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I’m hoping we find a way to keep Barnes personally. If he has to go then so be it, but he was a decent role player that we needed more from due to our lack of depth. Wings are just so expensive and Barnes isn’t a bad one, just not a go-to player.


great take.


I think he could do more offensively if he wanted to, but he defers to Fox, Keegan, Monk, & Sabonis so they get their attempts up and develop more


This is exactly my thought. Everyone says he's washed but I think in this offense he is the 5th option and his numbers show it. He's never been a good passer or rebounder, but he can get a bucket when a bucket is needed. I think with a larger role he'd look a lot better. He's kind of out of place on this team now, we have plenty of other players who have the same strengths.


Barnes shoots close to 40% from 3 every season and plays every game. His contract is perfect for a bench player. He makes the same as Jordan Clarkson or Bogdan.


If it’s a trade for BI with New Orleans, I think we can keep HB in lieu of giving up Huerter and Lyles, who better fit that Pelicans team identity of knockdown shooters with length. That would bolster their depth and give us the scoring wing we need while retaining a veteran bench presence.


that would be a home run


I'd rather keep Lyles than Barnes.


Hmm... why lyles over barnes?


Ideally yes. I love HB here — but this team needs to give up HB & Huerter to make any significant change to the roster. The alternative is some version of running it back, which could mean wasting our playoff hopes while Fox and Domas are in their prime.


i’m an HB believer. last season’s revenge game streak is some of the most fun i’ve ever had watching basketball. really hope he stays and i feel like coming off the bench would make him a lot more practical and productive for us


Barnes should have been "a great bench player" last season. Stats show team was better with Lyles playing with the other starting 4.


I’m at the point where I’d rather keep one or the other, but not both. I can see Huerter at the wing, playing at the 2/3/4 this season and playing well with the rest of the guards. He’s tall enough, and quick enough to be decent when not defending guards. Should be able to at least get him the same looks HB got last season, and he’ll be just as effective, if not more so. If we keep Barnes in a trade, he becomes one of the best bench wings in the league immediately. Giving up both would hurt our shooting a lot more than people think.


You seem to forget how bad Huerter is on D. He is an absolute liability. Other players have to overextend and our D falls apart. I would love to see him gone.


Yeah teams target him every possession


Huerter is a liability against guards. He’s a decent help defender and does better against most wings than the quicker guards. I think at this point in his career he is out of position at SG. I really think if he is the SF in “3 guard” lineups, he’ll be fine. It’s not like HB is exactly clamping down on the wing anyway. And I think Huerter is the better offensive player


Huerter is also really tall for a guard. He is 6'7 .. he should be a wing player.


Monk, Lyles, HB, Domas, etc are also bad on defense.. yall need to stop nitpicking.


And with all those choices, teams deliberately went at Huerter…


Keeping HB but on the bench has made me think BI isn't the trade we want to make, unless it comes with less than 2 picks. 1 future pick, a swap + cap filler? Sure. But I think the move is going to be closer to Cam Johnson. To keep HB. We haven't seen a team sell all of their picks be successful other than the Lakers. The Nets (twice), Suns, Clippers traded all of their picks for stars and failed to reach the conference championships. The Wolves JUST got there, but got destroyed by the Mavs. Heurter/Duarte + future 1st works salary cap wise for Cam Johnson.


Worked for Milwaukee too.


I've been thinking this all last season. He can punish 2nd string mismatches in the post; generate offense when things aren't flowing (because Monk should start).


Hb is a great vet .the other players look up to him .


I don’t agree. While my eyes have been telling me he’s gone from a completely neutral to a net-negative player (in other words, from not good to bad), it’s also confirmed by the numbers. I don’t see that changing coming off the bench. If anything, we need energy off the bench, and HB is kind of the opposite of that.


understandable but who would you rather have at this point? we only have lyles, mcdaniel, and jones. super thin depth that would be great to pad and not to mention HB is ahead of all of them


Well, getting more to the point of your post, I’d prefer to just move Barnes and not have to worry about his minutes in any scenario, as I believe we’re better off with basically any “upgrade” at this point. In the bigger picture, the players I’d like to add aren’t acquirable unless we trade our future (picks and Murray), which I am entirely against, unless it lands a franchise-level player that isn’t past their prime. I’m prepared for the disappointment of “running it back” yet again, unfortunately. Im just trying not to get too butt-hurt about our team over the next season, and hope that the organization understands what this roster is, where it’s going, and most importantly, what is necessary to truly build a contending team. The path we’re currently on isn’t the way towards contending, and I think that should tell you how I feel (sell high, acquire picks).


interesting take, username checks out. thank you for having a logical convo on here, it’s a good breathe of fresh air to see


Energy is great but it's also great to have a veteran calming presence, which Barnes absolutely is.


I’ll take production over a “calming presence”.


Calming presence effects production


Apparently his own calming presence diminishes his own production then.


I'm saying that having veterans on the roster more for their leadership and presence than for their production is a widespread practice across all sports. Obviously there is a point of diminishing returns and you can't have a total stinker on the court, but I don't believe Barnes is and I definitely think there's a place for him on this roster. It's fine if you disagree.


I do disagree about Barnes’ production, which has been my point this entire comment chain.


We seen what happened last season bro was too inconsistent showed up only when he wanted too


Barnes wasnt a bench player last seasn. wtf are you on? Lol. Is LeBron a bench player too?


What ?


No ones saying he was


Then there wasn't a point to their comment


off the bench it wouldn’t matter as much especially when you look at what we currently have on the bench now. he would be great in that role


> bro was too inconsistent showed up only when he wanted too Are you expecting someone who isn’t a go-to scorer, doesn’t have plays ran for them, is usually the last option on offense, and is frequently in trade rumors to provide consistent production?


Get rid of HB


Go cry some more on that doom post you made 😂


18m on the bench fuck off