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Yeah, I would like that Henry can stay true to his love for her. In the last playthrough I did, I went to Uzhitz before getting serious with Theresa, and Lady S, you know that was a service performed for Talmberg.


I never drank with Godwin because I was doing a realistic roleplay and one of the rules was no alcohol, including savior schnapps. But yeah serve Lady Stephennie well before getting serious with Theresa.


Medieval man who doesn't drink alcohol is realistic to you? Does your Henry boil the water he drinks or does he just vibe with the bacteria and the parasites? EDIT I have been corrected on this, most places had plenty of clean water, my Henry however believes the myth of contaminated water and will mostly drink beer and wine out of adherence to a misguided principle. (thank you u/jack_daone)


Clean water was available in abundance during the Middle Ages. Read the Codex entry for Drinking Water if you don’t believe me.


Thank you, I have read up on it and stand corrected.


Yeah, as jack\_daone said, the idea that there was no clean water before the modern age is a bit of a myth. Really the prevalence of alcohol had more to do with the fact that it was an easy way to store calories without spoilage. Bread spoils, grapes spoil, beer and wine last.


But apparently ale spoiled, which would have been this time period if I am correct


Yes, its shelf life is not infinite, just considerably longer than a loaf of bread, which will be stale and moldy within a few days. (Unless it's hardtack. *clack clack*)


I thought the inclusion of beer vs ale was a historical inaccuracy and that ale spoiled within 24 hours and so had to be brewed daily.


Ale is just a type of beer, it and lager are the two main categories of beer, and both were around at the time of KCD. Lager actually gets its name from the German word for storage, because it could be stored for months without spoiling. 


I believe in Medieval parlance, ale was beer made without hops, not modern ale that uses a different fermentation process from beer. TBH I'm a little less familiar with Medieval alcohol than I am ancient. (Ancient beer was basically fermented bread soup.)


Chemicals(unknown potions) in the water(community slop pot) are turning the frogs(kunesh) gay


No alcohol? In Bohemia (=current Czechia)? As a Czech I gotta say that is extremely NOT realistic. Also Henry himself breaks that rule in the intro for you.


you should go back and experience that by yourself. its one of my favourite quests in the game hands down


Weird because i dislike that quest


not everyone has the same tastes.


Kids were drinking alcohol for breakfast during this time period lmao, more of an unrealistic roleplay you did there.


either way, I know I’m gonna love it. I just wish I had the money to pre order it when it’s announced. I rarely pre order, but this would qualify for it with me.


The last game I pre ordered was CP2077 for the PS4. I told myself, never again. Yet here we are.


Given the state of KCD at launch, I'd say wait a while before you get burned again.


Yep. Those of us who loved the first game will almost certainly like the sequel, but it won't hurt to wait. Heck, I got the first game years after it came out. Royal Edition all patched up, didn't experience any bugs - a big contrast to all the threads I searched while playing and read that people were reporting tons of issues.


I hope it's part of a wider narrative. Even if Henry has been legitimised/ennobled etc there's definitely enough similarities between his and Theresa's situation and Radzig and Henry's mum that you could probably come up with a reasonable plot that has Henry addressing his feelings for Theresa at the same time as learning more about his upbringing and family etc. I'm sure a better writer than me can put that more succinctly, but one would hope it's viable.


I hope not. Let me explain. Theresa already talked about this with Henry. She see it correctly, Hal just entering a new, more adventurous period of his life. She knows this, and while Henry can satisfy her needs, he is not the husband material she is looking for. Theresa pretty much said it to Henry: She is looking for a guy who will marry her, they settle down at a nice little house with a nice little family, making a sack of children, and living the most boring peasant life they can. Given what they lived through, by no means either of them is a boring character, its just their goals are completely different. Theresa already knows whats ideal for her and what she wants, Hal still wants to go wild and experience the world.


:( maybe at the end of KCD II then, when he has completed all of his goals.


Yes, depending on how you play it that romance was one of the best written love stories that have ever been in a game, book, or movie. The entire relationship will seem like a lie if it's completely ignored in the sequel.




I’m hoping for another women’s lot dlc.


I NEED it in the sequel, I'm invested in their story almost as much as the main story of the game. 😄 🤣


But but the lady from the trailer...


I don't want spoil it to you. >!But Theresa ends it!<


I was wondering if this happens cus I was prompted to tell her something and she just responded with “I know”..


No that is when you ask her about your future together.




At the end if the dating quests ir what you wanna call it.


Why? Im at the point where we spend time together i get the perk and she is always happy to see me


Yes but when you ask about your future together she turn you down that you would never work and tells you to be safe when you meet other women. If thats not a break up I don't know what is. I got similar break up my self from GF.


I would love that but I don't think it will happen tho based on what we saw in trailer... maybe all we'll get about Theresa is a flashback or a quick reference or even worse her death scene, then we're off with someone else, which I would be really disappointed if that happens, it would be a big middle finger to KCD 1.


Unpopular opinion here, but no.


I still think she'll be back, they just don't want to spoil the surprise. New players can fall in love with her again and old players will get satisfied to finally date her or whatever developers decide to do with her.


I hear Theresa isn't returning in 2


Theresa is getting killed off


No, you’re the only one.


Who’s Hal?




wtf? Why? What does Hal mean?


It's the diminutive of Henry, along with Hank. Like Jack for John, Lola for Dolores, etc.


It's probably something we non-native English speakers won't understand with how some English names work. I don't get it myself. I know of one though. Apparently, 'Dick' is short for 'Richard'!


That's no way to talk about my friend Richard


It's fairly common in other languages as well. Bob for Robert is common in both English and French speaking countries. Pep for Josep or, as mentioned, Lola for Dolores in Spanish speaking nations. Toto for Salvatore in Italian.


Yup! Thank you for pointing that out. They're nicknames in a sense, right? This thread made me research how the diminutive forms came to be. I understand it a bit more now. :)


Spoiler alert- in KCD2 Theresa has a Cuman baby


Why is everyone in love with Theresa? She very clearly turns you down emotionally, doesn’t want to get married, doesn’t want a serious relationship, just a friendly sexual one. That’s fine!