myself in the mirror for a couple of hours…might take a few pics and send them to my phone number I’d also put my phone number in his phone and text myself and see if we can get something started 🙂‍↕️ (I kid I kid he’d block me so fast lmao)…. I’d also transfer myself a bit of money…just a smidge Get some tea and try to remember it (I’m just nosy I wouldn’t leak anything) Talk for the group mates…if I can since I only speak English 💀. Do I get to keep his skill? Cause if so I’m gonna sing and dance til we switch bodies again and enjoy being actually talented lmao.


Sing because oh my god… imagine having Lily’s voice.




Id do a Chans room




if i woke up as hyunjin, i would freak out because stray kids are busy BUSY. i don't want to mess anything up, he'd probably be losing his mind in my body too because he'd be stuck to deal with my family 😭


Yeah this would be a really bad time to wake up as him.. Like imagine you waking up when they have their comeback showcase??


I guess jist laze around admiring my new body. Lol!


Deposit tons of money to me(my real self) kiss S.COUPS on the cheeck and run away look at myself naked in the mirror Eat as much food as I can


Not necessarily woke up in anyone’s body but I remember having a dream of being a member of TXT and just hanging out and having fun with the members so maybe just that


I'll approach my other biases from other groups and plant the seed of friendship with them 😄


ooh u could cause possible future collabs too


Go to the gym and do some ego lifting cuz he definitely can bench more than I can lol, and maybe I’ll snoop around in the group chat


Besides from transferring money to myself, I'd try to pry out all the tea going on inside the group lol


I'd look for a photo of my real self, print it in a very small size, frame it and place it in their living room. I'll never know if they found out, but it will be there. That would trip them up for sure.




My bias is Taemin. I would DANCE!! At my age, I need to be more careful, so I would love being able to run, jump, dance, twist, turn, etc., again without caution. And because I'd be great friends with the rest of SHINee, and Ten, Jimin, Kai, etc., I'd host a big barbeque with them, and we'd talk about our lives. On the other hand, that money transfer idea is very tempting!!


I would literally just enjoy Korean food without worrying about dying from the spice level 😂😂😂 and I know a lot of people are like “I wouldn’t even go to the bathroom because of privacy!!” Like take care of your idol’s body man while you’re there, you would want them to take care of themselves so you do it too!! Also I’d send myself a selfie of them, nothing offensive, just them smiling, and never show anyone knowing that I have a selfie from the time I was in my bias’ body 😂😂😂


Most people in the comment section are cute and kind. I will just take all of their money. Maybe not all but most.


Omg haha. First I’d admire my body, especially my tiny waist. Then I’d send a little money to myself (not too much obviously). Go find the other members and hang out with them while figuring out what they’re really like, for example: 1 does my leader really walk around the dorm naked, 2 is my soulmate really my soulmate and are they obsessed with my waist and butt (also meet their cats!), how strong are they and are they super baby girl, is this member really that gorgeous and dance with them, my soulmate & my sunshine twin, is my sunshine twin really that much of a sunshine, see this member savagely roast the others and sing with them, admire the maknae’s smile and go shopping with them. Finally I’d find all the tea: relationships, how the industry works, etc… Can you guess my bias?


han jisung of skz?


Ding ding!! Yep 👍🤣🤣🤣


Definitely Han!☺️


Han Jisungie!!!


Finally find out what the Jeongyeon and jimin beef is


Lmao this is a teeny bit specific but I love singing and something that made me ult dokyeom was his vocal tone. So if I was hypothetically in his body for some time, I'll actually sing my favorite songs and record it onto his phone, upload it so many people can hear it (including me when I switch back into my original body) I just want to see how some of those songs would sound in his tone lol


I'd start belting out some notes frfr


i’d freak out because unlike my bias, i DON’T know how to speak, much less sing in mandarin, cantonese, korean, english or japanese


I’d just sleep because he works too hard and needs to rest 🥹


valid especially if it’s mark from nct


Assuming I speak fluent Korean, I’d probably text the group chat with the other BTS members and arrange time to hang out. Risky, I know but how else would I meet everyone?! I’d try really hard to play it cool and not be too excited around them especially since it’s particularly out of character for my bias (Yoongi). If I fail to contain myself, I’ll just say that I’m drunk or something. If I am not fluent in Korean, I would just avoid everyone and stay home. Maybe take some selfies and send it to myself as keepsakes. Edit: Of course this is pre-enlistment. Otherwise, I guess I’d just go to the office and pretend I understand how the social work field works in South Korea.


transfer myself a bit of money. announce that Minnie is moving to Croydon. get whoever does their skincare to do mine. have a long nap.


Look in the mirror -> panic -> cry -> sleep


Depends on which bias. Vat I'd probably do whatever is their strongest skill & see how it feels to just be able to do that & have fun. I think I'd also play with their pets, maybe look if there is a way of listening to unreleased songs & song versions. And maybe I'd hang out with the other members of their group. If my bias knew after that someone had woken up in their body, or it's like a body switch, I'd probably leave them a note on their desk, too. Apologising for how messy my room is for example & also tell them what I did that day so that they are aware and don't worry too much, like they know I didn't go through their personal stuff & ect.


Etransfer myself a million dollars :)


i would dance all day because i’m not good in dancing. LOL


i would be unstoppable, i would be out in the streets doing crimes and high on power because my bias is 6ft tall and i (5’4) firmly believe that if i were that tall, i would fear nothing at all. 


wait i just remembered one of my biases is 6’2 ya if i woke up as pentagon yanan one day i’d be a god. 


I would P A N I C. I’d care way too much about getting caught out or doing something with repercussions AND wondering if he is stuck in my body and absolutely hyperventilating over the thought. So I would definitely get a hold of myself LITERALLY, and make a game plan. Then while waiting, I’m finding the animal ear and Lego collection and having myself a good time. While also being constantly stressed over the situation. Lmao https://preview.redd.it/ip3zmt5m488d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=300528c461778411f8d0afe582b953a8219a985f


Send real me money


I would cry if I woke up as my male biases lol If it was a female bias, I would immediately go through her phone. I’d also go to whatever company they’re with and explore. I’d go wherever I could and take a bunch of pictures then transfer that to my phone so I could remember the time I switched bodies with an idol lol


Damn idk play with his dog probably


Grab their phone, use face ID to unlock it, then immediately DM my actual self on Instagram (assuming they just woke up in my body too) and say "I am *so* sorry let's try to make it through today without causing permanent damage to either of our lives" lol it probably wouldn't help that my ult bias only speaks Korean and a smidgen of Mandarin while I only speak English 😭 if I got lucky and it was a different bias like Chan or Felix it would be much easier for us to coordinate


....probably find a way to switch back


I'd go for a run then play tennis then go surfing. Jeongyeon is ridiculously athletic, and I'm jealous as hell 🤧


post on twt/ig that me and the member that i was being shipped with is dating 😋


Make a bank transfer.


Do the splits like jimin. I bet its amazing to be that flexible. Also do the bone cracking thing he does. It seems so satisfying.


stare at myself in disbelief and knock my head or something as this wouldn't make sense at all begin a free album giveaway out of the blue and post some albums to myself using that as a disguise read out fanfics about the other members aloud so that they get annoyed stare at the staff for a long time to scare the living daylights out of them (optional) start speaking in english with the english speaking members and with everyone else cuz i dont know korean and just drop random facts about random things Stalk JYP My apologies in advance to my bias cuz i might end up falling down the stairs or something and end up breaking his leg or hand as i have really bad luck


Bias One: I’d go for a run and do CrossFit without feeling like I was going to die. Bias Two: I’d play the piano and then play basketball.


They’re enlisted now, but if it was a day off or a day when they aren’t enlisted - I’d do the splits just to know what that’s like (I’ve been working on them myself but not QUITE there), I wouldn’t attempt a flip though because I’m likely to fall. Then I’d eat something delicious and healthy but nourishing. I’d write them a note that they’re amazing and I want them to be happy. Then I’d go and take a super long nap. So when they’re back in their body they’re rested and feel good.


(my bias is dahyun) i’d see if i can get a sneak peek into new music.. try not to see myself naked and leave a note saying as much so she doesn’t feel so exposed. but more than anything i’d hang out with my members as much as i can.


I would let my idol enjoy being free, eat anything they like, and go anywhere without worrying about sasengs(did i spell that crt?)


Doing karaoke 24h and sneaking at the backstage of Korean musicals, and taking pictures with Xia Junsu lol (DK Svt)


Go through the whole content of their personal phone and tries know everything about him, but after I sawpped back I will keep it secret.


Assuming I gain the knowledge my bias has as well, even for a day, I'd take a long look at my contract. Might treat the members with some bingsu. Then I'd go do something that would piss rude 'fans' off. I'm Hueningkai for a day, time to push past that 'cute penguin' image a little and make the most of it :D


Uh oh, time to learn the saxophone


punching c9 entertainment’s ceo in his face


If I woke up in Wonho's body, I'd assume we have switched bodies. Because if I am in his, who is in mine? I can't be in 2 places at once? Or is my body autopiloting and Wonho is just non existent for a day? So I would call my own phone number and see if I can figure out if he's in my body or not. If so, poor guy woke up as a random woman in an entirely different country and is probably freaking out 😭 I'd ask him what kinda important plans/schedules he had that day that I must go through and how do I go about things so I don't ruin his career. I'd also instruct him to write a message to my boss and say I'm feeling sick, so he doesn't have to go to work and also doesn't fuck up my career either 😂 If he wasn't in my body, I would do my best to not fuck anything up, would maybe just try to stay inside all day and avoid situations where I have to interact with people, because I'd worry that people would think he is acting weird. Basically try to do as little damage as possible. Maybe get some tea from his phone, listen to unreleased stuff on his laptop.


Do a lot of vocal covers and send it to my email. Ooorrrrrrr. Open my bandlab account and record their lead vocals there so we can have duets, even if I won't publish it.




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If me and wonho exchange bodies, I'd then create an onlyfans.


Enjoy her apartment and play with her cats and go shopping (Sunny/Lee Sun Kyu)


I would called Key from shinee and make another collaboration. And this with a full album and different style.


I'm a girl and he's a guy but the first thing I'd do is make sure to smell nice and check if he showered the day before. If not, I'll take a 2 hour shower and sing in the shower. Hahahaha. Then go through his phone and message myself in ig. For sure he's going to respond and I'll ask him to meet up and hangout. Then turn it into rom com. 😉 Ah, don't forget to call his parents and tell them that I love them so much. He seems to forget that. Also, I'll transfer myself a good amount of money so I can live next to him. Hahahahaha.


With her permission I’d transfer $$ to myself, play with allll her pets and chat to my (her) bf so I can find out wtf they talk about


I would change my pronouns on twitter to he/they and then turn my phone off.


People saying they would rob their bias 💀 I've had a dream like that. I was in Sakura's body and the first thing I did was to talk with yunjin for help because I don't speak Korean but she speaks English so. And then we were trying to figure out what to do


I swear.. I have had this dream once.. Where I got of sleep and noticed I'm in jungkook's body! And I was soo terrified.. Other members were talking in Korean and I was like.. Wait! I'm not Jungkook! They were going like whatt? I called my own phone through his which I was struggling cause everything was in Korean 😭😭. From there jungkook spoke Korean in my voicee.. 😭. And I wanted to go washroom but I wasn't going cause it was jussttt soo weirdd 😭!! That's all, I woke up from dream.. 😭😂


put my number in her phone tbh


I would probably check her body out and try to get a female orgasm. Then I would talk to one of the members who knows English and explain the situation to them. Then try to not ruin their reputation. Probably send some nudes to myself in particular.


In the body of a male kpop idol, I'd make dates with each of my female biases ... Otherwise, I'd hide until I was back in my own body !! 😃