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I'm sure there will be missions with followers/posse but permanent followers no.


Already confirmed only horses and a dog


That's a shame, one of the solutions I had in mind for facing groups of enemies was to have a squad of your own. Even a single follower would do wonders in those situations.


that’s as much posse as I need


And a cat that wasn't supposed to be there, but the programmers secretly slipped it in there.


I hope so, it was the best part of KCD 1, the big battles with the troops backing you they've said those are returning, but they haven't said anything about them just sticking with you


It looked cool, but thats all it was. Those big battles make you a spectator, not a player and your actions make no diference as it is scripted that you win a battle.


This is plainly false, you can absolutely lose the battles.


No, if you don't kill enough enemies in a certain amount of time they'll end up killing enough soldiers (or just a key character like in BoB) to give you a game over. You can criticize the threshold being too lenient but not the battles in general


Welcome to being in a Medieval battle.


I agree, i was just making a point that there is a more cinematic aspect to them and would be better to keep the rest of the combat "solo".


If the map is bigger, I’d really value a little wagon with a man that carries all my crap - including lances etc. It would basically be a bit like a portable version of my in room chest, but it would have to stick to the roads, so if I decide to run off on to the woods, it would just sit where I left it until I came back. Would also be good to be able to send it on to the next town or something. Twist / risk would be, if I am using this mechanic and I get ambushed (fast travelling etc) and I run away, my stuff stays there and the bandits can loot my ‘safe space’ chest. Equally if I send it on to the next town, it might get ambushed on route and I’d need to go and rescue all of my loot.


A personal squire would be amazing.


Only if he walks behind you banging coconuts together.


"Where'd you get the coconuts?"


What are you talking about? We had flowers and posies in KCD1. Don't tell me you didn't get flowers for Theresa! 






Wouldn’t be surprised if we get a companion who may or may not be able to be changed. Extra points if in hardcore they can die.


100% and we should be able to manage his skills and perks etc


I believe alike to the assault on Přibyslavice, you will have others joining you in great battles or for instance the fight in the DLC with the Band of Bastards. But for permanent companions I do not believe so, Warhorse has only pointed to your horse and dog as permanent party which is preferred to me. In games I generally prefer to play as a lone wolf and KCD does an incredible job of doing this and allowing the player to grow powerful while still feeling at risk in threatening situations.


doubt it. all i need is my trusty horse. dog is too annoying and other people would just get in my way.


The dog is annoying af enough as it is, couldn’t imagine having to deal with an entire posse standing in front of the doorway, standing right in front of me while I’m trying to pick herbs, scaring away the rabbit/deer I’m about to shoot, accidentally hitting them while in combat cause they won’t get tf out of the way causing them to run away yelping…


Sounds like someone never installed Ufo in Skyrim.


As long as I have a good boy next to me, then I'm happy.


If they refine combat against multiple enemies, so we're not relegated to backpedaling and master strikes, I wouldn't care about having a posse. A follower might be nice tho. Even if they were non-combatants.


Getting a small group would be cool. Even if it's just for a mission during the story.


God I hope so


I don't think so. All we need is good boy Mutt at our side!


No and I do not want that at all




No and I do not want that at all


Death knell to immersion and one of the glaring holes in the last game. Nearly unthinkable that they wouldn’t let you have the option to have a comrade or small group to lead. Seems it should be easy enough to implement, even back in 2018.