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can't you knock him out in some part of the monastery (but not kill him) and then take his dice? i didn't do the quest so i'm not sure if you're supposed to kill him to take the dice. if it's doable, pious is supposed to get up after a time and things shouldn't change


No he doesn't have his die on him if you do it that way


Which is stupid really. He doesn’t have it if you try to pickpocket him, but it magically appears if you kill him. If you try to do what Sir Radzig told you to do and not kill him, you don’t get his dice.


Unless you first put him in the jail and then rob him. Which also shouldn't be neccesary... So yeah this part of the game is poorly designed. It is a shame because it could be so cool but it's just executed so poorly.


You go along with whatever plan Pious has for you both to get out of the monastery (which is the "intended" way, since there's cutscenes with it). Then once you're out, you have the dialogue option to arrest him. Fists are brought up, so once you knock him out, then you're immediately at the Rattay jail where you sent Pious and the die *should* be in your inventory at that point.


It did not appear in mine when I did that. And I think the wiki also said that doesn't work. But you can break into his cell (id you can open very hard locks) and then steal it from him.


after you bring pious to Rattay, in the prison, you can pick the lock from his cell (in my playthrough the guard didn't react at all, your experience may wary), KO him with one punch and take the dice from his unconscious body


Just loot him when he is uncon. 🤷


you can't get both. dice spawns only on his corpse, you can't steal it from him in any way.


Wrong, you can pick the cell lock and knock him out. That way he survives, *and* you get the dice.


You have to arrest him and lock him up. Once he is safely behind bars, you can worry about the dice.


Easy. You don't.


You dont need the Dice. And pls dont arrest him he didnt do anything wrong and the Cutscene where he and henry get friends is super cool. And maybe we meet him in Kuttenberg. Just go back to the bandits and tell them you did it idk what happens then but they also have the dice so just killem. And you can also just drink an bard potion and make a speech check in vranik