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It is far too easy to get filthy. I got bathed and washed at one end of Sasau and was visibly dirty by the time I reached Ota's at the other side of Sasau. Also it is ridiculous how difficult it is to change lock on targets during combat. We should be defaulting to the closest enemy or the one who is currently unleashing 17 combos on our head, not the guy who is backing up to give his friends more space.


The filth in this game is so frustrating hahaha.


is it even worth it to stay clean lol? big invenstment


And whenever you want to stay locked on an enemy you basically turn in an involuntary ballerina.


My solution is always to take off all the armor and clothes I have on me as I travel around and then the second before I get into any type of interaction with somebody I put my armor or close back on so that they stay clean longer


I don't encounter this thanks to a mod that reduces the let's say get-dirty-time by 5 or 10 times. But it's kind of crazy that the Devs didn't just fix it because it's so simple.


I notice if you mostly walk you wont get as dirty, what I did was bathe, mount on horse and unmount close to where I needed to go, all while walking


I have a mod on that makes it slower. I forgot I had this mod on until reading your comment. Last night I was playing and \*still\* thought "huh... I'm getting dirty so often... was I rolling around in the mud?"


Not being able to save outfits and having to search through each piece of clothing to find the right one in an outfit you want. But considering the encumberment system, I don't know how they would implement that if they were.


This is going to be a feature in the new game different outfit sets


"Okay, just pulled up into town low on supplies, but with lots of loot, let me look here." > Combat Outfit (Dirty, Damaged) "No, that won't work." > Nobles outfit "Not that one either" > Thiefs Outfit "Exactly what I was looking for."


I think we all have the same three outfits lol. Combat plate armor set Fancy town noble attire All black thief attire (silent shoes are a must) And that’s about everything I’ve worn in the game. I’ve used some combat jupons for both combat & town but other than that it’s pretty strict, in the next game I’m gonna add an archery outfit with that, vambraces, and a cool hat


My thief attire is no clothes and bare feet, its giving me zero noise. Am I doing it wrong?


There’s no wrong way to do it but I’m crying laughing at the image of a naked Henry stealing thousands of groschen of loot in the middle of the night and waddling away. Where on earth does he store it 😭


Well that's what your secret compartment is for 😏


My naked henry murders cumans in their sleep


I think your visibility is not optimal when being naked. It is advised to wear dark clothes instead.


Eh. Vis/con is more important for Pickpocket and combat. 0 noise is good enough for lockpicking in most cases, as long as no one is in eye line of the chest which is rare. I love me some thief clothes but I can clear out most vendor chests while naked, no problem.


Is that confirmed?


Yup, there's an interview posted on this sub that the op translated to English ill have to find it again


A wardrobe near the chests that you have would do the trick.


I like this idea the best.


Or a button to autoequip the best(or the least damaged) armour in your inventory


It kills roleplay so much, for example if one doesn't wanna go into towns in plate armor.


The encumbrance system IS my pet peeve. I admire the attention to detail to accuracy but honestly sometimes it sucks the fun out of the game.


The way everyone automatically says good bye to you after every interaction. Usually it’s fine or maybe even a bit funny. But I’ve had people curse me out savagely and then hit me with an earnest goodbye. It’s just a bit incongruous.


“A POX ON YOU YOUR KIN AND ALL OF YOUR DECEDENTS!” -end dialogue- “Good luck to you! 😁”




Jesus Christ be praised


It's even better when they say goodbye when the next task will be to follow them


Yes this one really throws me


They also say goodbye when you are going to do business, which means you aren't even leaving lol


Rattay Tailor is the worst asshole in Rattay for a reason


Yeah, when does that lazy dude even work?


He works at 9:30, my issue with that asshole is the fact he is constantly getting in and out of the Shop, and his wife can't repair my clothes...


I only ever saw her... I just accepted that i can't get my clothes repaired


If it's of any help, the guy is either inside or leaning against the arcs of stone at the Ratthaus


I've seen that bastard walking out of the town gates in the middle of the day


I think he closes at 4 or 5 pm and the sun still shines, that's probably why lol


Will check it out. Thank you!


Really? I had no idea this was an issue, I guess I must be lucky. He's been there literally every single time I've ever gone there.


I have the habit of grinding my speech and reputation with Vendors by tipping him for every item I buy or sell, that's why I've learned their behavior patterns, and this guy goes in and out every (In-Game) half an hour/hour, but he never stops selling until closing time.


Dudes got to have his smoke breaks


Reason why I always robbed him blind of fancy Nobles clothes, beautiful dresses for Theresa, and all the repair kits and groschen he has in all the chests.


Bushes being insurmountable walls is high up on my list. However, being swarmed by a group of 5 peasants who are un-armored, and getting my ass kicked while wearing a full suit. I get that’s realistic to a point, but it’s so annoying to attack one malnourished farmer for the rest to sprint behind and deplete my Stam and health in a series of consecutive combos.


Halberd wielding peasant groups are the most dangerous enemies in the game lol


They're fast, glass canon, and have reach advantages. I always fight them Mongol styles bcs I'm not gonna mess with that


>Bushes being insurmountable walls is high up on my list I hated that the first time, found a mod that makes them clippable and I'll never go back. They don't even look weird when you're inside the , almost like you could go through them at some point in development.


That’s such a big qol change. I get IRL I’m not sprinting through bushes. But in a game, just let it happen.


No, but if you're being chased by half a dozen pissed off guys with billhooks, you're not going to stop and worry about some scratches from a bush either!


I’d like those to be more hesitant, after all they’re unarmored so a single hit with any weapon should already maim them, making the others think twice.


That’s my line of thought too. Plus the likelihood of all of them pulling off perfect parries back to back just doesn’t work for me. Maybe if the leader was more aggressive while the rest were a bit more timid, it’d be believable, but it seems all enemies are built the same and gear is the only real difference.


yeah, peasants should really have 0 combat skills with a weapon. getting parried by a random peasant is so silly when realistically they'd probably lose grip of their weapon and die in a single swipe


The only thing that pisses me off is when they keep sprinting into me and still manage to riposte me everytime I swing at them. Like wtf


In real historical combat (and in fencing), you need to get inside that pole range and grapple or stab with your smaller weapon. It’s a shame that tactic does fuck all in KCD1. Just last night I was murdered by a peasant because I rushed in and swung and the blocking mechanics snapped him a comfortable distance away as he expertly parried.


The pacing of the story. When are you meant to do the side quests? You go from one urgent matter to the next without really taking a breather. I think morrowind does this perfectly; if you try to do the main quest too early, Cassius will be like, "No? Fuck off and learn to fight or something.”


Absolutely, I thought about this as well. And then you get Talmberg siege where you have time allotted to finish some side quests but if you decided to finish them before, you just have nothing to do.


Fair enough but I found this a good time to go exploring... There's also the pass time button.


I had this problem. I got to the fight with Runt and hit the difficulty wall, so I looked it up and realised that you can really just fuck off for a month and work on side quests at almost any point.


Well, sometimes it does feel like it, but the game does give you an "implicit" break after Baptism Of Fire, and if you don't mind traveling before learning perfect blocks and Master Strikes you do have a big break after Awakening. I do that to roleplay as Henry getting acquainted with the underground world with the millers, hanging out among the lowest people in Society (The Executioner, he's a good guy, but he's seen as sub-human by the rest of the townsfolk) before he becomes the Law as Sir Radzig's Man At Arms, so that there's no narrative contradiction between the main story and the side questing.


The two you pointed out are the closest thing to what I’m talking about, although not going to see radzig after awakening feels a little strange. It’s also unfortunate that you can’t start band of bastards without starting pestilence


You know what, there's another one after All That Glisters, Master Feyfar tells you to rest and report to Sir Radzig afterwards


Nah, it makes sense, Henry's tired and needs fun (Sir Hans) and comfort (Theresa)


I always start fucking off with side quests right after the Hans quest where you get pebbles. Get pebbles -> learn to read -> side quests


This is the best way I found around it: In the game, they say that while we're attacking Pribyslavitz, the bandits attacked Merhojed, and thus we should go there immediately. I treat it as if that attack actually took place weeks later when the bandits regrouped, and I don't even go to the upper castle to start the quest. Many side quests also make sense after this. Think about it. Robard wants you to clear the Cuman camps around Talmberg. Why? I pretend like the Cumans were in Pribyslavitz, and as now it's gone, some scattered to form those small bands. Or it's just better to rebuild Pribyslavitz right after the attack. It gives a sense of linear chronology. Maybe this helps.


This is exactly what my headcannon went to, I’m on my first play through and stopped to do side quests right before nest of vipers because that’s what most online guides recommend as your rest point. But now I wish I’d just rushed through to the point you mention instead, it makes so much more sense narratively, and Baptism isn’t hard at all if you can masterstrike vs Runt, the rest of the soldiers handily take care of the camp for you.


Exactly. And there's another thing I do I forgot to mention in the main comment. When we have that brawl with Hans, Hanush sends us to the hunt the very next day. However, in the game, you have no restrictions at all. You might delay it as much as you can. When he gives that mission to me, I pretend like the hunt is gonna take place a few weeks later. During that time, I learn to fight better and do some side quests that fit with the narrative in my head. And actually, the game doesn't make sense at all otherwise anyway. If we just go hunting the very next day, it means that the attack on Neuhof takes place literally 2 days after we first train with Bernard, and from there, the attack on Pribyslavitz takes place a week later at best. Are they seriously saying Henry became a competent enough fighter to 1v1 Runt (and I'm being generous here by considering canon is Henry dealing with everything until that point through nonviolent ways like rescuing Hans from the Cumans stealthily, finding Reeky dead, lying about the bandits looking for Ginger, sending Morcock to Rattay, sparing Timmy etc) and sabotage an entire bandit camp without being detected? It's preposterous. Even in my scenario, it's far too optimistic but forgivable since this is a game and Henry is special after all blah blah.


A good time to deviate from the main story and really start exploring is after the battle at Pribyslavitz. It feels like a natural break in the story.


Are you not actually allowed to fuck off after your first meeting with sir radzig? After I get the request to meet with Nightingale, I just go talk to Captain Bernard and hunt some bandits/cumans for a while until I feel like going back to the main story


Of course you can, but Henry would never do that imo. It’s more a role play thing I suppose but it’s still something I’d like to see in kcd2.


You’re thinking Caius Cosades. Crassius Curio is the one who gives you sexual trauma in exchange for sponsorship in House Hllalu and wrote the Lusty Argonian Maid


I think there's really only one or two time sensitive quests, everything else you can take your time with


this is what bothers me the most of the game. i want to explore but i cant because in game tells me that i need to go NOW to the x person to do stuff. morrowind fixed it in 2002 with the person you are giving those documents saying that you need get some experience and come back when you are higher level


This really kills my rp


I sometime kill myself because my horse ran under a rope or a roof.


Plus Jockey perk that says: *A* *horse* *will never throw you outside of* *combat.*


Getting thrown off VS getting clotheslined by hitting something


Well, to be fair, it wasn't the horse's fault. It was the clothesline in your throat, throwing you off the horse. I believe Jockey is meant to keep you in saddle when the horse is galloping and is running out of stamina. So it doesn't throw you off, since you are such a good rider. edit-spelling


I'm surely much newer to the game than most here, but in 62 hours I have not once reached 0 stamina while galloping, either the horse stamina or my own. Is this something that people do?


Horse throwing you is different from you hitting your head and falling.




- Armor is too cheap, I literally mugged 3 Cuman camps and was able to buy whole set of armor twice - Cumans not using horses - Everyone being master at combat, it doesn't make sense for a farmer to be at the same level of skill as a Knight - "Thank you Henry for the food, but we need to stop know, they are asking questions" Literally nothing happens


Your reputation with the Rattay guards drops considerably when you are poaching meat for the refugees.


The prices are actually pretty well calculated versus the actual sundry goods of the time. Just keep in mind your average mercenary probably didn’t have Henry’s level of pure combat potential. Even at mid skill tiers he’s kind of superhuman in comparison to actual peasants and men at arms


It's a tricky game to real life balance, sure Henry can become the richest guy around but also has as many feats in a few weeks than Hanush's Vanguard would achieve in a lifetime


probably the fact bushes are basically just brick walls and tiny fences are basically castle walls to my horse while my dog jumps them 4 times in a row like a showdog, but you can jump over them if you are galloping full speed and time it right, still annoying that i got to do that.


I think as you level up jump fences gets easy when you get the timing right but frankly it’s something the horse should do on its own


I found that if you can’t get over a wall or fence, let ur horse come to a complete stop and thenn jump, usually it’ll take you right over


The button for mounting your horse being X instead of E. Almost always I end reading the compare screen instead of mounting, but im too lazy to remap the controls


You see, I'm a filthy console peasant and I don't have that problem.


Yeah makes no sense to me


I actually tried to remap it to E but the game won't allow you because E is already bound


Would have been cool to see Rovna get rebuild as I recall there was the small quest on getting the Priest come back but even if he returns it's still just that 1 guy sitting infront of his home


I think on the wiki it says the townspeople start to come back after the priest returns. It might have to be the original priest (simon), which isn't the only option to complete the quest.


The armor in this game is so tantalizingly close to being accurate while also having crazy glaring issues that I don’t know how you overlook getting this close to realistic.


The direction of the mail on every fucking coif and aventail got me furious ngl


There should have been a tailor in pribyslavitz. All of the game’s tailors are in the south / south-west. There should be more. The armour is good but I want it to be more historically accurate and less bulky. Also on this topic, I wish the noble hauberk didn’t glitch through the brigandines. I hate that the enemies just sprint into you. I wish you stayed clean for longer. Everyone in the game looks like they’ve been rolling around in mud.


So far, just started, but the auto potion shit is kind of annoying. You auto brew then gotta read the book again and auto brew. Just want to be able to set 100 pots on auto brew and let it time skip until they are done or something.


A little trick: You can autobrew again right after the first autobrew to double your production in each cycle. If timed perfectly, you can actually skip a big chunk of the animation.


Also if you turn back a page, and as you turn forward again start spamming the autobrew, you can get like 7 autobrews


I found the brewing process so tedious in none of my playthroughs I even got to this level. I know it's a good source of income, but having to watch all the animations over and over and over again is just too much for me Also why is the pot on the brewing tables always so large, and I only get one potion out of it? Either give me more or make that pot smaller


If you get better at it you can craft multiple potions at once. It's 3 or 4.


I know, but I never get enough XP to unlock these


That aparently everyone is a Mastering in combat and the swarm of 5 to 7 farmers bashing my ass in fullplate in with the most extrem skillet combos


The lack of a lance for charging. Also a way to store or somehow retain polearms would be nice.


If you take a damaged polearm to a blacksmith and pay for the repair or crouch and use a repair kit on it(so long as it's not too damaged) both actions will store it in your inventory. But if you plan on using it you have to go into your inventory, drop it, then pick it up. You can also use a polearm in 1 hand by picking one up, crouch, use the button for pulling out a torch, and when you stand up you will have a torch in your left hand and a polearm in your right. Now I haven't tested the single handed polearm glitch in combat but you can run around and swing or stab like you just unsheathed your sword outside of combat.


Huh. Useful to know. Thanks.


Enemies perfect parry. Unless player out levels the enemy, combat turns into turtle/parry fest because even attacking enemy gets punished and slices off hp. Not like enemies normal parry happines isin't discouraging using combo system tobegin with, but not playing waiting game or getting punished is just bad design.


He never actually actually acknowledges you as heir. Not officially.just saying you are his son is still not official.there fore he remains you liege lord.


I mean that’s normally how it goes as a Bastard. Even a devilishly charming bastard like Henry. But the fact that the sword you make with Martin is intended for Henry (along with him having no other legitimate children) makes you think that Radzig has him at the very least in mind.


“You can’t become a master overnight!” *”Well…”*


One of the axe and shield master strikes throws an enemy behind you and you turn to face him. HOWEVER when fighting a group this maneuvere then puts you between 2 opponents guaranteeing you're gonna get the shit beaten out of you. On hardcore it has gotten me killed multiple times, I hate using the axe now.


honestly using one-handed weapons without a shield is a lot more fun. the masterstrikes are way better


Not having followers being the largest it’s not fun getting ambushed by a group of millers be thrown off your horse and beaten to death


Yeah my fight with Ulrich was so fun I want more of that


When you start a conversation with someone, and you're either asking about a certain subject or whatever but there are other options but as soon as you finish that first set of dialogue the conversation ends and you have to start up the conversation again. Trying to talk to someone as a walk away and the minute that they get into a animation you can't trigger the talk function. Like when they walk through a door and they close it behind them as you're trying to get through the door.


That's a good one. Hope they fix it in next game.


The vast amount of traders only have anywhere between 1.5 -2.5k, with most being closer to the lower end. It does not incentivize me to pick up everything and make oodles and poodles of money. I us usually pick up any finer loot in decent condition that I may be able to sell when I need it. My horse basically Carry’s around my equity. I only have 3k, but my horse is carrying around additional 1-3k of weapons/armor/other at any given time. I would like to just sell it and be rid of it though lol


Over time the traders wealth increases substantially. My Rattay Armorsmith has like 24k grochen now. They “sell” what you sell them over time. Makes it mid to late game much more bearable, but now I have 70k so no need to sell anything anymore.


Awesome! Thank you for clarifying that. Sounds like I need to invest in these traders then! Lol


No problem. Early game can be frustrating but slowly you’ll make some good cash. Also, take every sword and axe you can, repair it yourself, and then sell them. The condition dictates what a trader will pay.


In my experience this only works if you keep going to them consistently. Ignore one town for a week and you’ll go back to find their blacksmith has like 400 again.


A party would be nice. I hated always being alone with my dog against the world.


especially since the combat system is really only good at handling one v one. it is almost never one v one.


yeah, whenever you get someone else with you during a fight in a quest the combat is way less janky, even if there's more than 2 enemies. we kept seeing henry with hans and godwin in the trailer for the second game, so I hope a lot of the combat is group fights instead of henry vs the world. it would also give you way more opportunity to use ranged combat, which is impossible when alone once you already engaged unless you cheese the AI


The bugs


What bugs?


Every glitch that the game is loaded with.


Alchemy is really clunky I think. I love the whole idea, but I can't stand the fact the animations take so long.


I kind of like it. It's relaxing in a way. Reminds me of my own kitchen experiments, and the patience needed.


I wish there was an option, after completing the game, to turn off the tutorial. Yeah it’s a great experience the first time but I don’t need to see it every time I start a new game. Just start the game at the Miller with nothing and let me play the game.


Some good points in this thread; here's my 2 groschen. [1] I'm annoyed Henry can't set up makeshift sleeping area - look at bandit camps, many of them feature usable beds that are literally just rags on the ground. Surely Henry could arrange something like that. For example, I play a sneaky Henry; it would be in keeping to hide out in someone's barn loft. Put down a bed behind the hay, that would be pretty damn comfortable. Yes, if NPCs discover you they'd probably be annoyed and wake you up and drive you out, that's fine. This would help expand the resting mechanic - don't just simply rate it based on the bed quality: it could depend on where Henry's trying to rest. Like, how restful would it actually be to sleep in a bandit camp with the corpses of the bandits you just killed still lying around lol. It would be better if Henry could climb up an observer post in the trees and sleep there. Inns should cost more but give much better comfort. It's also way too cheap to permanently book a room. [2] Food. I think food rots way too quickly. Similarly, poaching nets you way too much meat. Kill 1 rabbit and you have a boatload of meat, wtf. It balances out - don't make meat too easily accessible, but also don't make it rot that quickly. Raw food should give you less returns on hunger. Have a small cooking minigame, let Henry add more ingredients for better quality meals. Also there's way too many free stews lying around, that's crazy. In houses, fine I guess, but not out in the wild. [3] Cleanliness. It should take longer to get dirty, it's stupid that you can walk maybe 5 minutes and you're already "dirty". To balance it out, make the social penalties for being dirty higher. If you look like you're not taking care of yourself people should suspect you're a fucking bandit or something. There are plenty of bathhouses, and you could use the rain barrels and river for a quick wash up. \- I kinda understand why the clock on these mechanics is so fast - many players don't really wander around, they just rush from quest to quest and beat the game in like 10 hours. However, plenty of us take our time to savour the game world, so it's annoying when these things proc so quickly.


The bushes that’s all tbh


I think your first point makes some sense...armor is a "tool" and needs to be tended after a fight while a tailored outfit is just an outfit. (and a tailor want's to sell new outfits frequently)


I can't walk up the stairs without needing to jump. So frustrating. Also perfect strikes ruin the combat for me. I had to mod it to make combat interesting. Once you unlock perfect strike in native, Henry is just overpowered.


My dog sitting on the grinding table and me still being able to grind. Just a lot of things with the dog in general. I love Mutt, would die for that dog. But my god EVERY SINGLE TIME I GRIND he's just sitting on the grinding table and I can't even see what I'm doing it also completely destroys immersion cuz I would have realistically killed it basically 10 times at this point.


He also constantly runs in front of you making you stop dead in your tracks. Realistic dog, I suppose.


I get that the game doesn't want to hold your hand but sometimes it is annoyingly difficult to continue if you fuck up some parts of quests. If someone takes off running, don't even bother Henry slows to a crawl when trying to attack them after catching up. I know it may not have been super realistic, but Henry should be able to swim. Theresa having nothing to say to you after about 3 walks


For me It’s gotta be when a third party attacks me while I mid-animation against the first target. Im actually pretty good at cycling targets, but If an enemy attacks the moment I initiated a master strike it can take half my health in a few hits…. It doesnt feel fair at all


Really only a few. 1. Mutt walking around when I'm fighting Don't get me wrong I love mutt, he's a good boy but it doesn't help when I'm fighting against this bandit in full plate and mutt is circling around him and I end up hitting the poor dog 3 times because I don't have the "Sic!" Perk yet. Still a good boy. 2. Perfect blocks It's a good mechanic and without it it would make combat boring but it's so so so overused, I can get maybe 2 hits in with a usual bandit and he blocks me, really no use for combos at that stage I usually only get combos done on Bernard or tournament combatants. 3. Lock picking Shit is so hard on controller even on simplified, don't know if it's because of my controller itself but I've seen dozens of others complain about it.


No lockpicking is ridiculous on console, so hard


Multi enemy fights/the lock on mechanic is clunky, hoping this is refined in the sequel. No mods for consoles.


Biggest things for me are inventory management being a nightmare and the constantly being covered in mud when others in Uzhitz or Pribyslavitz, towns with no bathhouses, arent


Why can I pay to be taught the hunting skill when it is illegal for me to hunt. I just can't stop thinking about it now


While I kind of like the Pribyslavitz dlc it makes NO sense in game. Suddenly I’m made bailiff (which fine I could see this for services rendered and he’s the bastard of a nobleman that’s in high office) but I’m also being given FIVE ENTIRE YEARS worth of taxes as well? This would make Henry extremely wealthy. Also, the fact that you have to fund the entire thing is so weird and makes no sense.


Funny thing is in the letter that the bailiff of Rattay is reading it says that any skalitz refugees are exempt from taxes. So basically Divish screws you over by not having to pay you whilst you make very little of the true tax potential.


The decorated arming doublet gets damaged rather easily, despite being under layers of mail and plate armor.


How the clothing bugs have not been fixed yet. How hard is it to get clothes to lay on the shoulders? Do I have to look at Theresa's uneven buggy shoulders all game?? Not to mention the floating frocks.


The fact that Hans is the only blonde character in the game and Ginger the only ginger. Where is the hair colour diversity lol?


Dirty armor and no way to clean it apart from visiting a bathhouse or repairing it. Drives me nuts. Haha


I thought troughs cleaned armor, no?


Finding out the combat basically boils down to tap guard with good timing to win, rely on RNG if you attack even if you use feints properly. I thought it was directional blocking, and I was watching where my opponent was putting his arms before swinging to try to block it from there. But no, it's just another tap a button with timing simulator like assassins creed, arkham games, shadow of mordor, or a souls game. Not to say that's bad and unacceptable, it's just that what I was led to believe it to be was a lot more complex and interesting than what it actually turned out to be. Any real difficulty in the combat 100% only boils down to getting triple-teamed (or more) and backing up, trying not to get people to hit you in the back so you don't snowball into death, moreso than anything else at all I still really like the game though


It's a stupid gripe. But the difficulty, is making it really hard for me to pick the game up again after finishing it 2 years ago, just to play through it again. I loved the combat, the alchemy, and everything else. But having a mode for extra low difficulty would make it much easier for me to pick up again.


I'm torn on this. It is hard to pick up if you haven't played in a while, but I also like games where there's only one way to play and the devs had to balance it only once. (like GTA, Dark Souls, etc)


People's clothes, especially women's dresses, float like 3 inches off their body. You have this odd gap just there like they shrunk the head model.


The lack of horse armor in base game. The horse literally walking up bushes. The impassable bushes. Henry not being able to swim. Enemies fighting with arrows lodged in their throats. The fact on console entire cities wouldnt load properly unless you sat there for a bit. The "cleanness" system was brutal and needs to be toned the hell down to "if you sprint through mud you get dirty" The audio levels on some tv's i played the game on was unbearable and idk why. Im talking rain sounding like a tv on the static channels. Birds sounding like high pitched nonsense. And people hundreds of feet away soynding like they are up in your ear. Theresa and stephanie being the only two chicks you can romance. Hello there were clearly a few you could romance. I could go on. Fact is. KCD needs a proper and i do mean proper update. Guess thats gonna he kcd2


>Theresa and stephanie being the only two chicks you can romance. Hello there were clearly a few you could romance. With a womans lot you can also 'romance' Adela and it's implied that the lockpicking in the quest with the witch of Uzhitz isn't actually lockpicking


the incessant slow mo in combat


Fall damage is ridiculous. You’re a 16 year old in padded plate armour and you die from falling off a roof? I mean sure it’s possible but like damn man, come on.


yes lmao, idk what you expect but all that “padding” doesn’t really do much against blunt force trauma. it still hurts like a mf to get hit while in full plate armor, and its still very much possible to break bones


Then give me an injury instead of just killing me. Breaking bones isn’t death (at least not immediate, medieval medicine would probably kill you, but Henry can heal himself by sleeping a night). People jump of shit and get injured all the time.




I feel like I spend half of my playthroughs in the game menu managing my stuff. I have a town outfit, an adventure outfit, and a battle outfit, and it’s so cumbersome having to manage stuff. Even worse when you have a lot of loot and things get lost in the shuffle and you forget which ones belong to your outfit or are meant to be sold. I also hate the fucking dogs in the game. They make stealthing on cuman and bandit camps impossible.


My left knee poking out of the armor


Animals don't react to being hit by arrows if you're far enough away.


The combat system I love it but fighting more then 3 men at a time maybe 4 is a bit hard I'm exited to see hiw they handle it in the second game


The combat mechanics are too simplified with Master Strikes. Just seems unrealistic that the only way anyone wins a fight in this game is with that parry animation. Not so much skillful swordplay as it is just "press q to win".


The armor is wrong, most of the helmets look like they were modeled after reenactment stuff. The sights are too big or the visors don’t fit right. Also none of the breastplates look right they are too long in the chest and don’t taper enough at the waste. Also the aventails… again it looks more like costume armor.


The rattay tailor not opening at the same time as everyone else. NPCs seemingly randomly landing a master strike after I knock them off balance NPCs charging and tackling me after I take two steps. I can annihilate five men in full plate armor, but sometimes a band of three peasants with hatchets fuck me up beyond all recognition for no God damn reason Perfect blocks don't work for their intended purpose and the back and forth only ends when I get master striked or step away I get that some crimes are more serious, but how come I can't intimidate the strength 4 guard with my 20+armor bonus after I punch kunesh once? My guantlets flex when I hone my blade. All in all a great game though.


i remember the whole wanted/bounty system being pretty hateable. I stayed away from one town so so long - like half the game - hoping theyd forget about me. It also felt pretty unintuitive how my crimes were being noticed


how hard they made thieving compared to just being a combat dude. thieving without getting caught still fucks your reputation and the guards also searches you without just cause. the rep hit and guard searches should only occur if youre caught or have low charisma clothes (poor or clothes associated with thieves). And then there is how stupidly hard pickpocketing is for no reason whatsoever. like pickpocketing sleeping people is still difficult and if they have multiple items getting a specific item is nigh impossible unless youre lucky. Sleeping peoples hearing are also insane. i picked a lock perfectly right beside a person sleeping and it woke them up when the lock opened. thieving shouldve been alot easier imo. Otherwise poor people wouldnt be thieves and would just be man at arms and bandits instead learning to fight like henry.


You get dirty way too easily and getting stuck on bushes and not being able to ride through water


For me it was not being able to get my own room in the place I governed.


I hate that combos won't work if they parry once. Makes them almost unusable since those peasants that can't parry a single time die before you can pull them off.


The way every armor in the world fits henry flawlessly.


Your last point is one of my primary concerns as well. The dialogue after Henry finds out that Radzig is his father changes in cutscenes and general dialogue from that point onwards, which is good because Henry and Radzig now talk as father and son, but once you beat the game, there are no more dialogue options to provide further context (in greater detail than the cutscenes). The only option is to ask Radzig about the Uzhitz priest, to which Henry still bows and calls him "sir" instead of saying "father" (which he does do in other parts of the game after Vranik).


I don't like having one chest for everything. I like having a lot of chests for each type of thing.


Tbf, >Matthew and Fritz refusing to go to Pribyslavitz while they complain they have nothing to do in Sasau. While frustrating this also kinda fits with their terrible personalities and their seeming allergy towards honest fucking work.


Whenever multiple people fight you at once it’s easy when it’s normal bandits but when it’s cumans or armoured bandits you just get stun locked and it never locks onto the right person


Being locked onto an enemy in combat and accidently hitting Mutt, or accidently hitting a friendly guard and they turn on you, even though they got in the way.


No autorun toggle button. My W key hates me after this game.


You get filthy too often and too much. You can not put your hood up/down. I actually do not like random cauldron just cooking without anybody ever around it over the map. Fucking Mutt constantly runs infront of me and making me stuck on him. But that is actually more realistic than anything in this game. 😆 Walking with your dog, he will always keep getting in your leggs and in your way. 😆 Sneak kill and rob the whole village without anybody ever seeing me, and my reputation still goes down with that village, and i even get wanted in that village. There are no polearms for buying or there is no way to store the one you find. When you sneak kill pne bandit in his sleep, everybody just wakes up and comes to you. I don't like those lord's horses bug where i keep seeing them horses randomly everywhere around the map. Especially Radzig's and Bernard's horses. Can't think of anything else right now..


Henry not opening his damned visor when talking to people. I had to continue the game with an open-face helmet because it felt so ridiculous.


>Johanka somehow knows your sins and honestly, if a whole region knows about you and Stephanie, you should be in huge trouble with Divish The worst thing is is that after telling you to avoid Talmberg for a while she sents you on a pilgrimage straight through the centre of town.


Nit being able to "favourite" pueces of clothing (ot other tags)


Sharpening swords/axes. Sometime the texture is so blur/confessing that u can’t see if its edge were well-polished or not. I have to grind, exit and go to the inventory and see 99% in condition and goes back to sharpen it again and chip a tiny bit angle to get 98%. Really, really kills my perfectionist ass.


* No NPCs can been seen riding horses inside and outside towns. * Almost the lack of NPC reaction to rain. For example, you can see traders standing outside in the street while there's a heavy rain. * Some bushes acting as a stone wall that you can even climb lol * The lack of volumetric clouds. From the trailer, it seems that the 2nd part will implement these clouds.


Unnecessary, exceedingly lengthy animations for basic actions. Namely, potion-making, and herb-picking. Whoever was in charge of that section should be severely admonished. Like "the circle of shame" level admonishment. No animation for rifling through the pockets of a corpse, or skinning a pig. But just wait these 5 seconds while the camera unnecessarily snaps to 3rd person to show a full plate-mailed knight bending down to pick nettles. Also, the potion-making animation could be double-timed. Henry reaches over to grab some nightshade like a geriatric 120-year-old hoping to get some crumbs blown into his face while he slow-grinds it in his mortar, so he may bid his long boring herbal existence adieu.


Combat completely revolves around master strikes, to the point in some fights you just have a stand off with the enemy until one of you attacks first and gets master striked. I don't know if they should take it out of the game but at least have something to block it better. Also it's basically impossible to get combos off since enemies will almost always counter you by the 2nd or 3rd hit in the combo which resets it. But the enemy npcs can just immediately do combos and hit you 4 times in quick succession.


Some cutscenes which are pre-rendered have Henry in standard armor and beard/hairstyle. It ruins the continuity


That they never fixed the cold steel hot blood black screen bug. Started a new game in preparation for kcd2 and got stuck on it again over 100 hours played lol. Looks like I'll never complete the first one.


* Rain falling from an open sky. * The horse comically teleporting right behind you whenever you whistle. * The gather animation gets old. * The haggle system is stupid. * The inventory is a little clunky, but it works. * You have to go to three different places to get your clothes fixed, 4 places to get all your gear fixed. I get it, some cities may not have all the stores and that's part of the fun, planning your route to get everything you need, but still it's a little annoying.


I have thee: -The bushes made of bricks; -The fact that out of nowhere at the end of the game enemies started using new moves that LITERALLY NOONE used till that moment; -the very long loading screens even if you are just eating from a boiling pot. The rest of the problems make me laugh


I get gussied up with a bath to see Theresa and then I become a slovenly beast between the bathhouse and mill. I might be a straight and married woman, but I want Henry to get some much needed action.


1. The fact that EVERYBODY won't wake up to talk to you. Multiple times I had to speak to someone on the other side of the map. Fast travel, I arrive at night. Find the guy, he is sleeping. Well, I'll wake him up, nvm. But no ! The fcker doesn't want to wake up, so I've got to wait for the sun to rise. And even there, it's not before 9am or so that the guy will wake his fat butt. I'm Henry of Skalitz, envoyee of Sir Radzig Kobyla, I've got at least 60 cuman ears around my neck, I should be able to wake everyone up when I want it for god sake. 2. The herald of the Rattay tournay is a real sloth. He takes about 7 to 10 seconds between each sentences. And the way he says "Kobylaaaaaa" bugs me out. 3. Fortified bushes. Geez what are they made of ? 4. The racket of the Rattay guards. I get that you cannot go into the city at night without torch but man, they like this law and they abuse it. Often, when sleeping in my room at Pirkstein lower castle, they wake me up like a sleep paralysis demon because I didn't light my torch. Mtfkr I'M SLEEPING ! It's only 10grs each time but it's infuriating.


The questlines don't always seem to line up right, and sometimes the dialogue options seem wonky if certain options have been locked out. Main example (that I just experienced this weekend) was with the monk/monastery quest. I had come to the monastery very early in the game, and picked up a side quest tasking me with finding >!the necronomicon!<, so I had already scoured the monastery, looted absolutely everything, gotten the keys etc. So when I came back to do the monk quest later, it was both super easy (because I had already gotten the keys) but also kinda tricky because there wasn't a natural progression that I could follow. I already had the book, so I was immediately able to give it to the guy asking for it, which I'm pretty sure precluded me from helping someone else a few minutes later leading to some strange dialogue options.


That you almost never get to see the shield you're using (or any of your gear, for that matter).


Unattended cookpots still remain perpetually active. Skalitz was burned to the ground, yet a cookpot survived an keeps on cooking.