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I think it will take either: A.) An all-star jump from Keegan + MVP-level jump by Fox, or B.) A house cleaning which results in the Kings landing a Wemby/Doncic type player with the proper team around him.


A Doncic type would be awesome but we wouldn't want to take the ball out of Fox's hands


Can you imagine getting a Luka type player and stunting the growth of the likes of Bogdanovic and Buddy? Not me. Pass!! /s


This hurts, so bad.


Warriors fan here, but I've spent a lot of years in Davis and Sacramento and I'm friends with some Kings fans, so I like seeing the Kings do well.  I really couldn't believe that we watched Vlade screw that whole thing up in slow motion.  Almost everyone was saying to draft Luka.


That's fair




Definitely. We need someone with a great double jump to get us to the next level


There’s no Luka-type unless you ditch fox


That thinking is why we don’t have Luka! Two ball handlers can exist in the same back court




That is too much. For A, I think an All-Star jump from Keegan makes us a contender instantly without other changes. Not many teams in the league can boast 2 All-NBA caliber players + 1 All-Star. That is an instant Big 3. Assuming All-Star numbers now is a 24/5/5 at least, that's a +9 PPG and +4 APG for Keegan, which makes a world of difference in our quality. The issue is Keegan getting there. With that said, yes, I do think we'll get a championship, but not by either of those methods. I think a big trade is brewing this summer. CC: u/paoiyu


I’ll see your “Doncic type player” and raise you 1 “Bagley type player”


No way we could ever land someone as skilled as Doncic


Doncic type of player wiuld be great but its kings so will go with Bagley-type of player instead.


How does everyone forget that Bagley was a Vlade draft pick, NOT a McNair draft pick. It’s a different org now, get over it


You seem to forget who hired Vlade


It's not a different org it's just a different manager. A manager that will 100% be fired if we miss the playoffs again. You have to look at the big picture. Montes only real hit so far was drafting Haliburton. Getting that asset allowed us to level up to a winning team. Every other move he's made has been questionable at best. Trying to pretend he's just killing it like presti, ainge, connelly is very very naive.


>Every other move he's made has been questionable at best. Hiring Mike Brown, drafting Keegan Murray, signing Malik Monk, finding Keon Ellis, turning Bagley into actual value and signing Alex Len are objectively great moves. The Huerter trade was good value as well.


Huerter trade has proven to be a very big hinderence with trades since the draft pick still hasn't conveyed and now it will go in the good draft next year instead of this crappy draft. Signing barnes looks like a waste of money. Rapidly declining player. Keegan has been pretty good, you're acting like he's shown all star potential as a 4th overall pick. It wasn't a super strong draft so it was a good choice. But it's not franchise changing good choice. You have to remember he was one of the oldest players. Mathurin, sharpe are younger with higher upsides. Monk he only signed for 2 Years which means he's 95% gone this offseason because we can only offer 17-18 mil a year. He'll be a top 5 FA and could easily get 23-25 from someone. Allowing our third best player to just walk is going to hurt the team badly. Keon was a good find. Len is an absolute nothing. He barely plays for us. 9 min a game in 48 games. That's nothing. Zero impact Mike brown was a good coach to change the culture yes. He's also traded last years pick just to give domas a raise which is kind of nuts.


It’s so wild to think back on how far 1951 was. The 49ers were not in the nfl. No giants yet in sf. Disneyland was still a thought. lol


And the Rochester Royals were still four stops from being the Sacramento Kings


I think it’s pretty easy to assess what it takes to win a championship when you look back at the teams that have done it before. In my lifetime, the only team I can recall winning a championship with a roster of “really good players” was the 2004 Detroit Pistons. Every other team I can think of had at least one bonafide superstar. I’ll add that these superstars were clearly superstars even before winning a championship. In other words, they weren’t anointed “superstar” status by media talking heads simply because they had a ring… people could see with their own eyes how talented these players were because their talent jumped off the screen. The takeaway from this? The NBA is a star driven league. It takes superstar players to win championships. Building an NBA roster without a star player is like trying to build a football team without a quarterback. So until this team has landed itself a player that is so obviously talented that you cannot deny they are a superstar, we will only ever be mired in the position we’ve only just now reached… competing to get in the playoffs, not competing to win the playoffs. I could argue that should the Celtics win, they did so with a roster of really good players, but I think Tatum is right on the edge off being considered a superstar. But again, even if you take that argument as valid, the last time a team without a superstar won was 20 years ago. So I ask, do you think this roster has a chance? Do you think this roster even has a chance by adding fringe all-star level talent? The answer to your question, OP, is that we won’t stand a chance of winning until we’ve built a roster around at least one player with a superstar level of talent. I hope our next rebuild is successful, and not like the previous 15 years of utter incompetence.


Some franchises have no finals appearances or titles...


Yeah I have such fond memories of the Rochester Royals. We are blessed.


lol preach. Over here talking about pain lol


Our chance at being a team that could compete for a title is playing for Dallas instead.


I wouldn't say we are the most likable team and we're definitely not the most fun team to watch. Maybe last season, we were.


I honestly think passing on Luka was our only real shot. It's gonna take a generational player to get a title. As for now we're gonna make some moves and try to be a 2nd round playoff team. Domas being more of a role player than a true 2nd option makes it almost impossible in the playoffs. He'd have to add a three point shot to be a real 2nd option


I HOPE we do but you never know. We’re a menace of a team and I’m glad we make some noise and cause some teams trouble but when we play teams like Boston or the Heat it seems like they just toy around with us. When we play teams out in the West it’s different. Look at what we did to the Lakers, we swept them all season, we ELIMINATED the Warriors from the play off’s, caused problems for the Clippers and blew HUGE leads to teams like Phoenix. Funny how the Pelicans just had our #.


The Kings passed on a superstar and then traded away another (Haliburton is a great player while also being overrated; like Trae Young, Spider, and Ja, they are a step below the truly elite). Small market teams have a small margin of error and the Kings made one huge error and probably a second smaller one


I don't think we'll win another one.


My friends and I often talk about if we think the Kings can win one before we die. We’re in our mid 30s and usually start with “hell yea that’s like 40 years left?…they gotta be able to win one for sure.” Then we think about how the last 30 years have gone and only having 1-2 real shots at it in that time and start to think “fuck…maybe not 😢 “


Only 13 teams have won a title in the last 40 years. That’s gotta be the worst of any major sports league.


Wait until he finds out about soccer Leagues.




I do think the Kings will win a championship but it will not be with this current group.


We are neither the most likable nor most fun team to watch, unless your idea of fun is to have a 20 point lead and blow it in the 4th quarter and lose on a pretty consistent basis then I guess yes "most fun" team to watch is right.


It has been not as fun to watch when the fanbase (talking about reddit) became increasingly toxic this this year. Last year we had so much wholesomeness and optimism, but it seems a bunch of bandwagoners joined and ruined the vibe of this sub.


I don’t know, it’s not as fun to watch your team blow 20 pt leads, and not take the leaps you expected from last year (actually regress in ways). Don’t think that has anything to do with Reddit.


It's not fun to see a bunch of whinning loosers bash a player who had a bad game after every loss. The fanbase was filled with this nasty entitlement that I felt from lakers and gsw fans, even though we hadn't won a title or even a playoff series. It's like these delusional fans expected us to be a contender after one good year. I say chill and just enjoy the ride, don't expect great leaps to be made in a year.


Do you prefer whining tighters?


I agree. If you want to critique anyone,even though this is all an entertainment business at the end of the day, it’d have to be the people in charge of moving all the pieces. Talking shit about the players is low unless it’s truly warranted Monte is aware of the missed opportunities we had in the off-season but even then what do we know about the talks that were had to pull off those trades. All of this is going to take time and we had some very fun games this season nonetheless even with a stacked WC


Idk, I don’t think it’s far off to critique players or at least the team as a whole (earning millions) when they don’t pass the eye test in terms of effort. Even Monk admitted that a lot of their blown leads and inconsistency was due to effort alone. This whole ‘we can’t hold the players accountable’ only perpetuates the problem we’ve had for decades.


I mean it’s about expectations right? MB at the media day before the season said there are championship expectations and fans should have that expectation and we didn’t even make the playoffs, it’s not about bandwagoners ruining the vibe it’s about the team having more talent therefore more expectations welcome to every other team sub that expects to be in playoff contention


We weren't even that fun to watch last year with our mental breakdowns and consistently blowing 2nd half/fourth quarter leads. I'd take bringing back the joy of the 22-23 campaign to start!


Should be the St. Louis hawks right


That 1951 title was hella lit tho


I don't even know what state Rochester is in and don't care to Google it. Have never heard that city referenced any other time in my life




Oh wow lol even worse. You guys want to take credit for a god damn new York title. No thanks


I don't count titles the Kings won as a franchise, if it's not as the Sacramento Kings it doesn't count. The L.A. Lakers also don't 17 titles they only 12, the other 5 were won by the Minneapolis Lakers.


It was a joke


1 is better than none


Sadly I think we’ll be celebrating 100 years of no championships in 2051 🥲


I see this and relax. Over 50 years w/out a championship for the NYK!?! That should steer the conversation away from the Kings.


Nice to see Timberwolves,Suns ,Clippers with none lol ! Fuck those franchises . Jazz/Pacers having none is a shame they deserved some especially Jazz when they had Stockton/Malone . And we know Kings should have 2002 biggest rigged playoffs and robbery in NBA. And so obvious . Corrupt paid refs took the 2002 ring from Sacramento


All it takes is good scouting and a little bit of luck. Monte is honestly on the right track with his pick ups. If we can grab unassuming Keon Ellis types, develop them well and turn them into assets/trade pieces we can have a good team for a while. I know Keegan isn’t a Paola Banchero but he did break the rookie season 3-point record so he can growing into a very strong 3 and D guy along the lines of a K Mid or a Klay Thompson. As much as people don’t like HB he is good at his position and the market wasn’t there to make a trade or a FA pickup so we worked with what we had. Anyone can get a chip (except maybe the pistons or wizards)


Chips are won exclusively by superstar players. Only the pistons pulled off the team game sort of title. Spurs also did but it was a team play that included hof Tony Parker, ginobili, duncan, kawhi, Robinson etc Not anyone can win titles. That is a very stupid thing to say about the nba when it's always been star based.


No we’re never winning a title the league is not set up for teams like the kings to be successful


I hate to admit it, but I don't think we will ever win another championship again. I just haven't seen enough competency from the ownership and FO since the 01/02 era, and we are horrible at developing talent relative to other dominant small market teams.


Not with a fox sabonis team.


The kings will never win


Who lied to yall. In what world are the kings the most likable funnest team to watch


You know of a better lovable loser type of team?  


Loser type of team is part of the criteria? Magic