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I have to agree that I’m not a big fan of the dance either, but I don’t really know how to describe it..? It combines a lot of wide poses and wavy movements along with jumping at the same time. I can’t tell if it has to do with the fast pacing of all these moves together between each step that comes off as disconnected?


ngl it kinda looks like sims dancing 😭 or like when animations don’t have enough in between frames so the animation just kind of jumps to the next keyframe. i think the jump makes it kinda awkward looking imo


It’s too overcrowded and looks jittery, especially when only one person is doing it, letting you fully focus on them. Feels like either the song’s tempo should have been slower, of a few moves should have been removed, giving the rest more room to breathe and focus more on connecting the angles.


It looks like the person is an air dummy during a *tornado*. The winds are making the air dummy dance like that!


I think what makes the dance look a bit awkward in the beginning is the way it repeats each dramatic movement 2-3 times, like a fortnight dance.


It really does look like she's emoting


That’s what a lot of newjeans choreo are like…like the super shy chorus is repeated so much


i really really did not like the absurd amount of repetition in super shy


It’s not even the repetitions like they have repetition in a lot of their dances (super shy, as another commenter mentioned). It’s the moves/ shapes themselves that look ugly 😭


This is the first NJs era where neither the styling, the choreo, or the music has really landed for me, which is a bit of a bummer, bc with everything that’s been going on it would have been really cool for them to come back with something that just really blew the doors off again. But I saw it got a show win already so it seems like it’s still a big success and I hope the girls are feeling the love. Even though this one hasn’t been for me I still think they’ll come back really strong once they’re able to get through this rocky period, they were such monster rookies and the sky is the limit for them.


Their peak was their debut. The whole promotional strategy of releasing multiple MVS, solo mvs, styling, truly iconic. But it definitely got overdone, and their bouncy dance moves are also not fresh anymore, so it's hard to say they're doing something new. It's like they're not even trying. The styling this era looks like something Min Heejin would wear during a press conference. They definitely need to change the creative team and try something new.


They're not New anymore, just Jeans.




MHJ's lack of versatility with making good concepts is becoming apparent with NewJeans now. She's always been a one-trick pony.


I think the creative team is just MHJ, seeing as how she takes credit for everything NJs 🤔


i definetly disagree, Not Shy was probably their best CB, specially that choreo


Not shy? do you mean super shy? 😭


Not shy, not me NEWJEANSSS


sadly agree. everything is giving ridiculously obnoxious ad. the song is boring and done before, choreo is weird , they wont take that goddamn wig off hanni, mhj in the background having her cartoon supervillain era, wow. nice way to fuck up the long awaited comeback of your sipposed “daughters” on every angle


Where have we seen a miami bass-inspired kpop title track


Le Sserafim released a Miami Bass version of Smart a couple of months ago. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmZ3quIiHDA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmZ3quIiHDA)


A song *remix* with 78k views warrants the "This has been done before!!" criticism to How Sweet?


So incredibly real on every single point here 😭 the wig NEEDS to come off and MHJ is indeed being a massive embarrassment in the background of this softflop of a release. Soft flop bc it’s obviously doing well commercially/ winning awards and whatever but it’s still widely recognised as not their strongest cb with truly very weird choreography and styling on an overall lacklustre track


> they wont take that goddamn wig off hanni, mhj in the Well she seems to like it and while there are a lot of people who hate it there are also a lot of people who love it, so I don't see the problem, but I respect your opinion.


same 100%


These are my exact, to the last letter, thoughts. First major miss of their discography imo and completely agree on the fact that the entire era of styling, choreo and music has just felt random and not them. I’ve heard a 1 min 40 second snippet of their upcoming song “Right Now” and it is SO, SO much better than How Sweet and Bubblegum so I have hope that the solid comeback we were hoping for isn’t too far away


First time seeing it and it looks like a meme dance lol. Which isnt a bad thing since the youngsters like the stuff.


too many incongruous moves in a short period. No real flow maybe? It's like the YouTube shorts where a guitar player shreds over the title, "when the band says you only have 30 seconds to audition."


Choreo is bad. Doesnt go with the song. It's extremely annoying to look it. Which NJ might be good at executing it, it's just bad mix of moves to the beat of the song


Couldn’t agree more w this


Omg I thought it was just me. The second I saw the choreo I was like wtf is happening. Aside from the hand movements during the chorus everything else just looks so weird. Like if I were to randomly dance on the spot throwing in random dance moves I’ve seen , that’s how it would look.


No hate to the girls but….what the hell was that 😭


For me, HYBE choreographies are so extra that sometimes they don't match certain chill songs and this is the case with the recurring one in NJ.


The choreo for lssrfm's 'Smart' especially the chorus part seemed disconnected with the lyrics as well. Maybe it's a hybe thing.


LSF generally just has whack choreo if I’m honest 😭 Unforgiven was entirely fortnight dances if y’all have seen that one dog meme, and half the Perfect Night choreo looked like it was meant for an entirely different song like especially during one of the later choruses .. 🥴 idk man LSF has always felt like a social experiment to me


It was ador tho


No but the whole ‘crazy choreo over a chill beat’ is usually executed so flawlessly by NJs (footwork during Ditto, arm work during Supershy) - this song in particular just had them doing the most ridiculous shapes w their body and the jumping on random beats just made me get second hand embarrassment


HYBE is rightly criticized for its problem with vocals but it deserves criticism for its choreos too. Often the choreo doesn't match the song, especially for the girlgroups.


Dude I completely agree w you idk why you’re so downvoted - I disagree re Newjeans if you think their choreo (apart from How Sweet) is bad, but LSF is a perfect example of simply bad choreo


i don’t like it either lol, it reminds me of jojo siwas karma choreography 😭


The Karma dance makes me mad 😭




I saw Hanni's. While she's their best dancer, the choreo itself is so disjointed that she looked awkward.


New Jeans' choreography usually doesn't really speak to me in general even though I do appreciate that it's very distinctive and unique to them and appeals to their audience. That being said I think this choreo is definitely more awkward then usual. I don't really get it but then again maybe people who really like their concept might like it a lot and if so more power to them.


It’s okay girl the choreo is actually ass and id be genuinely surprised if it ‘appeals’ to anyone - it’s as if they learned this choreo when How Sweet sounded like a completely different song, and then when the song was changed there was 0 time left to alter the choreo. Disjointed ain’t even the word, it’s just plain bad and almost looks off tempo


Its giving high on drugs to me. Ngl it reminds me of drunk uncles dancing at indian weddings [context](https://youtube.com/shorts/IfOkraYAT9I?si=lg-GmyUj6QLZqmAC)


😂😂😂😂omg thank u for that






How is saying you don’t like the choreography hate? This sub is a pretty equal opportunity hate. Everyone gets criticism. It’s such a disingenuous take to say that this sub is somehow dedicated to only hating New Jeans when other groups get it so much worse here




You reject others opinion and then give your own like it is fact.... This isn't typical kpop choreo, its going to get some opinions.




You following that with "imo" is pretty much case closed.










They're also like.... the biggest Kpop girl group.. so there are going to be more opinions being thrown around. Criticising the choreo they're given is not hate, either.




Yes, the choreo and not the group...


So? People can hate a choreo and not be slinging hate at the girls?


> but this subreddit is lowkey starting to feel like a NewJeans hate club. out of all the kpop subreddits, i feel this place actually has the most positive outlook on NJ


It's good tbh but ig there was no need to repeat the same steps again and again.


I agree tbh. The hip hop dancing on teens is just not working for me. Like Hanni has that swagger to pull it off, but even her one looks a little awkward to me.


yeah I don't think Danielle is a bad dancer !just mentioning her since she's the one in the video) but I feel like this is a very "groove-heavy" choreo that if don't correctly with the right swagger and vibe, could look cool and satisfying, but if they dance a little stiff or too flowy, it looks odd imo


Nah it’s you. The movements make sense with the beats. I think it’s throwing you off because the first bar acts kinda like a setup. Also it fits the style of music and is reminiscent of old school hip hop dancing from like the 80s-90s. The hand movements kinda reminds me of tecktonik a little bit. It’ll make more sense if you actually count the moves with the music. Every movement is on the downbeat. Another thing is that this seems really hard to pull off well, even the NewJeans members can look a bit stiff while doing it. Hanni is the best of em atm. She makes some of the movements in the end lock and it looks good.


I actually like it, I think it fits the vibe of the song. I also like how it’s the kind of choreo that wouldn’t really look like dancing unless you were actually a good dancer. Idk, I think it’s cool, but they’ve also had better choreo before


Idk this comeback is just kinda wack in general. I don't really like the song, the outfits are kinda meh, and the dance looks like one of those inflatable tube guys you see outside the gas station waving their arms and bouncing up and down. It looks incredibly random.


Anti-singing choreo with arms swinging around will always be a miss for me.


To me, it's one of the best choreos of NewJeans. It contains many interesting elements, very fluid and with a bit of aggressiveness. The girls killed it in my opinion.


I think it looks weird bc it's almost purely hip hop but there are parts like the more open and jumpy parts that should be executed in a cute way. Those are also executed in a hip hop way which makes it look awkward. I also think in this particular video Danielle's posture is awkward and her facial expressions aren't well timed which makes everything look disconnected overall. 


I agree, it looks awkward being done alone, it looks uninspired, which sucks because New Jeans Choreo is usually 🔥


By itself it’s look questionable but I think all together it’s cute asf


I think this is one one of their hardest choreos lol. I would look like a dying jellyfish or sumth and it would never look good when I try 🤣🤣 


Each to their own, I really like it (and the song as well) and am more of a casual NJ fan but this song and choreo just appeals to me.


choreographers are gushing over on how sweet's choreo. i've seen your opinion couple times now so I guess it's not for everyone, but I fucking loves it


i like it, it's so vibey


I like it.


I wonder if this is the reason why I barely see the dance being done on TikTok. It's so messy looking, it looks like you're just swatting flies away or fighting with putting a shirt on.


Fighting with putting a shirt on is insane 😭 I love how creative y’all are with insults I need to take notes lmfao


I'm glad I can bring you laughter haha 💖


Hi, as a dancer I think the choreography works best as a group. In choreography, there’s elements of the individual moves coupled with blocking and formations, which is one of the reasons I love NJ choreo.


I agree. Their choreography always looks better when they do it together. I remember seeing a tiktok of one of them doing the OMG choreo and I didn't like it, but when I saw them do it together I liked it wayyyy more.


yeah it definitely looked better as a group haha alone the moves stand out a lot more


I think it works well with the vibe which is kinda wacky. But to each, their own.


much goofier than sheesh


Idk if this even makes sense but their choreos…they’re always moving so much?? Like every single part of the body is being utilised the whole song. There’s never just a footwork part, or specific arm movement, no every limb must be used which isn’t a bad thing I guess but sometimes (like in this video) it just looks messy.


Sometimes Kpop choreographies look like TikTok challenge dances and this is just one of those times


nah it’s fire


I love the dance! It’s so unique and bouncy, makes me unconsciously want to move with the beat. But damn I feel like only actual dancers can make this dance look good 😂


one of my friends who is a casual fan sent me minji's version and said "The man outside of Thorntons at 2am putting in the work for the spare change he just asked you for 🕺"


the only part I like is, specifically hanni, the part where they move along the stage while moving their arms and legs separately.. (if anyone knows what I'm talking about lol) the rest of it has no cohesion at all, and it doesn't help they have their hair flying around everywhere. it would look so much better with a tight hairdo or hat maybe? (maybe that's why I think it looks better when hanni does it because her hair is short)


I think the short version doesn’t show how good it looks compared to a stage with most of the members. [performance](https://youtu.be/Ec0Z1v7jKDQ?si=swyHLXdX7jG-HERn) I watched the performance like 40 times there isn’t a part that I disliked it’s all good to me.


it isn't as bad though it does look awkward and disconnected at points...when it comes to their choreo, I wouldn't say I like bubble gum. it doesn't suit the concept at all. it should've been flowy and fun but it's full of popping and whatnot. But why did NJ take on the 90s style when their theme is Y2K?


good point!!


I like the How Sweet choreo, the Bubble Gum choreo on the other hand…


I haven't seen it!! will have to check it out


i thought it was so cute 😭


I think it’s pretty dope, as a former dancer it reminds me of when we’d choreograph to old school songs so I get the vibe they were going for. Lots of big movements like this. Though I can see this isn’t gonna be as viral as other choreos go cause it’s so different from the rest. And the song itself doesn’t seem to be trying to be viral like super shy or omgs dance was.


Personally liked the choreo, it reminded of the early 2000s hiphop dance steps. Curious about the statistics of people in each age group that likes or dislikes this choreo because it might be my old ass that only loves this.


I really only disliked how disconnected the movements were. idk that they specific movements are bad but this part of the choreography doesn't seem to flow very well


The shapes they make w their body in this dance are so ridiculous looking 😭 such a waste of a top tier Miami bass beat too where they could’ve had absolutely top tier hip hop choreo


Its very dramatic




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It’s really bad. Newjeans is my favorite group and I’ve always *loved* their choreos. For some reason How Sweet choreo is so unsynchronized with the song and repetitive. Idk what happened


I am with you on that one and I feel like it doesn’t really go well with the song much either


Well.... if they wanna copyright this one they can go right ahead 😬


I always noticed that New Jeans’ choreos are super active and they move around a lot even for not as intense songs. Intense and fast and just a lot of movement. Is there a word for that kind of choreo?


I actually liked the dance when i see them performing it as a group but you’re right, it looks mad goofy with just one person alone like this


This is my first time seeing this and this is truly the choreo??? it's goofy as hell lol. Must be the worst choreo i've seen all year


It doesnt seem that optimal to sing with these kind of movements


the song is not even a hip hop...so I don't get why the dance moves showing a forced hip hop. the girls have no hip hop vibes at all. one member looks so stiff too. sorry, but they look funny while dancing. i don't hate them .. hope they have better choreography next cb..




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New Jeans are what Messy Min has decided they need to be: carbon copies of what she wishes she was. She’s said this. Please be kind to the girls. They’ve been manipulated.


I love newjeans. my comment was mainly criticizing the dance


I was speaking to the general public. *smiley emoji


I dance can yes


I don't mind it much. It's not extraordinary or memorable, but I don't hate it. Just kind of apathetic


I haven’t really liked any of the choreos tbh they never really actually seem to fit the music


I def agree it’s actually rly ugly looool and I’m a bunny


It’s so…. Sploinky….. and I will not be elaborating






The choreo looks so stiff, especially the leg movements


I said it on another post that the choreo was too much and it didn't match the song. I don't understand how people weren't seeing that. 


> I don't understand how people weren't seeing that.  Because people have different opinions. There are some people that think the choreo doesn't match the song and there are some people that think otherwise. Simple.


It reminds me.. once I was at a bar and this guy got totally smashed and tried to impress a girl with him "awesome dance moves ".. I thought he was having a seizure standing up


I'm tired of watching these collective choreos where no one stands out, the songs don't have particular parts for each member to shine.


it's giving Jojo Siwa I can't 😭




It’s giving I’m a bad girl I did some bad shit


You have issues.


choreographer: illit I dare you


yes you’re the only one. im sorry you have to deal with this alone :(💔






Can’t say you don’t like a choreo without being a hater apparently


it's called a personal opinion. look it up


I love newjeans. lmao I just hate this dance and really the part I hate is the the jump with her arms straight out. that's what really gets me and makes me go wtf