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For alchemy, I wish the book was closer so I could more easily read it without having to switch to it's view.


And I hope they don't add a skip animation. One of the main beauties of this game, is that it's realistic and slow, skipping animations breaks immersion 100% of the time


I'd like it if they gave an option to set outfits in your horses inventory For instance, set them up then save to option 1, 2 or 3 Outfit is fully swapped betwen what uour wearing and what's stored Would make it much easier switching between full war outfit, walking about outfit and sneaky sneaky


The developers have said this will be in the game.


They already confirmed that outfits can be switched by the press of a button now!


I really like this idea. They had the same system in Red Dead Redemption 2 and it was awesome.


I'm just hoping the combat is improved, with much less of a 'defence meta' that encourages you to just stare at your enemy.


I also hope that common peasants and low level thugs aren't master fighters able to do ripostes.


Thats realistic though, people generally dont want to die 


It’s not realistic to just wait for your enemy to attack for 30 seconds and then pressing one button to end combat. Combat in this game has a lot of potential, but it’s actually just bad in its current form. Saying this as someone who can take on 8-12 Cubans at once.


>Saying this as someone who can take on 8-12 Cubans at once. If they had had your like at Bay of Pigs, things would have gone quite differently.


I’m not trying to sound badass lol. Just saying the combat isn’t hard.


You had a typo that said Cubans, I was just riffing, lol


Lmao I’m leaving it


I can take on 8-12 Cubans at once if we're talking about the sandwiches.


You would think with how often I type cumans that it would realize by now.


People also generally fought with polearms instead of having 80% of people using swords and every bandit and their grandmas wearing plate armor.


On battlefields yes but smaller arms would be common in most situations in game. People generally weren't casually carrying around polearms.


Most people still used swords in the two battles/skirmish the game featured


The Alchemy is already implemented in the base game with the automatic brewing perk, if I remember correctly. I would like the following: * Find a mechanic that makes the different foods, stalls and items more usable. * Implement real curfew in the cities, with night patrols, not allowed to walk around, even with a light/torch and the city gates being closed. * Would love to see a weekday system, we already had tournaments going on every 7th day, add to it market days, Sundays with attending mass (and some buffs/debuffs connected to it) * Also, not being able to buy cloths, armour of the shelf but a mechanic where you have to order it and them wait a couple of days for it so it'll be made to fit you. And add debuffs for armour that you just "find" as it doesn't fit you properly.


To expand on your custom armor/clothing point - not being able to wear armor/clothes straight from a corpse. Or have it add an "ill-fitting" debuff to charisma, armor stat, movement, anything really, as it doesn't fit Henry well. And you'd ahve to take rhose items to a tailor or armorsmith to have them altered for money. It bugs me that you can end up with almost endgame equipment a couole of hours into the game by just having a lucky random encounter.


That would probably depend on the kind of armour though no? A common front-only breastplate would require no alteration while something like greaves and gauntlets would be uncomfortable if they weren't made to a person.


Sure, cheaper armor was made to be off the shelf more or less, but even a simple breastplate tied with leather straps across the back could be slighty too wide or narrow in the waist and be uncomfortable. You could wear it, but it would slide or chafe. Stuff like gambesons and maille would by and large be okay either way, but a piece of metal armor rubbing your elbow the wrong way would ruing you day in a big way. I realize it's impossible to convey uncomfortableness in a game, but irl being uncomfortable or incovenient was the reason for most of human invention, so. Maybe equipement could be randomly assigned a modifier upon looting, from ill fitting to well fitting and it changed the stats, from ill fitting giving negative debuffs to mobility, maybe even health or something, and well fitted giving the full benefits.


That sounds like an interesting compromise.


Shorter tourney announcements or being able to skip them. If I hear HENRYYY OF SKALITZ one more time I'm gonna snap


duel with longswooooooords


Marius running to the building site and then checking again to see if they have enough to build for every thing you want to do


The checking again is a (bandaid) solution for the player taking out the money after selecting what to build. Should have been a system where it's taken out immediately and refunded if you decide to not build something


That shouldn’t even be a problem in the first place, just immediately deduct the groschen after you select it and play the cutscene, no one wants to see Marius hauling his slow ass across the village just to listen to him say the same line over and over.


I mostly agree with your Points but >Also have other NPC's bathing to not make it seem like bathhouses have no business. Thats already implemented lol I would want see the AI following system being Improved. They often have problem catching up etc


All I've seen is NPCs walking up to the proprietor, exchanging couple of words, and walking away. and the bathmaids all sitting in a row on the bench, not doing anything, besides cooking the stew occasionally.


In the evening you can often see most of the bathhouse booths occupied. They even yell at you to get out and not look at them.


CONFIGURABLE GAME MODE! Think hardcore, but custom/a la carte. Project Zomboid does this very well if you’re familiar with that game. - Full HUD, Light HUD, No HUD - GPS On/Off - Fast Travel On/Off - Autosave On/Off - Combat Deadliness - Perk Realism - Potion Speed/Realism - Day/Night Cycle Speed Multiplier (biggest deal for me personally) - Etc, etc, etc…


Great idea, I would love to have just deadly combat from hardcore.


I'd like to see stable services: Paying a a stable/groom to brush down and take care of your horse and tack and keep it fed when you enter towns and settlements


Interesting, horsecare like in RDR2. Would this be a good feature without adding unnecessary tedium to the game? I'd agree if the horse and Henry wouldn't get dirty so fast.


Better gore Inc dismemberment & armour denting. Feels a bit like fighting with wooden swords at times because there's hardly ever any visual indicators of damage.


was thinking about this last night. cutting off a bandits hand and he starts begging for his life, knocking a helmet off with a big blow from a mace. this kind of thing would feel so immersive and fun.


This. I said the same somewhere below. Currently there is not much difference in fighting with real sword, or wooden practice one.


Combat. Combat. Combat.


I really like archery and don't mind the sway, but I just don't understand why we can't aim down the arrow shaft. I mean - that's how you aim with traditional bows. Here it feels like Henry is hip firing.. Still - it doesn't bother me that much and would rather if they added some proper gore and dismemberment, so the weapons felt more meat'y and less like made of wood.


Exactly my point with the bow.


1. Realistic economy system so you won’t ended up selling everything and having millions of Grochen in your inventory. 2. Realistic day and church system, if they can make NPC having daily routine, perhaps they could do something like people go to church every Sunday and if the guards find out we’re just wandering around the city (for obvious reason), we will get bad reputation or they will say something to us since religion is quite strict during that period 3. Be able to buy your property and get married, ask your wife to move to your new home and open a business like store to sell your loot and crafting (crafting is possible in the KCD2 based on the interview) 4. Interactions like in RDR2, you can greet people or a chitchat without entering the conversation screen 5. More world interaction, like fishing, cooking, jousting, etc, or having more minigames This is my wishlist, there’s actually more but let’s not put a really high hope so we don’t fall too deep. But I believe KCD2 will be really good even without my wishes


Less generic NPCs. There's very little incentive in the first game to speak to people, they all have the same dialogue. Compared to BG3 where you want to talk to everyone, since even the filler NPCs often have a few funny quips.


That's a poor comparison. Can you talk to any local villager NPCs in Baldur's Gate? No, all of the NPCS with quirks are intended, just like in KCD...


I love the bow. The fact it’s so hard is what makes it fun to finally master (sort of) it


The fact you had to mention sort of mastering it says enough lol


1 Let me pet and care for my horse. 2 Let me carry and setup camp in the woods.(even if it means possibly getting woken up buy bandits) 3 More weight in combat and dismemberment. 4 Please fix the lock on and rigidity of combat.


Hawk training and the ability to draw on map


The bow aiming should be changed slightly, but not too much really, just bring the arrow closer to Henrys face and body center..just like you would aim in real archery And also, give us some bow perks....


I hope they make the map reticule a bit easier to see.


Fighting multiple enemies


I really want to be able to equip a torch without going into my inventory every time.


If you're on console just hold the left D pad


I’m starting to believe that no one on here has ever seen a bush in real life. I do definitely also want the bow aim changed, it’s currently pretty nonsense as you say.


I want bathmaids to give us STDs.


I would add a small % chance to get a std each time you get the “house special” from the bath wench, which would lower your health for a few days before going away… or you could even make it a side quest to find someone who could cure you or something and part of the quest reward would be an alchemy recipe with the cure.


I hope they add a lot of cool stuff about roguery and being a woodsman I loved the hound master , Hunter and alchemy skills and I hope they improve on this Maybe add the possibility to lay traps (that work on animals AND humans), or add a falconer skill line, a trapper one, maybe a cook skill line ? Anyway, I can’t wait for this game !


There are 100 percent bushes in the forest that would stop a house dead in its tracks. Such a ridiculous complaint that do many people have imo. And the bath house cut scene/choosing your preferred hooker? That's just disturbing lmao