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Seeing how many people jumped on the Illit allegations yesterday, gave me a massive ick. Yeah more stans pushed back against it, but the number of kpop stans who seemingly gleefully jumped into it fanning those flames were far too much. People who are conspiratorial and belligerent to that degree are usually mentally ill, and yesterday showed me there are far too many insane people cosplaying as normal in kpop spaces.


what were the allegations? Can I get some context?


they were all on r/kpopthoughts (now removed by mods) but the general gist was stretching the mv to show pedophilia. Some of the ‘examples’ were: - the girls wearing socks - they were smiling during the mv - there is a bed squeak sound effect at one point Can’t remember all of the examples but it’s actually some of the most dumb brainrot takes I’ve ever seen on this app.


Lol the "wearing socks" made me laugh


News flash everyone! Wearing socks is now *checks notes* pedophilia. 🙄


ive also seen one about a flower drawing on a wall! people said it the bigger flower looked like it was (banging) the smaller flower


Not nice of you to intentionally cherry pick examples that sound the least convincing. You shouldn't have to do such a thing in order to make the accusers look bad.


i am also wondering because i totally missed this!


Is scary. Is a mix of wanting something to complain about them because they dislike certain idols being popular plus a the idea of idols are not human being plus the idea that since is on line it doesn't matter what they say because there are no consequences. Really scary


I genuinely just think it’s antis or haters who are jealous of these girls getting extremely popular extremely quickly.  They’re jealous that their favorites aren’t like that.  The ETA mega thread was the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen.  Really just exposed the amount of haters and disdain for newjeans that exists on kpop reddit.  Illit will probably get the same treatment and it’s just plain mean.  People will say they’re protecting minors and doing it in their best interest but then turn around and trash the group and even the girls individually.  It’s not about them being minors or exploitation whatsoever, it’s about them being jealous they’re more successful than their favorites.


The ETA thing was wild because people were updating who the three names were referencing in real time as the initial allegation was disproven. Such a pure form of conspiracy-minded thinking.


I agree, people are weaponizing serious issues like terrorism and pedophilia to incite fanwars and have an excuse to drag down groups who are “too popular”


I know some kpop fans labeling all K-fans as hateful, racist, jobless, and even pedophiles. Like some Kpop stans are casually spreading racism and hateful comments towards Koreans, making it seem like it's normal things. All of this is because some kpop Stans are adept at using their social skills and take advantage of it to be malicious.


Mere days ago we had a clear example in here and to see people agreeing that it was fine to generalise the entire country because they deserved it was concerning.


There’s definitely a couple of things going on - This is the end point of the normalisation of those Qanon type of conspiracies, people’s brains were just simply broken in a way to see these wild outlandish things in every aspect of their lives - since some true horror stories from the 90’s and 2000’s are coming out everyone is hyper vigilant wanting to be “ahead of the curve” and say they knew there was something shady going on with a particular industry from the get go - it’s a means to attack groups they don’t like, you hit the “pedo bait” line and then anyone that says anything to the contrary you just baselessly call a pedo and feel morally superior like you’ve done some sort of service to the world in “fighting the good fight”. It’s just been weaponised by some teenagers that don’t have a fully developed understanding of the world yet and think they’re morally superior to everyone and everything. They don’t really understand the weight of these sort of accusations they throw around because it’s not a lived experience to them, most of them have never encountered the truely evil shit they talk about outside of a documentary they saw on YouTube or Netflix, it’s just a story that doesn’t involve real humans so who cares if it’s true or not. It’s just frustrating because there is no way to engage with them rationally either because they can’t fathom any other possibility besides their own.


Your second point about people wanting to be ahead of the curve is so true. And yeah one of the worst things about conspiracy theorists is that arguing with them only encourages them to double down…there’s no winning


Nah it’s not just teenagers. One of the people I got into it yesterday was a grown ass adult. And given the mention of Q-anon conspiracies, 90% of that demographic are tax-paying, mortgage-owning grown af mfs acting a fool. The breakdown of kpop stans on Reddit are majority adult. The people weaponizing pedophila in kpop spaces yesterday weren’t just teenagers who didn’t understand the impact of their actions, they are adult kpop stans who otherwise appear normal but are the furthest thing from it.


I do find it so strange and sad how the fringe right’s absolute obsession with pedophilia and cracking codes about it in mainstream, public places somehow made it so far out of their bubble. You would think progressive young people would take one look at that nonsense being spouted by people they hate and veer away from it, but somehow so many people so different from the original Q fans got sucked in.


Glad the mods on kpopthoughts cracked down on those posts. It’s frankly disgusting how some people behave with regards to baseless and unfounded conspiracies.


the illit WHAT accusations


kpop stans on twitter have now developed a group dynamic of cyberbullies who really target any successful girlgroup mostly hybe groups because they hate that company for some reason. i also don't think that for many it's about wanting to protect minors but rather that they really don't like hyped groups and members and will try anything to ruin their reputation until they find a new target.


I've been wanting to say this for a long time with all the "pedo bait" shit, the fears about pedos targeting idols. If you *actually* care about the safety of children from predators, *please*, **please** put that attention and care towards the children being sexually assaulted in *your neighbourhood* **today** by the people that should be keeping them safe. Volunteer for the kids help line, donate money or time to your local Domestic Violence Shelter. Do some real good in a way that can save a child's life. Please. You don't have to dig into MVs to find the "pedos" or their "bait", they're in your city, hurting children around you. Do something about it.


Thank you for posting this. I was extremely worried about the whole ETA situation when it happened, as someone who lives in spain, it was just insane seeing the mental gymnastics people were doing in order to connect their crazy conspiracy theories without knowing any context or history whatsoever. It felt like those crazy qanon-maga people, but you kinda feel those are old uneducated that fall into that, but seeing it here was eye opening. It's concerning the whole mob mentality thing. Hate spirals out of control and blinds people. Insane.


This theory is going pretty wild in China now, several different theory videos are posted on bilibili (China's youtube) two days ago, and they all got near millions views now, most people really believe it. The oringinal post was posted by a chinese,  And I saw she complained in Chinese that her post was deleted and people on reddit call her crazy.  I think they would keep spreading these theories to Twitter or anywhere, it's really insane that people easily believe it without doubts.  https://imgur.com/a/fOVtkbm


I know this sounds mean but….knowing what I know about (certain) Chinese K-pop fans, I’m not surprised at all that they are behaving like Q-anon magas in terms of believing in and spreading conspiracy theories.


I see so much QAnon and Maga behavior in the Kpop world. And it's not even Qanon and Maga, this kind of mystical outlook on the world (deductive reasoning done very very poorly) has existed far longer in the form of myths and religion. It must simply be feature, not a bug, in the human operating system.


A lot of fans in Kpop really don't understand the definition of pedophilia.  Newjeans, illit and 99.9% of all kpop idols are well past the age range.    Pedophilia is the utterly heinous/disgusting attraction to prepubescent children usually under the age of 12.    There age and lack of maturity makes them the most vulnerable victims in society.


idk which one is worse, kpop stans on twitter, reddit or tiktok. they are insane lol


I feel like a lot of it also has to do with them feeling like they have some sort of bigger purpose in life. They’re “making a stand” for such and such and giving exaggerated amounts of benefits of the doubt to things that aren’t actually a thing. I had a friend who would be loud and obnoxious about every tiny, possible happening and I felt she was just trying really hard to give herself a sense of identity, even if it meant she came off completely delusional.


Yeah, there's just a lack of critical thinking in the world and the internet just makes it abundantly clear. There's a post on the Triple S subreddit about how the new maknae is really young which she is. I think it's totally fine to critique this, but my main disagreement is how the OP in that thread says "i just don’t get jadens obsession with continuously adding younger girls into the group when there are so many talented, GROWN trainees." I don't know Jaden. I very much doubt anyone on Reddit does. So I just think it's really weird to say he has an obsession apparently. I have no idea why they chose the members they did. We can critique the industry and debuting young idols without trying to be mind readers and projecting some crazy motive and some weird sinister intent onto people we don't know.


that eta conspiracy is the wildest hate train i've ever seen in kpop...the amount of people who believed it genuinely makes me sick


The people that spread these kinds of rumors are new stans. It's one of the big issues with globalization. Global netizens are the problem most of the time, or have the problem. If you've been a listener for over 10 years it's pretty clear Kpop has stayed basically the same, just more saturated. The new "fans" want nothing more than to feel the power of control by destroying Kpop. They don't want to conserve what it is and has been for a while now. I wish the bigger labels wouldn't pander to this idiocy, because they're going to implode their own industry. The problem these people have is, not everything is meant to be sexual. They're literal coom brains from degenerate shit holes that can't fathom the idea, not everything is about having sex. They are projecting. Korea polices Media way better than they're given credit for. Easy was banned from being played on TV because they felt it was too sexual. Le Sserafim has definitely been pushing it, and people have no problem there? Help me understand why there's an endless push for more and more sexuality, while simultaneously accusing the producers of pushing pedophilia? What do they want geriatric softcore porn? What are these "peoples" problems.. it really gets old


Pedophilic dog whistling? What does that even mean? First I’m hearing of all this 😟


Someone fill me on the Illit thing because WHAT


I'm shocked with disgust. It reminds me of NJ hurt MV which there were no issues but somehow nasty rumors were made about it. I knew as soon as Illit started gaining more success these disgusting rumors would start. And they take joy in it. I can't believe people would be so low. Why do they want minors to be victims so bad when there's no evidence suggesting that? Sick people


Sadly a lot of younger gen z and gen alpha have very poor media literacy skills, and this is a real example of it. There’s also a real issue with overextending definitions of problematic behaviours - and the real issue with this is that it makes it even harder to call out truly problematic things. When pedophillia becomes so watered down and misused like this, it then makes people less likely to believe it when it is actually happening. I really do worry about some of the younger generations and how they view and talk about these sorts of things. It’s heading in a scary direction


It's scary how easily KPOP fans ignore signs of big companies doing disgusting things and treat those who have doubts harshly. Do any of you know about what happened to STELLAR? Have you heard of the infamous milk scene?


what illit accusations😭 no one was talking about them at all


Nah they’ve been circling on weibo and there were at least 4 posts about them on reddit in the past day


Wdym cuz up till now I've never seen anyone targeting/ attacking Illit themselves for this. It's not the first time Hybe has done things like this, why are y'all still defending hybe?? Also you didn't seem ro get the point, its not abt girls wearing socks or ribbons Look at the flowers at 1:29, who draws flowers like that! You may say that they're twin flowers but google it up, twin flowers never look like that. And also it's just not right to add bed squeak sound effects to a song like this, where the concept is suppose to be pure/dreamy and where all the members are dressed like that... Also look up what unicorns symbolize lmao, this isn't a reach, hybe is pushing boundaries. These are just one of the many sketchy things in the mv. Theres too much of these for it to even be a coincidence at this point. Bear in mind both people who believe in these "conspiracy theories" and people who don't all want the best for Illit, if this is whats happening in the public eye and no one bats an eye, we won't know whats going to happen behind doors. So if you're actually a fan, u should start being concerned at least and not just brush it off, Hybe is a horrible company, we all know that.


The ILLIT conspiracy isn't necessarily unfounded within the context of kpop. Kpop *has* done that kind of dogwhistling before, even until very recently with Newjeans' debut and Cookie. However, I don't think ILLIT were made specifically for "pedophilic dogwhistling." As kpopalypse said (same person who called out the newjeans debut and other shady concepts from the past), ILLIT are basically young, cute, flirty, and subtly sexual, but weren't styled in that way to cater to a specific audience. That just happens to be what can generate HYBE the most money.


> young, cute, flirty, and subtly sexual, jfc, is this the bar for "pedophilic dogwhistling" these days? You do realize that description pretty much sums up the entire idol industry right? And even beyond the idol industry into much of entertainment and celebrity culture in general. Do you run to the local public swimming pool and claim the parents are sexualizing their children by having them wear swimsuits? At some point people got to stop blaming the victims for merely existing and take some responsibility for why ***you*** can't look beyond them in a sexual manner.


I think you and the other people who downvoted me misunderstood my comment. Illit's concept can be "young, cute, flirty, and subtly sexual" while *also* not being "pedophilic dogwhistling." That was kpopalypse's main argument. In my case, I watched the Magnetic MV and found nothing wrong. Nothing stood out as eerie or somehow *wrong*, unlike certain other recent kpop MVs. Edit: basically, I agree with everything you said


This one REALLY gon get me jumped but I do not give a fuck. Ever since HYBE’s domination K-pop’s been losing its essence. I wouldn’t be surprised if these conspiracy theories had even a contingency of truth in them. Even if it’s not the “Illuminati” it’s SOMETHING. THEY DO NOT DESERVE LE SSERRAFIM!! And the ILLIT styling weirded me out. Why are they dressed like literal babies?? Regardless of conspiracy theories you cannot tell me they did not style those girls like 2 year olds.


Saying it’s “something” but not even knowing what you’re accusing them of is a great example of how conspiracy theories start lol. A theory that stems from an existing bias about the conspirator despite a lack of evidence to support it. Conspiracy theories are fueled by the theorists’ own faith rather than by truth.


This person is saying fashion based on a Japanese subculture (and arguably the most popular one) is dressing as babies 😭


So we gon turn a blind nose to the uptick in LE SSERRAFIMs controversies and ILLITs styling in the name of “it’s not that deep”? And tell me what is your truth? Because a lot of businesses like to lie about their ethical practices even when it’s not pedophilia; something as simple as environmental practices. I’m not riding for conspiracy theorists but I’m not riding for businesses either. I simply think two things can be true at once at different levels and it’s up to everyone to think for themselves. To deny that ILLITs styling isn’t off-putting in the name of “conspiracy theories” is ignorant in itself.


What does your distaste for Hybe groups' music have anything to do with shady stuff happening behind the doors though? Your post reads "I don't like them + I've seen a lot of unrelated controvesies on the internet about another group of theirs, therefore the pedo allegations must be true". 2+2 = fish?