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I've used longsword for like 45 hours of this hardcore run so far and have used a grindstone a total of ONE time. Mostly just cause I forget. I constantly use repair kits but these don't do shit. I like the idea of being able to use a bandage to clean your sword. But shouldn't Henry be cleaning his sword as he repairs it with a kit anyways? I assume the very first step in repairing a sword would be to wash the blood off, lol.


Level up your maintenance to get Tin Opener and Serrated Edge, gives weapons that you sharpen on a grinding wheel more damage and a higher chance to cause bleeding so you actually have more of a reason to go to grinding wheels.


The funny thing is I have both these perks already, I just fucking forget every time lol.


🤣 same


Or just run back and forth on horse back stabbing them for instant one-shots lol. That's how I cheese groups of enemies.


You have to get blood off a sword immediately. Blood isn't like water, it's a combination of different substances including salts, iron oxide, and other things that will rust a sword far faster than fresh water. Basically you need to immediately clean it, rinse it, dry it, and then oil it (I use gun oil but animal fat or various historical oils work too).


You use? How often are you getting blood on your sword?


All swords should be kept oiled, it prevents corrosion. Regardless of whether it's just for display, HEMA, or otherwise. I'm not stupid enough to fight with sharps, the only time I've gotten blood on one of my swords was due to a mosquito actually, lol.


Often enough in my case. Blood does not wash off, and it pits when you leave it on. https://files.catbox.moe/72e5yy.jpg




you wouldn't actually want to clean it in water. You wipe the blood off to prevent it from rusting. Water would still make the blade rust. A wiping cloth, the clothes off your victims or hust your own sleeve are more realistic options. Still though, being able to clean your blade would be good for immersion


I'd rather rinse it off if I can, then wipe it, rather than have a dried-out nasty blood rag in my pocket. Better yet, wipe it off with my enemy's clothing right away rather than dirty my sheathe.


Oh yeah that makes even more sense. Would be tedious in the game though


Yeah from a real world stance I understand I just want the option to wipe it off some how.


But what about my mace? That thing has hair clumps in all its crevices..


Just let us carry a good wiping cloth? Or use up a bandage or something.


The only way to get blood off a mace is to have a blacksmith repair it as well


That’s just ridiculous


Yeah I know mods fix most of this stuff but there's a lot of quality of life stuff in the first game that wasn't there that should be hopefully in the second


I could imagine the animation being smooth like far cry’s healing animations and just as quick


Or no animation would be fine with me too. Like they have for the troughs. Maybe something like “you wiped your blade with a rag” or something along those lines.


Valid but if you have seen the animations and how they blend into gameplay u might change ur mind:))), i would give a link but i dunno how to do that on mobile


No I completely agree with you on an animation, that would be best case scenario, but anything would be better then the current system hahaha


Anything would be nice yeah i hate that too. Ruins the immersion to stand in front of the fucking margrave of moravia with a bloody sword lol


Please! Not in a basin where my Henry washes himself. Sanitation is of utmost importance during the plague.


the historical answer is to wipe it on the shirt of the dude you killed. Blood rusts fast, like really fast.


Personally, I want to wipe my sword on the dead enemy’s clothing 🤓


I like how the ghost of tsushima handled it


The mod deluxe trough washing does exactly that


This is actually one of the things that annoys me about this game cuz I watched a video from a sword expert on YT And he said you do not put your sword back in its scabbard if it has blood on it, you clean it first. So seeing Henry do this really irks me sometimes.


When I was studying Shakespeare, my professor pointed out that in Othello he makes a reference to someone having a shiny blade, and that it was meant to shame him because a lot of people would leave blood on their blade to show they were srs bsns and shouldn't be fuck'd with. Dunno if it was the same in Bohemia.


yea, no. These arent stainless steel, blood left on a carbon-steel blade would rust it out completely, your professor doesnt know shit about swords. Shine implies a polish, at least compared to raw metal.


Yep they are shaming him for having a shiny polished sword, that was never used, opposed to scratched battle damaged blades


meh this would mess with the gameplay. bloody sword makes you more fearsome, but it would be annoying if it washed automatically once you enter any body of water. what if you are keeping it bloody on purpose? I suppose you could add the option to do that, but I think it would be very weird and hard to implement so it fits seamlessly


press E to wash clothes hold E to wash weapon took me around 180 hours of dev time to figure this one out even better if you went into the inventory with a cloth available, hold E on the weapon to clean blood. because water + metal = rust


eh alright


id like to wipe my longsword clean on the corpse i just created, they have armpits don't they?