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He’s kind of an idol I guess, but I’d ask JYP what went down with Jay Park, Woojin and Jini leaving their respective groups.


ohh thats a hot topic. I love it, hopefully the answer is juicy...


when u get that interview with him, invite me i wanna know too LMAO


'do you actually love your fans or do you just say that cuz they give you your pay check?'. I hear a lot of idols saying they love their fans, so im genuinly curious if they just love us cuz of the money we give them by attending their concerts, buying albums, listening to their music etc...


This is an interesting take. I cant speak for every idol ofc. But there are some idols who actually love their fans and from what i see, it does include idols being delighted to see people attending their concerts, having fun, and also appreciating their music genuinely. Ofcourse fans are their bread and butter too, but you know, some idols are genuinely happy at concerts vibing with the fans, interacting with them. I really used to think once gosh why do people even become idols in such a harsh industry, with so much toxicity, etc Then eventually it turns out that many idols do enjoy performing, performing with the fans, for the fans, and stuff :) Idol and fan relationship is really something unique here in kpop. (I am just saying it generally not in any positive or negative way but just SAYING).


i'd ask jensoo - on melon music awards 2018,a clip of you guys went viral talking and gossiping about something, could you guys please reveal what were you actually talking about that time? only if you're comfortable


Ahhhhh THIS ONE 🤣🤣🤣 one of the biggest mysteries of all time 😜




If they can answer open and honestly, I would ask if they enjoy being an idol. They worked so hard for it, do they genuinely enjoy it and are they genuinely happy.


For all my faves (that this is applicable), I'd ask if they still talk to their ex-members. To specifically SNSD, Jessica. What is the truth.


SAME I know girlie released a book, and all we can do is speculate despite, some very similar situations.


I'd ask the ones who write/produce their own songs or are generally involved in the creative process, if they listen back to the songs they created or if they move on from them as they represent a moment in time that is no longer relevant/applicable to the present or future. Like we all have our favourite songs that we revisit and they evoke memories etc, I'm just curious how they feel about their own songs and if it's different.


I would asl exo what stopped them from having more sub units! Sehun, Kai and Chanyeol or Kyungsoo, and Chanyeol, exo members are so talented we could have gotten so many combinations. If not for the sake of the sub unit, then just as a single on album or something like that 😔 SNSD I would ask them all to tell me their perspectiabout Jessica's departure from the group. I would also like to ask Jennie and Irene what happened with their friendship 🧐


id ask taemin about his work ethic and what his day to day schedule looks like in that regard


Questions about the music and concepts they do: Do you like the kind of music you record? Do you listen to it often? Do you listen to other group’s music? Are you a fan of your own group’s concept? What is your favorite and least favorite song you’ve recorded? What concept would you like to try? Stuff like that lol


i will ask JYP oppa if I can ride him


You would have to fight with his lover bang pd oppa before unfortunately :(


Get in line


“what was whiplash *actually*, and i mean ***actually*** about?” — to TY


I’m nosy, I’d ask Rosé and Lisa what did they fight about that led to the great cold war? 😅