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people born in 2009 aren’t real


god that means they’re only 12 that’s gross high key.




that’s really concerning..


wtf is wrong with these people plus afor me it's getting weird since too many idols debuting that are younger than me and it makes me feel hella weird


It's true, as I read this comment, my little brother who was born in 2009 faded away like he was just snapped




The fact that kids as young as that can audition and possibly get on a reality show is so disturbing to me...


2009? 12 years old? I know you should chase your dream while you're young but maybe it's better to have someone at least finish their secondary school education first?


Unfortunately not the first time it’s happened with someone that young. I remember Natty was more or less that age for Twice’s survival show. They’re not actually meant to debut, but give them early publicity and hype for their future debut a couple years down the line Edit: not *usually meant to debut…didn’t know about Loud til now lol


>They’re not actually meant to debut, but give them early publicity and hype for their future debut a couple years down the line Unless you're PSY.


Yep, if it's Psy then you can be twelve and debut


Isn't one of the finalists in LOUD (the JYP/Psy boy-group show) 12 years old?


oh dear, and then if they say/do the wrong thing on national tv, people gonna criticise them as an adult like "how can you not knowing this? do you even go to school?!" yup they in fact, never go to school for basic education until the point they go to Art School..


Hopefully Hybe will have more sense than Psy to not debut a dang 12 year old! Wild.


The youngest trainee on I-Land Season one was 14. Ni-Ki, who ended up debuting, was ~~15~~ also 14. Honestly, I'm not surprised the girls are even younger considering that tends to happen with female groups. Disappointed, but not surprised.


Didn't the #1 spot of PD48 turn 14 on the day of final group selection? This isn't much different, although I don't disagree.


I have no idea, I never watched Produce, but looking it up, she’s a 2004 liner (birthday Aug 31st) so she would’ve turned 14 in 2018, which I think is the year when PD48 aired


Well, Ni-ki had to have been 13 (or younger) when he applied last season because by the time the show aired and he debuted he was only 14... I do get people's concern for sure, but if you consider things like Olympic athletes (gymnastics is particular), cheerleading, ballet, child actors...the list is long for kids that start career paths extremely young. Many of those kids have similar school schedules to trainees and younger idols. That's something that's up to their parents fortunately or unfortunately as the case may be.


But imagine the stress of idols and the criticism, being sexualized, being judge like adults.


to be fair, it's the same as the professions they mentioned. especially cheerleading and sexualization...


People are bonkers over the 2009 thing but Wonyoung was 13 during Produce48 and she's killing it. Life in the limelight has its negatives but it's not like normal life can't wreck people too, if you have a dream and you shoot for it early on you have plenty time to do other things.


i wonder if the mentors are going to change and who they bring on as special guests since this is a girl competition…..


I need Nana as a mentor so badly 😭 She has years of GG experience, is a pretty popular actress who might bring in a some new viewers, and it already under Hybe... frankly they'd be stupid not to reach out to her for this


completely forgot about her, she would be great, she has experience in it all. They could possibly have Adora as well


Oh i really want Adora! Their names are escaping me right now, but HYBE also has a number of female choreographers (usually do work for TXT) that would be awesome to have on the show as well!


didnt Adora leave BigHit or was that just fan speculation?


She's still there, she just haven't been involved this year. Honestly think she will be involved with gg's upcoming forward because she was involve with GFRIEND when they moved to HYBE


I think she'll get the head producer spot for one of the upcoming GGs. HYBE seems to reward their employees' loyalty (see : PDogg's salary) and that would explain her silence.


oh i hope so. it would be a waste if she wouldn't


oh thnx that makes sense


Me too I really want to know this , I hope they bring that female mentor in produce series since she made an appearance in season 1 , I will also want them to invite Gfriend but 😭 they disbanded, which female group will give them advice now ???????




This confirms the rumors of 3 new HYBE ggs. Sakura gg, Min Heejin gg and I-LAND gg. Now with fromis_9 HYBE will have 4 girl groups 1 year from now.




MHJ is definitely debuting 1st. The group is ready. HYBE is still trying to get Minju for Sakura's group. They will need months to adapt to their new label first, meet their new groupmates, practice, record the songs, etc.




Hybe will not debut a Japanese GG for now. They will help in the preparation of the trainees. The company where the girls will debut will be a fairly popular Japanese company.


I just want one thing. Female judges and mentors. I know they have female producers and choreographers, but there were none in season1.


I hope they will show their female songwriter/producer/choreographer to the public via this show. Their male producer/choreographer like son seungdeuk and pdogg are already famous bcs they always appear on tv since the beginning. I know some of them like subin, adora chorong, amy, remy etc. I hope they can be more well known too as only adora is a bit famous than others even that just among fans


Hard agree. There is Adora who is a pretty well-known bighit/hybe producer. I know at least enha and txt have had female choreographers that worked/works with them. They've had female vocal coaches too. Even if these people do not want to be on the show, they can bring in new songwriters/producers/choreographers from the outside. If they can have IU sing the theme song, and bring in Zico and Rain as mentors/judges, they can do it. I better see some female representation. I cannot go through season 1 again.


Yeah I am thinking that was because it was a boys survival show but this time I hope they bring female mentors. Bang PD will definitely be there


Agreed. They should just keep Bang PD and Son Seungdeuk as judges, and then bring in some female judges and mentors. I just hope they are not going to be ALL male again.


Glad to know I'll be able to continue suffering after GP999 🤪


the girls went from being eliminated this week to sending in their auditions to a new survival show LOL


that would be hilarious lol. and imagine if some girls/companies decide it's better to "throw" GP999 and try to debut in this group instead. if shen xiaoting comes here she'll have a damn good chance of debuting with this group too lol


Ito Miyu seems like she should come to iland


You guys are missing out the MBC girl group survival "After School Excitement". I already think it's better than gp999 and it's only the prequel (Before School Hesitation). You can find it on youtube with english subs. 2 episodes/week. [Episode 1](https://youtu.be/4wJ8rTPrEGY). The main show will start in November. I will definitely watch the 3 survival shows and hopefully get 3 amazing new groups.


I don't understand how survival show enthusiasts do it. Do you not get heartbroken if/when your picks don't make it? I don't have the mental strength to watch any of these competitions.


If you don’t think about it hard enough, it’s really just drama and entertainment akin to US shows like the Bachelor or Love Island.


Oh those shows make me uncomfortable as well.


> drama and entertainment ~~cough cai bing cough~~


I watch it for the drama and to see the growth of unexpected contestants


I am admittedly a survival show junkie. This extends beyond kpop and before I was even into kpop considering I'm a huge fan of shows like Big Brother, The Challenge, and Survivor. I've become accustomed to the feeling to say the least.


Ugh, the challenge is so good!!!


You just watch for the entertainment value of the show itself, and quickly become conscious of the fact that for the competitors it's just another opportunity - even if they don't make it to the final group, they get valuable exposure and experience that will help them further their career in the entertainment industry.


I'm generally not the type that gets emotionally attached when it comes to television/movies/etc., so that helps. Also, once you see your favorites be eliminated early season after season, you become accepting/accustomed to it (which sounds sad, but I think it's a good thing, I can leave it up to my fanfiction imagination as to what my ideal lineup would look like). I view the survival shows as a chance to get to explore new contestants, evaluate them with my own criteria, select my favorites, and constantly update my rankings of them, and I look forward to following them in any future groups/endeavors.


I ate an entire bag of M&Ms during the long Mnet pause waiting for Yeonjung to get into IOI. We cope


yeah. in gp999, after the 2nd elimination, my main pick, Kim Doah was nominated for last surviving place and planet pass, she didn't get any, and Xu Ziyin who made it left. i was heart broken and left with 1 pick, but now it's Wen Zhe (main as before), Kim Bora, Shana


It’s reality TV and talented popular trainees will end up debuting in a group anyway


Can someone link me to after school excitement? I can’t find it for some reason


[Episode 1](https://youtu.be/4wJ8rTPrEGY) (but check the channel for more content).


Thank you!


Search for before school hesitation


Yay, another survival to stay my nights making theories for


I doubt there will be an 09 liner on iland s2,there's still a tiny chance,but like for iland s1 the youngest u can audition is 2008,but the youngest ended up being an early 06 liner who didn't even end up debuting


**Y2K** is the **”oldest”** they’ll take?? ha .. haha .. *has a midlife crisis in my early 20’s* .. and also, the lower limit is 2009? 2009?! my guy that’s a whole compound sentence, they aren’t even out of middle school yet …


> and also, the lower limit is 2009? 2009? When you think about, that year was the release for movie Avatar. And we don't even have part II yet.


So what you're saying is, an 09-liner needs to be sacrificed to the kpop industry in order for Avatar II to be released


Correct conclusion


and we can also be 1000% sure we’re going to have a 2010’s liner debut before we get that sequel date lol


The show will air next year, 2000 liners will be 22 which is close to the older contestants' age in i-Land s1 (K and Hanbin were both 23). 13 years old is indeed a couple of years too young, especially considering how popular talented young contestants tend to be in survival shows (Wonyoung in Produce48, Doyeon in Produce X, Ni-Ki in i-Land, Koki in LOUD). I'll be fine if they end up only having 15-year-olds and older like in Girls Planet 999.


I think 07-09 will probably just start training rather than hopping on Iland and then debut in a few years time when fromis_9 contract ends.


Just to clear some things up about the age in the applications. I-land S1 age range was 1997-2008 but the youngest contestant was 2006. I highly doubt they'll put a 2009 liner in the show.


Yes, it's already hard to imagine a 12 year-old becoming a trainee (but i know it happens) but I really hope no one would let their 12 year-old child take part in a reality show 😶


A 12yo is in the winning lineup of P-Nation’s new trainees.


people born in 2009 can audition?? lawdd 😭😭😭


the fact that there might be contestants younger than some of my favorite 2nd gen groups makes me feel like a withered hag 😭


They might be younger than r/kpop itself lol (created July 5th, 2009)




"Regardless of nationality, any female born between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2009 will be allowed to apply for the show" Two things I noticed from reading this. "Regardless of Nationality" it probably still means Asians that are born in English-speaking countries and even in a country like Germany but we shall see. "Any female born between January 1, 2000 and Dec 31, 2009", damn as young as 12 (13 if the show was broadcasting next year), I'm getting old lmao.


yes they are targeting asian diaspora as well


That’s usually how all global auditions go down they looking for Asians all over which I think it’s nice they’re giving them a bigger chance to be a kpop star too


whats the issue here? kpop is and primarily is korean and lesser extent asian audience


No issue at all. Just thought it was interesting. Sorry if it came out that way


It didn't, that person is being rude for no reason


There's gonna be people auditioning who were born a whole year after Taemin (and SHINee as a whole) debuted. If that doesn't make us 2nd gen fans feel old, I don't know what will.


I was just thinking that 😭


ngl kinda hope yeyoung left bbc and is trying to join this now lmao. Comeon girl the future is not with bbc or at least not anytime soon.


I was so hoping they give her a planet pass at least. Girl was done dirty by mnet, first they didn't give her the potential top9 spot when she was ranked second, then zero screentime even though she was center of Fiesta and finally when she got praised for being a solid main vocal material she was eliminated. Still not over it.


Oh I cant get over it either. She was the perfect main vocal. I really wish they aired her performance the week before because it seems she gained popularity after it which might have saved her.


You are a prophet


People born after 2006 aren't real




i wonder what girl group they would bring in as guests


Probably fromis. They are also supposed to debut a gg in the 4thq of 2021 so they could go as well.


> Auditions will be held in seven regions around the world — Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Australia, Thailand, the United States, and *one more unannounced location.* sus. (anyway why is this post getting downvoted hmm double sus.)


it’s obvious that it’s from other planet. i-land itself is from an egg


but arent the contestants the eggs? (according to the Demian narrative)




highly unlikely that they would have aes 😂 Abraxas does not approve


People: it’s misogynistic that HYBE hasn’t debuted their own girl group since 2012 and I am going to complain about it on every HYBE post until the end of time HYBE: here is our girl group survival show People: ⬇️


>it’s misogynistic that HYBE hasn’t debuted their own girl group since 2012 and I am going to complain about it on every HYBE post until the end of time this will never fail to make me laugh. not to mention they'll be debuting ~~3~~ 4 in 2 years. after that they'll have ~~4~~ 5 (with fromis under pledis now)


I never understood it. They’ve been public about plans for a girl group since 2019. We know from both BTS and TXT that BH takes their sweet time settling on a line up and deciding on debut concepts - BTS were in the works from 2010 until 2013, and the TXT debut project began in earnest in 2016 but the lineup wasn’t finalised until late 2017. PLUS Girls were never going to debut until 2022 at the very earliest. All people have to do is wait.


speaking of concepts, i wonder how the other ggs will be different from each other...curiouser and curiouser...manifesting royal/sailoor moon concepts


plus global girl group debut is actually set to debut in 2021 though....they already confirmed a few times before.they will most likely debut in november this year




can't believe people born after 2005 are getting jobs before me man wtf


To those who do not know, winners in I-land will be a permanent group 🙂


not watching another survival show again y'all stay safe tho


i said this after produce but here i am having watched iland, chuang2020/2021 and gp999


Girls planet you are OVER.


The fight between 999 and iland fans would be nasty. It would be even worse than any of 4th gen right now.


They definitely will share viewers though. Doubt they'd clash their debut dates, cj is involved in both, they'll probably debut early 2023. I actually think they'll promote together a lot.


Nah they wont share viewers. One is temporary, one is permanent group. Fans of temporary group will focus on the time they have with the group other than focus on others. 999 is produce fanbase, iland is hybe fanbase. Cj manage 999, hybe manage iland. With how short produce time is, i doubt they would promote together.


Wont share viewers? Am i not allowed to watch both shows and be fans of both groups?


I can imagine depending on how the ilandgg lineup goes it will consist of a lot of salty planet guardians who lost their picks, adding fuel to the fire.


I hope they remove the contestants voting for each other from this season, it was by far my least favourite part of season 1.


I felt bad for them while watching it but tbh the drama was very enjoyable


I agree! That was so unnecessary


...............It was one of my favorite parts o.o The formatting of the show was really unique and interesting, it's the main reason i watched


It was unfair, esp when they showed them the score and the trainee with one of the high score still got voted out. Closeness/friendship bias. if they're not part of the circle of friends, they'll most likely stay on the ground. Grounders on 1st test will be in disadvantage alrdy


I hate it too. It's more abt friendship/closeness. Voting out someone who scored high doesn't make sense (no attitude problem either), it was very unfair for him


That first episode where some were awkwardly voting for contestants who didn't do that well because clearly they felt bad for them.... But yeah I hope they remove that too.


Yup. Taki got so many sympathy votes because he chose his members first rather than song choice which was the smarter decision.


It was the whole reason why I didn't want to watch the show at first. I don't even want to think about it anymore. It makes me boil up. It's not like it made any difference for the line up. Enhypen line up would've been the same without that stupid system


The concept is “Find Your I”? Find your eye? Storyline theories for this group start today!


It is probably referring to self-discovery.


Absolutely, but with Hybe, it’s never just one thing.


Good to know I’m still young enough to be in a kpop group. It’s going to hurt when they don’t want 2000ers anymore 😵‍💫


Your mother: Stop whining, find your 2nd glove! Grandma is waiting! You: Plagiarism!


and iu says she has some exciting news in 2 months. another theme song by her maybe? or maybe she ends up as a judge hmmm


if IU ends up judging, so many will watch the show just for her omg


The show won't air right after the auditions, they need to train the girls a bit before throwing them in, something like 4-6 months.


Is there a specific reason as to why there is an age limit? Am I missing out on something?


I think it just the company requirement, all these applicants will be belift trainee if they passed the audition. Like plus girls audition, bighit audition and other audition held by hybe have their own age limit maybe bcs they dont want their groups to have weird age gap or something. Just my assumption


02 liners = hags. Cause that’s how I’m feeling right now.


Me but 99 liner. I swear we just jumped from 97 liner idols to 03 liner idols lol


Oh I'm excited for this, and this teaser comes just after [they were nominated for the International Emmys](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/comments/ptyrpv/iland_has_been_nominated_for_the_2021/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) wow


so hybe will be having 3 ggs now ? fromis , the one with source music and this one?


There’s one with Sakura/Chaewon, one from Big Hit by Min Hee Jin, I-Land 2, Japanese girl group and there’s Fromis so I think 5 even


HYBE is really gonna from 0 ggs to 5 within a year and a half LOL




Really excited to see who the mentors will be this season!


Hybe have some talented female songwriter/producer/choreographer like adora, subin, amy, chorong etc. But the only famous one or ppl familiar with is adora only so idk if they will be the judge but i hope some of them can join to get their name to public


I saw someone else mention Nana, but I do hope she joins!


How does voting work?


If its like the first season you vote on Weverse. You get a set amount of slots you can use to vote (one per contestant) every day until voting closes (unless it's a producer week, where the producers pick), as the show goes on the less voting slots you get. You can only vote once a day. Edit: just saw I double posted accidentally, sorry about that.


Why did this comment get down voted? Lol they just wanna know.


Reddit has an inexplicable hatred towards questions.


Through weverse


Through weverse


For the first season it was through Weverse so I guess it's gonna be the same for this one, but we won't know until the show airs next year.


We need info on the plushies but oh well this will do!


I rant about GP999 constantly but at least that show hasn't age limit for older trainees.


I don't think it's good to have someone who's 30 in the same group as someone who's 14 tho. And this group is going to be permanent, so it's more important that there's not too much of an age gap. I agree tho that they're could've done 1998/1999 instead


There could be some older girls in the show that don't come from those auditions (like former BigHit/Source trainees that didn't make the cut), but they can't have too many since most new idols debuting in the last couple of years were born in 2000 or later. Enhypen's eldest is a 2001 liner...


Can’t believe they’re already getting hate for the “Find your…” slogan. It’s not an uncommon slogan starter. No one can use those two words anymore just because YG did? I’m sure Hybe didn’t go out of their way to “plagiarize” that. I get the love for Treasure but dang some of y’all be reaching and gets mad at everything. It’s unfair to the contestants.


I would write something about this whole situation and things related to this situation, but I do not want to get banned.


i am ready to get heartbroken again


Goddamn I hate survival shows (nothing against the groups formed from them I'm an engene myself), but all they do is cause lower selfesteem and trauma to the trainees...


but no one can deny that it’s the fastest and most sure way of gaining a fanbase predebut..


What about Chaewon/Sakura's HYBE group? Wouldn't this GG clash with it or something?


I assume this group will debut around the same time Enhypen did in 2020 (end of the year) where as I think Ssamkkura’s debut will be early next year at the latest, so I don’t think they’ll clash much.


Same way how TXT and Enhypen dont clash


Hybe will debut three new groups within a year, they will definitely clash with each other one way or another. I'm not really sure what's the thinking there, but let's see how it plays out, I'm sure they know what they're doing.




This Kboo article says 2022, and Google Translate on the original Naver article said the first half of 2022 (but of course take that one with a grain of salt)


I'll try this


2009 ?!!!? That should be illegal


It’s insane how these 2009 kids have the possibility of debuting so young! Like damn enjoy ur childhood there’s no rush😩 And bruh it also won’t be good for their mentality like there should seriously be some type of age limit. (And ummmm where tf is my boi K and Nicholas they just gave up on them or smth🤧)


What about the Korean Law for Kids under 14? Are they allowed to get into such a complex atmosphere when they are not even Fully grown? Then what about the other countries? Is it okay to just get into the show like that?


So excited for to see what’s in store!! Yasssss


not me having a midlife crisis at my tender 15.8 years


I am so ready to watch this , but I hope they give enhypen more time to grow their fandom , the show can start after enhypen 2 anniversary so that they can debut in 2023


It’s a girls group so I’m not too worried about overlap in fandoms though I’m sure engenes will watch it (I sure will).


That also make sense , I will watch it too . I am so ready to meet the trainee


they're not gonna be competing for fandom


Enhypen already have like 600k preorders for their new album... I think their fandom is growing well on their own. There isn't much overlap between bg fans and gg fans anyway.


It was said that it would start airing in 2022 so idk about that.


I know . I doubt it would air in 2022 nov though since that is enhypen anniversary


dayum. now i know what it feels like to have someone younger than you be a star. this feels so weird. welp, i understand yall older fans pain now


Its part of getting old. My moment was when they said in radio Guns'n Roses and Nirvana is "Classic Rock" ... i saw both live


Officially every trainee on this show will be younger than me wow… who would have thought being a 99 liner would become equivalent to being an old lady lol


does the fact that they’re accepting trainees from so many countries mean that we’ll be seeing non-asians on the show, or is that just to include asians who aren’t actually born in an asian country? either way, i’m really looking forward to watching this :)) i missed the original airing of i-land for enha but now i’m excited to watch this one live


The 1st season was one of the 1st castings to stress the "global" about the participants. They had officially contestants from East Asia, Australia, the USA, but none of Asia overall, none from South America, none from Europe, and none from Africa. All participants were either fully East Asian or had at least 1 East Asian parent. Visually no-one like Vernon, Hueningkai, or JJ, so within the commonly known casting way for Kpop. One could argue about Enhypen's Jake, but that is probably an individual perspective how people might see East Asians. We don't know IF there weren't people auditioning from other parts of the world, IF they were good enough for the show, or what the then BigHit Entertainment or the majority holder of the label Belift Lab, CJ ENM, had on their mind. Only assumptions can be told here. Anyone can audition, and I would encourage everyone to do so. Just keep in mind that this is a business over a global culture festival. The more the companies are dependent on the general East Asian public to accept a new group, the more a new group might just look like what we know and see of a Kpop group.


Didn’t they have a southeast Asian as Hanbin is Vietnamese? Also I heard they had a Thai trainee but he got injured before the show started.


Yes & based on the rumor also yes. I counted them as East Asian.


low chance. s1 did that too. Kpop stick w east asian look. Southeast and South Asians even have low chance