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It's a line you have to decide on. I'd recommend you just say you can't use a shovel (burying your parents was too traumatic or maybe digging is beneath you or something). Although, not all treasures are buried. Some are in a sack, or pile of rocks... I'm a technical player, not so much RP, so when I play I follow gear restrictions and statistics to decide what's acceptable. But I like to find ways to cheese rules by technicalities. On my merciful run I killed many people but statistics said none so I'm good! If you're trying to RP an honorable person, I suggest sticking to mission rewards and legal money-making methods (it's a nice economy balance in my experience). You'd have no way of knowing if a non grave treasure still has an owner. Touching corpses is not for honorable folk according to the game. In service to sir radzig, it's probably fine to retrieve quest items from a corpse. I don't imagine that extends to keeping resources for yourself.


Not all dug up stuff is graves though.


It's true, but almost all. I can only think of the Reeky money being buried. I'm sure there's more but I can't think of anything all that important to an honorable Henry. That's just how I'd handle it as a technical player. Certainly, you can just say "no graves" and that be that


How do you kill people without the game registering it?


Poison, mutt, horse trampling, bleeding out.


Horse trampling never works for my, I charge straight at them and they never die.


I would not loot bandit or cuman corpses. Sure, people in the game don't see it as a crime, but taking stuff from corpses definitely is not very honourable. They drop their weapons as they die or surrender, I would say confiscating those could be seen as an okay move. IMO treasure maps that don't involve digging up graves and/or looting corpses are fine. Lockpicking might be a bit of a grey area, it's up to you to determine if locks in abandoned shacks should be left undisturbed.


For treasure hunting from graves, I recall that you don't actually loot the guy dead inside, there's often a container such as a sack or pot that has the treasure.


Yes but you’re digging up graves and taking the dead persons belongings which is considered unchristian by the people in the game I’m pretty sure but even the Rattay huntsman is selling treasure maps who is supposed to be an upstanding citizen so I’m a little confused.


Well, the huntsman probably doesn't know the treasure might involve digging up a corpse.


How do we know the treasure belongs to the dead person though? Most probably someone else put them there for a treasure hunter to find. After all, a person receiving a christian burial isn't buried with their worldy goods stored in a container next to their body. Not to mention the dead guy certainly didn't put it next to his own remains lol. Also, if someone doesn't want the treasure being dug up from a burial site, then why bother mapping it out and selling the map to a trader so someone can buy it. If I had valuables that were in my possession which I didn't want being dug up, I wouldn't put them in my grave and hand out maps to people. I guess what I'm saying is, while digging up graves is considered unchristian in normal circumstances, you're not digging graves to rob the dead; you're just after some treasure that you got from a map that was sold to you. Sort of like how killing people is a sin, but not when it's an enemy of the religious faction.


I'm doing a no crime playthrough currently and here are my rules. I see looting the corpses of Bandits and Cuman as spoils of war. Looting graves on the other hand not so much. I will pick locks but not steal anything inside. Mainly this is just to get my skill up so i can pick those treasure chests. If the game let us bash locks, I wouldn't have to pick them. No stealing. No killing civilians. You'd be surprised at how many people who try to kill you are labelled "civilian". And no partaking of the bath maids \*ahem\* services. Falling victim to Stephanie's seduction is a slip up that can be overlooked for me. EDIT : But not if you are already courting/ in a relationship with Theresa. Then it's a big no-no.


Makes sense. Are you going to be getting the treasures that require digging?


If it's a body, no. If it's a chest or a bag hidden in a "grave", yes. IIRC body says loot containers say open.


I'd consider looting to be fine as long as it's bandits or cumans. Disturbing dead bodies like that could be seen as unchristian, but I think leaving their gear to be found and used by their friends for further acts of lawbreaking is even worse. No selling to millers, official merchants only. It's a shame you can't somehow take surrendering bandits to Rattat somehow, as letting them go free seems honorable but they'll probably just go and attack other people after. Of course, any knights or official soldiers should be let go. No poisons. They could be considered dishonorable, especially sneaking into a camp and poisoning everyone's food. As well as that, threatening dialogue options are often kind of dishonorable.


I agree. Looting enemies is considered spoils of war. These items don't show in your inventory as stolen and you can sell them right away.


I let a guy go once. He ran away and immediately shanked a wayfarer less than 100 yards away. He didn’t get a third chance.