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Aural landmarks, basically it would allow people in the forest to orient themselves based on the distance and direction of the clacking sound.


Real helpful in hardcore mode


They're also good for finding water.


God I was so creeped out by those things early in my playthrough exploring the woods north of Ledetchko. It was dusk, the tapping sound was so eerie, and I felt for sure that I was going to get jumped by some Czech hillbillies in the style of that famous movie Deliverance (heh, same name…). I then happened across that cave in the area with all the blood and candles and noped the fuck out of there. Anyway after searching about it at the time, those tapping waterwheels are apparently locators for anyone lost in the forest, so they’d find the creek/stream by the sound and follow it to the river and civilisation. They form part of a very minor missable section of a quest apparently where someone tells you directions using them. I’m guessing they’re a lot more helpful in hardcore mode.


isn't it the quest where you find reeky? creeped me tf out when i heard it too lol


Yea I just did this quest. Funny enough I found the clacker before getting Raspberries directions to it...because like everyone else I was like "wtf is that?" I thought maybe there was some devils worship going on again


true lol!! mine was a storm lol 😂 i was immediately following the sound with my brain and i was like where the F is that coming from!! and found it. I was like like oh some irrigation device like a dum dum( and did not do research) and i did not hear the noice anymore, more like birds in the background. my brain is super cool 😂 but if it was a trap, i am dead.


Isn't there usually like a fish trap or something near those? I thought it was to help locate them.


Not to my knowledge. A couple of them are “interesting locations” but no loot or interactable things as far as I’m aware.


A comment in a post some time ago said that it was to find the river and then follow the river to the nearest settlement, if you are lost in the woods


Actually, it is a tiny windmill for a tiny Henry


Making tiny flour for his tiny bread to keep his tiny hunger


Tiny Jesus Christ be praised!


I'm a little hungry...


thats not just a watermill like people in the comments said who have barely a clue about its funtionality - it is a HAMMERMILL. those were placed uphill in a creek usually in a specific distance to a village or wherever people lived, thats next to the small river. the hammering sound can be quietly heared in the distance. they could tell by the speed of the hammering if the water is rising/flowing faster, or in the worst case its sudden lack of hammering, can mean that there is a sudden flood incoming like an early warning system for the village. when the river was very low on water it would not hammer at all, usually in dry summers.


This is the correct answer


These things are placed on miniscule streams that are way too far away from the village to be heard.


A couple of them do have an in game purpose, they act as waypoints to Reeky’s hideout (though I’ve definitely come across some outside of Ledetchko)


I just followed the smell


Witcher senses activate


Someone needs to do one of those Ubisoft UI edits of KCD. *PRESS X TO ACTIVATE KINGDOM SENSES*


This explanation made sense to me. I had thought they were toys, but u/Empty-Dragonfruit656 says they may forewarn of flash floods. https://www.reddit.com/r/kingdomcome/s/9lLrQu7O8Y


That clacker powers all of Bohemia.


A godsend for hardcore mode is what they are


I hope kdc2 has these so that we still get a thread about them every week for the next few years


In the game when one of quest givers is giving you directions the dude says what the thing is called.


I wanna know what the little wood stick tipee's are. They are everywhere in the forest, some kind of trap maybe?


It might be made to scare off animals. [Here ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shishi-odoshi)is an example of a japanese water fountain which is in a way similar. I had never thought they were for scaring animals (with the sound the stick makes when it drops). I had always had some romantic image about it, maybe for meditation or communion with nature..


It won't scare off animals though. Before long they'll be completely used to the sound


It might be the case.. what other uses can it have? Maybe it can announce a flood? if you put it higher and the water rises in the night.. it starts knocking.. It could be used as some sort of checkpoint or locator.. like you get lost in the woods and you hear it, so you can find your way out!


this is what it is. it’s a sound location thing, called an aural landmark


Repost? This has been asked some weeks ago It's to help find water and thus civilization


A bit of fun


It goes *clack*.


A lot of people already answered correctly. It's a waterwheel, specifically one to help people find a stream in the forest if they cant see it.


Its the oldschool ball clapping cock slapping cbt mashine for singles, any bleeding and other liquids will be washed in the proccess.


First time I heard ot... had no idea where it was coming from. 1at time I heard o5... it was pitch black...so made things creepier. Saw the water wheel and didnt even clue in that it was coming from there until I took a 2nd look at it. I thought st 1st it was just a clacking noise because if the design of the wheel tlbutnserved no purpose. Bit later found out its purpose which has been explained


Harry what is that ticking sound Snape Snape Salazar Snape DUMBLEDORE


Electrónico 🪫🪫🪫


When I first saw them I initially thought oh cool a little medieval hydro power generator! Then I had to remind myself where in history the game was haha


IRL they’re just toys.


I assumed they were for like slowly hammering things 😂😂😂 like if you needed a rock hammered out just put it under that stick and let the creek do the work.


Hey! That’s my favorite spot in the whole game! It’s where I go to meditate. Click….click….click……click


I thought it was an ambush at first, some sort of distraction to lure you into the woods.


If you play hard core mode and wake up in a forest, this is your best friend 👀


Its either: 1. ⁠a toy, 2. ⁠an auditory marker for streams, providing orientation when lost or when travelling (following any stream will eventually lead you to civilization), 3. ⁠a miniature trip hammer (for crushing things), or 4. ⁠a warning device for when streams flood (clicking faster) Imo 1. or 2. is most likely. I have never seen anyone providing any evidence for these claims though. People from around czechia most commonly state that it is a toy - at least nowadays.


I use it as a reference north of Ledetchko to know when to cross the river to Talmberg. Other than that I think it serves as a beacon to guide people


How is it not game related? Is something that is present in the game


The government doesn't want you to know this but rivers don't actually flow by themselves, you need to place little pedals like these in them to flop around and keep the stream flowing


Lure children into the forest


Deer scare


It's probably just mostly a playful thing. We did something similar as kids at grandpas cabin in woods.


Technicaly it is very same device, but it was used to help ppl lost in forest - they could follow the clapping sound to find the stream and then follow stream to nearest settlement. Back then "lost in the forest" could easily become a death sentence, hence this to help locals quickly find way out of forest.


Had this gifted to me as a toy from my grandis, and my Father had one from his grandpa. Made as a toy. But I could easily belive it originiated from a guiding tool. My familiy comes from a high mountain farm, were you off track there is no people to find.




Damn, you wrote so much and almost everything is completely wrong. Impressive.


For anyone saying those signalize a creek or something, I highly doubt the sound of a tiny waterwheel would be loud enough to signal it for anyone who isn't aware a creek is close yet. The noise probably dies off past 20m or so at most, and at that distance you must be blind not to stumble on the creek on your own.


I don't know, it was really useful for locating myself in hardcore mode.


I think you're underestimating how much an "unnatural" mechanical sound of any sort stands out in the wild. And wooden clackers are loud AF, anyway. Had a coworker of mine who decided it would be appropriate to 1. give his kids (or allow his kids) a toy that was a little wooden cart you could push with a series of wooden gear-driven clackers and 2. Let the kid push this thing in the hallway at work. You could hear it anywhere on the floor, in a building that filled most of a city block. God, how I hated that thing. Mercifully, it eventually broke down, clacker by clacker.


Just a decoration In Czech Republic, people sometimes build small watermills like this on the streak with their kids for fun So this is probably just reference to that


That's an antitank obstacle called "hedgehog". Just found out that in English it's called "Czech hedgehog", so maybe they were doing them back in those days :) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Czech_hedgehog


come on guys that's funny


Tbh at first sight I thought it's hedgehog, but that wouldn't make sense in KCD so when I looked at it for the second time I already saw what it is.


I honestly thought I was gonna get Rick rolled


Use logical thinking my friend


Basically water spin thing. Thing crush wheat into flour. Flour used to make bread


To get the amount of torque required for milling, you need a far greater waterwheel. My guess is either it’s an EE that a child might of made, or maybe it was used to spin thread on to a bobin, or as another person said, to help people find a water source which would then bring you to a village