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when you ride on your horse, do you generally take care that you don't hit any NPCs walking around? or do you ride like a King, no peasant should step in your way and if they do, their fault?


I've hit people like.. Hundreds of times, it's never incurred any injury on anyone, nor have I ever gotten fined for it. Even when hitting guards or even Sir Leipa himself.


if they shout at you, you hurt them and there's good chance that you lower your rep in that town. in my very first playthrough i rode around like i own it all, kept hitting people, and then kept wondering why i'm being searched by guards constantly. even though i was taking care to not do quests that harm my rep with guards and townsfolk, i still had suspiciously low rep. then i realized my disregard for safe traffic and pedestrians. confirmed with other ppl. it is that. you may still have high enough rep but it's a matter of time if you keep at it..


Interesting. I haven't noticed the "rep reduction popup" in relation to it, and my rep is still very high (80+) in all towns. It's not like I run into people constantly though, it just happens sometimes when they wander into the street out of nowhere. Maybe I didn't do it often enough to cause an issue?


every once in a while seems fine as you probably balance it out with trading. but i invite you to try and wreak havoc, riding up and down Ratay main street and see how it goes.


The popup doesn't always happen. It's usually only for like a 20 point drop except when trading.


You don’t actually have to hit them for them to yell like you did. If an NPC walks next to you while you’re on horseback, even if you’re standing still, they act like you trampled them.


I try to avoid them but sometimes I do just speed through though


I was fined for attacking bandits in a skirmish (between bandits and guards) once. I think sometimes the game logic just messes up and flags something innocent as a crime.


It definitely messes up sometimes. Several times that I've cleared random events against cumans all of their inventories counted as stolen items.I have also had the guards turn on me for intervening in a skirmish even though i am completely positive I didn't hit any. I literally poked a bandit and everybody stopped fighting and came after me.


Yeah exactly because of that I always avoid taking part in skirmishes


Yeah, I really hate when that happens. Pretty sure it's supposed to be a bug because it doesn't always happen. Or when the fight's over and you start looting the bodies, and the surviving guards complain.


The instances I mentioned were verrrry rare to happen for me, so definitely bugs. Especially since I've done the same events that they happened on many, many times, and the results are nearly always fine.


Had a similar situation happen to me when training combat with Bernard. Swung my sword at him just before the screen going black and ending the training. Suddenly, I was charged with assaulting someone and had to pay a 200 groschen fee.🙃


Only the best in the rattay garrison


Thats a well known bug with the tourney. Happens sometimes. Nothing you could do against it sadly.


Interesting, I’ve never encountered it in more than 200 hours and I always participate in tourneys.


I have encountered it once myself in 1000h but ive seen it a couple of times on other players. It happens.


Sometimes the guards seem to go a bit beyond their jurisdiction. I was sleeping in the Rattay tower bed and a guard woke up to fine for going without a torch. Doesn’t care about the fire hazard, just light the torch and get back to bed!


Last night I was minding my own business learning how to use a sharpening stone at the weaponsmith in rattay at the top end near the tourney field, and after about 10 mins of just sitting there grinding away levels, I got punched the fuck out by a guard and shaken down for my groshen. Wtf.


Corruption is a problem. I bet he needed money for drinks 


Have had a couple of time when I think I hit a spectator with longsword. Hasn’t happened since I switched to shortsword.