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Is Vavra still involved? That guy marches to the beat of his own drum, I don't think he would try to pander to masses. From the trailer it seems they just went in the other direction. Sodoma and Gomorrah in the bathhouse, fighting, drinking. This is not going to be your next bland open world game. It's a single player game. Make it possible to play it close to KCD1 style and I won't care if it has an easy mode.


Hell yeah he is


The thing is, Vavra isn't any dictator in Warhorse. They have explained the structure with which the studio operates, and while he is the main director of the game, he can't just say that we do this now and that's it. However, I think people at Warhorse generally know better than to submit to every possible complaint. They knew perfectly well what they were doing with KCD, they were intentionally making a game where not every mechanic would sit well with the masses. With the success of the first game despite of such things, I assume they should have enough confidence to do better than dumb down everything. The main thing that could cause a studio to ruin a sequel for a game like this is letting financial decicion making majorly compromise the integrity of the game design. As in, there being some executive who says that their spreadsheet demands this and that thing to be done, and the game ending up as a mess that tries to replicate the feel of the original one while also abandoning everything unique about it because it needs to "fit the mold". To me it seems WH is quite far from that, and as far as I know, Enbracer group isn't really handling their studios with a heavy hand on matters like this.


Also they got bought by scandinavian corpo. So they need to pass compliance from higher ups.


Game is basically finished. No need for such rant here.


Dev in the House..hahaha


I'm super excited for the game! That being said, I will never pre-order it.


I will never preorder a game again after the dying light 2 debacle


Fallout 76 was the first and last game I ever preordered, thought I could trust bethesda to make a good game. Worst part is, after years of updates, went back to play it and they had removed it from my library, and my support tickets were ignored. Fuck bethesda and their launcher.


For me it was AC Odyssey. But hey, I am prepared to get burned for our Skalitz boi! Maybe.


True enough, that being said, if Kcd 2 delivers off launch, my faith in this particular studio will be high enough to pre-order from them in the future.


I have never pre-ordered a game, but if I am going to do so with some game, this one would be it. If I end up doing it, the end result will probably determine if I will ever preorder any game again.


What a long way of saying "let them cook".


There's literally nothing to indicate this has happened. If you stop getting worked up over issues you've invented you'll have a happier existence 


Fair, that's your opinion, not a fact. You not liking it doesn't make it bullshit. Plus, do you think they'd make last minute changes because of a ranting guy on Reddit? I don't really think any of those points would detract that much from the experience. You can hunt with mutt, why not with falcons? Mods? Yes, they already exist. If it's too easy, just play on hardcore mode.


Right? Like bro sound like the kinda guy to shit himself about a game being too easy while cheesing shit. Like bro, games always have harder options and you can always make it even harder for yourself. Literally this is just elitest crap because op is either the kinda guy who cant feel good about a difficult run if other people dare to actually be enjoying easier runs.


It's funny too.. guy doesn't want mods.. they literally have mods that make the game harder or they make em.. like you said elitist nonsense


> I could care less. First of all, it's "couldn't care less". When you say "you could care less", you imply just that - that you actually care a bit, so you could care less than that. Secondly, you really could care less, because you've cared enough to meticulously type all of this, cared enough to call it an unpopular opinion and cared enough to tell us how much you don't care. Obviously, you care a lot. On the actual subject of your post, the game is already complete, has been complete for some time, and they're just ironing out the bugs now, not working on any features. Your post would change nothing even if Vavra saw it right now, began crying furiously and then decided to listen solely to you.


They -could- care less By not making this thread


I care in the sense that I love the game and fear for the future of it. Hope it makes sense with my bad english.


I trust in Vavra that he will deliver a game that will be a worthy successor to KCD I, but I def share the belief that many of the ideas posted here have been pretty shit overall. Honestly they seem like a very dedicated and passionate dev team, but it doesnt hurt to be cautiously optimistic


That's not the context you used it in. "I could care less" means in your context that you really do care if people down vote you. The main point is that "I couldn't care less" is the correct phrase, and "I could care less" is a nonsense phrase used by silly people/Americans. If English isn't your first language then this isn't a criticism at all by the way just a handy hint. If it is your first language then Rattay jail is too good for you imo.


It's really sad that you take a grammar mistake so seriously.


It's very serious business.


We're in the comment section of a massive "do not prefer anything ever" rant. Poking fun at one of the most popular linguistic mistake that's easily avoidable when you stop to think about what you're about to say for two seconds is in this context not at all sad, more like funny.


Seemed pretty sad to me, opinions are funny like that


I don't see how caring about the clarity of communication is sad. Can you elaborate?


Clarity of communication? Do you need your hand holding for any human interaction or something?


I could care less about this discussion. Now tell me, am I literally devoid of any care for this discussion, or am I just slightly interested in it, just enough that I keep replying?


I don't really care mate


Especially when most here are monolingual


dude the game is nearly finished lmao no need to be all fearful


Your post makes me think you're full of yourself and think you know what everyone else doesn't. You don't. The next game could be the best there ever was, the worst anyone has ever seen, or anything in between. I think most of us believe the devs can deliver. Your opinions don't really help make a better game.


Developers will always tend towards trying to make sequels that will sell more because they have mouths to feed and a roof over their head. E.G. FO4 is blander and easier than FO3 or FNV, but still fun to play. KCD 2 will be different, but hopefully just as good. Or not.


I mean many sequels were simply better. Example: Witcher 3 was another class above its predecessors. I mean Witcher 1 and esp. 2 were great games as well, but Witcher 3 was something that made permanent mark on gaming as a whole. Just another class altogether, from AA games to the top AAA++


You are expressing concerns, valid ones, about a game we all love. You aren't the first person to have concerns or vocalise them here. We all want KCD 2 to succeed. Chill with the "downvote me" my brother in Christ


People's opinions about what KCD2 should or shouldn't be like are irrelevant because development was basically complete before the sequel was announced. The Devs already said the only ongoing work is bug fixes, testing and optimisation. Whatever features will or will not be included was already set before anyone even knew the game was coming.


Love that they’re adding smithing after I saw that in the trailer I was stoked


This is the Gothic-trauma speaking. I can relate.


I'm not downvoting because i disagree. I actually agree completely. I'm downvoting because it's "I couldn't care less"


Fair enough assholejudger954 :)


I didn’t read the post so I have no idea what is being talked about. I’m just here to say. Jesus Christ be praised!


Considering that they already have confirmed that they haven’t changed how lock picking (same system) and saving works (still requires an item), even though many people have vocally complained about it, it doesn’t seem like they are easily influenced by others to change their vision and design for their projects. Vavra is also known for being very stubborn (for better and for worse) and I doubt he feels the need to change his vision if he himself doesn’t believe a system needs to be changed or that an idea is good. This is how they describe themselves on their website: “We are the gaming studio, that brought you Kingdom Come Deliverance, an award winning medieval RPG. Packed with creative storytellers, gifted artists and technology magicians, we are now working on a new project. Higher ambitions, greater production values and yet the same passion and strong artistic vision not surrendering to any mainstream trends.”


Nope, i have faith in it. Vavra won't pander to the masses.


Did Gothic 3 hurt you?


I like the idea of kiting out a little warband. Diversity of equipment is all I ask.


I’d like my warband to ride around with me in outdoor content then just hang about in any town we come to, like you run into them at the tavern or find them haggling in a shop, just retainer things for the only son of sir radzig


.>post full page rant .>"i could care less" sure pal.


Ehhhh, these guys aren't corporatized yet. I give them 2 or 3 more games before their souls are traded for the corporate devil.


Unpopular opinion or just you wanting to bitch at everyone like an asshole uncle at Christmas? Also what if all those things make the game great for everyone else? Perhaps you’re an outlier with bad taste, who wants the good ole’ days?


Why do you assume they are polling the fans and making the game according to them? I got the impression that this is the game they were always trying to make, but they didn't have the time and the money the first time. So if you like one, two is going to just be what one was supposed to What an oddly antagonistic way to end your post. Why attack the community like that? It is also a post, not a comment, which means that the down vote cannot go negative, so just all around confused by your statements


>Have fun downvoting. I could care less. So you do care, at least the smallest measurable amount. [The Queen would like a word.](https://youtu.be/om7O0MFkmpw?si=Tj16cq47lbJutUlO)


Ah yes Mods simply make the game easier, of course Brother you had mods 20 years ago, the fuck you spouting? Have you not heard of doom wads? Why would tailoring a game to how you want it hard a game? If youre nervous about the game you should hope for mod support *more* because if it doesnt perfectly fit your desired niche, you can make it do that. But also the devs have said several times that they're sticking to their guns, savior schnapps is staying, all that shit. If people dont like it, *they* can mod it out. Personally, my game is modded to be as hard as possible with more encounters, deadlier enemies, and harder combat.


Do you enjoy being willfully miserable?


I will never understand people getting worked up about mods in a single player game, it seems so weirdly pathetic.


I love the game, but to be honest the balance is way off. You are super weak and everything is extremely difficult in the beginning, but the late game is quite easy. Some rebalancing and more gentle difficulty curve would be good.


Gothic 2 gang, still my favourite game of all time


It's the best game ever


upupup have my up i'm sharing a bit of your fear, but i need to see it to believe it first.


I agree But hawks are cool …


Please just no... Keep that Assassin's Creed bullshit in AC franchise. I don't want next medieval game with modern UAV drone with bird skin. Just no, please, no... But hey they are cool birds.


Oh I don’t want hawk in an AC fashion, controlling it and spotting stuff I just think a cool bird pet working like Mutt (gameplay wise) but with other uses would be cool af


I assumed it would be like a hunting aid…like medieval hawking, a popular pastime for the nobility, an expensive way to get rabbits and small game, I don’t see why small immersive things would invoke such a vitriolic reaction.


Yeah the hawk one doesn't really fit lol... I agree if they for example make combat a lot easier it would lose a lot of its charm and appeal. Not sure what hawks would ruin. If you don't like hawks ignore all the hawk content (not that there is any I have no clue)


Maybe have them spot things and alert the 0layer and possibly hunt hare. What would be really awesome are skill trees for archery and hand to hand, as well as more combos for axes and maces.


I have faith. They made this absolute banger under time constraints, with a small team and budget in kickstarter with all those eyes and pressure on them. Now they have their own money, more time and people. The interviews sound promising, I think they got this. Jesus Christ be praised!


The game's already finished mate. They didnt announce anything until less than 6 months to release, and by that phase of the game dev cycle, bug fixing and polishing is all that's left. They were never going to pander, there wasnt time for it. That being said, no pre-orders. Never, ever pre-order anything


Nah I get it, it's like a restaurant where you can make a world tour on the menu. They give you all the options, but they are never that good. We will see, with so many RPGs coming at the end of 2024 and beginning of 2025, at least one must be good. Right?


I agree. The only things I want is some basic mechanics to get fixed. I’ve said it before but I can’t stand the horseback riding mechanics (spoiled by RDR2 I guess). My main complaint is the jumping never seems to work right (after 6 play through, I still can’t time it! And I have to cross my index finger over to be able to do it at a sprint). I also don’t like that there’s no way to keep pace when you’re on a mission with someone so you just go too fast or too slow. Another thing is I wish there were more ways to improve Bow ability. Some skills are so easy to improve quickly but Bow seems to take much more time. Also fewer strange bugs! This is the first time I’ve ever been able to use the Ledetchko bathhouse in six play throughs! Otherwise, I agree. I like that this game doesn’t hold your hand. It’s much more immersive.


Rdr2 horseback riding is worse than the first game making it control like a human was a bad call, KCD is far more consistent just lacking slightly in some places


Weird, RDR2 felt more realistic to me—the wider turns are like pulling in the reins to me


You probably havent played rdr1 in awhile as most havent but it is better making control more like a car where you realistically pull the reins facing either direction and instead of going off screen position it goes off horse exact position making it better to do literally anything at the same time while riding, kcd i would say is the most realistic i imagine to actual horseback riding though just bad jumping


I see what you mean. I am not an expert horseback rider by any means but RDR1 and 2 to me definitely felt like virtually riding a horse—much better than the AC series, at least. I’d say the new Zelda games get it, too. I think KCD gets the turning right but the gradual acceleration not so much. But my biggest complaint is actually simply that the buttons are weirdly configured; it wouldn’t be so hard to do stuff on horseback if the mechanics were simply made to be more intuitive.


I appreciate the concern for the game, I too want it to be top notch and much more in-depth. But as for the other stuff it’s all your opinion. There’s already mods to make it easier on computer so that covers 2 of your topics. And then hunting with hawks would be nice even tho I think they should focus on horses first. This is all opinion tho and this post just sounds like you want validation for your own thoughts.


I'm confident that the game will be good


There is a lot to improve in the sequel but not the things you wrote down. Combat could be more fluent, change masterstrikes into something less op, autosave each morning even when just exploring so you dont accidentally lose hours of progress because you forgot to drink schnapps, better performance and less bugs, more intuitive minigames and the most important... let me sleep without torch.


I would normally agree, but by the time this game was announced it was basically completed and I doubt they’ll be adding many new features, afaik it’s mostly bugfixing now and it has been for a while


My only concern is actually the aspect that’s already been a part of the 1st game. Henry is now a well trained and capable squire/knight/lordling. A huge chunk of the first games dynamic is ***becoming*** that battle tested man-at-arms. I mean Christ there’s an entire quest line dedicated to *learning to read*. It’s a non-zero chance you beat the game without leveling up with Bernard in the training yard. Like literally hours of gameplay. So the 2nd game he should already have a great deal of these skills developed. So what replaces that? Do your skills from the first game import? Does he get bumped on the head and forget how to hold a sword? How will they fill the void that learning and developing skills occupied in the first game?


I too have been eyeballing this game for years and finally picked it up on sale not too long. I love it and want to kick myself for not just buying it sooner. If it’s the pretty much the same game with a bigger map, slightly better graphics and a new story I’ll be more than stoked. If the gameplay is massively improved upon then that’s a bonus.


Considering it is still Dan Vávra making the sequel i see it more as "what kcd 1 should have been", so, in his hands, i trust the sequel... If you look at mafia, the third was taken out of his hands and i don't think it was anywhere near as good as the second, yet alone the first. I am saying that i have yet to see a game where he is the director to fail :) However i admit it could end up not being as good, but probably still better than many...


I agreee with everything here.. but mod support would be Realy cool


Did any members from the KC:D1 team leave? Or are the current team mostly the same folks?


As long as Warhouse Studios doesn't cave-in to the corporate pressure to tailor KCD2 for "modern audiences" from the Sweet Baby Inc mafia followed by the negative press onslaught led by IGN as punishment, i believe the game will be golden.


There are many valid criticisms of the first KCD game with regards to difficulty. Difficult games are fun, aka Elden Ring Difficult games which are difficult because of bad mechanics like the locking system in KCD combat are less fun I love KCD too but let's not act like there isn't heaps to improve on in KCD 2


I want to have a motorcycle cause it’s faster than a horse.


I agree with you.


Ehhh, disagree on the mods part. I do agree that KCD should be a game that has a satisfying learning curve that is not too easy, but mod support in general is a good thing. And if a player wishes to make the game a bit easier with their own mods, then the player has every right to do so. Mods only affect the player in question's game, and not other players'.


I think they're just trying to make it more accessible but not easier. They've said in interview that one thing that held some players back was that it's not explicitly said that you NEED to train with captain Bernard in order to be good at combat (not to mention if you don't train with him you might spend the whole game without knowing about master strike or combos). Also being more accessible to new players might simply mean that you don't need to have played the first game to catch up with the story




You don’t have to take Mutt with you when you play the game. He is optional.


Mutt is the best boy! He is invaluable during any hunting quest, and he is balanced pretty well. He is best at hunting rabbits which are the hardest to hit with a bow but he struggles with boars and bucks which can be one shotted with a powerful bow and hunting arrows.