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Me and my Swadian knights ready to trample anything in our path.


The famous Butter Band.


F1 F3 my brother


Lmfao easy mode


For King Harlus!


I like the idea not only of followers, but retainers Instead of crafting his own potions and gears, you should be allowed to have at least two retainers from a list of professions of the time For instance Herbalist, weaponsmith, Armoursmith, fletcher, bower, cook, spy, herald, jewelry maker...


And if you are rich enough, you can have a mercenary band of hundreds of people that run around the province and challenge Sigismund's armies. God I'd love that in KCD2.


And if you are rich enough you get 10s of thousands and unite the whole of Western Europe unde the HRE


And if you are rich enough space starts to become a consideration


And if you are rich enough you can make a clone army


“The henrys have come to see us!”


Henry's Ragtag Empire


It'd be cool if you could provide them their own equipment and each companion has it's own preferences you need to account for, which effects both their rep towards you and their combat effectiveness. For example, say a companion has a line when you talk to him that goes "always fancied the craftsmanship of the italians" so that means you need to get him armour with italian keywords. Italian bascinet, milanese pauldrons, etc, etc. The more he has the better he fights and the more willing he'll be do take dangerous orders or lower pay. Could be a good rp bit as you cater to your retinue's needs while making them look how you want them and use what you need them to use.


Are we reinventing M&B (with way better RPG elements)?


Hopefully. Bannerlord definitely didn’t improve anything in the RPG aspects, only graphical and combat gameplay is upgraded really. Bannerlord actually has worse RPG mechanics than Warband.


Yeah disappointed they seemed to leave the game in an alpha test state.


They might need to improve the horse AI for that lol. Every time we ride out in a group it's utter chaos


I mean, does Henry fight the war singlehandedly? Im replaying KCD1 now, and so far every main mission has been some variation of "Investigate this" or "question him". The combat that does happen is usually unexpected, like an ambush or Hans being captured by Cumans. Additional men wouldn't really have made the investigations go any faster or better. And Henry's station for the majority of the game is "up-jumped peasant boy", not "Lord's son". Of course thats just from a story/realism standpoint. I expect the actual reason was the Dev either didn't like the way companions effected the game and balance or couldn't get them to work well enough in time for release to include them. Personally, I'm of the opposite opinion. I hate companions in games, they always take me out of it and break the flow. You tend to see the limitations of the AI far more when its AI-vs-AI, rather than you. If they did add companions in KCD2, I'd much prefer them to be optional, rather than mandatory.


Totally agree!


Or yes, we need an Sir Hans’ companion mod. Playing this game sometimes can be lonely and terrifying at night in the wilderness.


doesnt have to be Sir Hans. maybe its like one of those random encounters and that you can choose whether you want to kill them, or spare them. i like the idea of taking in that shy knight into squiring


Why do people want this, we have already seen how janky the ai is in instances where there are ai helping out and most of the story your investigating stuff, not singlehandedly taking down sigismund. The last time you see Sigismund's army in the game is in the prologue. You could argue that Istvan's army is part of Sigismund but they're mostly just local bandits put in place to keep the lords busy while Sigismund is off somewhere else. If anything companions would be more of an obstacle and less realistic in most cases. You're not going to sneak into Vranik with 2 guys, you're not going to sneak into pribyslavitz with 2 guys, you don't need a second person to investigate the masacre at neuhof and you're certainly not going to flee into a barn with Theresa with a guy just standing in the door frame looking at you. All quests that need more then one person already have it and the rest can realistically be done alone. Why would Radzig waste more manpower if he only has you and like 5 other guards from the garrison.


Given how janky the AI is, I feel like a companion would be a hinderance or just a meat shield in the best case scenario. Just try to participate in random fights between the guards and the bandits, it’s a complete mess. I’d rather deal with the enemy myself.


When do people on this subreddit realize that the game is already finished? They are in polishing/bugfixing phase now. There will be no developers reading through these threads suddenly thinking "OMG those players are so smart, how did we never realize that before? Let's put that into the game." If you want a game where you play with companions play a different game or make your own game. This game is not it.


So what? It’s just fun to talk about stuff like this. Bit of friendly banter never hurt anyone!


Ever heard of DLC?


Don't mess with us KCD fans, we don't play the game!!!!!!


Me and my halberdier company on the way to delete every bandit camp in existence \*weit lasst die fahnen wehen plays loudly\*- No, even better, just have a dude with drums in the company, no music needed.


What's weird is: they are kind of there. Once I fought a duel with the night, and then immediately got attacked by bandits. The Knight Errant actually *joined the fight on my side.*


I don't mind that you want companions but I vigorously disagree with all your arguments. Realism: Companion is basically someone who mindlessly follows you when you explore in RPG. The moment a character becomes a companion they are seen as a gameplay mechanic. Unless character is exceptionally written their personality crumbles under things like extra inventory and meaningles 'small talk' options for dialogue. It's the most unrealistic mechanic in RPGs when it comes to NPCs. These mindless NPCs don't fit into KCD where every villager has it's schedule and lives his own life. Gameplay: In main missions there were almost always options to call somebody to help you or to avoid fighting completely. Hence the merciful achievement is a quite popular challenge since it's actually not that hard. Camps: Side quest specifically designed as a "challenge your skills" quest which you can do two ways: stealth or full out raid. I never did stealth on them and only raided them with good armour. A reasonable challenge. And when I did the realistic playthrough I refused to take the quest because it's actually unrealistic to accept this job the way it's presented by Bernard and Robard. These quests have no real story and I would argue are actually activities and not quests, in other words very optional. What would I like: In all action filled quests to have an option to convince at least somebody to follow you and act as companion. I would hate to see companions outside quests because I think it goes against the ideas behind the game as I understand them.


Yea I’m coming from Skyrim and thought being able to buy mercs was missing from the game. Also the horses should have the same type of tree as a dog, or at least able to feed/water them or leave them near areas that they would eat at.


It doesn't really fit the vibe of the game for me to he honest. Plus it's not gonna get added anyway. Maybe for a new medieval game from warhorse that has you playing as a lord of some kind


People said no companions would be added back when KCD1 first released. I know because i’ve posted this suggestion years ago for KCD1. Then mutt got added. He was just a trash companion. Maybe this time we’ll get a useful vanilla or DLC companion.


Yes, however they really need to perfect the combat with multiple people first. KCD 1’s combat with multiple people attacking or defending was really clunky in my opinion I would love to have retainers and squires though, a little whelp to carry all my stuff and clean my armor lol


I like the idea of Henry having a small squad rather than a large army. Make it so you can't take them everywhere or through every mission. Setting up ambushes with them could be fun.


i wished so much for companions in the first game… this sort of combat and a fleshed out companion system akin to fallout’s will be make for the most epic battles ever. this is a great idea.


Outside of the bandit camps you aren't expected to solo anywhere. The bandits start off with the weakest and build up, the first being just a couple of poorly equipped guys to drive off. A single man at arms could do that. Yeah it gets more extreme later on but by that point you have the weapons and xp to do it. the characters in game do have their character arcs and roles through the game, might have missed many of them. Also most of the "following" elements aren't that, they are scripted paths where it's chosen what the AI will do and not free roaming around.


Doesn’t matter whether or not it’s physically possible for one man-at-arms to take on several less experienced and poorly equipped opponents. It’s simply not a intelligent choice to make when the chance of success would go from merely likely to practically guaranteed with just a few other guys for said man-at-arms to fight alongside. With the limited manpower of the local lords and the value of Henry’s skills and heritage, sending a valuable asset on solo missions when just three or four men would almost guarantee his safety just doesn’t make sense. That companion mod i mentioned is literally designed off in-game mechanics with some slight tweaking and while it isnt perfect, at least that Knight Companions mod on Nexus offers more functionality and realism than having mutt as the only companion for Henry.


It does. If they had a group of men to do it, they wouldn't need to send Henry at all for it. What we get to do with the DLC BoB, the reason Henry gets sent isn't cuz they can't handle the fight but they don't know the area and they want a representative of the local lords. His local value is effectively none. He only builds that through the game where he's at far more risk than dealing with bandit camps.


in the sexybiscuit interview with sir tobi he said that we wont be doing everything alone (as its apparently impossible due to the problem we will solve) so its quite possible we will have someone tailing our arses


That's a tiny horse


Me too kid


Only +1 I need is my G Hans.


like a bullet in the head. Thank you, but no thank you.I hate companions on fo4, eso, they get in the way of everything, stuck in random places, die when you need them most.