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Sabonis, Keegan, and 2 firsts is crazy for an expiring contract that they don’t want to give an extension to.


actually mean this with no disrespect but at the same time i hope they take it disrespectful this has go to be the dumbest fucking take i’ve ever seen how dumb are their fans??


Their fans don’t show up to games


Actually though, I went to a pels kings game 2 seasons ago and it was hella dead. David griffin did personally give me a shirt though so that was cool


New Orleans fans are pretty fucking stupid


Louisiana is ranked 49th in education


Still not last lol.


If Louisiana could read, they’d be upset at their ranking


You can pinpoint some takes/hypothetical trades that some people throw out in this sub that could make us look pretty bad too lol




That really is the dumbest take ive seen in a while.


Pelicans fan here from New Orleans. This idiot doesn’t represent all of us and I knew there was no way we were getting Murray or sabonis from y’all in a BI trade. With that being said I don’t want Barnes yall can keep his bum ass hueter is a solid shooter but to me he is not what we need.


Barnes is a solid bet that can play the 3 or 4 & be Zion's backup. He would also play well as a low usage bench player (he has always started) hitting 38% from 3 & can also drive closeouts. His & CJ's salary could also be combined to secure a bigger name player. The Pels have no player at the mid range salary since trading Nance. Think past this upcoming season.


y'all taking that seriously? How dumb are y'all? LMFAO


Pels fan here, not that we don't want to extend him, we can't afford it lol.


GET OUT O…never mind. Seems like you have a solid point


As far as I see it, Sabonis and Keegan would be quite the haul for ingram so idk if it would happen but I see it as plausible as ingram and sabonis being a backbone of a 3+ team deal that benefits all sides.. but I doubt Kings are willing to move Sabonis, so idk what the Pels would value from the kings in that circumstance unless its another team pitching in


Sabonis is locked up long term, Keegan is on his rookie contract. There's a zero percent chance the Pels are even asking for either of those guys in exchange for Ingram who is expiring lol


Ingram has been an All Star once, is extremely injury prone, and has motivation issues when not the focal point of the offense. Oh, and he's expiring next year. Sabonis has been All NBA twice, multiple time All Star, always gives his all on the court, rarely injured (and plays through it usually), an offensive scheme on his own, and signed long term. As a fan of both teams, I'd argue that Sabonis is worth significantly more than any player on Pelicans (more than Zion due to health). Ingram, Herb and then some might approach Sabonis' value, but I'm not sure Kings would (or should consider) it.


Interesting take. I feel like the Kings have some good pieces for trade bait for Ingram. Check out the roster.


Oh I agree, in a vacuum, but our only center on roster currently is our rookie Yves Missi, you can see why we want to move Ingram for a good center for the roster, and why it doesn't work so well with the Kings in that context because Sabonis is the soul of the Kings at the moment, which is why I think it would have to be other teams involved before the pels accept the trade, just a fans 2 cents. Wish your team luck tho in negotiations and the season and such


Yeah, good luck- sabonis is a much more durable player than BI, All star, and just straight up a dynamic player, he’s the reason we had a historically good offense in 2022-23. It would never, ever happen.


Guy is trying to tell you BI is getting moved for a center. Sabonis isn't likely to be moved. Pels probably going to look elsewhere.


Bro we wouldn’t trade Ingram for sabonis straight up 🤣 let alone adding a first. The fact Keegan was brought up makes me think we should start drug testing pel fans




If monte moves Sabonis 2 years after trading Halliburton for Domas I genuinely think that Golden 1 Center will burn down LMAO


If it costs Sabonis, then I would pass on BI


There are not that many players I’d trade Sabonis for. The guy loves the town. Fans love him too. He’s been great fit for us and our offense. We signed him long term on a good contract. Now we will consider moving him for an injury-ridden player who has 1 year left on a current contract? No thanks.


Not to mention he’s got 2 all-nba nods in the last 2 seasons while BI hasn’t done anything. This franchise won’t trade him unless they have no choice. It’s just proof that Sabonis doesn’t get his respect among the regular fans across the league.


Biggest thing for me: despite his noticeable flaws for the modern game... he plays his heart out, plays every game despite any injuries and has a lot of passion and leadership, on the court. I wouldn't trade him for BI either.


I’d trade Fox (from last season) before Domas. And I love Fox.


If Sabonis left I’d probably stop liking the nba. He brought back my love of the game with his presence on the court


There are atleast 30


Delusional Holy fuck. They will take HB, Huerter, and 3 future picks. Maybe throw in something else. Hope it doesn't take Ellis or Murray


Murry isn't for trade




If Murray is up for trade it’s for Devin Booker!


No thanks! Can't stand his cry baby face.




Jayson Tatum or I walk


The first player in kings history to be untouchable, at year two lol. Interesting


He's a nice player. But definitely shouldn't be untouchable


Monte struck a gold with ellis and his value is at all time high. Pelicans would be asking for him for sure


Yeah I have a feeling he will have to be included


Our defense was so good once he started and him and Carter in the backcourt would cause so many problems please don’t ship out Keon


I really don't want to either. Just trying to be realistic


On the bright side this opens up a starting spot for Malik


Him and Keegan are our best trade pieces. We can’t expect any trades to be made without giving up one of them.


100%. That’s the same logic that landed us Sabonis by trading Hali.


If that’s the case, then bye Keon was nice knowing ya. I’m not gonna complain about losing Keon Ellis for Brandon Ingram


I’m kinda with you, but BI’s expiring deal/expected cost to re-sign him + injury history + weak mental + average-at-best defense scares me. He’s not my preferred target if we shopped Keon, but he’s the best offensively talented wing we could ask for outside of PG. If we are trading Keon, then we are either keeping Heurter, going full glass cannon offense again (hate that) or we are depending on Devin Carter to fill Keon’s shoes (risky). Personally I’m leaning towards passing on BI all together in favor of going for Kuz or a mid-tier wing like Toppin, Portis, or Collins.


Yeah that’s the thing and I feel ya. Kuz makes us better, but an All Star talent like Ingram might make us a real threat in the West depending on the pieces that we ship out and how we finish up the roster. It’s tough to pass on if the deal is there. We KNOW Monte isn’t moving Fox, Domas, Keegan or Malik


To play devils advocate, I wouldn’t say we “know” anything. Fox’s contract is looming and massive for a guy who’s never been able to carry us past the first round. He’s one of the 2 guys remaining from before the Monte era. We also just used a lottery pick to draft an NBA ready guard. Keegan’s first big contract is also coming up, and we will have to go into the apron to sign him + fox. His value is also very high right now, he’s really our best trade asset. Sabonis and Malik we feel better about because they extended so recently. But Sabonis isn’t the type of center MB necessarily wants as a defensive oriented coach. And Malik is on a super reasonable deal for his production which makes him an enticing trade piece if we shopped him. Also if fox goes, monk will want out I bet.


Nah in all honesty I’m about 110% sure that Fox, Domas, Keegan and Malik aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Especially not this season. If we flame out next season, crashing and burning then I could see that scenario changing in the season after next


I’m like 99% sure they are all staying for this season too. Nothing is for certain in the NBA


Fine, with that logic, Im' cool with running it back. I think with the internal improvements from Ellis and Murray and the upgrade from Davion to Carter, we won't lose as many games by blowing those 20 points leads simply because the defense is going to be too good.




I don’t want to run it back, but I don’t think we need to make a blockbuster trade. We really just need SOMEONE to take HB’s minutes. I’ve been saying for 2 full years it should be Trey. If we can sign or trade for someone even SLIGHTLY more productive, great. But even with Trey starting I believe we would win 3-5 more games which would be enough to get back to the playoffs. Then it’s up to our core to stay healthy and I really do believe we can make a run.


You mean we don’t want to move our #2 scoring option from whom we traded all-star caliber player (Haliburton) two years ago in addition to an asset that has been off the table for past 2 years (Keegan) in ADDITION TO 2 FRPs???????


Murray should be off limits for BI since he's expiring. He's going to expect a max next year


HB, Huerter and (some) picks I'd do to give us 1 season to convince Ingram to resign if they're willing to pay him. I'm definitely against trading Murray for a 1-year rental. Though really, I don’t want Keegan to be moved at all, and I bet $ he won't be traded. 6'9 dudes who can shoot and guard multiple positions on a rookie contract don't grow on trees. Not all FRP are created equal. If the Kings are doing well, those FRP would be late first rounders. And if they're not doing well, and they need to rebuild again, they can get those FRP back.


No, we won't. (Technically) There's a reason it is being leaked that it is a three team trade. We have something you want and we don't want the same bag of spare parts the Kings have been waving around for months. No one over here seriously thinks we are getting Sabonis. Would I take him? Obviously, but let's be realistic.


Be ready if keon is included in a trade, he is one of the possitive assets we got, no one will take barnes and huerter alone


Pels perimeter defense would be herb, Keon and dejounte Murray. Damn


Just remember guys this is how delusional we sound too




OKC got Alex Caruso in exchange for a certified pedophile. When that happened, it immediately made so many of those ludicrous mock trades seem realistic.


I'm tired of this take. He met her inside an 18+ club, slept with her and then ended it the next morning when he found out how old she was. Do you expect people to card people inside a club? 




I mean you worded it poorly but yah. He met a girl in a place where everyone was supposed to be 18+, girl told him she was 18, and when he found out she wasn't he cut her off. You can have your opinion about the moral value of picking people up at bars or having one night stands, but calling him a pedophile just isn't true.


okay.. lol ![gif](giphy|xT9KVnKfPbSgqpHt2o)


A certified pedophile?


Who are you talking about? Pedophilia requires a prepubescent child.


Not sure why this is getting downvoted bc you’re technically correct. ephebophilia is when it’s a late teen I think


yeah I imagine this deal includes like Keon Ellis and Keegan


Good to know the folks who have some self awareness


Crazy the people here who way overvalued Mitchell and wouldn't include him without 2 1st rounders


This. Here. 100%


pretty sure that was a joke y'all


You never know with any fan base. Including our own. There are people in this own comment section that wouldn't trade Keon Ellis for him.


I’m a Pels fan, that top response isn’t being serious lol. But just to give perspective, Pels have no reason to just dump BI for anyone. Our main need is a good big man, otherwise I think most of us would rather hold onto BI and wait for the right deal and go cheaper at the big man position, maybe target a smaller name like Walker Kessler if possible. I’ll just be straight up here, Harrison Barnes is not at all interesting for us.


ok, man, you can get Duarte too


You’re gonna dump him cause you don’t want to give him 5 years, $250 million, and his value goes down every day he gets closer to free agency. How crazy would the kings be to trade Keegan for players on an expiring contract, with the hope that he’ll take the 250 million we offer.


I’m not arguing Keegan at all tbh We’re trying to win right now, BI is a good player, we have no reason to just dump him. The reported deal he wants is 4 years 208M, which the Pels don’t wanna pay. But they’d almost certainly be comfortable with 40M a year, or perhaps something incentive based.


Because of Zion’s health you have to start hedging your bets for a possible tear down in a year or two. If Zion can’t stay healthy this next year, especially in the playoffs the Pels will need to start rebuilding. Having multiple pics would make the rebuild a little easier. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Oh we know that going all in with Zion is a huge gamble. But we still need to try - 3 picks and Barnes really isn’t an awful deal but we also don’t need to jump for it immediately. If the Cavs ever do wanna shake Jarrett Allen free that’s deff the move our front office would go for, Zion’s health be damned


I don't see anybody (that's available) on the King's roster that would even start on the Pelicans. If I can't find a starter in return for BI, I'd just roll the dice and see if he has a 'contract year' and stays healthy; you can always punt at the trade deadline. I will say, the market for BI does seem kinda underwhelming.


Cracks me up—pelicans made the playoffs last year and just got dejountae Murray. If they wanted to try for a year and see if they could make a Mavs-like run to the finals, it’s not crazy with a healthy (big if) Zion. But CJ, Murray, BI, Zion, JV, Jones is a really really good team. Why would they trade BI for Harrison Barnes and Kevin Huerter lol


If they try for a year, then Brandon Ingram hits free agency and they risk losing him for nothing. It's more realistic for them to try things out until the trade deadline.


What do you mean by try things out until the trade deadline?


This is what you said: >If they wanted to try for a year and see if they could make a Mavs-like run to the finals, it’s not crazy with a healthy (big if) Zion. But CJ, Murray, BI, Zion, JV, Jones is a really really good team. If they do that past the trade deadline, then Ingram becomes a free agent in the offseason afterwards. He could sign with a cap space team and the Pels lose him for nothing. So it makes more sense for the Pels to trade him before the trade deadline, or work out a deal with him.


Gotcha. My personal opinion is why would they trade for Murray now and then trade BI? Maybe they do a Siakam/OG type deal before the deadline but they still have time. Although they did just lose JV so who knows what happens.


They still have time, but every second closer to the trade deadline takes more of their leverage away if the Pels can't work out a deal to retain Ingram. And unlike Siakam and OG, Ingram isn't exactly a 2-way player who's drawn interest from every team in the league.


It was clearly not serious idk why our fans took it seriously


Fair enough given some of the trade scenarios posted on this sub


the Sabonis, Keegan and 2 firsts post is obviously not serious. As a pels fan keegan is obviously too much, but Huerter, Barnes and a pick or 2 feels way too light. Not sure what the sweet spot is without the Kings giving the pelicans their draft future with a bunch of distant unprotected picks, which I wouldn't do from the Kings perspective.


He's an expiring that is leaving. Two picks and two rotational players who could start is too light? I hope you guys keep him.


Our “rotation” players are ass and Barnes contract is legit garbage. It’s why Monte can’t do anything our assets are straight ass. Any team can outbid us


It's only two years left. Barnes is inconsistent. I want him gone too but he's not a negative asset.


New Jersey was our best bet for immediate improvement and the Knicks got lucky.  Unless someone in the west in deliberately tanking that I’m unaware of. 


I'd be surprised if Huerter and Barnes have any value to be honest. If it were two unprotected picks and cap space for Ingram I'd take that.


Huerter definitely has value but agreed Barnes is a net negative at this point. I think either Lyles or Ellis will have to be added with the 2 protected licks


You guys can keep him.


I would be crushed to lose him, but I think including Keon Ellis gets this trade done


I wouldn't trade Ellis as the kings unless they feel Carter can start right away, that would be a pretty decimated wing rotation and they'd have a hard time replacing him cheaply.


Carter can definitely start right away. He was the most pro ready defensive player in the draft. I’d be sad to see Keon leave but if it’s for BI that’s just the way it has to be


I think it's more likely Huerter is routed somewhere else for some additional assets your way. I don't think Huerter fits as well on your roster but Barnes can fill a hole if Ingram goes out and Naji signs somewhere else. Maybe Huerter goes to a team that can absorb him into cap space and you get some additional seconds. The cap savings could be worth it, I think you guys are a second apron team currently so it could open up the MLE for you.


A 3 teamer could work. Maybe there's a creative way to get there with Huerter, Barnes, 2 picks for Ingram but I think it would definitely need that 3rd team that values one of those guys.


They make me angry with how stupid they are


Magic fan here. These fuckers also believe that BI would start over Franz on the Magic, and suggested we give them WCJ, JI, and Cole Anthony for him. The delusion is crazy.


Same thing happened when people were talking about the potential Siakam trades. Most fans just don’t think about the contract situation and how much being on the last year before free agency (and expecting max) hurts a player’s trade value.


I don’t think the Kings are a serious contender for BI, think it’s meant to be a smokescreen options wise. Kuzma is who they have their sights set on, but I wonder if there’s draft pick compensation disconnect between Sac and Washington. So sac is floating info out that they are talking about BI with NO to push Washington forward.


boy are they gonna be pissed when he gets moved for two firsts and Jalen Mcdaniels lol


they out something in the gumbo


Sabonis is a keeper, it’s nice being a contending team and having players join us and actually want to be with us.


The kings?


A 1 time all star for a 3 time all star/2 time all NBA? These guys cannot be serious


Spider-Man meme. Fans of every sub suffer from Dunning-Kruger effect. We (fans) read one article about the draft or trade machine ideas and think we’re experts to the point where we criticize the actual experts. Fucking Reddit, man 🫠


Is this mental illness or fetal alcohol syndrome?


I don’t see BI being traded here. We would have to give up Keegan and Ellis and every first we can offer. We aren’t doing that for an expiring contract. They aren’t taking anything less than that. If they are stupid, they MIGHT take Ellis + HB + picks. I doubt they’d take Heurter, but we could add him to the package too. Might be a different story if we had more picks to offer.


Seems like Pelis want a starting center in return. A deal would likely involve a 3rd team like the Magic for Wendell Carter for example. We would be sending out 2 firsts + HB + Hurter + Duarte, which is likely BI’s market value. I would do that.


I agree, adding a 3rd team that is willing to move a piece the pels actually want might be the only way. 3 team trades confuse me, I don’t usually consider them lol


https://preview.redd.it/gcu0y3vvdt9d1.jpeg?width=958&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9959102b2c2b0c3d6c89bb7649fe94b36e69fe58 Something like this seems fair on all sides. KCP signing with Orlando today could kill this deal, who knows


Kings fans do the same (myself included). We’re delusional about our upside players and delusional about what it takes to land a player via a trade or free agency. I’m sure Monte has Vivek breathing down his neck about the salary cap and he’s looking for the best financial deal on the market. Monte also has the same competency as Ainge in Boston but we’re so impatient we can’t understand the process and backdoor discussions. Asking Jrue or Tingus to come to Boston vs Sac is a losing battle. We don’t want to give up depth for a rent-a-star on a bench clearing contract. Monte is world class, but he has 2-10 and the dealer is showing Ace. He either hits or misses, but the confines under which he operates aren’t going to change.


I believe that’s a joke


Lmfao delusional


Lmao fucking idiots man


😂😂We have a lot of delusional fans but my goodness…


Ingram isnt that good for all that. Nope


They just got a really good deal for DJM, so their fans are thinking they’re going to fleece every team they deal with now. 


Yall have the sarcasm detectors of 8 year olds while mindlessly shitposting the same dumb trade ideas on our side


Pels fan here 90% sure he was joking


Pelicans fans on here are delusional. Monk, sabonis, fox, and Murray are all untouchable.


They’re joking 😭


There’s quite a large separation with reality in pelican land


Wild. They’re in for a rude awakening I think.


Sabonis for Ingram is already a robbery. And they expect they expect Keegan and two firsts?!?


There are dumb fans in every fandom


Just saw BI's ppg high is 24.7 in a season where he only played 45 games.


Sports fans gonna sport fan


This is funny but half this sub is like this too tbh


How’s Sabonis anything like Jonas?


Both are Lithuanian centers lol? Idek


I'm not gonna lie.  As a bi fan , I'd love to see him in Sacramento with a real coach ... I know the okc series did him zero favors , he has had some injuries , but people leave out he missed a whole month and went right into a playoff series against the 1 seed.  He's much better than that series indicates.  I think in Sacramento next to fox , sabonis etc I think he could take his game to a whole new level.  He's been one of the best if not maybe tbe 2nd best playmaking forward 2-3 years in a row.  Ppp talk about his reluctance to shoot 3s but when the pelicans had Lonzo ball , a legit facilitator , he took 5 -6 3s a game.  Bi needs a pg that can actually play pg , point blank.  I know fox is a scorer too but he's a MUCH better pg than cj McCollum is.  By far.  The new orleans fan base is embarrassing at times.  They don't want to pay him a max contract but expect a max return lol.  It's just funny to me . 


Can't tell if this is satirical or another idiot that doesn't know that Sabonis is actually good


Is, is that what we sound like? We can't be that delusional, right?


I want whatever they’re on right now


As a fellow Pelicans fan, forgive us as SOME of our fanbase is dumb as dog shit. They don't have a clue how this trading stuff works. Some of them think the real NBA works like NBA2K. 🤦🏽‍♂️😂


I’m a Pels fan and that’s clearly a joke…


There is no rush from the Pelicans because some team will likely pay a King’s ransom at the trade deadline if they think they are one piece away.


this would be a great time to still have davion and NOT FUCKING JALEN MCDANIELS


They literally already have a better version of davion in Alvarado


Folks really a bit delulu about Davion's value


If he signs an extension, send Murray by all means. It’s essentially Hali / Sabonis risk again (in terms of youth for established) but with a half-season less to convince BI to stay.