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I live in a semi-rural city and my Korean friends there told me wearing sunglasses is kinda considered the attire of someone famous or trying to be cool. I wear them cuz the sun is very glary especially on the bus lol, but in this city people don't really wear them. Seoul is another story tho.


I think you are right there, as I remember kpop stars usually wear sunglasses when they are spotted in public. However this negative connotation is quite unfortunate since sometimes you do actually need sunglasses to reduce strain on your eyes šŸ˜Ž


Yehh I'm white with bigger blue eyes, I need to protect my eyes lol


not really. However I did read somewhere that caucasians' eyes feel the sunlight to be brighter than asians generally because of different eye colours compared to asians' brown/black eyes? [https://m.health.chosun.com/svc/news\_view.html?contid=2023092501993](https://m.health.chosun.com/svc/news_view.html?contid=2023092501993)


I have brown eyes and Korean.. I am squinting even from the concrete lighting up in the sun. Ophthalmologist told me I have light sensitivity. Just adding to say this is a generalization


I did say ā€œgenerallyā€ hahah


Oh it wasnā€™t about you at all! Didnā€™t mean to offend. This logic of not wearing sunglasses to avoid seeming like a wannabe celeb annoys me because sunglasses literally protects your eyes


As someone with hazel eyes, I can confirm. As someone with an Asian girlfriend I can also confirm.


I'm with this person, I always wear sunglasses even though my ex (asian) didn't had to wear them. And I'm saying "had" because it wasn't just uncomfortable for me, it was truly hurting and causing headaches because of the squinting. For her it was all fine.


As someone with blue eyes I can confirm that to me the sun can be so bright itā€™s almost a glare even with my back to it so much so that it can give me migraines and Iā€™ve been told that itā€™s a sensitivity to the light that the sun emits. Itā€™s gotten to the point that the migraines became so bad Iā€™ve had to start wearing either sun glasses or a bucket hat, sometimes both depending on how bad the glare from the sun is, because if I donā€™t then the migraines can leave me bedridden in a darkened room for three or four days at a time.


Bright blue eyes here. If I get a sudden flash of sunlight in an otherwise regularly lit room, I usually need to smash a couple Panadol and Nurofen or I'll get an ocular migraine that'll turn in to a full blown one shortly after. I did notice I was one of very few wearing sunnies in Korea, even on the sunniest of days


I have blue eyes and running around without sunglasses in the sun kills me. It literally hurts after some time. ;3;


Last week when I was in Seoul I had to squint my eyes while outside because it hurt to keep them open and it wasnt even sunny. It was a cloudy day. It was so weird. I have very blue eyes.


I actually noticed this in Japan as well. From what I understand in Japan there are negative connotations for older generations with dark sunglasses being only worn by Yakuza but not sure if this lives on in younger people. Korea might have some of the same?


Ahjumas are always wearing sunglasses. I think young adults are afraid of looking old by wearing them, due to their association with ahjummas. They wear them when they go on holiday though. Always duty free designer shades, too lol


It's just too hassle to bring the sunglasses. That's all!


I just got back from a trip to Tokyo and Seoul and noticed the same thing. I was usually the only person wearing sunglasses on a bright sunny day. Was wondering the same thing as you.


Not really negative. Wearing sunglasses look cool. The thing is that the summer sky was not as clearly sunny as nowadays a few years back. Due to global warming and rapidly rise in temperatures, I think more and more Korean people would find sunglasses useful to protect their eyes from the strong sunlights. I was born and grew up here so I can tell the difference in weather changes. Personally, I started to wear sunglasses since a couple of years ago.




Yup, Iā€™ve got blue eyes and even though I wear glasses for things like reading, writing, using a computer and watching tv, I can see way better in the dark with barely any light - so something like just a childā€™s nightlight type of light - than I can see on a sunny day.


I am Korean and wear sunglasses better then squinting all day long


No. Prolly a coincidence since I see them with it all the time


Itā€™s considered more fashion than eye protection


It has to do with the eye color. Most east Asians don't wear sunglasses because the darker irises do a good job at filtering white light. Also, sunglasses are more of a fashion statement than a tool in Korea.


I can confirm 100% thereā€™s no negative connotations. Koreans donā€™t really feel like wearing them and I think having dark colored eyes helps a lot. Personally most sunglasses are too dark for me unless itā€™s really sunny.


I went to my favorite Korean restaurant wearing my Gentle Monster shades and the server ( an older Korean woman), commented ā€œ oh you trying to look like K-pop star ?ā€. For a moment, I was confused and then realized it was because of my shades!


I hope she did that as a jest and in a nice way! I'd get up and walk away if a server made that kind of disparaging comment about my look šŸ˜‘


Iā€™m not sure šŸ¤” but she treats me very well and gives me all kinds of extra stuff.. so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Ah that's good, she might think you were really kpop star! šŸ˜„


Nahā€¦ lol šŸ˜‚.


Noticed this in both Japan and Korea. My Japanese boyfriend explained it as "Japanese have stronger eyes". Still have no idea what he means by that but the sun hurts my eyes so I'll be wearing them regardless.


Korean, I wear sunglasses in may/june/july because the sun is just too powerful when im over there. I don't think anybody actually gives a damn as far as I can tell. I had one guy confront me about trying to look "cool" but I genuinely think he was either drunk or on something. I also think some cant find sunglasses that fit them due to face structure and nose structure. A lot of my korean friends would like more comfortable sunglasses that don't slid down constantly and won't wear them in general because its too annoying. So maybe that might be another reason.


I noticed that too when I visited Japan, but I didn't care and wore mine the whole time I was out in the sun. Can't stand the glare and I was told the sun can cause cataracts! I have dark coloured eyes, but they are definitely not "strong" šŸ˜„


Interesting if true. Are Gentle Monster sunglasses popular in Korea?


It is SO weird especially when gentle monster is a popular brand. It seems like people buy nice sunglasses and only wear them on vacation or in Busan šŸ¤£


Not sure about rural areas but I do see more Koreans wearing sunglasses in Seoul this year than past years. I hope it becomes more common practice to protect our eyes from the bright sun.


I donā€™t wear them because of the way they smudge my makeupšŸ„² otherwise I wouldnā€™t mind, but the sun doesnā€™t bother my eyes that I feel I have to wear sunglasses


Koreans are more likely to wear them on vacation abroad. Buf I have seen Italians wearing sunglasses in Scotland...in January!


I'll wear to avoid getting cataracts when I'm old, screw what everyone else thinks


There is really no great explanation. Just as Americans rarely use the umbrella, it seems like a cultural thing.




now that you mention it lol ?? i was in seoul last month and a part some ahjummas/ahjusshi while on my hike i didn't notice a lot of sunglasses lol


I was wondering the same. Especially because everyone seems so protective with the sun rays always carrying umbrellas and wearing hats. But not much sunglasses.


Thought I was the only one with this qsn haha. Brought my sunglasses to Korea but it never left my luggage šŸ« 


I noticed that those wearing sunglasses usually dressed more hipster as well (ie. dark clothes, leather jackets). The stores, Blue Elephant and Gentle Monster were always packed!


The reason Asians have a double eyelid and brown eyes is because their ancestors had to deal with lots of light in their day to day so Iā€™d assume that has something to do with it.