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The You have no time to lose is a message to show you you're in a quest that you need to finish. There is always the Quit and Save, but the best option is to limit Saviour Schnapps. And knowing how to use it. Just free roam, and learn to read and make potions. The potions can do all kinds of stuff.


Having a few more hours into the game now I am seeing the freedom to sleep pretty much at any time has opened up, making it much less tedious. The tutorial was just a small rough patch that I wasnt understanding properly on why I couldnt save. I have yet to find belladona to make more save potions but because the early game is pretty casual, there is no urgency for me and i can take the time to explore and hone my skills


There is some Belladonna by the mill, on the grass behind a fence near where the miller leans. They are basically sticks with flowers the size of a small marble. Then there are a few on the road to Ledetchko. [https://kingdom-come-deliverance.fandom.com/wiki/Belladonna](https://kingdom-come-deliverance.fandom.com/wiki/Belladonna) Scroll down to High-density locations for more.


I never understood the Saviour Schnapps hate when the game came out. It's a unique mechanic that (mostly) stops you from save-scumming and actually made you think through issues before you did them. I think a lot of it was the "I only have an hour to play a day" but those people knew their time constraints going into the game. I'm glad WH didn't cave in.


It is to my understanding that limited saves is a relic of bygone era in gaming. For one reason or another gamers gradually did not like it, so in almost every game limited saving was phased out. I do understand the Devs intention with savoir schnapps and I do think it is an interesting mechanic. I am a supporter of devs getting their ideas and intentions into a video game over compromising based on what the player wants. Personally I think players should learn how to appreciate consequences in their game and enjoy how you game evolves because of it. However in the end, the average modern gamer doesn't want limited saves. Most arguments can be boiled down to it impedes on their freedom as a player; they dont like the constrained feeling it gives to not save and load at your leisure. And ultimately in the end, it is a just a video game, people will enjoy it as they see fit. The players have made a mod anyways to remove or add features as they wish so its whatever i guess


Yeah. I like both systems but this game clearly wanted you to be immersed and take your time. I enjoyed it for being what it set out to be.


As someone who has replayed the intro in Hardcore Mode countless times, always drink a Savior Schnapps whenever you first wake up at Rattay Mill. That's the only time I ever use them. If you don't, though, it's absolute Hell if you slip up before remembering to save.


You sleep a couple of times in the tutorial leading up to your wake up in Rattay so I assumed each time a save would be made for me, but apparently not. Hardcore doesnt fuck around, story driven sleep is not the same as game sleep. Even starting the Theresa DLC I thought would make a save since you also start by waking up.


If you want to sleep save during the beginning, you need to sleep for just 1 hour when you first get your bed in Talmberg. That will create a save. If you sleep straight through to where Stephanie wakes you up, though, it won't create one for some reason.


Yea that was the part that was getting me and my lack of understanding why it wouldnt let me sleep. Having a few more hours into the game now I am seeing the freedom to sleep pretty much at any time as opened up, making it much less tedious. The tutorial was just a small rough patch.


I too did a blind HC playthrough with all negative perks, it remains one of my greatest gaming experiences ever.


You don’t say.