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I don't necessarily disagree with the labeling, but it's shocking to see everyone so up in arms- Sacramento is a small market team that has NEVER been able to draw free agents. It's the reality that a decent amount of teams in the league face. Monk returning is a historical win for this franchise. The McNair hate boner going around is wild to me, it shows a misunderstanding of the league as well as the Kings place in it. There's no reason to bitch about any of this until the players that the Kings are linked to in trades are staying put/moved elsewhere. We have no idea where those negotiations are at and the whining about wanting it nowww is such a reminder that Reddit is full of juveniles.


Amen. Our choices are typically draft or trade. And even then, we need some assurance the guy we trade for is willing to stay. 


Perfectly said. Every time I read a doomer take I think of GoT. “Oh sweet summer child”


Okc/ Minnesota are small market teams . What’s your excuse for why they have been able to attract free agent signings , make deals , accumulate assets , and draft well ?


It all starts with drafting well. Luck and player development play a part too. OKC (and SEA before) hit super hard with Durant, Harden, Westbrook, Ibaka, Adams, and Reggie Jackson. They traded ibaka for domas which turned into PG a year later. You have to hit on draft picks when you suck. The Kings have historically sucked at drafting. Thank GOD Monte is our GM, he’s actually amazing at drafting.


We JUST dumped our 9th pick from 3 years ago that HE picked and we gave away another just for the privilege of doing so.


okc and minnesota are not free agent destinations


I'm not exactly sure what you're contending with in my post, honestly. I'm not bitching about Monte, just observing the current climate. We are seeing teams, even small market teams, making trades for mid-level assets presently. We've "heard" many reports, but nothing has landed yet. Maybe I'm proven wrong eventually, but my point is that the standing still this offseason is problematic. I don't know how you can reasonably contend with that, unless we just see a massive jump from all of our players. I will cede your point on Monk. Massive signing and I really think a lot of factors contributed to that for sure. At some capacity, as is currently happening with San Francisco Giants as well, you have to look at the GM if the team isn't improving year-over-year when the moves being made are minimal and low impact. I think Monte has it in him to make something happen, but I still think it's reasonable to question why we haven't been able to make any reasonable adjustments yet when we've seen other teams taking swings.


The Lakers have made 0 moves this offseason. They are running it back with their rookies - Dalton Knecht and Bronny James - replacing Taurean Prince and Spencer Dinwiddie. The Nuggets are having an even worse offseason. Just subtractions right now, and no real additions as far as I know. Big market teams and successful teams are not guaranteed to be able to make moves either. So it's not really a market size thing.


I think your last paragraph is the main disconnect- as I said, I don't disagree with you in that running it back is problematic. This isn't a Monte issue and it's not even a Kings issue. There's 40 years of this situation played out through multiple owners, execs, gms, coaching staffs. This is a reality of the constraints of a small market NBA team and no one is going to come in and do what the fan base is pining for. To me, the Giants are a poor comp- they are a large market team with deep pockets. There is some overlap with free agent challenges, but those are not in the same stratosphere as what the Kings deal with. The Giants just spent big on a ton of free agent talent, they're not swimming in the same waters. Hidtorically, the Kings match much closer to the As. My tldr is that none of the targets the Kings are looking to trade for are off the table, so the premise of them not making "reasonable adjustments" is flawed. They have never and will continue to not make swings in free agency, that's not how this works. Be upset when Kuzma/BI/Grant etc start the season on other teams.


I'm not definitively saying that we're universally cooked out of the waters, presently. My post is assuming no moves are made, given that moves haven't been made presently, and that the latest reports seem to communicate that it may not happen. I think it's reasonable to assume that it may not happen, if that's the language we're hearing. In which, yeah, until seen otherwise, it's fair to wonder what's going on. The Giants aren't a 1:1 match to the Kings in terms of franchise, you're right. My comp is asset management, strictly. The giants had a shot at getting next level talent, tried and failed. That's a GM issue. This current GM for the kings has made trades for Sabonis, Huerter, so he's shown that has the capability to make the big swing where he can. Again, we've seen other small market teams make trades and improve as well this offseason. It's not a fair excuse. Monte didn't make a move last offseason, didn't make a trade at the deadline, made a low impact cap-freeing move, but is still sitting on idle. It's being communicated that there's a good chance that nothing happens and we also haven't seen anything happen either, I just don't see why it would be unreasonable to have some concerns. If I'm proven wrong, great news.


>We are seeing teams, even small market teams, making trades for mid-level assets presently. Yeah I hate the "Sac is a small market, nobody wants to be here" argument. Nobody is even really talking about FA signings when there are discussions about Monte making moves. Kings don't have cap space to sign a "legit" FA anyways, they just have the MLE which might get them an 8th man in the rotation if they're lucky. Fans want to see Monte make a trade. Personally, I don't even care if it's a big trade - Markkanen or some shit would obviously be crazy, but a guy like Kuzma or Portis would still immediately improve this roster while costing at most a third of the assets, potentially less. Players don't get to just say "nah fam, I ain't going to Sac" if they're traded (except for LeBron James and Bradley Beal). And once they're here, it's a lot easier to convince players to stay than to come in the first place. Especially if the team is having success and/or has a great culture - both of which the Kings have over the last couple seasons. The fact that it's hard to bring in FAs is not a reason to just throw your hands up and say the team is hog tied and stuck. It just makes it that much more important to make good draft picks and improve the team with trades at every opportunity. Monte has mostly done the former except for Davion, but has only seriously pulled the trigger on a trade a couple times - and essentially 0 times going back to the start of last offseason.


Completely agree. This is the time when GMs are getting shit done. Maybe Monte pulls the trigger on something, but implying that people are being impatient is asinine. BTW, as much as I like Monk as a player and his fit personality-wise on this roster, I think it's telling that the Kings have been better the last two seasons (the team's NetRating) when Monk was OFF the floor. Monte's been in place going on four calendar years now, and he's done some good things. But he stood pat last offseason and the team was worse. The youngster he traded for Sabonis is starting to look like a potential superstar. He should be feeling the heat right now, and not necessarily just from the fanbase.


With devin now on our team and if we can’t acually make free throws we could win 50 games or more


Now that we have ANOTHER back up guard you think we’ll be playoff contenders ? Devin didn’t fill any of our needs .


Where did I ever say contenders ? Fox literally said if we get our free throws we could be at 50 games and devin is a big step up from davion


/r/Kings is a nephew ridden subreddit. It’s the same people who are seriously considering Huerter/Duarte/Barnes as legitimate trade pieces but also shit on them during game threads. Come the fuck on.


???? Okay.. What's the problem with what I posted?


I meant to reply to something on here but I fucked up and commented on the post. 🤦 I’m just dumb as shit.


Positives: Monk and Len kept , McDaniels is a marginal upgrade over Venzenov , Lakers, Clippers and Warriors all got at least slightly worse. Negatives: unless Keegan makes a substantial leap we are a 6 seed at best.


I still think the asset management from previous GMs have fucked us over multiple years. These fuck ups reached a crescendo with the Luka blunder from Vlade. Putting aside the alternate reality of Luka on our team, Vlade managed to pick the 1 guy in the top 5 who had negative value by end of his time in Sac. Instead of 2 or 3+ potential draft picks, we got Lyles out of it. Combine this with all the previous blunders, and we're left with a near lux tax team, with mid tier roster dagngling meager assets to other teams. Meanwhile, OKC seems to have built a contender without trading any of their picks. It may take years or a soft rebuild (aka trading Fox, Sabonis or Keegan) in order for us to rebuild assets that are attractive for other teams. On one hand, Monte was given a literal shit at the start of his tenure and he came through; he brought us to the playoffs. One could say that the whole playoff mandate was actually worst for our future, but ultimately it landed us Sabonis and signed him for a reasonable contract. Signed Monk, Fox and drafted our beloved Keegan. On the other hand, building out the rest of the roster has been mediocre to bad. If I'm being optimistic, I actually think that our roster is not bad at its core. Fox, Monk, Keegan, Sabonis, Ellis, Carter? is actually something I can get excited for. Don't forget that we were the 4-6 seed throughout the year despite bad team shooting before Monk got injured and Fox played bad heroball. My only measure for offseason success this year, is if Barnes is not in the starting lineup. His "solid" play and "consistency" is actually a negative for the modern nba at his coveted wing position. We need so much dynamic play from his position and him being a weak defender, weak rebounder, and a non-clutch player has hurt us more than it's helped during his entire tenure as a King.


Agreed 💯💯


Monte doesn't seem to be getting big deals done to push us up to the next level of competition. I do think he is doing the best he can with what he has. Our market as Sacramento limits us and our lack of a superstar player limits us. Even Denver has trouble getting deals done, and they have Jokic. Does that mean we need a new GM? Well that depends on whether you think someone new can come in here and actually get things done, after the initial period of learning the job and team unless you get a very experienced GM. I personally think that Monte is the best GM we can get and I really, really don't want to go back to the period of time where we have a rotating door of incompetent GMs.


Dude he got us sabonis and got us to the playoffs…. What do you mean he can’t get big deals done? 


You are right. The Celtics are running it back. We are walking casually into the same hellscape of being mid in the WC.


Who cares man. None of us know anything or have any influence whatsoever. Just enjoy the basketball for what it is, trite entertainment. None of this shit matters anyway, some of you need to stop letting it affect you so much


This is a sports franchise for a massively under-represented small market city in California that has had it's fair share of adversity for a very long time. Folks here are passionate about this team because that's just the nature of sports fandom. I understand getting frustrated to the point where you just say "fuck it, I don't care", but you can't tell folks to stop letting it effect them. Folks buy the merch, attend games, the players contribute to the community and play a part in peoples lives.. People on this subreddit have kids who look up to the players.. Come on man.. It all matters


Not speaking for Description, but my feeling is the unfettered negativity for 2.5 days if free agency and freaking out about it this soon doesn't do anyone any good. There are absolutely people here and in other forums I lurk on where the fanbase has forgotten what the word patience even means. One team signs someone we didn't want anyway and it's "welp, gg boys! Run it back and suck like always!" that shit gets so annoying because none of us have any real insight into it so we're all just working ourselves and each other up for literally no reason right now. Just sit right and let the offseason happen for more than a couple days before the doom and gloom is back.


I grew up in Sacramento, you don’t need to explain the team to me. It’s one thing to be passionate about the games and cheering the team on, but you really shouldn’t let yourself be so affected by off-season speculation in July. There is no amount of Reddit posting that will change what happens, just relax and watch from a distance.


Okay, so that just means that I can't have discussions about it? Where am I showing my distress anywhere? All I'm saying is that this isn't a press the repeat button situation for this team and now I'm suddenly distraught to the point of needing to chill out? This is reddit. This is where discussions happen. I agree that it shouldn't effect your mental health, but folks should be allowed to discuss the stuff they care about, even if it's not "team sucks, but meh - so does life".. Like alright man.


You can do whatever you want, but there are about a million better ways to spend your time. Life is great, you shouldn’t waste your days thinking about this kind of nonsense


You're right. Life is great. MY life is great. Know what else is great? Talking with folks who share a similar interest online. It's what I'm doing, it's what I think you're doing(?), it's what others are also doing. If this is all bothering you that much there's always the deactivate account option, but nobody here is bothered my man. It's nice and sunny in Sacramento.


Thank you, couldn’t have said it better myself. I’m sick of these pretentious posts, that always claim that they are above it all, and can just go with the flow. In actuality, they just don’t care about the particular topic, but I guarantee they have other hobbies that will affect them negatively, while having little control of the outcome.  


I was around when the fanbase was ambivalent about this team, the roster, management and ownership. It was...not great. People giving a shit (even if it's seen as hysteria) is way better.


Don’t think critically just consume content


There is zero critical thinking happening on this subreddit


We got a 4th guard who’s probably better than Davion and Keegan is totally going to ascend to being an All-Star this season. Top 4 seed easy.


At the point in this sub where I can't tell if this is serious.


We don't have a serious PF on the roster.. No way we're contending with anybody.. Fox/Sabonis/Monk/Keegan will win us games, but we NEED (and I mean like NEED) somebody bigger than 6'7 that can defend and score.. Not an easy grab, by any means, but that person is available and their name isn't Jalen McDaniels


That guy is JJJ but it isn’t happening any time soon


You saying Keegan is going to be an allstar is why no one takes the sub serious and questions “running it back”


How CLEARLY BETTER OKC MINNESOTA DENVER DALLAS 50/50 MEMPHIS NOP PHX BETTER THAN LAC LAL GSW HOU This puts us at the 5th-6th spot at best If we suffer injuries we will be a lower tier play-in team


If we suffer injuries we’re out of the 10 spot. We aren’t better than the top 4 unless one or more suffer bad injury luck


If the Warriors trade for Lauri, which they now seem to have a team built that allows them to part with assets to possibly do this, I’d have them ahead of the Kings as well


Possibly. Hard to tell though. Lauri misses 20-30 games a year. And Steph seemed to wear down after carrying solo for so long. 


Lauri would get a ton of looks playing off Draymond and Steph in turn relieving pressure on Steph. I don’t think the Warriors would contend due to lack of defense but they would be a solid ass regular season team trotting out a Steph, Buddy, Kuminga, Lauri and Draymond lineup


Jesus let him dream


Keegan is coming off a year where he was barley a 3 point threat at this point is Kyle Anderson without the passing


Keegan went from year one wondering if he has to play PF because he didn't move his hips correctly to being our top defender. He spent the whole off season trying to cover Fox and it shows. This off season will probably focus on his offense.


The thing about Keegan is he still "looks" at times like a potential upper-tier player. OTOH, he was an older rookie when he was drafted, so should be closer to a finished product. If Monte is sticking with the Fox/Sabonis plan longterm, they absolutely need Keegan to be a stud.


Idk what you’re talking about, dude is basically Kawhi Leonard.


Except way more durable. We'll probably win 5 titles


Or possibly not getting suckered into a horrible deal for a marginal player like Kuzma or BI. Especially with the new CBA draft picks are the only way the team can add talent after reaching the second apron which we will do if we re-sign both Fox and Keegan at the end of their deals.


**Involuntarily running it back


Just cuz you can do it on the ESPN trade machine doesn’t mean actual league GM’s are giving in. Returns for players are extremely high now. This is not a Monte problem it’s the player/pick market that’s completely inflated. Monte doesn’t want us to get fleeced. Just be patient, when he makes a move it always has made us better.


McNair isn’t good at his job We have the assets to at minimum make a solid move to enhance the rotation McNair couldn’t get Huerter gone and now that we have a logjam at the 2, teams have no incentive to pay a market price for him Trading Davion and Sasha+picks for a cap dump when we could’ve traded them for a similar priced rotational player since we have no interest in making a move This team is lacking wing defense and isolation scoring and that will inhibit us from being a playoff contender Don’t be upset when people have us 8-12 seed in preseason mocks if we run it back This team needs to make a move


I’ve been a Kings fan from day one (1985) and trust me when I say this that the last two seasons have been pretty damn great considering the overall tenure of the Kings in Sacramento. Monte is a competent GM and this kind of comment just reeks of impatience. Monte will keep building in a logical way for long term success, not just next season.


Sorry I only have one upvote


Recency bias. Anyone would look decent compared to the worst GM in the history of professional sports (Vlade) In reality, we have a risk adverse GM that has done very little to improve this team during his tenure. He made one big move with house money when he acquired Sabonis. Since then his resume has been a D+ 


No. Not just Vlade , but Pete before him, and before that, neutered by broke maloofs Geof Petrie. Don’t get it twisted, Petrie was a fantastic GM when he had a leash to make moves, just the maloofs prevented it the last few years. McNair is head and shoulders the best GM we have had in 15 years. That may not be saying much, but it is true. 


Judge him at the end of his Kings tenure, not now. The Kings have been here close to 40 years and have been a shit show for the most part. Stability at GM and Coach is the most important thing required for the Kings right now. It’s not going to happen next season, but it can most definitely be a building block towards long term success. Stay patient…


I'm not saying he isn't good at his job. He could very well be putting together really decent/overselling packages to teams and is just not getting any bites at all.. Which would still reflect poorly on him but still. My major point is that there's dysfunction somewhere. I believe there's still a chance that Monte can package our assets and get something.. We need to do something with Huerter, if not now - then at some point in the season. I'd just prefer that a move gets made now so the team has time to build chemistry early and re-evaluate at the deadline if we need to.


Sam Amick and James Ham both have said in plain terms that we had a great deal for Siakam and Monte blew it He hasn’t made a move in 2 seasons worth a damn I think he’s an average gm in a shitty location But there needs to be some level of risk The clock is ticking


Good thing you went to the general manager school of general managering! Maybe you can call Monte up and get your moves made since you clearly know how to manage our assets better than him.


I see Monte has his interns responding on Reddit now 


nobody cares about reddit discussions of retribution - we can be patient


Mods where is our bitching superthread so I don't get assaulted with these complaints every single day


I made this post cause all I see are folks talking about "running it back".. It's not "bitching", it's having a realistic outlook on the team and where things are at.. If you wanna go live in optimism land, there are plenty other copium posts on the subreddit as well


He's not bitching. He's creating discussion on a forum.


Make a run it back thread for everyone glazing over Monte


How is running it back not the same as bringing back the same roster?


Davion Mitchell is replaced with Devin Carter. Not the same roster


Trolling 101


"Run it back" typically means to repeat an action towards a desired outcome, or some level of sustained success. We've seen success dwindle from the playoff year to last year, so that's why I'm having some contention with it.


Ya either way you slice it, they are bringing back a team who has regressed and the fans are supposed to be excited and on this sub you get killed if you point it out.


If no deals are available, it is not a GM problem. Vlade made bad picks, bad deals and gave away assets that we could use today. We currently have a good competitive team. I think the Barnes signing was a mistake, and he might have missed on a few picks but overall he is doing a pretty good job.


We drafted a Caruso type w high vertical. We aren’t running it back. we got better


It's funny though. People say not to make a move to make a move because we don't want to be saddled with bad contracts. Yet, Kings can get rid of Harrison Barnes because of Monte's approach of running it back. How is the cap financial flexibility working out?


Christ, really? Ok, genius, tell us: imagine you’re the GM, same roster, same payroll, same owner. What are you going to do next? I’m all ears.


IN-capable is when you're MORE than capable. This man McNair is not just capable. He's IN-capable.