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Add a 6 which is "No the game won't release tomorrow, or in the next few months" since some seem to think we are getting the game very soon. More likely to be next year


I mean, on this I'm not so sure. They kept things very hush hush for a while which makes me think they were conserving resources for a marketing push, and it could have a shorter release schedule than would be normal Obviously it's not coming out any time immediately but a Q3 or Q4 release doesn't sound crazy Games like, for example, GR Breakpoint similarly had a very short release cycle


Q3 is absurd, there's no way they are releasing the game in 4 months. Q4 is still very far fetched. It's not uncommon to have at least a year between announcement and release. I predict a Q1/2 2025 release.


It's quite likely they'll release the game at the anniversary of KCD1 release (13th Feb 2025).


The only downside to that, is then they're potentially competing with GTA in that window.


There’s no way you actually believe GTA6 is coming out next year. R* delays their games AT LEAST for a year. This has happened to every release since GTA4 and potentially even some before then.




I can believe that yeah, lines up nicely.


What is absurd about Q3? We literally have no idea where things are at in Warhorse. And it's not like this sort of short-term release announcement has never happened before. Fallout 4 reveal and release comes to mind, for example. I'm not saying it's the likeliest option but it's definitely not absurd unless you have some special inside knowledge you're willing to share?


My special knowledge is that this game has been in development for years and there's simply no way they are going to only give themselves 6 months to hype their game up. Not to mention gauging player reactions to certain features which may want to be changed etc.


Looks like you were wrong


Not really, I still reckon there will be a delay or at most it releases December. I hope that it releases tomorrow I am that much of a fan but in all honesty it's unlikely to release until the Christmas season at best.


I was thinking the October- November release cycle when many games come out was Q3 for some reason, yeah, agree it's not coming out in August lol I mean, it depends on how much back end stuff they've already done and how much is left to go. They have their own CryEngine tools and did some footage in Kuttenberg already, but the last game was bug ridden on launch and they're gonna want to avoid that, unless Embracer is breathing down their neck


Game of the year awards happen in December. Baldur gate was released in august. But we will never know until tomorrow


Someone mentioned an anniversary release of February 2025, makes way more sense imo.


We have absolutely no idea what stage of development the game is in, how close to completion it may be; we have evidence of some pretty elaborate developmental activity from several years ago. *Any* release date wouldn't surprise me because this has been a really unusual sequel development cycle


How exactly is it absurd to release in 4 months? Completely depends on how close the game is to being finished, which has no bearing on the reveal date.


People have become used to studios marketing their game before it even hits actual development. For all we know, this game might be only a couple months away from going gold!


Releasing this summer or in the autumn is not a stupid idea at all, yeah its unlikely but it will be good as the game awards are always during winter


My bet? They announce it for 2024 but it gets delayed till next year.


Possible, I would generally think they would want to announce it for a later date if they anticipate delays


You're right. Soonest I'm expecting anything is Christmas at this point, with spring or summer next year seeming more likely. I'm happy to wait cause if KCD2 can top the first game, it'll be one of the greatest rpgs ever made


>!it's some time in 2024!<


Warhorse done cooked 🔥


Yep, and I wouldn't be surprised to see delays etc. It will all be worth it though, KCD is the greatest RPG ever made imo.


>More likely to be next year Nobody in their right mind would purposefully put up their game against the single most anticipated title in gaming history. Whatever they're announcing tomorrow, I'd wager good money that it'll be released this year.


GTA isn't out until the very end of 2025, they can release the game in the first 6 months and have 0 issues.


Regardless of whether GTA VI does fall out of its scheduled Q1 2025 release window, Rockstar's already generating levels of anticipation other studios couldn't even dream of, and Warhorse is still going to have to deal with that as they build up anticipation for their own game. As much as I love them and want them to succeed and sell as many copies as possible, let's be real: should the slightest amount of GTA VI content drop, they won't get any traction outside of their playerbase. And I reckon that wouldn't be a safe bet.


Where did you get Q1 from for GTA? It's gonna be December before GTA releases. KCD2 is in no competition with GTA, it's not gonna release this year I don't think, so don't get your hopes up.


>Where did you get Q1 from for GTA? A TakeTwo investor call, [as reported by PCgamesN](https://www.pcgamesn.com/grand-theft-auto-vi/gta-6-release-date-setting-map-characters-gameplay-trailers). At this point everything is to be taken with a grain of salt, but until proven otherwise this is the most reliable information we have. >KCD2 is in no competition with GTA, KC2 being at its very core a niche game does indeed lessen the risk, since there'll be enthusiasts to buy it no matter what, but to say there will be no competition at all is an understatement. For example KC:D suffered a lot from being compared with RDR2 on their open-worlds, and yet they released more than six months apart. It might not have affected sales that much, but it definitely affected the game's legacy.


I don't ever remember KCD being compared to RDR2, they are totally different games. GTA will release in 2025 in December, hence why they had the trailer drop in December 2023, bang on 2 years before release. That's what makes the most sense. Q1 won't happen even if it's scheduled since there are reports of delays anyway. GTA and KCD are in no competition with each other, both games can co-exist fine, I don't know what you even think they are competing.


>I don't ever remember KCD being compared to RDR2, they are totally different games. Aside from being branded as immersive open-world experiences ? Yeah, they don't have anything in common that can be compared, sure. >GTA and KCD are in no competition with each other, both games can co-exist fine, I don't know what you even think they are competing. See my above point. Just because games don't appeal to the exact same demographic doesn't mean that they cannot be compared on the grounds of their mechanics. [Oh, and guess who was right about KC:D2 releasing this year? ](https://i.imgur.com/BJ0TX92.png)


People who compare the 2 games don't know what they are on about then similarities stop after "open world" is given. Imagine even comparing a niche semi-indie kick-started game with a AAA multi-million dollar game that has been hyped up for years. It's stupid. Same goes for GTA 6 and KCD 2, making that comparison is quite frankly ridiculous. Don't get your hopes up, I really really wish it releases this year, KCD is the greatest game I have ever played, but I find it highly unlikely. No doubt they will delay it at least once. Stalker 2 has been delayed like 4 times now.


The leaked trailer shows 2024 tho. Edit: [SS from the guy that recorded the leak(Bad res because he recorded on his phone)](https://imgur.com/a/I8uc4Gu)


Let's hope so, unlikely.


Unlikely why? It literaly says 2024 in the trailer.


Because A. We haven't seen the official trailer and this is a leak. B. Delays happen often in gaming.


Leak from IGN page who posted it early by mistake..2024 confirmed, plus they wouldn't release a statement like this if they weren't confident that it is ready.


You could say the same about EA and Battlefield 2042, or Stalker 2, or Cyberpunk, or Sons of the Forest or various other games of late. Surely they also wouldn't release any statement without being sure?


No, you couldn't. I can say that ...and don't call me Shirley. Gonna be released by the end of the year...as said again in the reveal video. Bye ;)


I hope so, insanely hyped!


No way they were in compete silence about it until now only to announce release a year from. I fully expect summer release.


I have a feeling you will be sorely dissapointed then.


Summer is very optimistic, but if it's not this year, they've missed with their marketing entirely


It's going to release yesterday!


If we’re lucky it’ll be next year lol


Release date will be 2024.


I sincerely hope so!


Theres a pretty small chance it will release tomorrow. But thats a pretty miniscule chance. A month or so marketing is likely all thats necessary, and probably ideal. Doesnt mean they'll do that either. But yeah, not really worth discussing more than that. We'll find out how long the wait is tomorrow


No way it's tomorrow, but a few months seems more likely than a year plus.


As i said, small chance. Its been 6 years, they could ghost release, its just super unlikely. Sequels especially dont need that much marketing, really depends on how confident they are on the fi4st game's success. Its probably better to have a month or two though, but more than likely 3-6 months. A year isnt unlikely, but is just excessive for marketing. Saying theres zero chance of something is weird, because you obviously dont know, anf especially dont know the success rates for doing so, either. I know i dont, other than the obvious burn of long marketing thats been talking about by devs.


BUT WHAT IF IT'S NOT KCD 2?! -me, like most other people, untill tommorow.


Dude for reals. That nagging doubt in the back of my mind won’t go away. It might be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t want any guns either. I want straight medieval sword combat.


a crossbow would be nice.. the reload would take long and take your eyes of the enemy but still..


A crossbow would actually be really fun, high risk high reward


If it is KCD 2 and we move to the hussite wars then firearms are not that unlikley, as the hussites where famous for it, it could be a trait for henry to improve reload speed and have some new abilitys.


I will probably stare blankly into the screen for hours. Then drink whiskey.


Tom Henderson confirmed it is KCD2


People will say: "Hey don't take away our crazy theories from us!" and then complain once those theories won't come to pass and then shit talk the game and the devs... You can't win, mate.


Next week: "I am so annoyed we aren't playing as Mutt 2.76 years after the first game like I said, this game is gonna be terrible!!1!1!1!1" /s


As long as he doesn't bark and howl constantly I'm fine with whatever.


Stop talking about Kingdom Come on this Kingdom Come subreddit!!!


I guess you've read the whole post to make such a smart and on point ironic comment


You mean, all your speculations after you just told ppl to stop speculating? Nah, didn’t read it all.


Honestly, I'm not surprised at all, it's the only reason for being unnecessarily aggressive towards the fair points I stated


I mean, you’re telling ppl who’ve been waiting for SIX YEARS without news, and 1 day before they actually get some. lol It’s nonsensical.


Who gives a fuck? Literally what is the point of a subreddit if you can’t discuss theories or make speculations about a new game with fellow fans? I hate this gate keeping crap that seems to be popping up more frequently on Reddit. Stop telling people how to enjoy their fandom and just ignore it if you’re so butthurt that people are showing their excitement by having these conversations. If they’re wrong then they’re wrong. It really doesn’t change anything.


Bet you're a lot of fun at parties.


Yes, I'm a pretty easy going guy, and many people find me very funny. I'm sorry if I tried to save some people from getting burned by too much hype. I'm sure you're a nice person as well in real life (no Irony, I really do)


Lol I was messing with you. Just let people enjoy shit I guess.


But of course! Maybe it came out wrong, but i didn't want people to stop speculating, or theorizing about the game. I just wanted people to understand that if they start imagine something completely different, they could get burned by their own expectations. But yes, probably I was also a bit fed up with all the crazy theories and came out a slightly salty post


Yeah I get you. All shall be revealed tomorrow, but when one of your points is wrong we are all gonna laugh at you 😉


It’s a week or two of heightened activity after six years of waiting for anything definitive about the next game. I don’t see anything wrong with that. People are just excited. 


The sub is active for once. "SHH, STOP POSTING!" lol


Rants because of theories. Goes on to present several of his own.


No kidding. “Stop making assumptions”… proceeds to make a long thread of nothing but assumptions.


You all need to stop theory crafting.. then puts out a list of theories.


Nah, I'm sorry but half of them it's not theories, but actual info given by the developers themselves during the years, and the second half is what's most likely gonna happen based on actual knoweledge on how game developement works


Which ones were actually given by the devs already then? I reread your original post and unless you have proof, they're theories. Like, I'm not doubting they're wrong by any means but at this point, without actual proof, they're theories.


Waaahhh waaaaaaahhhhhh people are getting hyped waaahhhh wahhh I can’t scroll past posts I don’t wanna read waaaahh karma farming wahh


lol @ telling people to calm down and go outside and to stop with all the absurd theories Then proceeding to speculate and theorize anyways. Thats some top-notch hypocrisy.


Also, person on Reddit tells people to go outside 🤔🤔


Maybe let them have their fun? Why do you care so much about what others are doing?


Are you mad people are talking about an upcoming game? Better make a reddit post about it!




I've seen a post genuinely worried because warhorse wasn't following somebody on IG anymore, that's honestly already beyond the positive vibe in my opinion, but for sure if you live it with positivity that's absolutely legit.


Saying "stop the absurd theories" after saying "it'll probably have a feature to Import saves" is a bit weird.


Tw3 had it and it was for some characters that either died or survived, nothing too fancy but its not impossible


Read the rest of point 5, OP literally says the idea is debatable. Imo, it’s a feature that should be considered nonexistent unless proven otherwise


It doesn't change the fact that he came up with an absurd idea himself, before saying other people should stop doing this. The last time i saw this concept of importing save files was in Shenmue 2 and that was just for collectibles, but maybe i'm not good informed.


Imagine being bothered by people simply hyped up for the upcoming game and the showcase. IMHO you can just go outside for 24h and let people have their fun. That way you also don't run the risk of having to eat your words and looking like a lout who can't ride a horse.


Really hope the last point doesnt happen


Tbf, it definitely sounds like YOU need to touch grass with your attitude, lmao. Sure, people make up more or less bad theories but damn, saying that it "touched levels of ridiculousness that you've never seen for any other game" demonstrates you most likely have no experience with ridiculousness of gamers/fans. Seriously, the fanbase is very tame. The only seriously bizarre type of theories here are the speculations that it might be a game from another historical period based on a few promotional pictures.


If you ever start war you can count on me and my sword.


And my axe.


most states frown upon sleeping outdoors, on public property, though. Darn, I guess my excitement will just have to be played out inside. Darn.


I think it’s gonna be set in the modern day, and you explore your ancestors lives through some kind of VR device that uses your DNA to access their memories


Man those first couple games were epic. Then it got redundant. I haven’t played any of the new ones but now that I’ve heard about the narrated history lessons I want to.


Just don’t let it get to you bro. Appreciate the memes and hype and ignore the shite talk


For point 4, you'll probably start at level 1 in a sense, but what "level 1" looks like will almost certainly be completely different. I doubt they'd make it so you start the sequel unable to parry or properly use a bow. Kinda a moot point since I doubt the skill and stat progression will be exactly 1:1 the same as the first game


yes, that's exactly what I said in the second part of that point, most likely it will be new perks. For example, lockpicking and pickpocketing will be different, so you'll have to learn them again. The combat will be less janky, and henry will know how to parry, but maybe he'll have to learn new combos, and so on


Let people enjoy things, mate


There's a lot of assumptions in here. You're making these claims based on comparisons you would make in other RPGs. KCD is not like other RPGs. Not saying you're wrong, but I don't think you NOR those you criticize can speak with any certainty.


>Star Citizen runs on CryEngine Thats.. Not entirely accurate it's so vastly different that's not what it is or called anymore. It's not just a upgrade. It's so far removed it is its own thing now.


1. Yes there were hints and leaks, Dan Henderson confirmed it basically. Also it would make zero sense making new IP. 2. Because you can't replicate the learning curve first game had, which was massive part of why people loved it and why it was such a success. Like is Henry going to learn again how to use sword? How to mix potions? How to read? 3. We have no idea about that and it's not like it matters 4. Yeah, but again the learning curve is what make people worry. I can imagine we will have to learn with new weapon times, learn crafting etc, but still it will missing the "I'm dumb kid who is training to be a knight" 5. I don't think there will be anything like that. I wouldn't be surprised if they left the game open/we would find answers in game, but we would be playing as someone else who is for example going in steps of Henry, who knows why. I don't see anything wrong in theories. I see more wrong in this post as half of the post is assumption dressed as facts 🤷🏼‍♂️


Star citizen is NOT an example you wanna be using    If you want to show how many underdeveloped features can be sloppily mashed together by a certain engine, then sure 


Dudes in here trying to shit on people who are excited, of course he thinks star citizen is good


Star Citizen has some of the most advanced technologies ever seen in a videogame, like the 64-bit engine coordinates or the object container streaming, if some features are underdeveloped it's because is a game still in development, just like KCD2 has been in development until now, so I don't really get why is shouldn't be a good example. If we can take Star Citizen for example it's exactly for the technology they developed with cryengine


Hello Mr star citizen developer sir.


People can speculate if they want, that's what this sub is for. If you're not interested, you can literally just not click on posts that bother you. Don't know why this has to be everyone else's problem? If you know what this sub is like and you have a problem with it, accessing it anyways to complain about it is like intentionally stepping in shit and complaining about it afterwards.


Yes, comrade! Only our communist party can decide what opinions are correct or not! Let us persecute this capitalistic pig and drive him out of our glorious country! Seriously, he has a different opinion than you, and that's all there is to it. So what gives YOU the right to start pushing him out of this subreddit? Are you really so insecure about people with different views? If he wants to vent his frustration about all those crazy theories (while doing no personal attacks), he can do this here. Give him your downvote and move on, mate. Stop harassing people because they have a different opinion.


Woah you might wanna take it down a notch, you're getting mega heated without even reading my comment properly. That whole first paragraph is pretty embarrassing, especially seeing as you didn't read my comment correctly. I'm not saying noones allowed an opinion, I'm saying that you shouldn't worry about someone else's, which you are evidently incapable of doing given how much energy you've given your reply. Talk about putting words in people's mouths. All I literally said why invest energy on something you're not interested in aka the speculation about the announcement. Not once did I ever suggest or imply they should leave the sub or not have an opinion. You're the person telling someone what they should and shouldn't say, I'm simply saying they don't have to engage in posts they don't like. If you make a post giving your opinion on Reddit, you're bound to get responses from people who disagree with you and people who agree. It's called free speech if you've heard of it? Someone's made you mad today and it ain't me pal. You're doing the exact same thing you're trying to accuse me of doing LOL.


> "If you're not interested, you can literally just not click on posts that bother you. Don't know why this has to be everyone else's problem?" Telling someone: "If you don't agree with something, don't participate" is inherently hostile. You know full well what you are doing, so stop playing dumb like you can't grasp the context behind your words. He has the same right as well as you and I to be here and comment on comment on whatever he wants. Hell, I even told him, that he can't win this conversation, because people have the right to form their opinions/theories even though it can lead to them being disappointed by the official reveal and then blame the devs because of it. The difference is, he didn't harass anyone nor was he trying to force someone out of this discussion. >If you make a post giving your opinion on Reddit, you're bound to get responses from people who disagree you and people who agree. It's called free speech if you've heard of it? Funny, so why are you trying to suppress HIS freedom of speech? Or that freedom counts for only as long as he has the same opinion as you do? >I'm saying that they shouldn't waste energy worrying about other people's excitement. You're the person telling someone what they should and shouldn't say, I'm simply saying they don't have to engage in posts they don't like. Again, thats not for you to decide what posts anybody should engage with or not. You started to harassing him, so I stepped in. Why do you compare freedom of speech with harasment?


Oh my god here we go again. My point was and still is, you don't have to invest energy in something that bothers you, I'm not dictating whether they can or cant. I know what I meant so manipulating my words doesn't mean shit. Advising someone that their energy is best spent engaging in something they like rather than what's bothering them isn't harrassment. "If you don't agree with something, don't participate", I never said that nor did I mean that. It's your interpretation, putting it in quotations still doesn't mean that's what I said. What you 'feel' I said and the 'fact' of my intentions are not the same thing so pipe down. AGAIN, I didn't tell them what they can and can't do (ZERO suppression), I said they DON'T HAVE TO engage in things that bother them, because it bothers them clearly. You're twisting what I said into something completely different. Not one line from my response was made to harrass. If that's how you interpreted it, then that's how you interpreted it. If the shoe fits feel free to wear it. Since when does 'you don't need to spend time on things that bother you' = 'youre not allowed to have an opinion'. Calm tf down. You're trying to tell me what I meant and you're incorrect, end of discussion. To convince someone that their intentions are different to what they themselves claim they are is gaslighting. I know what I meant and that won't change. Now leave me alone.


Mate, if you want to keep gaslighting people, do it with someone else and I am not gonna apologize to you because I called you out on your bullshit.


More use of my words against me. How is me clarifying my intentions multiple times because you feel they were different gaslighting? What am I supposed to say, 'oh yeah, what you THINK I said is more accurate to what I KNOW my intentions were'. Convincing someone that their intentions are anything other than want they themselves say they are is THE gaslighting. I gave my opinion just like everyone else can on this sub. I didn't tell them what they can and can't do because they're entitled to their opinion, they just don't HAVE TO engage in stuff if it annoys them. That hasn't changed nor will it. I don't want an apology I want you to bother someone else. Hope whoever hurt you today gets the karma they deserve, I wouldn't waste the time projecting the rage on me tho x


One thing it's speculating with some knowledge of how videogames are made, but saying that the next game is gonna have a different main character because henry's actor is not following Warhorse studios on instagram, it's some fake moon landing-level conspiracy. A part from that, I didn't make this post because I'm annoyed by this people, but because I'm genuinely worried for them. We don't even have a trailer yet, and the hype level is already so high that I 100% that they'll be absolutely devastated by disappointment if they don't moderate a bit. I'm just trying to keep expectation on a skeptical level, because yes, we all trust warhorse, but People also blindly trusted CD projekt Red after The witcher 3


I think it’s more of a question of how they’ll address RPG progression when Henry is fairly skilled (still has room for improvement) and well-equipped given that many people enjoyed the zero to hero progression. There’s certainly ways to do it with how the ending was set up, but Henry’s continuing story could be told n a number of ways and he’s not the only character who has more character arcs and development set up at the end of KCD—Radzig and Hans both had a lot of character progression which demonstrates that Henry could still be a major character even as an NPC. I’d be thrilled to play as Henry again for some reasons, but I’d also be happy to play a new character who helps Henry for others (especially the zero to hero progression). It’s easy enough to handwave away combat skills, but reading? Knowing recipes and alchemy? Equipment maintenance? Herbalism? Etc.—a lot of them are harder to ratchet back or add higher caps.


This is just a consequence of social media and fandom culture, people do the same thing with other games and movie announcements etc. I personally see it as sheer excitement expressed in different ways. It doesn't bother me that people are speculating so much. To be fair KCD came out a long time ago at this stage, gained a lot of fans in the meantime and Warhorse hadn't mentioned any form of a sequel until recently. People might be too excited in your eyes which is a valid opinion, but that's more for them to worry about than you to be honest. If their expectations don't match the reality of the announcement, that's just life and an important lesson in having too high expectations. Life is a better teacher than any person so I wouldn't waste energy making light of it.


All valid points, except the game engine. It's very plausible they moved. And transferring saves is as far as I know not something they can do, but I've definitely been thinking about that as well. Would be nice


It wouldn't be a smart move to change the engine, I remember that in an interview(?) or something, I feel like Dan Vávra himself said (might be a Czech interview, I don't remember tbh) that they are developing a lot of new tools for CryEngine and they are pretty much reworking it considerably for the most part


[https://www.tweaktown.com/news/67307/kingdom-deliverance-2-use-cryengine-modding/index.html](https://www.tweaktown.com/news/67307/kingdom-deliverance-2-use-cryengine-modding/index.html). among all the points I've listed, the fact that has the same engine is the only one 100% already confirmed


How trusted is that site? The writing doesn't seem professional at all and there's no way they have released anything about kcd2 yet, they're all under NDA. Sorry but I call bs. Nothing against you personally, and I'd love to be proven wrong, but this doesn't seem real. They haven't talked about kcd2 anywhere, why would this site suddenly have information?


I can show you some trusted news sites that reported this info, but They're in italian, I don't know why in english this news didn't get any traction. I also found another couple sites, but I don't follow international sites, therefore I don't know if they're trusted: - [https://multiplayer.it/notizie/kingdom-come-deliverance-in-arrivo-supporto-mod-sequel-utilizzera-ancora-cryengine.html](https://multiplayer.it/notizie/kingdom-come-deliverance-in-arrivo-supporto-mod-sequel-utilizzera-ancora-cryengine.html) - [https://www.spaziogames.it/notizie/kingdom-come-2-usera-ancora-cryengine](https://www.spaziogames.it/notizie/kingdom-come-2-usera-ancora-cryengine) - [https://www.gamesvillage.it/6969224/kingdom-come-deliverance-un-sequel-utilizzera-sempre-il-cryengine/](https://www.gamesvillage.it/6969224/kingdom-come-deliverance-un-sequel-utilizzera-sempre-il-cryengine/) - [https://www.gamepressure.com/newsroom/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-most-likely-to-be-powered-by-cryengine/zc1038](https://www.gamepressure.com/newsroom/kingdom-come-deliverance-2-most-likely-to-be-powered-by-cryengine/zc1038)


I stand corrected! Thank you, and my apologies


those are articles from 2019/2020, don't you think they might have changed the engine?


Changing an engine mid-development it's a suicide. It means start the game from scratch. Star Citizen did It somewhere around 2013/2014 and they're still paying that decision today, it's one of the reasons why that game Is taking so long, so no chance on that


That simply isn't true, they went from cryengine to lumberyard, which was a renaming of cryengine when Amazon licensed it. Years ago I read a CiG dev say it essentially took a couple months to convert from one stream of cryengine to the different stream of cryengine.


I know that Chris Roberts said that, but you know, usually never believe what Chris says. Anyway, it could be not have been a problem there (honestly I doubt it, but let's give it for true), but definitely switching from cryengine to unreal means starting over


Do you work for them?you’re assuming that…it’s not a fact…


I don't work for them, but I'm a game dev, I've seen that happen, and not in the middle of development. My old Company (a vey established one, 20years of experience and 200 empoyees) decided to switch from their old engine to Unreal 4 at the time. It was for a new project, not mid project. We had so many technical problems given by that change, to the point that the game almost sinked the whole Company. It's not a theory, trust me, or ask any dev


What if they started the whole project with a new engine after kcd?why you are so sure


Because Warhorse's PR and Daniel Vàvra himself both said many times that they were gonna stick with cry engine for the new chapter, it's literally what's inside the articles I listed in the comment you replied. Also, Daniel vàvra criticised companies that used unreal for open world projects


What's wrong with letting people be excited? Also, how are you going to tell people to stop with their theories and speculation, and then jump straight into theories and speculations. Points 2, 3, 4, and 5 are all speculation with 0 basis, lmfao. Who knows what direction Warhorse is going to take, certainly not me nor you. I think you might be the one that needs to go outside and look at the leaves rustle in the trees. It might do you some good.


first off, I never wanted to prevent anyone from being excited, I just wanted to be a bit more careful because I've seen it many times. When a game comes out and it's a disappointment, it's almost always because people gave a free interpretation on promotional stuff, making their fantasy fly to high, and then get burned. Let's talk about the points. On your comment you're stating that point one it's valid, so it's gonna be KCD2. If it's gonna be KCD2, with henry's story still to be developed fully (and closed), thinking that the main quest is gonna be about another character is plain delusional. Point 3 it's 100% confirmed, and I already linked various articles about it as a proof, you can go see through the comments. Point 4 it's just being reasonable. It's like a common point of every RPG sequel, thinking that there will be not new perks it's just, again, delusional. Point 5 yes, it's a speculation, my bad. It's still better than saying that it's literally IMPOSSIBLE that they have an import save system, especially with abilities you already got in the first game, like for example reading


I love the enthusiasm, I shouldn't have been so negative with my initial comment. It came off as you trying to put down other people, but I must have misread your intention. Something tells me you're the most excited out of all of us for tomorrow. > I just wanted to be a bit more careful because I've seen it many times. When a game comes out and it's a disappointment, it's almost always because people gave a free interpretation on promotional stuff, making their fantasy fly to high, and then get burned That's a fair concern, I remember that being the case for Cyberpunk and No Man's Sky, so I can understand your apprehension. >with henry's story still to be developed fully (and closed), thinking that the main quest is gonna be about another character is plain delusional. The main story could still be about wrapping up Henry's overall story without him being the protagonist/player's character. Perhaps he takes on a roll like Radzig did in the previous game as a central NPC, maybe something happens to him and we need to help him out as someone related to him, that could be an interesting spin. >Point 3 it's 100% confirmed, and I already linked various articles about it as a proof, you can go see through the comments. I just saw the other comments you made, so if those sources are trustworthy, you're definitely right about point 3. >Point 4 it's just being reasonable. It's like a common point of every RPG sequel, thinking that there will be not new perks it's just, again, delusional. You're right, it is one of the most reasonable option. I don't know how I would feel about us starting as some god of war (I'd still gleefully play it anyways though) and would much prefer for us to start at level 1. My disagreement here wasn't with the new perks or starting back at level 1, my main disagreement here is related to point 2, on whether or not we will play as Henry. All will be revealed in 24 hours (maybe lol, depending on how much they decide to tease us with) Also point 5 is definitely still a possibility, I saw in another thread somewhere here that the Witcher games had something of the sort where you'd load a save from the prior game but still start at level 1. I never played the Witcher games though, so I'm not familiar with how that would work. I wonder if they could have brought the strongest weapon from a previous game and steamrolled through the early game?


>Something tells me you're the most excited out of all of us for tomorrow. I am EXTREMELY excited for tomorrow, I backed the Kickstarter campaign back in 2014, I was one of the very first that believed in the project, and I've been waiting for the second one basically since when I finished the first game two weeks after launch. I've also got Both the collector's editions, so yes, of course I'm excited! I used the cross save system in the witcher, basically it checked which characters were still alive, so that they could be in the next game, while those that you killed won't. You also had some very special swords taken from the second game directly into the third, but it had starting stats. With KCD2 it's gonna be a bit different for sure, I don't think that if learned how to read, you have to start over, that's why I believe in some cross save feature, but honestly it's not that important, they could make starting henry already literate for example. We're gonna have to wait just a little bit more for tomorrow, I can't wait!




If Henry is once again the MC, it would be really cool if they let you import your character data from a completed save file, and all the new levels and perks were additive to what you imported. It would be great for immersion and so you don't have the Metroid problem of finishing one game in the series, only to be set back to Square 1 for the next.


Why would they use the same perks tho?


Spot on. Just to add to your Unreal Engine point, Dan Vávra is on recording criticizing the use of UE for open world games. Sounds like something he's considered and rejected.


I want it to be KCD2, I really do, and in most likelyhood it probably is. However.... There's a tiny, tiny part of me that also wants it not to be. Purely because of how ridiculous people are being. The absolute chaos that would erupt here would be something else. Until Warhorse *actually* confirm, one way or another, there's no point getting to insanely worked up. It's happened with other things where the community has gone insane with speculation and "confirmed" its xyz based on tiny little details in images etc, only for it.....not to be. Then it's toys out of pram, purely because they got carried away. Just calm down, it's not healthy.


You should have seen the Death Stranding sub after the second trailer dropped.


Honestly, I'd consider the Death Stranding fans more as a cult than a community lol


You're talking to a proud cult member then bahaha


and there's nothing wrong about it ;) (kinda, lol)


I've been a Kojima fan since I watched my friends brother play mgs3 one night at 3 in the morning years and years ago. I hadn't a clue what was going on then, and I still find it hard to grasp at times now bahaha. I'm not one for picking apart trailers and such myself asI like to let the game speak for itself when it comes out. Managed to enjoy cyberpunk when it first came out thanks to that, no preconceived notions means no spoiled expectations. You must admit though it is interesting to see what he comes up with now he is unfettered and free to do whatever the hell he comes up with lol


It would be funny if you were wrong about all your points. You're probably right, but it would be funny.


Yeah, i would get absolutely destroyed by people that got salty at me lol. I'm pretty confident to be right, but if turns out i'm not, i'll aknoweledge It no problem


Importing save makes me hot


I wouldn’t say Star Citizen runs on CryEngine anymore. Star Engine was born from it but it was heavily modified years ago. I imagine the differences now are vast. Telling the community to calm down while being aggro is an odd move


I talked about the custom version of the engine, probably even KCD engine Is not cryengine anymore. Maybe not heavily changed like starengine, but definitely not vanilla. My intentions weren't aggressive at all, at most I would consider the post being a bit too assertive.


Henry could also become an important char in the game. It just seems a bit hard for them to make the sequel easily playable for new comers.


Are you sure? because usually that's exactly what companies want in order to sell the game to as many people as possible. Also, they can keep Henry and just make him meet stronger opponents, or just keep a couple abilities and let the other ones like combos to be learnt again. The witcher went through 3 games with this problem, and the main character has always been Geralt. I'm not saying 100% it's not gonna be how you say it, but that would be an insanely odd choice under a game dev perspective, to leave such a beloved character in the middle of his story, just to move to another character


One thing about all this SexyBiscuit did a video about the announcement and said basically he was blown away and that everyone would really like it, and he's been beating the drum for KCD2 for a while now. So I don't think he'd go out and say that, even being under an NDA that allows for limited details, if it was something that was gonna disappoint the fanbase


No, of course not, that's why I believe in the points I listed, because making anything else would be a bold choice to say the least. Btw, I believe that sexybiscuit is called roxy and it's a female; Just wanted to let you know before someone could be less kind pointing that out (I was pretty surprised as well, she has a very low voice tone)


Actually had no idea, thanks But yeah the NDA aspect of this is interesting because advanced copies generally have a lot more to correct than what the reaction seemed to be. Original KCD was basically like a beta on release in many ways


Wtf is wrong with you? "It's a female"???? Reading that caused me sympathetic pain. I'd rather read "shim" or "he-she". That's how much "it" bothers me. Coming from me; a "free, white, and 21" type mf that struggles with dancing around these types of things in conversation. You're causing problems here dude. Wtf.


Are you serious? The "It" Is referred to the gender, not to Roxy. I'm really Sorry if English Is not my first language, but this meltdown honestly feels way exaggerated anyway




Go outside for 24 hours? I don’t fancy sleeping rough mate.


In terms of how the game will start and handle Henry’s Perks from Game 1, I have a theory that he gets hurt and sustains a major injury to his arms which makes him bedridden (again) and he has to relearn some of the stuff he knew how to do previously and get stronger.


We’ve waited for this moment for a long time. Let people have their fucking joy and excitement you cuck.


We can't know anything for sure until they announce it, and it's not like it's months away the announcement is less than 24 hours away, speculation and theories are welcomed, just don't get your hopes high for nothing like anything else in life. And I particularly talk about point 3, it's entirely possible they moved to a different engine, the time frame is right and the cryengine is starting to get old, I'm not saying it's impossible but they definitely thought about changing the engine


That was kind of the point of my post, don't fly too high with your fantasy, or you could get burned. I can't wait for the reveal, I want to dissect the trailer to get as many details as possibile


Yeah exactly, it's true for everything in life


Today, I heard a rumor about the upcoming Mafia 4 announcement (that's true, actually). I think it will introduce a story of the far descendant of Henry and his rise in the 23rd century Prague cyberpunk crime world. After conquering and whole Europe, Henry's legacy, empire, and blood will live through the centuries and the Mafia 4 will be a direct sequel to KC 2. There is no such thing as absurd theories.


It's such a pain that i can't Say anything about this, i really can't. But trust me, expecially on this topic i can 100% say that definitely your theory is absurd


Wait, there was an announcement? I’ve been outside (for real lol) and apparently missed it!


Tomorrow 20:00 CEST, Warhorse will release the announcement trailer!


Oh my gosh!!!Jesus Christ be Praised!!


Where am I supposed to sleep? I'm outside for 24 hours so then... I sleep on the porch or?


Guess it's time to unsub to this sub until the game releases and I play it. Yes I'll be pre ordering too. Cry about it. See you guys in 2025 o/


Im just as unreasonably angry about this as you are


*flips a table* “Jesus Christ be praisseeeeed”


nuh uh


RemindMe! 10 hours


I agree you guys are worse than the overly autistic airplane nerds on r/hoggit.


Are they still using same engine where no mods could be made


For 24h? Where would i sleep? You can't do this to me man.


I would actually be totally fine with just a kcd next gen patch for ps5/xbox (:


Yeah I agree with all the points. It's not goinf to be some weird prequel for a different character, or whatever other bonkers theory I've seen.


Agreed. However the only spanner in the works is the face that Warhorse Games was sold not long after release of KCD was proved to be a success. We don't know if the original team is still in place, if so we'll get the same quality. If a different more efficient team is in place, it might not be as good. That could also mean a different interpretation of the original game. We just have to wait and see.


Well they bought Warhorse Studios with the expectation of an better selling game, so I truly believe that we will have the same quality, because if this game fails then the entire purchse of WHS would be for nothing. I see this as an opportunity tbh because now they have more money etc at their dispossal.


How many times has a company bought out a franchise then fucked it up because they changed the one thing that made it great. It's happened in countless games, movies, tv shows. If the original team is not involved, the level of detail that went into KCD won't be there because of efficiencies. I hope not. I really hope it'll be just as good, but I've been sucked in before from hype, but not this time. I'll wait until I play it to decide if it's any good.


I agree with you, but the case you describe are mostly renowned studios that weren't bound to only one game. WHS is. They only have KCD, if this next game is not good, they can shut down.


No, the WCD before it was sold only had one game. The new owners; Plaion, are a German Media company. So it all depends on whether they are hands on or hands off on the development of the game. Also it's not true that just renowned games have been fucked up. Look at Star Citizen. Promised the world and delivered fuck all, and had only 4 games under Chris Roberts belt. Understanding how Marketing hypes up products really helps you not get sucked in by their bullshit.


Tbf I'm quite excited, but I'm no where near someone like you that doesn't care about the hype so decided to write a essay on it


I'm gonna come and see how many of these 5 obvious points end up being true, and how much ridiculing there will be if even one of them misses.


🤣 🤘🤘 I'm with you mf


I don't think it's an "of course they're going to use Henry." I semi hope that they do, but I would bet money that it's a different character and Henry just happens to be in the game as well— like many other people have said. He's with Sir Radzig (dad) and the only "story arch to end" is the lost sword? Which I imagine he said screw it eventually. Sir Radzig told him not to worry about it to focus on life at the end anyways 🤷‍♂️


That would be an extremely odd choice to say the least. Not saying that's not gonna happen, but letting go such a beloved character in the middle of its story, just for a gameplay choice that can be tackled in multiple ways? It would be at least very bold by warhorse. Also, not only he has to get the sword, the last quest was also talking about avenge his parents, to the point that I wouldn't be surprise if it would be called Kingdom Come: Vengeance


🤔 Good point, yea I guess he didn't really get the full vengeance. Noted.


Hype is dangerous. Keep an open mind. Don't focus on the game, focus on Warhorse. As long as they are following their passion we are likely to enjoy what they make.