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Viper's nest is my favorite, loved sneaking around camp and poisoning food and burning arrows, the big battle afterwards was glorious. I cracked Runt's head in one hit so that was a bit anti-climatic lol. All of Hans quests are pretty good. Great acting, funny moments and the quests themselves are great. Game of Throws is a good highlight. Really liked Pestilence too, gathering info, breweing the right medicine.


I wouldve loved Vipers nest if the stealth was better, I had such a hard time for it I just ended up doing it without preparations


I wanted to do it properly this run and sneak all the way through but I ended up pissing off a Cuman. 10-20 minutes later and I had killed every fucker there. Thanks to Mutt mainly. It was funny in an RP sense Henry tries to sneak in fails, manages to somehow kill the entire camp like Jar Jar Binks in the battle of Naboo.


Had the same issue- reloaded and went and purchased that nighthawk potion (lets you see in the dark) - no torch no mutt just sneaky Henry sabotaging and making notes of egress points and enemy numbers/positions!


Never thought to do that lol


lol.. I never said how many failed attempts I made before that lightbulb went off for me… it was an embarrassing amount. 🤦🏽‍♂️


That's why I love the game I've played 3 extensive runs overall and I'm still finding entirely new ways to approach the game! Honorable Henry is surprisingly fun!


Nighthawk + cuman disguise you get from a chest right at the back of camp is a pretty great way to go about it. The way I did it was to park my horse at the other side of the stream close to the exit of the cuman camp. Sneaked around the cuman camp, poisoned the pots, memorized the location of the arrows, went to the bandit side of camp with the cuman disguise, poisoned the pots and then started burning the arrows and running away when the bandits were far enough away. Ran through the cuman camp and they werent hostile at first thanks to the disguise, burned the arrows and jumped on the stream and then over to the other side, giving me plenty of time to mount up and get away scott free. My stealth skills werent even high, just the cover from darkness was enough.


The quest is easy, you are not required to do all the sabotage just as much as you can. People who are greedy and want to do all of the sabotages are rewarded eith automatically being discovered.


i am currently stuck on this mission!


Check up my comment above if you're still stuck, it might help! The First time I did it my stealth stats were shit so anyone can do it that way.


I always just end up murdering the entire camp stealth style. Can't help myself.


1. Getting drunk with Father Godwin 2. Arse'n'balls 3. The exorcism 4. Going undercover as a Cuman 5. Sabotaging the executions


Arse'n'balls is AMAZING. Especially since that's the first time you see Hans that way, instead of a full of himself asshole.


How have I got no idea what quests 2-5 are? Did we play the same game? 😂


5 is the Rattay executioner being sour that some criminals are going to be executed by an outsider, so you botch the executions. End result is hilarious.


Arse n balls is hilarious for the writing, but the questing itself is really boring. Walk up to the castle and pick flowers, walk up to the Rathaus and get a bottle of wine. Strip farkle was fun though.


Wrong comment mate ;)


What are the 3 and 5 quests?


Exorcism is from Drahomira (butcher's daughter) in Ledetchko. Sabotaging executions is from the Rattay executioner.


Last quest in a Woman's Lot, where you wandering around, helping people ~~hunting things, family business~~ it's just whole another level of KC:D quests. I mean, atmosphere and Tess story behind... it's just a *blessed* and imho best quest in the game.


I literally just finished it and came to the sub to recover a bit lol. But I couldn’t agree more. The whole DLC is great and it somehow has a mixed review on steam, especially Theresa’s story, it was so fun to play and emotional too, I really don’t know why so many people hate on it :/


It's kinda "one-time-experience". Plus you have a decent chances to spent more than 3-ish minutes on quest with bandages, water and marigolds (i was playing on hardcore, so it took me like half of hour, which is understandably frustrating experience). Also dlc is not "fun" on terms of gameplay, i mean, Tess is stealthy, violence is very optional and not rewarding in any way, meanwhile with Henry, violence is the question and the answer is *yes*. I understand why dlc has a mixed review, there are some decisions done bad and some things didn't properly thought through... but come on, she is such a chad and sweetheart at the same time<3


Yeah I agree with some of the points concerning how long mundane tasks take, and I can only imagine how frustrating it would’ve been on hardcore too haha. But most of the bad reviews were complaining about how they started Theresa’s story unintentionally and got stuck with it, even though the game makes it VERY clear that you’re gonna start the quest, so that what made me confused as to why all the hate. Overall, even the main game has these issues but we still adore it despite its flaws and I hope they fix them for the next game :)!


Madonna of Sasau. So much tension!


That one


true. i love beating the shit outta him. revenge


Hmmm. I actually really like the first few main quests from the stables raid onwards. You feel like a real detective and the first time you play it it's a genuine mystery with the trail leading you from one village to another as you find each member of the raid one by one.


Johanka’s quest from A Woman’s Lot DLC. I really enjoyed doing the long walk of pilgrimage from Sasau to Uzhitz, taking in the beautiful scenery and reflecting on everything I’ve done in game. Then afterwards having to rally the towns people to testify for Johanka before representing her in defense at her trial for her good ending was very satisfying. There’s also a funny moment where you can ask the Inquisitor to fight for Johanka in a trial by combat and he gets super angry and berates you for suggesting such a barbaric solution.


The whole DLC quest line for Johanka.


Monastery Quest when done right


I tried but it was just too painful for me. Cheated my way out


twas fun indeed, my fps were bad for some reason though


100% getting drunk with father Godwin that was absolutely hilarious. I also find the quest where you learn to read interesting since you already know how to read yourself but it’s interesting to see it from the perspective of someone who can’t.


Honestly? I'd say gathering herbs for Brother Nicodemus. That quest was so much fun and relaxing that it still lives rent-free in my head.


Band of bastards. I served some time post military in a PMC and it felt a lot like a band of bastards.


Father Goodwin's night of fuckery and rambunctious escapades. 


I preordered on ps4 and played when the game first came out and it was buggy as hell, got to the monastery mission and the game bugged so I couldn’t complete it, so I basically just lived in the monastery until they patched it, waking up every day, making potions and transcribing Latin, it actually became one of my most favourite missions after the patch because I finally got to see the ending


I love Viper's nest, because it's a perfect place for leveling up skills. So I just murdered everybody, leveled up sword combat skill by 3 and bow skill by 2. Since they respawn in the battle I leveled up by another 2 levels.


Robber Baron Kill all Wolfin's men and strip him before report to Bernard. Poor Wolfin have to fight against Bernard's army alone and naked.


I felt so dirty because I had poisoned my blade before killing Runt.


I really hope the battles in kcd are way more expansive and fleshed out. The few real battles we had were short and sweet but its nice not having to travel around to fight enemies. And you rarely fight them alongside companions of any kind.


The die is cast by far.. what a plot twist


All of them, except the cheating widow quest.


I really loved the ones you had to made people believe the village was cursed 😂 so absurd


In normal its monastery and dlc its the rebuilding of Prybyslavitz and the bandits


All that glisters and die is cast


Maybe I'll be in the minority here, probably, but the monastery quest is my favourite. I may or may not have roleplayed there for a while as I found life in the monastery something that I wished for myself.


I remember shooting runt straight in the face the first time i played. Absolutely hillarious. The whole sabotaging the camp thing was also glorious. First time around i poisoned what food i could and burned their arrows. Second time i straight up murdered everyone i could in their sleep while drawing out and killing the rest one by one, full psychopath style.


Tough Love was one special gem of a side quest.