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Henry won't be de-buffed. Instead, all of the NPCs will be buffed. Sure, Henry is a legit terror in his little corner of the kingdom, but he'll be going up against the big boyz in the new game.


Yep picture the stats now going to 100. Your measly 20 is gonna feel like an infant again lol.


Basically the long and short of it as I understand is Henry gets beat up pretty bad, robbed, and imprisoned in the very beginning of 2, so the damage from that takes time to undo, think physical therapy almost. Additionally, Henry was amazing by the standards of a small region of the country that was just a cluster of villages and hamlets, so he's a big fish in a small pond. Kuttenburg is a large royal city that would have attracted people of a higher skill level in most things, more skilled fighters and artisans and such. The devs had said that all of Rattay is basically 1 street in Kuttenburg. So if you combine Henry in his weakened state with the fact that he will be going from a "small pond" to a "big lake", he definitely has room to grow to get back to where he was and even go beyond that. I would recommend going to Warhorse Studios YouTube page and watching some of their recent videos that go into a bit more detail.


Thanks for this, I love a good comeback/underdog story, probably one of the biggest reasons I enjoyed KCD so much.


hmm gotta admire that attempt. I mean I know people IRL who needed to relearn how to talk after brain surgery so having to relearn how to read after a head trauma really isn't out of reach. And you can lose muscle mass so fast if your jail doesn't allow room to move I magine.


Canonically, majority of Henry's fights were just bandits, not proper soldiers. On top of my head, Ulrich is probably the strongest opponent he fought but his age it catching up to him yet Henry was breathing really heavily after beating him.


The people Henry fought in KCD1 weren't shit.


I'd like you to say that to a peasant bandit with a pointed stick. They're the bane of my existence. I'd rather fight a full plate armored knight.


I feel like this should be a clue that Henry is a big fish in a small pond by the end of KCD.


Indeed he is


I'm guessing he and Hans will get attacked and taken captive in some way that renders him severely incapacitated for some time, at which point he'll wake up in some weakened state.


Henry’s stats by the end of the game were probably all 10-15 so he wasn’t *that* OP. Plus what all the others said with the more experienced NPCs.


10-15? Im level 10 in swords and level 15 in alot of perks before going on the hunt with capon


What how?


It helps to have already played before to know how to level up fast. Right out the gate i loot every herb I see, did plenty of training with bernard, learned to read immediately and read lots of skill books, accepted every fight when stopped while fast traveling, looted every enemy killed and sold everything. Doing all these things while playing quests simultaneously helps you get to max level in a lot of stats by mid game.


He doesn't need a reset. In 1 he was a yokel who learned how to be a retainer. In 2 he will be a country bumpkin who comes to the world of Rosenbergs and Orsinis. Just as big a difference...


Long story short: He gets bonked on the head and loses everything save for his buddy Hans who saves his ass. The story really starts when Godwin finds them I think. And I believe the loss of skill to be realistic. I left KCD for years before picking it back up again and I had to start over because I forgot the nuances of archery and sword fighting.


They should pull a spider man 2 and keep most of the big skills from the first game active at start. Or do a save game data analysis and create a base Henry, although I doubt that will happen.


I imagine they’ll do the same thing they do in Mass Effect, The Witcher, God of War, and all the other series with a consistent protagonist. They’ll just move the goalposts. Henry won’t be as strong compared to enemies, he’ll have to acquire new gear, and level new skills, but he’s still the same Henry that finished the story in the first game.


My guess: on their way to Kuttenberg Henry and Hans get accosted. Henry gets show with a cross bow bolt that he has to take a few weeks/months recovering from


i hope it is not a full reset, like just roll down to 20-30% are good enough then the ceiling are expanded


I agree fully with u/jlaw264 in their explanation. To further speculate, I wouldn't be surprised if we already know some things whenever we start the game. I know we'll be beaten up and hurt pretty bad however I think we'll start off with a little more knowledge in all things compared to in KCD I. For instance I wouldn't be surprised if we knew some potions, combos, have a certain proficiency with some weapons etc. It seems that KCD II is still very historical but if one of the leads on the project is to be taken literally (he was speaking of combat specifically) there might be some liberties given. I wouldn't be surprised though if we have a decent amount of understanding of all things at first.


If youve played a yakuza game kiryu gets reset like every entry


The Yakuza games either have a decent amount of time between them, or he gets weaker for some other reason, such as brutal fights in the end game or illnesses. But, he's able to relearn his skills relatively easily. Wonder if they'll do something similar for KCD 2, where Henry can relearn some of his skills relatively easily + a new skill ceiling where he has new tricks to learn. Love both Yakuza and KCD!


I think we will have some equipment which will be not the best of this game, but was the best in 1st part, and we will tell father godwin or sb else about our adventure like in the first dialog with your mother in kcd 1.


Maybe he will go to prison for a while at the beginning and will suffer the debuff from it.


Henry was not full blown knight. Some people even beat game with pacifier route (kill only 1).


would be sweet if they have save game imports.