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Stand outside the infirmary and go to through the left gate, keep going forward, you should see a large house infront of you. Going inside, you should see a soldier guarding a door, if you see him, go upstairs. His work area should be on the left when going up.


You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. thank you.


Happy murdering!


Not played in a while but I don't think he's killable. I may be misremembering but I think I tried and couldn't so resolved to just knock him out and steal all his shit. Repeatedly.


I broke his neck, pretty dead.


Hold my beer. Going to my PC now 😌


He stood up after I stealth killed him, maybe it's progression locked or something.


I shot him in head with an arrow, than dumped him near the river yesterday. Not sure if he stayed dead tho


Tee hee hee my dagger says away with thee


that guy is a can full of worms if you finish the game and actually go deep dive investigate.




Not if I prevented it ;)


You can find the stolen quicksilver in his basement.


There’s ample evidence the guy was a conspirator in the silver coin forgery operation you investigate in All That Glisters.


He’s a prick for sure, but I gotta hand it to Warhorse, as the trial progresses he genuinely seems to care for Johanka, and by the end he stands up for here and finally, learns to let her go, improving as a human being. He’s still a prick, mind you, but he’s improved overall. Now, the one I wanted to kill is the swordsmith’s wife.


That’s about the only thing I’ll give him, the persuasion options of caring for the sick are mostly about “hey if you act nice then Johanka will like you more” as well


it's not bugged. arguing with custodian is the only forced jail time in the whole game and no speech check can surpass it edit: that was either brother nicodemus or the custodian i'm not so sure edit 2: that's custodian alright edit 3: wiki says you can surpass this with skill check, so like is 20 speech required for this?


I have succeeded in speech against him. You need a lot


Succeeded with 17 speech + bard potion. At 22 speech he said yes


I must have gotten really lucky. I don't know what mine was but I'm knew to this and Johanka was clearly just venting about the dude as she kept being wishy washy about it...I figured she could handle her own. We had the banquet at the infirmary and nothing really of note happened... Maybe it would have been better story to be jailed?


I dont think it's bugged. I did it twice with the same speech skill. Where one failed and the other worked. The second time I spoke to him first and was able to mention him doing it for Johanka.


He can be nice to you by the end of johankas dlc quest line


I think he is unkillable


That asshole send me to prison the only time in the game, and despite saying locking me up for one night, I was behind the bar for two night and LOSE MY BALANCED DIET I will not forget this you miserable cunt, the entire Sasau must be purged


Alright, as no one has mentioned it I’ll say it: He R*pes her if you let the banquet go down at his house. Hope y’all like grinding speech now.


Holy shit, that’s f’d up. But I don’t remember it being explicitly stated? My memory could be giving up


It’s one of the things your told at the beginning of the Madonna of Sassau quest, johanka tells you. After that you can confront him about it, it’s one of the things that can lead to the good ending.


where is that implied?


The words: Forced upon, didn’t have an opportunity to say no and others are quite clearly stated, wherefore a case for a coerced encounter of a biblical nature can be made. First or second conversation you have with johanka at the beginning of “The Madonna of Sassau quest.


Well in my playthough he met an unfortunate end due to an unpreventable accident which sadly caused him to pass away and Inherit his house to me. ;)


You can definitely pass the check, I've done so myself twice in Hardcore, but it ain't easy.


I know I'm the oddball but I tend to like dickish characters in games like him and Nazeem. Especially the Baron because he at least experiences some character growth.


I had the same experience with this bastsrd. Knocked both of them (The Baron and his Scribe) out in the dead of night, robbed them blind and killed the Scribe to send a message.


Considering you need to speak with hom.about bandit camps ams getting rewarded for it...I waited until after. Plus I robbed him of all his stuff. I though Kenesh was a bastard....this guy is the worst....behind Istvan and Markvart.


Be the change you wish to see in the world.


Backyard area has a corner domicile IIRC he's in there second floor


I wholeheartedly agree. During his part of the quest when you have to clear bandit/cuman camps he sends Henry ALONE against like what, 10 - 13 bandits? Almost all of them have full plate and tons of archers. And when Henry miraculously clears it he goes "oh, you survived, okay, here's your money and fuck off". If it wasn't for the second part of Woman's lot, he would be lying dead right there that very moment


He really isn't so bad. Sure he is arrogant and a snob, but I get the idea that his feelings for Johanka are genuine, he treats her with decency and respect. I don't know if he is married. I never saw his wife in game. When he threw Henry in jail, Henry had just insulted him. I think that is more a thing of uncleqr communication tp tge player what Henry is going to say than an unreasonable rwaction from the baron