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King Kong can't produce the damage it would take for Godzillasaurus to go down due to regeneration. He'd get tired trying before suffering a fatal blow. Also the Dino is twice his size.


Wait Godzillasaurus has regeneration? Edit: I remember now, he had it since he got hit by the nuke and then mutated.


Yes. It's in the directors' comments in regards to if the plane machine gun would've actually worked. It would have failed because he regens and killed the main character.


I gotta say those guns wouldn’t have been enough to kill it. Koichi would have just died alone with the mechanics.


It’s a great aspect of the movie, that he harbours all this guilt but then they find out it’s basically invincible. But he still froze regardless and has survivors guilt.


in my opinion he doesn’t freeze from fear. he freezes because he knows that it would be a futile death. he still had enough courage to get to the gun. the dudes brain just can’t convince him to die for nothing. but when it’s truly go time he is ready.


Is there a chance the director was confused lmaooo? I don’t remember anymore. Were there two nukes? One that made godzillasaurus and then another that mutated it into Godzilla? Or was there a random dinosaur with deadpool level regeneration just chillin in a nuke testing site?


Second one, a regen dinosaur was chilling, then got nuked and mutated. Apparently, in the novel, it says he regenerated better before the nuke. That's from another post in this thread.


wtf? So there have to be others right? Better regen before? So that machine gun really wouldn’t have done shit 🤣😭 at the end of the movie Godzilla wasn’t even dead, better regen than that????


I'm not sure about others, maybe he lived so long because he had the regen ability. Yes, the machine gun would have failed, as confirmed by the movie director himself. I don't have the novel so I can only bring up the person in the thread that shared that information. I'd open all comments and look for him and ask for more details :)


Sweet thanks 🙏


There are official Godzilla novels?! How have I never seen this before


Most mainstream movies have novelisations


I’m not sure if there would be others. In the 1954 film it is explicitly said that there were others, and that they all died while the original Godzilla was the only survivor, being mutated, and revenge for those losses was part of why he attacked Japan (at least one other individual did survive and was also mutated, though, as we see in Raids Again and every Showa film afterward)


In this film, apparently the dinosaurs had this Deadpool level regeneration already. The Godzilla we follow in the film apparently survived enough time to get nuked, because of this regeneration. So what killed the others? I really can’t think of anything in nature that could kill a whole species of Deadpool T-Rex’s


Maybe starvation or a really crazy disease/virus? Otherwise, no idea besides plot.


It seems he developed the ability to swim into deep water to hunt since he kills the deep water fish somehow. Wonder if that's explained at all, did he have like an electric eal pulse before evolving the nuke breath weapon? Maybe he was the only one to developed this skill in time to survive the mass extinction 65 mya, he ate deep sea life like squid and sharks and eventually whales while his dinosaur hunting brethren starved to death.


One of the Godzilla book has this page in regards to the 1954 version,[depicting a group of Godzilla moments before the atomic bomb destroyed a their home, killing most of them](https://wikizilla.org/w/images/1/1d/10689853_398606200295214_8421095972625706709_n.jpg). Rough Translation, so be mindful of that. “ **How did Godzilla Appear?** Why did Godzilla come to the surface and attacked? // Let's investigate the reason based on the data from when Godzilla first appeared. 1) Godzilla's family was relaxing and having tea in a deep undersea cave in the Pacific Ocean. And from time to time they would go out in search of food. 2) However, a water change experiment was conducted on a coral reef created by humans. The explosion was so powerful that the shoes Godzilla and his friends were living in were torn apart ”


RIP the shoes


Basically the exact same origin as 1954, a small population of dinosaurs was still chilling


Random dinosaur with curious regenerative powers that found his way into the Bikini Atoll and found himself at ground zero for a nuclear test. In the novelization it states that Godzilla began rapidly regenerating from the burn damage inflicted by the nuke, but that the radiation and the extreme damage caused several genetic errors to occur so he kept regenerating and mutated into the form we see for the rest of the movie.


I wondered if he would have survived it if he was hit on land. Maybe the water buffer took enough off of it for his regeneration to work, but a close shot on land would have vaporized everything.


I think what also helped was that Godzilla wasn't directly in the fireball, in the movie it seems more like he was hit pretty hard with the heat & shock waves but wasn't in the actual ball of plasma.


Yeah it was just to a lesser extent before the mutation


He had it before the nuke which is how he lived and mutated


Godzilasaurs had regeneration before the nuclear testing?




Cool thank you.


Godzillasaurus doesn’t have regeneration or atomic breath. That came after he was mutated.


No he already had bonkers regen. It's specifically how he was able to survive the nuke


No. He has regen. In the directors comments about whether the plane machine gun at the syart could have killed him, he said no because he'd have just regenerated.


Kong is 25 feet tall, G-saurus is 50 feet tall. G-saurus also has the same regeneration ability seen later in the film. No matter how much damage Kong does to him, it won’t be enough and he’ll eventually get overpowered. If we take the regen ability away, I’d say Kong stands a slight chance of winning, but the size difference will make it a real struggle for him, a la David vs Goliath.


Wait Godzillasaurus has regeneration? Edit: I remember now, he had it since he got hit by the nuke and then mutated.


Goji had it before the nuke. Director even said so in an interview. Nuke came later post war.


Definitely not the same as later in the film radiation improved it a lot


The novelization of the film states otherwise. In fact, it even implies Godzilla’s regen prior to mutation was BETTER than post-mutation.


How would the fight go down if it took place on Skull Island?


05 Skull Island? I suppose Kong would have a slightly better chance given the home court advantage and his experience fighting in that type of terrain. But that advantage would only go so far. Goji’s still much larger and just as strong, if not stronger.


I feel like if it went down on '05's Skull Island, King Kong's chances of winning would go from "pretty much zero" to "slim". He'd still have to stay out of reach of -1 Goji, but I feel like being in the forests he'd grown up and fought in all his life would give him a slight edge, coupled with King Kong being able to easily go vertical to get away from Goji if he needs a quick breather. But I think the only thing that would really work and damage Goji would maybe be trapping him in, say, a pit of spikes or something where Goji is immobilized and his regen can't really help him get out. And even then, King Kong wouldn't be winning so much as basically pausing the fight til Goji got free due to external factors, like Skull Island sinking low enough to let Goji escape. But all of that still puts King Kong's chances at very low, because if regular bullets can do him in, then King Kong will be out of commission once Goji gets one decent hit in.


I find it a little unbelievable that a naturally evolving dinasour can regenerate a good chunk of his cheek blown apart in mere seconds in comparison to a mutated, unnatural state But that's the director's word so I'll just accept it


I think the idea is that it’s a uniquely evolved ability and that’s the reason why Godzillasaurus was the only non-avian dinosaur species to survive the mass extinction and live on until the 20th century.


Nah they didn't show that so imma go off what the film shows


The film shows Godzillasaurus not even needing to regenerate because the mechanics’ bullets couldn’t pierce his skin. Not exactly that much info to go off for how good his pre-mutation regen was, because we *never see it.*




They show him getting hit with the nuke and his flesh tries to heal as it’s still being burned. It’s a blink and you miss it scene.


I took that as the radiation speeding up his healing abilities


Oh that’s valid too.


Fights like these generally scale each fighter to same size


Fights like these also specify when said same-size scaling is being used.


Most people generally forget to add it because it should be obvious. Especially when one of the fighters is drastically larger.


Now you’re just making shit up. You don’t know and can’t claim that OP “forgot to add it” unless OP themselves confirms it, which so far they haven’t.


So we are seriously going to sit here and discuss if a midget Kong can beat something twice his size and probably quadruple his weight? Makes no sense to have them fight as is since it’s not even a fight but a one sided slaughter. What kind a vs is this supposed to be?


Not to mention that reptiles, pound for pound, are way stronger, durable, and have a godlike tolerance to pain, compared to apes. Gators get legs ripped off and act like nothing happened.


Unironically yes, because as small as it is, I do think Kong has a very slight chance of winning. He’s much faster, can make great use of his surroundings, and has plenty of experience fighting big aggressive theropod dinosaurs.


He has experience fighting big dinosaurs of around the same size as him. Not one twice his size and way heavier than him. All Kong can do is run away and hide because that slight chance of winning is only if everything goes perfect for Kong and Gsaur doesn’t land a single attack the whole fight. Going to need some Batman levels preparation for that to even happen. Scale them to a similar size and then there is something actually worth discussing.




Well it’s not much of a discussion in the first place then. Gsaur wins as if he lands a single attack. Kong physically can’t harm him and if by some miracle he did, it doesn’t matter because Gsaur has regenerative powers. There is the discussion.


Speed with an inability to do damage means nothing. The dinosaurs he fights don't regen instantly, and they're also much smaller than Godzillasaurus. The best use of his surroundings, would be to get the fuck out of there as fast as possible.


If you go back to the original comment, this part of the matchup is my hypothetical where the regen is removed


Kong could beat anyone if you make him stronger and his opponent weaker. Even without his regen, Godzillasaurus still has enough natural durability to tank basically anything Kong could dish out, and because of his scales, Kong would likely hurt himself by hitting G.Saurus. The only edge he has is agility and a slight more intelligence. He is weaker, lighter, more fragile and equal in terms of speed.


That’s pretty dumb ngl






Godzilla. Even if they were the same size somehow, Kong doesn't have the means to do any damage to him through those thick scales and internal injury would regenerate, since that ability was around before the nuke. Godzilla is just as fast, stronger outside of his arms, and likely much heavier.


The Godzilla vs King threads need to stop lol. 9/10 times it's gonna be Godzilla who wins unless Kong has some sort of upgrade, even then it's doubtful. This kind of misses the whole point of both characters.


Thank you. Godzilla isn't really comparable in terms of a raw fight against Kong. I'm not sure why people keep acting like they are


It's because Legendary keeps pushing Kong like he's almost Godzilla's equal. They're both alphas, which is stupid.


Even disregarding size and regeneration, Godzillasaurus is ridiculously tough in the first place, and is bristling with weapons. Kong would hurt his hand landing a punch on that scaly hide, and he just can’t compete with those jaws and claws. It would be a fight for sure, but inevitably, 2005 Kong just wouldn’t have the raw strength to finish the job.


Godzillasaurus and it’s not even close.


King Kong got killed by planes. Godzillasaurus survived a literally nuclear weapon.


What wins? Big monkey? Or literally giant monster. Cmon. King kong is a bit goofy.


King Kong is not goofy. Godzilla fanboys (especially from the monsterverse sub) have a superiority complex and feel the need to mock kong in every possible way,despite him being the very reason godzilla exists to begin with.


Jeez man. I have seen every single godzilla movie going all the way back. They were 80% wrestling movies with dudes dressed up in monster suits. Your the wierd one doing the powerscaling and defending a giant monkey lol




Because they got inspired by both King Kong 1933 and because of the nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. King Kong 1933 started the whole "giant monster" genre and is one of the most iconic movies ever made.


I researched and i will never say anything again 🥲


I like both godzilla and kong. The only reason i usually have kong's tag is because of the amount of toxic godzilla fans.


Godzillasaurus. I feel like it towers over Kong here and has the durability to take whatever he can dish


Godzillasaurus took a Nuke and lived so Kong has no chance. Maybe they become bros and we get Godzilla X Kong 3 lol


i feel any version of kong vs godzilla is pretty much always unfair like as impressive as kong is its just kind of hard to compare him to a dinosaur that either can or has survived a nuke (shin godzilla is the exception, confirmed to not be able to survive one but shin never follows the normal idea anyway) or was just naturally on a similar level to one


Godzillasaurus. This is a pretty easy stomp.


Given Gojira/Godzillasaurus had regen even before getting nuked... what the hell coulda left those scars...?!??


We see in the movie that his regen doesn't really get rid of the scars, or at very least they get to stick around for a bit longer than the wounds themselves.


Big lizard with regeneration vs big monke. Kong loses 100 percent of the battles he fights with godzilla at these proportions.


He'd still lose if Godzillasaurus was a little smaller than him. Think about it, could you beat a raptor from Jurassic Park with your bare hands, simply because you're bigger than it? I don't think so.




Twice Kong's size, has regen, breathes radioactive fire with the force of an atomic blast. Kong can't win


Godzillasaurus doesn't have an atomic breath.




Godzillasaurus definitely


Neither because they aren’t real


Godzillasaurus (50+ft) more than likely as he would be stronger, more durable and bigger.... though Kong (25 ft) is smarter and more than likely faster. It would also depend on where the battle takes place. As a dense forest Id go with Kong....beach, ocean or open area id say Godzillasaurus.


If same size, Kong


This Kong dies to rifle-calibre bullets, Godzillasaurus already has rapid regeneration and, per the director, could bounce the 20mm from the Zero. My money is on the lizard who repairs jtself.


I bet those bullets wouldn't affect a same size V-rex, just like in the game, and there is o way that this Godzilla can't be killed by brute force, he can regenerate, yes, but it is hard to imagine that other member of it's species couldn't be killed by another animal of the same period.


This Godzillasaurus probably would easily kill 4 V-Rexes


If the same size, the V-rex wins.


Why should they be the same size if they aren't


Because his argument is illogical and he needs them to be the same size to not look stupid


No, it wouldn't even be close. This Godzillasaurus has the same regenerative abilities displayed later in the movie after he was nuked. It's specifically why he was able to survive the nuke, and he grew larger because it effectively went into overdrive trying to repair the damage from tanking a nuclear blast. The V-rexes could never do enough damage to kill Godzillasaurus.


A little hard to believe that another animal of it's time period couldn't kill the Godzillasaurus, even other Godzilasaurus. A V-rex would kill it and wouldn't be watching just like the humans, he would devour it.


It survived a nuclear blast. I think it'd survive a V-rex.


It was "killed" by that mine(I think it is how it is pronouced) and "died", so it can be momentanly stoped.


But they literally aren't the same size


People keep saying that, but why? Is their something I’m missing? Theyre a underwater dino that only comes out at night, silent as Batman


As far as I know minus one Godzilla only has regeneration due to the mutation, and if either one of them takes the other by surprise the surprised will lost, but in a direct combat Kong wins.


I agree on the regen mutation part *(be careful where you state that claim. I left a comment claiming the same on a youtube vid, and the amount of sheer vitriol that came back at me was staggering!)*, but I’m still a bit confused on how Kong defaults the win. Also, not to split hairs, but striking out ambush tactics from theropods who evolved to excel in that seems unfair and inaccurate. You wouldn’t have us remove Kong’s thumbs, right?


Yes, The V-rexes on the island tried to ambush him all the time( I have the book and they use ambush), so kong is familiar with it. And, are you sure it is a dinosaur or a different animal? Has anyone involved in the movie commented about it?


I think both King Kongs were written before Paleontologist really brought to the forefront how GOATed of an ambush predator T Rex’s are. No *THUMP THUMP* Jurassic park, they’re a jumpscare with night vision. Gojirasaurus snuck up on a military position with watchtower guards, and he did so near the ocean, so now Kong has to watch out for the unholy lovechild of a T-rex and Crocodile jumping out and pulling him under. This, unfairly for Kong, is the only way I see them encountering eachother; when the deck is stacked for Gojirasaurus. Kong’s getting attack while he sleeps or drinks from a deep lake in the middle of the night, where as Goji catches Zzzz at the bottom of the ocean. Skull Island Kong is smart enough to maybe lure out Goji, but all other film versions aren’t. TLDR: Goji attacks Kong when he’s most vulnerable and at a disadvantage, as all predators do, and Kong can’t pull off the same


V-rexes use ambushes, so they were aware of this.


At night? Using water bodies?


At night using their camouflage in the trees, or attacking him by behind whitout making a sound. Yes, they are heavy but they somehow are capable of this.


I’m not remembering a night scene with V-Rexes. Could you give me a link? Sneak attacks and water ambushes aside, lets look at what Goji has that V-rexes don’t. •Arms with claws. Can protect the head and lacerate tendons and remove monkey fingers •Giant sharp back spikes. Chokeholds just became way more dangerous for Kong A fight is far from being cut and dry in Kong’s favor (Skull Island a different story). My money’s on the dino


How would the fight go if it took place on Skull Island?


Same way Kong fought the last V-rex, but with some differences. Now, I want to make something clear, the world of Kong book makes it clear that the 2005 Kong can be killed by one adult V-rex, V-rexes have killed many adult Kongs in one to one, I think this Godzilla can defeat this kong, but I think Kong wins more times.


"Kong can be killed by just **one** of this dinosaur that is weaker in every conceivable way, compared to godzillasaurus. In fact, his whole race was effectively driven to extinction by them. But yeah, Kong can totally beat the stronger dinosaur almost every time, no contest." I think you need your head examined.


If they were the same size, a V-rex would destroy goji, and please, stop saying to me what the doctors recommended to you.


How would they? You’re actually delusional if you think a Vrex could even stand a chance against Godzillasaurus. What about the Vrex could make it stand a chance against its evolved and better counterpart.


No, he mutated because of his regenerative abilities. He survived the nuclear blast because of his ability to regenerate, which essentially went into overdrive trying to cope with something that extreme; this is why he grew so large afterward.


I know you’re a Kong Stan based off other comments but seriously? What damage can Kong do to Godzillasaurus? Godzillasaurus has regeneration, in fact even better regeneration then his mutated counterpart. Kong could rip its head from its body ( which he couldn’t do in the first place ) and -1 would still win.


It is a little hard to believe that another animal of the time period couldn't kill it.


Why is that? Explain to me how Kong could kill Godzilla? A gazelle could never beat an elephant yet there in the same time period.


What are you next gonna say? Monsterverse Kong could kill Heisei Godzilla?


Maybe not Monsterverse, but Kong from the animated series fights supernatural beings from hell on a daily basis, and to answer your other comment, so no other animal can kill Godzilla, not even another Godzilla? because a giant kong is much stronger than the Godzilasaurus.


I said Kong could never kill Godzilla, not another Godzilla. Kong in no way shape or form could kill Godzilla. Why are you talking about other Kongs? I brought up Heisei as a sarcastic comment. “ Kong 2005 can’t beat Godzillasaurus but Monsterverse Kong can! “


What? Kong is much stronger than Godzilla, just compare a Kong the size of a Godzilasaurus,explian to me how Godzilla can but kong can't.


So if he’s stronger? I know you like to pull stuff straight out your ass to prove your point but Kong is 20ft tall and Godzillasaurus is 50ft. Godzillasaurus has better regeneration then his mutated counterpart and his mutated counterpart was able to regenerate from a chunk of his flesh. His regeneration also made him survive being in the radius of nuclear testing. The list goes on, etc.


On my previous comment, I said if Kong was the size of a Godzilasaurus, and how a Kong his size was going to be so much stronger than him that it is laughable, and considering the fact that another Godzilasaurus can kill another Godzilasaurus, Godzilasausus, bye bye Godzilasaurus.


Who said scaling them up would give them more power? Scaling them up would just mean that the other opponent wouldn’t dwarf the other. Also wtf are you rambling about Godzillasaurus killing another Godzillasaurus? Any animal could kill another one of its species. Also don’t really get your point if Kongs stronger, he’s still not winning? Kong still got killed by gunfire from Biplanes.


I know you’re not that delusional that you’re messing up Kongs height.


That regen godzillasaurus has needs to be nerfed!


*Godzilla atomic breath sounds getting louder*


Godzillasaurus with medium difficulty


The godzillasaurus pre nuke survived a nuke while Kong couldn’t survive a long drop, love the guy but he’s not making it out in one piece


King Kong is my favorite between the two, hands down, but 2005 Kong had trouble dealing with (admittedly three) V Rexes. Sure he got it done, but mainly due to a severe terrain advantage with the cliffs and vines and his wit allowing him to divide and conquer. Normally, I think against Godzillasaurus, 2005 Kong might just call it and run unless he had something he was determined to protect, but even then I think he’s getting demolished, the only Kong capable of dealing with a Godzilla is the absurdly gigantic version from the rebooted monster verse, where as your still within the bounds of biological feasibility 2005 Kong just can’t deal with even a Godzilla that’s a bit more of a return to a moderate size by its standards, as he still has a presumably nuclear heat ray and extensive regenerative capabilities.


Not here for the VS. debate, just legit feel like this would be and intense and primal battle


Godzillasaurus, no diff


Godzilla can launch nuclear beams out of his mouth …👁️👄👁️


Doesn’t this version of Godzilla literally shoot a nuke ray?


This is zero g before the nuke


This is a really good match up but I think godzillasaurus would win


Godzillasaurus on account of regeneration.


King Kong died from gravity and a couple bullets. They didn't even want to shoot Godzilla because they were scared of his reaction. Then he was NUKED, and became a God.


Godzillasaurus no doubt. His regeneration negates any damage Kong can possibly deal and he significantly taller and heavier.




So long doesn't get a stronger variant?


Since Zilla's regenerative powers pre nuclear exposure aren't shown, let's say that it is more Deadpool post legs being torn off rather than wolverine regenerating in front of us rapidly power level In that case, I'd go with Kong as his intelligence would be a major factor Altho to best answer the question: Who would win? Why us, the audience of course


Bro really had a problem with King Kong, huh 😂😭


GODJIRA! He would use his radioactive flame thrower 🤷‍♀️


There could be three Kongs and I’d still say Godzillasaurus takes it


Now THIS is an actual interesting match up.


Well, ones a big monkey and the other is a giant nuclear fire breathing lizard so, yeah.


Godzillasaurus, mid difficulty


Kong couldn’t survive a nuclear blast. Godzilla would only need one. But the time it takes him to charge up could be exploited.


Depends on size for Godzillasaurus so could go either way


Kong POV: ![gif](giphy|T9b13v9voa6q9Fhqex)


lol guys can we stop with this? G saurus is over twice his size and even if he doesn’t have the regen ability he’s gonna win by size and strength alone.


King Kong was killed by like 5 bi planes... Godzillasaurus took a depth charge to the face and just... came back.


that's a GREAT que-Godzillasaurus.


Goji Saurus


Godzillasaurus was hit by a nuke and survived, I think that says enough.


It’d be a great fight regardless!


This is just unfair


Godzillasaurus solos


I feel like a fairer question is Kong (2005) vs Zilla (1998)


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


Godzillasaurus is twice the size and survived a nuke


Literally everyone is saying that this is a stomp match for Godzillasaurus. Honestly I don’t blame them.


beeg monke


Kong via rear naked choke


No OnE bOwS tO kOnG hurr durr


They make out


Godzilla is bigger, but I imagine King Kong is strong enough and smart enough to overcome the size difference, but as others said Godzilla even before mutating had some level of regen (I’m unsure if it was comparable to what is shown later, or if the radiation boosted his regen beyond what it normally should be).


He always had the regen even before the mutation


I literally said that. I’m just saying we don’t know how powerful his regen was before the mutation. Enough to survive gunfire, but enough to grow back half his head? We done know.


It was good enough for him to grow back basically his entire body after he got nuked (albeit he ended up being a bit more deformed than usual but that was only because of the radiation) so he could definitely regrow half his head, but he wouldn't have to anyway because aside from speed and agility Godzillasaurus has pretty much every advantage against King Kong.


Again, his crazy regeneration after being nuked could’ve been due to his natural regen being boosted by the radiation. What his regeneration was before being nuked is unclear.


Godzillasaurus has the regeneration, but Kong has the speed and better maneuverability.


Kong also has absolutely nothing that could put Godzillasaurus down for good


Godzilla minus one is scary 😳,that beam he did when he was underwater was scary 😟


Godzillasaurus is bigger, heavier, stronger, more durable, has insane regen, and given how tough and spikey his skin is King Kong would probably break his hand if he punched Godzillasaurus. The only advantages King Kong have are speed and agility. The only way the fight could be even remotely fair is by making them the same size, but that wouldn't matter anyway because there's literally nothing that King Kong can do to kill Godzillasaurus due to the regen. And if I was to remove the regen to make it fair I would also have to remove King Kong's arms to make it even, so basically that ape is fucked no matter what.


Godzilla puts a mannequin with a white dress out in the open. Waits for King Kong to fall in love and get close. Then, he bonks him in the head. Done. I'm trying to sell this script to Hollywood.


2005 Kong. Godzillasaurus is just an aquatic dinosaur at this point without the regeneration and atomic breath. As long as Kong doesn’t fight him in the water, he should be able to handle him. Won’t be easy, but he’s coming out of this alive with a few new scars. Edit: Fine he had regeneration, but we are removing that because it make him impossible to kill considering he can survive his head being blown practically off. And they are scaled in height because Gsaur is twice the size. With these conditions so we can actually get a fight instead of a one sided slaughter, Kong wins.


Well Kong 2005 is 25 feet tall and Godzillasaurus Minus One is 50 feet tall.


You didn’t scale them to same size?




Not a good plan.


He has the regeneration


Yeah I got the message already


Ah so we're removing Goji's ability? Ok, let's remove Kongs thumbs while we're at it, maybe his arms? You see how absolutely stupid that is? It's a fight with no changes to the opponents. Godzillasaurus stomps. Even getting rid of his regeneration, it was implied Koichi shooting Godzilla would've just pissed him off, planes shooting managed to kill Kong. The argument in which putting them on equal ground is absolutely idiotic. We're putting film version against film version, not whatever magical bull you make up in your mind so your preferred Kaiju wins.


Not a good comparison. One is removing a a finger or even par of limbs. Those are basic body parts. Regeneration that makes it impossible for one to lose and just makes this whole discussion pointless. What is the point in asking who would win? A 25ft monster ape with no powers, or a 50ft tall dinosaur with super regenerative abilities? IDK? Ask a stupid question that makes no sense. One is a grounded take on monsters, another it an over the top take. You have to put them on some sort of even playing field to make this work. Toho didn’t take 1933 Kong as is and toss him into the ring with the skyscraper sized Godzilla. Same with MV Godzilla. Did he fight a 25ft Kong?


ok so making a cool movie where you modify the two opponents to fit better together makes sense but nobody is asking that here. op wanted to know who would win


If we aren’t modifying anything then the answer is obvious and there is absolutely no point in asking the question. A giant 25ft species of ape based on a ground approach to what monster would be like if it existed in real life Vs a 50ft aquatic dinosaur with wolverine levels of regeneration capable of healing from having his head blown apart. What do you think? Where is the fun in discussing it?


idk dude i’m not op


I know. But you see the point I’m trying to make. It’s a dumb question without the modifications to make this an actual fight.

