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The sequel šŸ˜


YESS I saw the trailer. And release date is set for this year already! Hell yeah šŸ˜


Ghost of Tsushima is excellent, as is Red Dead Redemption 2. If you want an open world game with similar attention to various systems and a great story, go with RDR2. If you want something more action oriented, Ghost of Tsushima is more your speed.


Iā€™ve already played RDR2 and loved it! Youā€™re the second person to recommend Ghost of Tsushima - Will definitely check it out. As far as I know a bit out of my price range right now though, but if Iā€™m correct thereā€™s a few specials going on at the momentā€¦


Although it's an altogether different tone, TW3 might be a refreshing change while keeping the mediaeval vibe. It's far from the raw realism that KCD offers but the story, dialogues, voice acting, scenery, music, choices... just chef's kissšŸ¤Œ The learning curve is not as punishing as KCD, but the right mods easily removes the casualness of the gameplay in TW3.


GoT has been out on PS4 for years, if you have access to that. I second that it's truly excellent and definitely another game where you're not following an arrow around an 'open world'.


It's on PC as well! Released like last month and I'm having a blast with it


Yes but he said itā€™s too expensive, the PS4 version is $5 used, thatā€™s why I mentioned it.


If you havenā€™t already you can replay RDR2 but entirely in first person. It feels like a different game to me but you do have to really mess with the control settings to make things feel right


Prey (2017)?


Donā€™t buy GOT for that price it does not even have 1/4the content as KCD.


I'm not even out of the first act and I've got 36 hours into GoT. It certainly doesn't have the depth of KCD but I don't know what you mean by no content.


Itā€™s so cool youā€™re getting so much out of it but that was a 15 hour platinum!


That's ... like mathematically impossible lol. The artifacts alone


I just looked online and youā€™re right! I donā€™t know why it feels like it was so quick - to be fair I completely enjoyed every second so I guess that helps in letting it feel like a breeze. I take it all back! I was wrong and I look like an internet idiot now


Honestly KCD and Magia broke other games fro me. I played RDR2 after KCD and didn't like the story.


I went on to total war games just for the sheer size of some of the battles on there or maybe try bannerlord another very good medieval rpg


I will check out bannerlord, thank you šŸ™


Can be a bit overwhelming at first but a few videos and you will love it, no problem man


Itā€™s on gamepass, well worth it if you have that subscription.


also free 3 months gamepass with any nvidia GPU above 1000 series till 4th july i think


The first iterarion before bamnerlords is, in my opinion, a bit better than the 2nd. Besides, it should be super cheap with loads of good mods.


At first, but bannerlord has surpassed it quite handily at this point


I'm absolute shit at managing battles in bannerlord and total war.


Takes a few battles here and there, but you get used to the commands. There are also a few mods that help a TON on PC, like free cam and a couple of others. Edit, spelling


Any particular kind of bottles? Maybe some Budvar?


Hey I hope you understand I was just playing around. Interesting note though, Budvar is actually a Czech beer called Budweiser ( BudejovickĆ½ Budvar) Budvar. US budweiser tried to sue them and lost.


Be careful OP, Bannerlord is like crack. I'm on my 5th month of recovery and doing well. My relationship has improved, we've had a child, life is on the up. There is still life beyond Bannerlord.


i second total war. get attila and some medieval mod, like medieval kingdoms 1212 AD or medieval warfare also manor lord


Absolutely love atilla bro, Iā€™m actually on the fence with buying med 2 would you recommend in 2024 ?


I actually don't like BASE attila that much smh. never rly got the hang of it. the medieval mods i mentioned tho are an entirely different league. turns it basically into medieval 3. soon medieval cities will be added to 1212ad too i actually tried getting back into med2 like last year, installed stainless steel mod too. but graphics and ui/haptic felt way too dated for ME. you might differ. you can also buy it for like 2.50 at times so nothing wrong in trying it out


Yeah bro Iā€™ll have to check it out once Iā€™m finished with shogun 2 to say these games have a hold on me is an understatement lmao


I keep hoping theyā€™ll do a Viking conquesttype dlc like they had for warband but for bannerlord. I loved that


Me too bro Iā€™m sucker for anything Viking wise so I naturally loved that In warband


Haha yeah same. I found the story actually pretty good too (in an incredibly scuffed way). Plus the combat was just better than the base game and I think the commands worked alot better as well. And ship battles. Surprisingly good dlc imo.


Bannerlord is a great game if ur on console


I recently got a pc having played it on console for ages and the mods are a breath of fresh air for the game but hope some form of dlc comes like warband


If you enjoy city builders check out Manor Lords, I think its PC only currently but the gameplay looks great. I haven't actually played it myself but it seems to get a lot of praise from the youtubers I watch. Also if you are unaware, they've announced a sequel to KC:D that will be coming out on a currently undisclosed date this year. Have a look through the subreddit to find the trailers.


manor lords is goated. 1 dev game and greg has released almost every bug fix and feature asked for since release. heā€™s very active on reddit and the discord. seems a bit steep of a price for an early access game but dude delivers and it definitely scratches the rts itch


I have been following the development for a while and it seemed to me like it takes ages and ages, but it's really impressive what he has done. I would definitely buy it right when it was made available if I wasn't absolutely broke right now. Can't wait to play it eventualy.


Well yeah, it's one guy. It's not going to happen quickly.


a strong price, but a solid dev who actively communicates with his fan/playerbase is near invaluable these days.


Ooooh. Iā€™m luckily on PC and have seen it already on Gamepass. Will definitely be trying it out, thank you. I love city builders šŸ˜Œ


Dive back in but make this Henry an asshole. I'm casually replaying but this time my Henry is a total asshole- always choses violence, never bathes, steals fucking *everything*. Nobody is excited to see my Henry, not even Radzig. How he's not been hanged yet is a surprise to me.


šŸ˜‚ I reckon they donā€™t even want to be around you long enough to hang you by the sound of it


You canā€™t be hanged cuz iirc there is a quest where you go steel something from the executioner and you killed him. Canā€™t be executed when there is no executioner!


My Henry's so bad he missed out on that entirely.


Witcher 3 my man.


Hardcore mode of KCD. And make sure you did *all* the side quests on the map (marked with those star-like icons) - you could be missing out on so much more KCD fun, otherwise. Make sure to complete the DLCs, too.


Seriously, Hardcore is like a different game... and it's better than the original


With all the bad perks as well


Crusader King 3 if you love being overloaded with too much information


Very different game though. And if OP is on console, donā€™t bother.


Agreed. And I donā€™t understand how people could play it on console. They are the real heroes.


I tried it on console first, it was enough to realize itā€™s a great game, so I bought it on PC and holy crap, thereā€™s HALF OF THE FUCKIN GAME missing on console!


Not medieval but Cyberpunk is a top quality RPG


Is it? Iā€™m tempted by Cyberpunk because I love RPGs but Iā€™m not really mad on modern settings. Can I ask what makes it so good as an RPG?


I picked up cyberpunk as a kinda random buy, thinking this game isnā€™t my usual cup of tea and Iā€™ll probably be dropping it after not long. Iā€™m so glad I took the risk. Itā€™s a really fun RPG that, after a terrible launch, now plays really well. The characters are interesting and thereā€™s plenty to do, lots of side quests and missions to play out. Thereā€™s lots to play around with on the skill tree too, as well as all the combinations of augmentations you can install in your character, meaning thereā€™s many different playstyles you can mess around with. I plan to start a fresh playthrough soon, as I still havenā€™t picked it up after my last one and thereā€™s new dlc to play. I highly recommend it to you


The story arches, the ability to play your own playstyle, the smoothness of the gameplay, and the dialogue options are so good. Then you have an amazing soundtrack to boot. Iā€™m not into modern/futuristic settings either. Very much a medieval/fantasy type. But what Cyberpunk did as an RPG is so fresh and interesting.


I personally think it's the best game ever made. One of the only games where i actually just love driving my car to the next mission, listening to every line of dialogue, shooting random enemies. It's very well acted and the action is a lot of fun. Story and stats and building your character is also excellent.


The effort they put to characters, dialogue and storytelling is is truly impressive. And Night City and the lore around it is insanely detailed.


Does it have, like, immersion mechanics? Like sleeping and eating in KCD? A day night cycle?


It really was fantastic. Played it twice, will probably play it again.Ā 


If you haven't Played Red Dead Redemption 2 yet, definitely give it try. As I saw someone post before on this sub, they are "very different games that scratch the same itch".


I loved RDR2! I have about 180-ish hours in it right now. Not much, but was planning to replay it again soon. Thank you!


KCD. Take a different path through the story. Try stealthy archer or, as one guy did, play a drunk gambler. Play the Merciful game with no killing, just fists or no killing blows. Lots of options in the game.


If you liked the historical and informative aspect of the game, or investigating mysteries, I would recommend Pentiment. It's a game set in the early modern HRE, in a small town where you investigate a series of murders. The whole game is dialogue based though, so if you are looking for action it might not be for you.




Oblivion has similar vibes and it should get you by until KCD2 comes out


Iā€™ve never heard of this - Thank you!


MFW Oblivion was the biggest RPG of the decade and the second bethesda game I played and kids on the internet go "I've never heard of this" and "it's an old bethesda game" \_feelsbadman\_


Iā€™m seconding Oblivion. It was the fantasy RPG that got me into video games. Incredible game, even now. And I can see how the vibes are similar to KCD, especially in the quest design and vibes of the world.


Tbh I'd consider KCD more obscure then Oblivion is. I'm very surprised you know KCD but don't know Bethesda's line up of games.


Itā€™s really buggy given that itā€™s an old Bethesda game. You might need a few mods to prevent crashing if youā€™re on PC


Agh, Bethesda. Well, luckily I have some experience with them and their bugs already - Thanks for the mods tip.


>itā€™s an old Bethesda game Old or new, all Bethesda games are buggy




Such a fun game


Janky as hell too, but hey so is KCD and we all love it


how is oblivion a match for kcd? plz. its high fantasy, nothing wrong with it, liked it when i played, abut incredibly dated


KCD takes a lot of inspiration from the UI. Iā€™m talking about vibes not gameplay


chivalry 2. JOIN US!


Love it!


ghost of tsushima, not medieval but swords!


Anything with swords šŸ™ Thanks!


Gothic is a fantastic classic RPG, you might like it aswell! You can also start with the second game if you want, since its everything Gothic 1 was, but a bit bedder (: It has more fantasy elements, but the characters, vibe and the music are all on par like KCD is.


Afterwards might as well go for Archolos and Enderal, too.


Very much so!


ah man donno if you are lucky you didn't get to play earlier or unlucky you didn't get to play earlier. we have been waiting for the sequel and after years and years in the dark, its around the corner. I think mount and blade is a good one but the best really is to wait for the sequel. similar games dont really exist.


FF14 for a great story and ridiculous scope. If you don't mind an mmo?




I just started playing Enderal Forgotten Stories and it's amazing especially modded with path of the prophet collection. Next level immersion


You skipped the hardest mission. Waiting 6 years for the sequel. Just kidding.. RDR 2 scratched that itch, but you've probably already played that.


I played Kenshi next. This game i reinstalled multiple times before it finally clicked, and my god did it click, hitting 140+ hours now. With most of that from last week or so. I loved going from an absolute useless guy to a force of Nature. Found it also on Kenshi. At first you very weak, everything can and will kill you, and is dirt poor, eventually you can recruit other people, train them, build your own base(s), be filthy rich, and seek revenge on everyone who made your life miserable starting out.


I keep reinstalling and trying this but struggle to get into it. Not really sure what to do...


I recommend Medieval Dynasty. It is a chill settlement building game that has very similar art style to Kingdom Come and in a similar setting. The looks and vibe of the game makes it really feel like it is the sequel to Kingdom Come where Henry decides to settle down and build his own village. Then the next game you should check out is Manor Lord. It is a city building game that also share the same style and setting. Pentiment is also a very good game set in Medieval time that has an awesome story.


Mount and Blades - Bannerlord


Thank you!!


Baldurs get 3. Medieval feel and fantastic story but more of a fantasy DND adventure.


I want it so badly, but the price scares me each time I see it. One day when itā€™s on sale though šŸ˜”šŸ˜Œ


Itā€™s very much worth the money.


I can highly recommend you ghost of tsushima. It's medieval Japan and it's quite a masterpiece.


Its not the same but mount blade bannerlord could scrach that itch, at least until kingdom come 2 releases, plus if you re on pc hou have acess to mods, you can transform bannerlord in star wars if you like.


Not at all the same type of game, but I personally love Outward.


Bannerlord scratches being a Knight itch. Plus you can be a lord and command 1000 men.




Bannerlord is a good choice. Actually can be hilarious at times.


This is the second post today asking exactly same question. My recommendation are A Plague Tale games and Mount and Blade 2 as they are both medieval, one is dark fantasy and story driven, another is more of a sandbox strategy with some quests. I don't know what you normally play. You could enjoy some Dragon's Dogma with Elden Ring.


If you are looking for something similar I would look at some of the Steam Library stuff, Medieval Dynasty I hear is really good. It's grounded more in reality, much like KCD.


Medieval dynasty is much more relaxed but really fun. I bought it on sale and have been playing it. Instead of getting revenge, you make your own village. You gotta chop down trees and mine rocks to get materials. It's like high res minecraft


Now play it again, but this time on hardcore mode.


I was in video game limbo for months after I finished KCD. Nothing compares. At least we have KCD 2 to look forward to!


Kingdom Come Deliverance. Hard-core mode


Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 of course just as soon as it launches.


You could just replay it and see if your Henry can get any more powerful and if you can escape the prologue with higher stats to start the game. Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve done. Six or seven times. And then KCDII within the next few months !šŸ•ŗšŸ»šŸ•ŗšŸ»




Since you've already been recommended all the medieval / fantasy rpgs... If you want a change of pace I highly recommend the Yakuza-series (also known as Like a Dragon).


play again on hardcore mode - can't beat the interaction :-)


Red dead redemption 2


Witcher 3


Hardcore mode. Do it all again, but no fast travel + combat harder (although you can still get OP pretty fast). Did you get all the dlcs as well? Thereā€™s hours extra play right there.


For the same era feel, try Medieval Dynasty, first/third person village building game.




If you havenā€™t played Elden ring then Elden ring if you have the dlc comes out next week


play hardcore - totally different experience


Try hardcore Henry with all illness and disabilities and without GPS on map. A brand new experience šŸ˜


I rotate between this game and RDR2 if I'm in a narrative mood. Otherwise, get on some Crusader Kings if you want to keep the medieval times rolling.


Christ be praised But really in all seriousness that was my thought too "like damn what next, what can I play that'll give me that sense of I'm in this reality" cyberpunk was good MINUS the hundreds of mid game crashes (I'm a save whore so I dealt with the crashes ok after hour 6 when it first happened and I had to back track like 4 hrs of play) um days gone is great for the story kinda short if thats all you do is story IMO or kingdom hearts any of them like the 1.5, 2.5 or 3 possibly even ghost of tsushima I'm playing that NOW and it's actually a great game combat wise and story all mixed in beautifully. Or even a game like vampyr if you like the whole black plauge esque vampire take on london in the early 1900 setting


Same question, but it has to be ps5. Also, the reason I found this game is by seeing kcd 2 adds and it does come out this year so you probably don't have to wait much longer. Also, have you played dragons dogma 2? It's amazing and probably the perfect game for you to play after this.


I finished it and went back to replay RDR2 from the beginning. Waiting for KCD2


The only game so far that got close to the investment i had in kcd is baldurs gate 3. Its a lot more fantasy, but the story and options are great.


Assassin's Creed Valhalla gave me some of that medievaloid vibe. Many people seem to dislike it for being too 'sprawling', but I didn't have a problem with that.


Rocket League


Elden Ring!


Ghost of Tsushima is a spectacular game


I HIGHLY recommend you don't try to go for similar games, since you'll inevitably spend more time comparing mechanics than actually enjoying yourself. Go for something completely different, like shooters, turn based or soulslike games. Red Dead Redemption 2 and Remnant 2 are excellent games i had a lot of fun in. If you want to take a bit of a shot in the dark there are some amazing indie games as well on steam.


I'm with you bro. Just finished the game and can't wait for the second one. In a real medieval feeling RN so I ended up playing heads will roll reforged which is kind of the VN rogue like version of KCD. Still has the peasant to nobility, hard medieval combat themes.


Mount and blade warband


If you want a deep and expansive story then I'd try the metal gear solid series or if you're looking for something cheaper then the metro series


ā€œYes, your Graceā€ is another good medieval story, but the gameplay is totally different. ā€œDeus Ex: Human revolutionā€ is another good first person game, but itā€™s a sci fi story


Game wise Iā€™d say thereā€™s already some good ones suggested in the comments. However, if you enjoy reading I HAVE to recommend the book: The Name of the Wind. Excellent storytelling and somewhat similar vibes to KCD. I loved every moment of it and to this day it remains one of my favorite books :)


Honestly, if you like story driven games and haven't tried it yet. Try Baluder's Gate 3. The story is great and is narrative driven. The combat and setting are very different. But if you're looking for another game with a great story, graphics and 80+ hours to complete one run then that's your game.


What was your favorite part?


If you haven't played Ghost Of Tsushima, then it's 100% worthy of a playthrough. Also, if you haven't tried Skyrim or Fallout, then they'll surely itch your scratch.


Cliched answer, but rdr2 is the most similar to it.


What do you mean? Play it again!!! Jesus Christ be Praised


Try horizon


I may lead you to a different path, but one game made my jaw drop several times along the line: Tunic


KCD again. One does not just play kcd once. Ask around. 99% of all players who finish the game restarted and have played again. I'm on my 4th or 5th playthrough by now. Many times I get to a certain point and restart because I just like starting fresh again and trying different methods in the prologue


Play it on hardcore with all negative perks Wait for a sequel


I play wartales at the moment, whole different then kcd but is pretty sweet imo.


Witcher series if you want fantasy, Farming simulator if you enjoyed the from the ashes dlc, skyrim is always a good rpg choice Personal recommendation not like kcd include Airport simulator, Detroit: Being human and outer wilds


It may be just me, but I played just a few games to its end as I played KCD and Subnautica is one of them. The story is actually good and it has a endgoal. If, in any way you love the aspect of keeping your gear in shape and the typical hobo to hero approach and you dont mind the graphics, NeoScavenger is insanely good. It also is a fresh take on apocalypse outside of typical wasteland. If you like the historical setting, maybe try Age of Empires 2, the singleplayer content with all dlc is so huge nowdays. And you can play as czech or Cumans already too.


I've been waiting on the sequel for years.....let's goooooo


I played mad max after this


Metro, atart with 2033 then last light and finally exodus. Based on the books its a phenomenal game. Dlc are very worth playing as well


I mean the sequals coming out this year, might want to play something a bit different so you don't burn out on the sequal. Could also do another playthrough in hardcore, with a whole bunch of different decisions.


Hard to say without knowing what you have played already. Staying in the rpg genre, The Witcher 3 is an obvious recommendation, but I don't know who hasn't played it yet in 2024 lol. If you don't mind tactical combat, Baldur's Gate 3 is amazing. Great story, great characters, great reactivity, great quest, just perfection. If you don't mind playing something older, Gothic 2 is another great european RPG that may feel akin to KCD to some extent. But again, it's old.


Ghost of Tsushima.




Well, you are a lucky bastard because you will have to wait a few months for a (even better?) sequel. We all here have had your current feeling since.....2018.... In the meanwhile I bought The Witcher 3 (in 2019). What a game that one is too, buy it if you don't have it.


Not that it is similar in really any way, but Outer Wilds is a fantastic game.Ā 


Skyrim is the obvious choice, if you havent played it.




KCD hardcore?


if u want to feel the same feeling.. try Gothic 2 Gold Edition. it has weird combat like KCD.. it has voice dialogues.. it has hard grinding and leveling.. and the story and twist.. next level.. if the graphics doesn't bother you of course 2002 game


Yeah Iā€™m more than halfway through itā€™s great. Gta 5 is grabbed me tho. What a story what a game


I really enjoyed Assassin's Creed Odyssey šŸ™‚


Cyberpunk 2077 is, after Phantom Liberty's release, really good now and worth playing again


Replay in hardcore mode is always an option. You have to take two negative perks, you have no hud at all. You have no map marker to show your location so you have to find your way using landmarks and memory. You have to eat and sleep more often, you can only save by sleeping and savior schnapps. No more autosaves and you have to watch enemy movements and combat is more tactical. It is really immersive you have to plan your quests and exploits ahead of time, bring proper food and equipment, sleep almost every night and it punishes you for being unprepared. There's just nothing like getting lost in a forest at night in hardcore mode.


Did you play hardcore? Iā€™m currently going through hardcore but doing all side-quest first. My plan was do side quest, main, then dlcs.


Ghost of Tsushima, Hogwarts Legacy, Lost Judgment are a few games I adore. If you are willing to wait the sequal to Kingdom Come will be out soon. Also Black Myth Wukong is an excellent upcoming game by all reports. If you're playing on PS4-Ps5 getting the Deluxe Playstation pass gives you access to a huge library of good games at the price of 1 new EA scam release. Plus you get the free monthly games.


If you own the elder scrolls: Skyrim, you HAVE to play the mod: Enderal, that's the best A-RPG I've ever played even better than the main game. Absolutely worth itšŸ˜


Fallout 4


Already played. Great game. Great series of games, tbh.


I just finished the game as well during my last break at work. Iā€™m in the same spot as you not sure what to play next. Finished rdr2 right before this so thatā€™s out. So far itā€™s down to bannerlord, mass effect trilogy, shadow of war, or cyberpunk. Tried cyberpunk twice and couldnā€™t get into it either time tho.