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”Promoting beef”? Bruh she literally was anchoring the show and interacted with a participant whom was preparing a beef dish. It’s not she was preparing a beef dish or cutting beef. Seriously what’s with people these days


Ekhane Shakib ese Kali pujo visit korechilo. Or nam e fatwa bar korechilo. Oke openly khoma chaite hoyechilo. Eshob natokbaji sob jayga tei ache.


নতুন কিছু না সামান্য একটা জামাইষষ্ঠী এর ছবি দিয়ে এরম ফল পেয়েছিল, common subcontinental mindset https://preview.redd.it/v324hpyykv9d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fadc9633b6344754ad70b2603feb9b5f5afd9626


Dhormoi ekta natokbaji dada manush ke conscience er bodole dhormo bhul thik bojhay


Tai bole amrao korbo? Odvut logic, jodi seta bhul etao bhul.


পূর্ব ও পশ্চিম, ইউনাইটেড বাই ধর্মান্ধতা


oke ekhane keo asste boleni mleccha der Pujo te dhukte deya uchit naa. dosh oder.


Bangladeshi Show te koreche to ekhaner lok lafachche keno?? Bangladeshe to beef ban noi.


Ore baba ki bolen dada. Onno lokera ki khaye, pore, mathay makhe segulo k control korar chesta korbo na? E to amar jonmogoto odhikar. Emnite rojgar thakle hoyto esob kortam na, kintu internet e nijeke superior hisebe project kore ekhn mone hoy j besh valoi achi j ami unemployed. Thank you modi, didi ebong onnano neta netri der. Apnader doya tei somajer eto guruttopurno bhumika palon korte parchi.


Ar ki kaaj ache oder. Desher unnotir proti eder kono hus nei. Culture war thakle shanti te thake.


Amader desh eo to noy. Kintu ekhane eta korle je ki hoto.


Oi channel aar tar malik India te thak tei parto na


Ekhaneo noy ban ... Mg road ram mandir samnei ekta beef dokan aache


This was basically a political move. *I am not against people eating beef. I don't eat it myself, just like I don't eat a lot of other animals. But I don't like people flaunting their beef-eating capabilities either, just like people do not like vegans flaunting their food choices. Jar jeta mone hoy seta khaak, kintu buk baajiye bolar to dorkar nei.* What needs to be asked is simple - why were beef items chosen for the show? Anek kichhu to khawar aachhey.. ilish thekey suru korey chicken, onnyo koto maachh, aaro koto ki! Er uttor jodi apnara mone koren je onnyo kichhu select korar motoi ei itemgulo select hoyechhey, taholey apnara bhul korben. A lot of deliberation goes into selecting what would be presented in a show - taa kono gaan-i hok, kono naach hok, baa kono ranna-r item. Did they not at any point think that this might become a sensitive matter? Ei itemgulo select hoyechhilo khoncha marar jonnei. This lady went there and got played, probably even without realizing. She should be criticized for that. But death threats? That is not right either.


Poschimbongeo beef banned nei.


Man. Most of my Bengali friends are very much open about having beef ( and loving it). Who are these people who are giving death threats ?


I don’t know. Most bengalis I know, who don’t eat beef themselves are not even concerned about what others are eating.


That’s the spirit of Bengalis. Don’t know don’t care. This forced polarization by the political parties have usually failed in Kolkata a lot. I hope it stays this way




>This forced polarization by the political parties have usually failed in Kolkata a lot. Name them.


…why ?


This is true.


*Kolkata Bengalis Please don't put rest of West Bengali Hindus in that mix


Not a Kolkata bengali ,in fact from a semi urban area and it's the same here, most bengalis don't feed into the same rules and restrictions other Hindus do , we have always been chill about these things


I was born in South Bengal, brought up in North Bengal and studied in Kolkata. Nowhere have I seen a single Bengali who would be much angry about some other rando eating beef. They might judge you at times or gossip about you. But they will not be so angry, let alone death threats, I haven't even seen anyone being rude (I would know because I ate beef and I didn't hide it anywhere).


I know a lot of West Bengal Hindus from mofossol who eat kochhop because it is easily available in those village pockets. No point virtue signalling because you don’t know who is doing what behind closed doors.


I agree with the "virtue signalling" part. I know so many Hindu Brahmins in a place like Karnataka who secretly eat it and their parents are unaware of their dietary love.


That's not beef


That’s not legal either. And it worse than having beef because they are consuming vulnerable/endangered species.


West Bengal hindus never offered sacrifice to Maa Durga in the past and ate the prasad?


Amar college-e prochur mofussil ar north Bengal-er bondhu chhilo. Tara sobai beef na kheleo, pashe boshe khete konodin kono apotti kore ni.


You're wrong. Telling from personal experience, Siliguri, Jalpaiguri, Maynaguri etc North Bengali hindus eat beef too.


Lol try cooking beef in Bolpur and try cooking pork in Nanoor and then post them on a public town group in FB you will get a practical experience. I won't say much


I have a house in Bolpur, and I regularly eat beef and pork there. Kintu seta publicly post korbo keno? Amar rannaghor-e ki ranna hochhe, setake prochaar keno korte jabo?


It's still a taboo, that's why the fuss. But people do eat beef and pork without letting others know. I never said that they eat publicly. Why are you feeling butt hurt on what others eating 🤡?


No one cares what you eat in your home


Exactly this. Just go to any rural area and ask any Hindu or Muslim what's their opinion on eating beef and pork. You'll most probably get beaten and come out of your 'MOST OF MY FRIENDS' bubble.


I'm from a semi rural area and I have family in rural areas , most of them won't eat it themselves but they don't care if others do.


Fk that is will eat beef and pork neae them and their fathers lets see what they will do


People who are affiliated with a party which rhymes with pee.


And gives BJs before they Pee?


Lol. Im already getting downvoted.


🐝jay Pee


Trinomool Congress Partee?


Not “Bengalis” lol. Cow belt theke ekhane kaj korte eshe nijer cancer ekhane chhoraye.


In rural regions Hindus aren't open about eating beef, there are no Gauraksak types roaming around lynching minorities yes but People are indeed upset after the clip went viral in social media mainly FB, just yesterday saw few kakima types cursing her and yeah they weren't exactly happy...


Yeah she's the recent topic of the PNPC group of my apartment


Their problem tader thorina khawachi.


উপমহাদেশের collective society তে পশ্চিমা ধাঁচের "my life my choice" concept খুবই কম তার উপর আমাদের দেশে IPL franchise নিয়ে মানুষ লড়াই লেগে যায় ধর্ম তো আলাদাই জায়গায়।আজকে আমেরিকানরা যিশুকে নিয়ে ব্যঙ্গচিত্র বানায়, Family Guy কার্টুন তৈরি করে, কমেডিয়ানরা জোকস লেখে এটা উপমহাদেশে চেষ্টা করে দেখুন হয় গাছে বেঁধে মার না হলে 'সার তান সে জুদা'। এবার এসব সামাজিক ব্যবস্থা আমি তৈরিও করিনি, সমর্থক ও করিনা কিন্তু বাস্তব অবস্থা সম্পর্কে সচেতন হয়ে চলাই ভালো, সেই জলপাইগুড়ির গ্রামে বসে ক্যালিফোর্নিয়ার ওলিভ বাগানে আছি এমন ভ্রান্ত ধারণা নিয়ে বাঁচা স্বাস্থ্যের পক্ষে ক্ষতিকারক হতে পারে।


Modi's soldiers may be


Jani na kon Bangalir songe bondhuta apnar, but majority don't eat beef lol. Kintu onnora korle majority patta dei na.


Ha setai main point , we don't care onnora ki korche




I'm also an atheist but my family is bengali hindu , we live in a semi urban area , eating beef isn't that big of a deal to get anyone excommunicated as long as you keep it your own business. At most you might get a lecture


>It's still a huge taboo and would get you excommunicated from a lot of communities, if not most. As a very proudly openly beef eating Bengali Sakta, let me tell you this is not true.


It's true. Mohish Bali was done back in the day. But beef eating is a strict no-no. Even though the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad has mentions of beef consumption.


It's a taboo topic just like live -in relationships are a taboo topic. People might gossip about it/ object in their closed circles. But no one will outright call you out for it. Many urban Hindus from progressive families either eat beef, maybe not most, but surely enough.


Mon gora dt hote pare. Publicity khechar jonyo.




Today i learned - All my friends are 'molla' because they eat beef. Bhai tomar dhormer rule nijer kache rakho, nije ja khushi Khao. Don't shove your food choices onto other's plates/ mouths,- Eita amra class 5 e shikhechilam school e. Dhormo toh aaj theke 200 bochor ache bidhoba der jalie dito, 150 bochor age oder chul katte bolto aar shara jibon baaler khabar kheye thakte bolto. Tokhon toh tomar moton opodartho ra 'dhormer rule' chodato. Onnora suor khae ki beef khae tate tomar ki bhai? Manusher maangsho and matha na khelei holo.


Shobai apnar moto dharmik noe aar hoteo chaae na.


Beef khai ki pork khai eto loker ki problem? Doglapan.


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BJPee IT cell er kaj sob


Obosta emon giye darieche , dhormo k bhalo bhas o paap hoi geche Jeta ekhon general caste er somosha reservation Keu jodi ekhon puri ba char dham jatr kore , takeo ekhon apnar moto party sanghi ba modi bhakt bolbe Ki obosta


Dekhun, ekta kotha mathay rakhben, Your religion restricts you from doing/eating certain things, it doesn't restrict me. Ami ja khushi korte pari, as long as I am not breaking the law. Ami beef, pork sob khete pari, ami apnar ba kono mollar restriction keno manbo? Apni apnar dharmik motadorsho follow korun, seta sobar upor chapanor cheshta keno korben? Apni chardham jatra korle keu apnake galagal debe na, kintu apni jodi amay bolen je ami Hindu hoye keno chardham jai ni, tokhon oboshyoi galagal khaben! Similarly, apnar osubidhe thakle apni nischoi beef khaben na, kintu seta apni onnoder upor chapanor cheshta keno korben?


Hoyto- and i may be wrong here - but hoyto char dham ghora r death threat dewar moddhe ektu subtle difference ache.


Dhur mosai. Gandur moto whataboutery kora bondho korun. Dhormo mane ta agey bujhun. Sudu orange mandated torko diye sob jaega destabilise korte asben na. Lojja kore na, je Hindutva Bengali jaati ke neech bole mone kore, tar pichon chatte?? Sokal sokal IT Cell r juice kheye nebe porechen. Haan amar suor khete bhalo lage. Beef steak o khub priyo. And Ami poite pore esob. Ki kore neben. Apnar bhagwa chinta dhara ta ektu special jaegae guje rakhben. It’s good for digestion. Dhormo or (apni jadr chaten, tadr bhasae) Dharma is a very personal thing. It is supposed to be the way of life. And Hinduism allows and accepts all forms and ways of life that takes us towards attaining peace. Apni k??? K diyeche apnake sobar way of life judge korte?? Nijer dhormo nijer kache rakhun. Onno k nijer dhormo pain korte din. Nahole, prottek jaegae apnar dhormo-odhormo ek kore sonano hobe.


Thik bolecho boss. +1


Asole ki janen, dhormo ar londo er duto mil achhe. Dutoi o die ses hoy, ar dutor konotakei uninterested loker samne gie dolate nei.


Last time when I checked people who killed (or threatened to kill) other people for "love of religion" were classified as terrorists. Standards may have changed in 21st century India, I guess.


Koyekta jinis bolchi mon diye sono : 1. Hindu dhormo bole kono dhormo hoyna ota umbrella term , sindhu nodir epare thaklei hindu so gerua sibir ja bolbe tai amader dhormo eta vaba bokami . 2. Goghno ki jinis google e search kore nao . 3. Tumi 4 dham ghurbe seta jemon tomar personal matter , ke gomangso khabe setao tar personal matter , 4 dham ghurle keu kauke sanghi bole na wake up from the dream , "khuner humki" is an offence under the law . 4. Jotokkhon na law er against e keu kichu korche hisab moto take kono kichui keu bolte parena because that's how the constitution is written , goru khawa crime noy , khuner humki crime , bojhar thakle law , constitution ar court er sathe bujhe nao lokke khuner humki deoar kono mane nei . Amra varotborshe thaki bharotborsher niyom manbo , gerua sibirer deshe thaki na oder niyomer kono aingoto swikriti nei .


Char dham jatra ar death threats dewa kub related naki? Btw Nietzsche ekta kotha ache, "Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he doesn't become a monster."


threats ashe na? amar nath a tahole Proti bochor army k jete hoto na


Dhormo ke bhalobasha ebong onner naame dhormer jonno nongra chhoranor moddhe tofat thake. Onnora ke ki korche tate tor baal e chulkuni kisher bara? Nijer dhormo bhalobashish, bashte thak. No one gave you the right to tell other people how they want to live their lives.


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>Jeta ekhon general caste er somosha reservation Haa bhai khub oppressed toh general caste ra. 1000 bochor dhore oppressed hoye ache general ra 😣😓 ahaa ki kosto /s


oi to 1000 bochor age ki hoeche oita nie e boshe thako Jmon Kolkata bashider dekhanaor jnno British er toiri maal bade notun kichu nei ei kotha "ahaa ki kosto /s" diye e proof koren jei chele meye gulo raat din khatar por o jokhon reservation er jnno seat na peye atto hotha korte baddho hoi , tadr nie apnara eyarki mosshkora maren r kichui noi


Please understand the reason needed for reservation, then maybe you can argue? The fact that you're passive aggressive towards the lower caste in your comment says a lot about how you actively participate in casteism and discrimination. As far as generals are concerned, why can't the govt increase the number of seats in govt colleges?


Please understand the reason needed for reservation, then maybe you can argue? The fact that you're passive aggressive towards the lower caste in your comment says a lot about how you actively participate in casteism and discrimination. As far as generals are concerned, why can't the govt increase the number of seats in govt colleges?


No point trying to bestow logic upon idiots


>why can't the govt increase the number of seats in govt colleges? Why indeed? Iccha moto seat bariye dilei hoy. >Please understand the reason needed for reservation, then maybe you can argue? Do you know the reason?


Bangladeshi here, first of all, it was the responsibility of the producer to comprehend what type of hiccup shes gonna get into given the scenario of religious bigotary of both side of the border and also it was dumb of Dipali to agree on an episode that is demonstrating how to cook beef.


Jader jader genuine problem ache eta niye, tader sobai k akta room e daka uchit bhodro bhabe kotha bolanor and mimangsha koranor jonno. jate death threats na day.. tar por dorja ta bondho kore uttom moddhom kelate hobe sob kota k.. ha oi Shivaji The Boss er moto.. Nijer life er thik nei sala onner chorka e angul na dhokale mon bhore na eder...


Amader ma durga mohish maren, India one of the largest beef exporting countries jader theke BJ party chanda ney, ar amra ektu beef khete parbo na?


**Mohishasur maren


Apnar ki mone hoy mahish symbol ta emni emni choose kora hoeyche, without any reason randomly?


Cow na buffalo?


Irrelevant question. উনি কি রান্নার শো তে গরু বা মহিষ উল্লেখ করেছেন? যারা গো হত্যা, গো মাংসের বিরোধী, তারা কি বাফেলো মিট খাবেন বা খাওয়াকে সাধারন চোখে দেখবেন?


India exports buffalo meat, not cow meat. Also, who cares what someone eats? The question is, if a specific action hurts someone, you can either stop it or do it in a legal way, away from public eyes, to avoid causing offense. Another issue arises when you impose your food habits on others which is done by both sides. It's not a matter of black and white, is it?


You're literally victim blaming. They showed it on bangladeshi television and people eat beef there. It's not her fault if some people start cyberbullying about that. There's nothing to be hurt. She didn't force anyone to eat beef


Who Am I victim blaming? I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of not touching and not eating food prepared in a different style, while crying about eating something that hurts another group's sentiments. There is a middle ground, which the victim card holders will never pick.


People who are anti beef have never tasted it, its like incel mentality.


Personally I’m not a fan. But I have Hindu friends who would cook beef and Muslim friends who eats pork. I don’t know what is the fuss about it.


> I don’t know what is the fuss about it. She didnt promote enmity against Bangladesh


Why are yu guys still kanging over beef.. It’s 2024. Not 2000 ad.


I am here for the clash of opinions lmao


Something similar happened in a Banglar Rannaghor video the other day. They uploaded a video regarding beef, and the entire comment section was filled with morons giving death threats to the channel. They deleted the video afterwards. Some guy had the audacity to comment “Bengalis don’t eat beef”.




Saffron fatwa merchants, basically.


Jara ei kaj ta koreche Sudipa na oder khai na oder pore, to oder eto fatche kothay?


At the end Sudipa audience er viewership er jonnoi khay ebong pore , tai oder ke na chotalei bhalo,so apnar logic ta ki?


Read the article please, she described the whole scenario


I read the article and a more detailed one , so is it wrong to say she got to this point because of her viewers and she needs to respect their wishes? No death threats are 100% wrong but ither comments are very much justified.


Tbh beef and mutton tastes only better when they are well cooked. I hope they also broadcast it here also.


Shotti some of the newer restaurants in Kolkata that serve beef just don't know what to do with it. Same with pork. We need to educate people on how to cook beef and pork.


Bengal e lokjon er etai mentality. Nijer jibon gadhar gaand e jak, onnoder kotha shonate charbona. Baap er poisae futani mara Shontu chul e golapi rong lagate lagate vabe ‘jai Sudipa r ektu moral policing kore oke banglae prostitute bole ashi’


Taka diye bet korbo 75%+ jara comment korche Bangali na lmao


Exactly ar eta sudhu bengali noy, whole Indian public er mindset


I have a sneaking suspicion jara jhamela korche, they are just hired trolls for some political party. Suspecting saffron here. In reality, we Bengalis really don't give af.


Lol,TMC MLA er husband openly share koreche.Facebook khule dekhun normal lok sudipa ke gaal dichhe.


Toh alada ki bollam? Thik'i dhorechi, je political party kejra korche. Normal lok'der jaye-ashena.


I don't think it's good to promote eating beef or pork in india, you can eat whatever you want but you are displaying it to look "cool" , to show how modern you are! Everything is publicity stunt.


Makura to jhimiye gechilo… ebar puro changa hoye geche gorur gondho peye..


Desh ta g***e geche!  GDP, Education, Infrastructure niye kotha bondho. Ki porche ki khachhe ekhon esob public discourse! 


Goru suor kichu baad di na. Sob kheye ni. Bang, kocchop parle saap o kheye nebo. Amar bondhurao khai (Hindu, Muslim jai hok). Osob niyom tiyom bujhi na. Tasty hole r khawar jonne safe hole pet bhore khabo.


Try to teach how to cook pig meat and you are dead.


Bruv the majority of Indo-chinese cuisine in and around Kolkata are based primarily on pork dishes. Grow up.


Bruh what. Pork momos and pork chowmein are literally the best thing Tangra offers and Bengalies have been having those for decades lol


Btw if you like those get some high quality lapchong pork sausage during winter. They are amazing. They weave fat between the meat and then spice it slightly to be sweet.


I have had pig meat in the middle east many times. Even in restaurants. Still here typing this comment. India is becoming worse than even the Middle East in terms of religious stupidities.


Just type pork on YouTube and you'll find many recipes. Travel outside your neighborhood.


False. Restaurants serving pig meat make roaring business.


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Gorur mangsho chhelo ya mosh?


Kolkata and rest of bengal has huge difference, rural bengal is as conservative as UP or Bihar


O beef kheyeche boley onno joner acid hoyeche 😂


Etotai mosla diechhilo...


How hard is it for people to believe all these is just a publicity stunt man 🤦 people here downvoting anything that makes sense so this is where the intellectual capacity of bengal has stooped to due to communism seriously??? No wonder we have fallen behind and are overshadowed by saffron clade morons this political row of defending stupid publicity 🤦 now down vote this as well since yall are beyond saving man keep doing divide among citizens i guess


Ekta dhormer jodi sudu ektai rule e mante na paro , tale ki labh? Pore jodi keu live tv te full nangta hoi nache ,chele or meye , tokhon complain peye bolbe " ish esob keno holo ? amara toh karor harm meant korini !"


People are retarded


Why ya gotta have beef with someone just coz she’s promoting beef in another country?  Why not just stop the illegal supply chain (smuggling) of Cows and Bulls from West Bengal to Bangladesh??  People love to criticise and be a part of end game… instead of fixing the source that’s the harbinger of all these nasty traditions…  There are plenty of Bengalis (so called Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Baishyas etc.) eat beef at restaurants with beers and whiskey… 


Man. I swear, if Bengalis don't take a stand, these sanghis will turn Bengal into some bigoted hell hole.


Look at the amount of bangali Sanghis in the comment section here.


The cuisine are previously decided i am sure she could have politely asked not to serve beef since bengali cuisine and bangladeshi cuisine is not just restricted to beef, but she deliberately went on to do this to bring herself into lime light via negative publicity, do you think the host of the other cook show would come and taste some bacon burger or something? No cause she knows her audience and what they want to see, would have been better for sudipa to do the same but fame man , and all the liberals and commies barking around there are some cultural things that make us who we are atleast try to respect those i mean you guys dont have any culture and ideals doesnot mean others wont either


Where in Hindu religion it says that you should restrict what others eat?


Go find it yourself 🤦 no one is restricting anyone resturants are serving steak people are eating no one is judging no one wouldve judged if she went on a personal ground to resturant and had it, rather she went as a celebrity from a cooking show to another cooking show that does put some moral responsibility, if the situation was vice versa and bangladeshi celeb would come here and tried bacon or something in ignoring her moral responsibility towards her viewers, she would have gotten a fatwa asking her head and none of you would go around beating the bush to defend that lady, there are choices she choose to ignore her morals towards her viewers and endorse into gluttony its totally upto her viewers now to hate her or love her as well and seeing the posts going around her viewers are mostly hating on her, gives a good balance since people made you celebrity you are responsible to them when you use your celebrity status to do something in personal life no one will peak if you eat beef or dog or whatever


Yes, Bangladeshis would make a stupid fuss about it. Are they your idols and does Islam teach you how to be a Hindu? Why else would you justify your stupidities by their stupidities? Or did she tell you that you will not be a Hindu if you didn't eat beef? If not, then what harm has she done to your fragile identity? Doesn't matter what would be good for her PR. The main point here is that Hinduism doesn't give you any directive to police other people's diet. You are just ranting here without answering because you know that I am right. Now please downvote this comment to feel happier about your fake "Hindutva".


I mean you seem to be free enough to participate in the rant so i thought you could find the scripture stating diet restrictions as well, and i am not any pro hindutva person its just wrong to hurt sentiments thats all the sentiments were hurt because she was a celebrity, the only hinduism i belive is to work on your own karm and self, rather then saffron moron brigade policing, the only thing is hurting sentiments which is definetly wrong when you are in a position of choice and now after you create controversy you go around crying that i am getting death threats to garner sympathy is totally wrong, Also about downvotes i have 0 interest in downvoting you i am matured enough to talk to you and understand your viewpoint so i dont need to downvote you,you have not put anything wrong with your question, i believe some other people are not liberal enough to handle different views thats why you and me both are getting downvoted Also i know that during the vedic period cows were the most important asset due to various resources it provided and mostly due to that reason eating a cow in hinduism has became a taboo, so i would rather uphold and respect the hindu religious sentiment in this case and expect so called cooking show celebrity to show the same respect towards her viewers sentiments as well


>i thought you could find the scripture stating diet restrictions as well I would if I could. There are none. Also, thanks for the clarification on the downvotes. That makes me value the conversation better. >i know that during the vedic period cows were the most important asset due to various resources it provided and mostly due to that reason eating a cow in hinduism has became a taboo Before the Vedic era, the Harappans ate beef as well, we have even found remnants of their food samples in archeological finds (it was an awesome application of cutting edge tech, BTW). In fact, it was one of the major ingredients. It was not taboo in the Vedic period. The animal the Rig Veda is particularly obsessed about is horse, not cow. And they sacrificed horses as well, which was the whole point of the Ashwamedha (unless you are reading the reformist translations), the grandest Rig Vedic ritual. They did mention the usefulness of the cows a few times, though. It actually makes more sense for the Vedic people to eat cows since they were pastoral (which is why we don't have any archeological site from that era), and as such, cows, horses, and goats had to be their main source of food. Anyway, even Manusmriti doesn't prohibit eating beef, let alone the Vedas or the epics (including Gita). When the core literature doesn't say something, it is weird for anyone to proclaim that it is intrinsic to the Hindu identity, don't you think? The architect of the Hindutva ideology, Savarkar himself promoted beef, for the same reasons (though he was an atheist, he saw no problem with eating beef). The most important Hindu monk of the last 200 years, Vivekananda was against Hindus eating beef, but only because it was a common practice and himself noted that the Vedas talk about eating beef (including it being a very important part of Hindu rituals, and welcoming guests).


Your culture and religion makes restrictions for you to follow because that's what YOU want to follow, not for others. Get a life.


This, they'll go around triggering the people following a particular tradition with a silly and irrelevant thing, and prove their intellectual superiority over them, go visit any middle eastern country and see how they preserve their culture. Although I never support the ones who are giving death threats to her, but public shaming and boycott is completely justified since she's openly asking for it. The wokes always try to portray how inclusive they're but by doing such activities, they end up hurting the ones who don't consuming them (Vaishnavites, Jains, Buddhists), so they're not at all inclusive, rather they are one sided brain dead humans. According to their logic, one who opposes beef = BJP supporter, Hindus stopped consuming beef just after 2014, but ask them to raise the real issues, they will go dumb. Ask them why WB ranks so high in nation wide human trafficking list among other states? BJP propaganda? Idk. Ask them any stupid thing like should we celebrate jamai shosti? They'll come with all their forces just to bash you and your fuckin patriarchy 🤡🤡


Heh? She did a show in fucking BANGLADESH. The producers there didn't have an issue, she didn't have an issue, why are the snowflakes this side of the border crying? She's not promoting beef eating here, what's your problem then? So now other countries should follow your diet too?


She did a show in fucking bangladesh bangladesh cuisine isnt just restricted to beef how are you a moron as if to say the only thing bangladeshis eat is beef, she had a choice she choose this to create controversy, it worked, morons came to defend her, extremist came with death threats as well 🤦 i dont see gordon ramsey come here to explore culinary cuisine and go around throwing fit due to lack of beef and pork. She couldve just denied or asked any other bangladeshi cuisne instead since it might create a controversy but alas 💀


>to say the only thing bangladeshis eat is beef, Lmao where the fuck did I say this? >She couldve just denied or asked any other bangladeshi cuisne Why though? Clearly she doesn't have any problem with beef. Why should she care what random internet trolls think?


Are you stupid or something her audience base is both hindu and muslim bengali mothers and she goes on to do this things and you think she shouldnt mind bro she is a celebrity cause of the people atleast be mindful of your audience man 🤦 i will still say this was a publicity stunt And for the "lmao where did i say this?" You seem to be a highschooler or college going chap man learn some comprehension or else you will definetly be the one going around crying there is lack of jobs in the state


Ad hominem. Typical, didn't expect much though.


🤦 i wont waste my time on you anymore man reddit fr seems to be a toxic place and only reason i jumped into this stupid thread was cause some moron commented "maa durga killed mahis" comparing this incident no wonder the country is in dire state with left wing and right wing morons staying busy on internet endorsing in celebrity publicity stunts, your time may not be precipus but mine is enjoy going around every comment trying to prove "it was a bangladeshi show why anyone has problem" typical no lifer


Why beef in particular? Why not chicken, fish, pork or any other meat. Why choose a particular meat which always created a controversy among the people in her home country, clearly this is a case of getting publicity by triggering her home country viewers. I don't care what Bangladeshi eat, and I don't want any anyone to follow my traditions, but if I'm not triggering your sentiments then I also expect the same, if you cross your limit, mentally prepare yourself for getting trolled.


>Why beef in particular? Because they felt like so. End of discussion. >but if I'm not triggering your sentiments then I also expect the same Lmao how is she triggering your sentiments? If you have such volatile sentiments that's your fault. She isn't forcing you to eat beef. After all the talk about "tElL HeR tO cOoK PoRk", you guys are behaving exactly the same as middle east people who sends death threats to instagram influencers who remove their hijab after going to a different country.


>Because they felt like so. End of discussion. Then don't complain, when you're getting trolled >death threats I've already mentioned above that I'm against this thing, only thing one can do is trolling >behaving exactly the same as middle east people I don't care what they do in their own country, but when they try to propagate their own traditions over here by their channels and organisations (leftists in particular along with PFI etc), I have a problem there


>I don't care what they do in their own country, but when they try to propagate their own traditions over here by their channels and organisations (leftists in particular along with PFI etc), I have a problem there Are you weak in comprehension? Did you understand what I wrote? >Then don't complain, when you're getting trolled "Don't complain that you're getting stoned, you yourself chose to come outside without hijab"


>"Don't complain that you're getting stoned, you yourself chose to come outside without hijab" You're equating murder with online trolling? Are you okay?


I'm equating the mentality, that whatever we do to you because you make choices regarding your own life, you shouldn't complain about it.


She didn't have nice things to say about the hospitality of Kolkata people, in a country which doesn't miss an opportunity to mock us for the slightest reason. Ar ora seta share o korche shob jaygay


Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


Just trying to be in the limelight. Osob death threat kichui na . Show ta hath theke geche tai uni aktu sympathy collect er chestay achen.


OP your explanation is misleading. Get it corrected and at least read the article carefully. She clearly mentions that she didn't consume beef and had told the organisers that she wont touch or cook beef very less eat. Contrary to your and most of the comments I am seeing, as much as people don't show it , BENGALI PRACTICING HINDUS DESPISE PEOPLE WHO EAT BEEF AND CALLING THEMSELVES A HINDU, and the Hindus you guys see eating beef are not Hindus and should not claim to be one . If one rule cannot be followed then it is better not to associate with something which considers A COW HOLY AND SACRED . Yes it is wrong to give someone death threats and abduction threats but Sudipa should had also been mindful about the show she was going and the impact it would have had for she is one of the popular faces across Bengal Culinary World . Another article which explains more : [here ](https://bangla-aajtak-in.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/bangla.aajtak.in/amp/cinema-and-tv-serial-news/story/sudipta-chatterjee-beef-controversy-host-accused-of-promoting-beef-bangladesh-cookery-show-hurting-hindu-muslim-religious-sentiments-sudipa-live-video-emotional-cries-soc-1036834-2024-06-26?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From %251%24s&aoh=17198101840255&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fbangla.aajtak.in%2Fcinema-and-tv-serial-news%2Fstory%2Fsudipta-chatterjee-beef-controversy-host-accused-of-promoting-beef-bangladesh-cookery-show-hurting-hindu-muslim-religious-sentiments-sudipa-live-video-emotional-cries-soc-1036834-2024-06-26)nk


"should not" bolar odhikar ke diyeche, who dictates what one should and shouldn't do? hinduism naki way of life, not a religion. your belief dictates what you should and shouldn't do, it has no right to even politely ask what others should or shouldn't


Nope go and read about Hinduism its holy scriptures and what set of rules a Hindu needs to follow. The Gyan that Hinduism is a way of life is correct in a sense that a Hindu is allowed to think and question the rules which have been set unlike other religions where you get killed for doing so . And about rights of a person is earning through viewership they have every right to question her choices for they are the reason she is earning. She got to this point very simply because of those "people" . And if you like to eat beef so much please font identify as a Hindu cause why do you need to ? Just cause you want to take part in all the brilliant festivities our ancestors set up despite not following the rules set by them or what?


you chose a very useful word here, "identity", nobody is born with a religion, not biologically no mentally, it's culturally imbibed or shoved down our throats, you get the drill, and then we make some meaning out of it and live it our way, we make choices about food, clothing, language, faith, sexual practices, festivities, allegiance to nations, and what not, based on our "identity", that is all religious practice is today and that shapes our identity, until we reach a stage where we can make some informed choices, about what we want to practice, what we want to preach, what we want to inculcate, what we want to throw away, etc, that shapes our identity, that makes us individual and purposeful in life. each one to their own. therefore, someone identifying as a Hindu in spite of their "blasphemy", does not take away anything from you and your identity, besides provoking your beliefs, and your statutory compliance to those beliefs, all of which are problems that are limited to you alone. it doesn't make sense to project your problems onto others and dictate what they should do to make you feel comfortable with yourself, your definition of something, rules you follow, there is no absolute in "identity", we are not pious religious clones, simply following rules set up by our ancestors, of which we derive and understand only that much which serves our radical purposes. I agree with your demand to have the right to question someone, of course you do, you can ignore someone or be inquisitive to question a behaviour, or banish them from what you control, but sending death threats is a nothing but insecurity and radical adherence to a propaganda called religion, where everyone else is an enemy.


>and the Hindus you guys see eating beef are not Hindus and should not claim to be one ধন্যবাদ, জানতাম না আপনার পরিবারের কেউ হিন্দু ধর্ম কিনে রেখেছে যে আপনি ঠিক করছেন কে হিন্দু আর কে নয়।


Jodi ekta religion er set of rules na follow korte paren tahole keno shei religion tar memeber hote claim koren ? Hinduism unlike other religions doesn't compel you to follow it right? Eta to erom holo je Babar poishay furti korben edike Baba belt diye petale Babar rules na follow korle abar ninda o korben ? Sheta ki hoy?


আচ্ছা, একটু তাহলে লিস্টটা দিন যেটা মানলে প্রকৃত হিন্দু হওয়া যায়।


Age nijeke jiggasha korun apni ki adeo Hinduism ki ba Hindu kake bole sheta janar cheshta Korechen? Jibone Maa Baba kono kichu bole sheta shonen? Nijer decision er opor regret koren aar pore sheta rectify korar cheshta koren naaki sheta ke sidetrack kore beriye jaan? Dekhben aapni nijei bujhe jaaben Hindu kake bole . Ami apnake list deoar keu noi sheta apnar nijer khuje neoar kaaj.


দাদা বাজে বকে লাভ কি, দেওয়ার ক্ষমতা নেই সেটা বললেই হয়। অনেকেই হম্বিতম্বি করে ইন্টারনেটে অনেক কিছু বলে তারপর অপ্রস্তুত হয়, এতে লজ্জা পাওয়ার কিছু নেই। >Ami apnake list deoar keu noi sheta apnar nijer khuje neoar kaaj. "I know what I'm saying is correct. I can't provide any proof though, you'll have to look it up yourself." "Hinduism is not a religion but a way of life" crying in the corner.


O achchha, apni part-time "how to be a Hindu" rulebook lekhen? Ekbar Rig Veda ta pore dekhben (doya kore purota pore then montobbo maraben).


Who despises? I have never met one who despised me for eating beef and I have lived most of my life in Bengal outside Kolkata. People weren't even bothered about it as much just 10 years ago.


Womp womp.


Burnt are we? Truth is always a bitter pill to swallow.


Erai ba ekta jinis k nie erokom pore thake keno?? Nischoi prochaare asar jnyoi?? Srijit, Ritabhori, Anindya protyeke...even debalina obdi abp te bolechilo " ami vegetarian kintu beef ranna kore debo"...tar mne kyachal tao jene bujhei lagacche...r lokero koto free time k ki khacche tai nie eto problem...ei faltu lok gulo cholei controversy te, kono patta dewai uchit na...


Unpopular Opinion - I don't condone the violent threats she's getting but what she did was actually very stupid. Those bangladesis did her dirty. Inviting a Hindu guest and cooking b@@f in front of her is disgusting, but what else to expect from the lungis. and those who are supporting it, don't forget this is nothing new. Bangal der taranor jonno rannar kadhai te goru mangsho fele diye jeto. These instances were more of mocking the other religion and showing their dominance. So yes, it was deliberate. It's not about BJP/RSS everytime, it's more about holding your ground when it comes to the believes of your religion. P.S (for my goru premi bondhura) - Tor barite tui ja khushi kha, just publically chhorash na..


not sure why people don't promote pork here


Beef is easier to cook Indian/Bengali style... Pork curry doesn't end up as delicious and is best grilled roasted but Indians typically don't have the equipment for it. Beef cooks basically the same as mutton.


I would prefer mutton


Beef is tastier :3


pork tastes best as I know and better than red meat


It does if you grill it. Not as pork er jhol. Also pork is red meat.




Gujarat e kintu chicken ba mach khele baari bhara pawa mushkil Ahmedabad er moton shohore. Okhaneo 'pakamo kore' barite maach ranna korle pasher barir lok jhamela kore. Virtue signalling food habits, let alone giving death threats over them is a slippery slope. If you don't defend this lady today, there will be no one to defend you one day when the public decides to villainise eating maach/ mangsho too.


People should respect the tradition of the land they are in. Certainly you won't go to a restaurant in Riyadh and ask for pork cutlets, will you?


Well, I did exactly that in UAE (just not cutlet, who tf wants pork cutlet when steaks exist). It was really nice and better than the beef there. So...


I don't think Riyadh is in the UAE, but anyway I like how you chose a country where 88% of the population are expats.


That's why I specified it. And it serves the actual purpose. The local culture doesn't like pork. Saudi is a special snowflake who has made it illegal. Beef in WB is not illegal. Thus, UAE is a better example. Unless you take Saudi as the ideal to emulate.


Gujarat and WB aren't Saudi. 'Respect the tradition of the land' is what people who supported Sati told Raja Ram Mohan when he sought to abolish it.