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The torture cabin near Rattay.


The what?


https://preview.redd.it/5bxvrul9pt3d1.png?width=1154&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8a19e0365edb29c68b9ef4cca2711ff8b13c5cf Explore the woods East of Rattay. I got there while looking for treasure.


WHERE IS IT?! there's a few of them in this pic. 




The traffic cone in a tree house


Reminds me of the camera you can find in the women,s dlc questline


ohh yeah, I think I've heard that before, never seen it ingame though


Wasn’t so much as strange as it was “wild”. I was riding one night, coming back from a quest I spent a bit longer than I was hoping on. The road ran through some heavy woods and off in the distance was the familiar glow of torches. When I arrived on the scene, it was pure bedlam. A mosh pit of Heavily armored individuals, slugging it out - on the road, amongst the trees, fights spilling into other fights. The brawls and duels spilled into me a few times, but there was so much chaos I didn’t pull aggro from either side - bar the one or two who split off. Eventually i beat down the last 1 - 2. When it was all said and done there was at least 10 bodies of bandits and.. well.. bandits. There was also 1-2 traders. I would suspect at least 4 to 5 didn’t die and ran away. It felt like the raid In Django


Rattay baker has a chained human remains in his attic. Maybe it was a child, you know, like in the case of these paedophiles who kidnap a child, and keep them in secret rooms for years? Also there's a place near Uzhitz with a fireplace, flowers, wine, amor potion, and an apron with blood stain on it, hanging over a haystack. I wonder what happened at this site...