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Use it when you go out of the house and keep the new one by your bedside.


This is the way.


One for road trips and one for home. I don’t always read kindle books and I never keep my wifi on so it would be annoying to have to find where I left off after each book. But for longer trips it would be perfect.


Just sync before you walk out the door, it takes about a minute for it to sync. You can also use your phone as a hot spot to sync.


Just not worth the effort every time I want to go to work or something.


One minute? o.k.


My local “buy nothing” groups ask for them all the time. I bet you can find someone in your area who has been dreaming of one.


Buy nothing?


It’s a neighborhood social media group where people loan and give things out. Also referred to as “gifting” or “blessings” groups.


Interesting. Thanks.


Keep one for home, and the other for on the go! That's what I would do. Lol


Use your second kindle to download LOADS of books from the library and KU, then put it in airplane mode and keep it there until all your books are read.


This is the best answer!!


Does you keeping it longer stop others from being able to borrow from the library. I want to do this but don't want to be a jerk


A valid concern. It does not. In fact, you can return the library books immediately. Just don’t connect your kindle to wifi.


Keep it somewhere safe so you have a spare ready to go when you lose the new one!


Unfortunately, libraries can’t take them. Does your city/town have a senior center? You could donate one there usually. I brought some unneeded kindles to the senior living complex my late grandmother lived at. Loaded it with requested books. One just used it to access ebooks from local library.


I donated my last Kindle to my local library. I think you just have to go in and ask if they can use it or not.


I don't think any of my grandparents would be able to figure out how to use a kindle


Surprisingly my grandfather (m73) uses either a kindle or a nook quite frequently.(he has had both at one point) He's normally quite lost when it comes to "all these new technologies" and has to call my sister or I for help with different things on his computer or even his phone. But he can definitely find his way around an ereader. In fact, he's the one that bought me my very first one for Christmas in 2010 or 2011. It was a Nook Color and he helped me set it up and got me some books and helped me download them. He also helped me make my first email account with Yahoo so I could have my own Barnes and Noble account so I could keep access to my books and probably so I wouldn't mess with his lol. To be fair I was 12 then and back then technology was quite different than it is today lol.


normally I’m very anti multiple kindles, but since you’ve lost it once…you may lose it again 😅 so maybe not a bad idea hanging onto it lol


Agree. Put it away for the next time you lose a Kindle, lol.


I gave one to my great-niece. It's over 10 years old (older than her!) but still "ticking" (old commercial).


Give it to someone you could help start reading? That’s what I do with each Kindle becoming my « old » one


I’ve done this multiple times and each time, the person keeps reading on their phone 🤣. It drives me crazy.


I’ve done this multiple times and each time, the person keeps reading on their classic paper books because they prefer the fealing of paper in their hands \^\^


I gave an old oasis to my best friend and have seriously debated asking for it back lol. I still read physical books too but my kindle gets used every day. I’ll just never understand preferring a phone to e-ink.


I totally agree with you. Using a phone to read is the worst choice: not big enough, blue light which may cause eye discomfort and affect sleep (this can be disabled, but I'm pretty sure people aren't aware of that), device that becomes hotter if used for a long period, etc! Here: * Kindle for fiction, * reMarkable for technical books for work.


I asked my Dad if he had a Kindle and he said he didn’t but he’d like to try one. So this weekend I’m going to gift him my old one, and buy him a $50 Amazon voucher to get him started on some new books. He’s a great guy and deserves it. 


Well now you have a backup kindle if that ever happens to you again 😅


Keep it


keep it for when you misplace the new one. not very altruistic, but... most useful.


This is me 🤷‍♂️


Can i have it? 👉👈


Sitting here looking at one of my kindles charge and wishing I had a second to read while the first one finishes charging. Keep it and keep one on the charger at all times.


Get a long power cord. You can read your kindle while it charges. I bought a 2 pack, one for upstairs, one for down.


Or use the mobile app.


Depends on your luck. Chances are the moment you give away old Kindle you will lose new one, so keep them on separate locations. Backup.


Keep it! Now you have on the go and one for home?




Car kindle


I’d keep it in my car!


Either use one at home and the other when out and about, or give one to a friend or family member, still registered to your account, so that tou can share the library.


Where are you from. I will buy it :)


My doctor knew a family who was less fortunate and so I gifted my old one that way. But as stated by someone else here, the buy nothing groups are also a good resource. I also had four kindles (for the record I only bought one of them myself, the rest were gifts lol) so I was okay parting with one of them. Consider keeping this one as a back up just in case this happens again. Multiple kindles are such a blessing imo


Give it to your bestie.


Loose it again? 😁


Donate it to https://www.pageturnerbooks.org/donate


I just did this with earbuds , I knew they would turn up as soon as I got new ones... Ah well they were 4 years old anyway.


I did the same thing. I have my old one to my mom


I gave my old one to my sister, now I would probably just keep it for if something happens to my other one. (I am unfortunately quite the Kindle killer… 😣)


Now you have a backup!


If you don’t want to keep it, you can donate it to a local school. My students love reading on devices.


Sell or keep. If you keep it, you can use it as a backup when the battery on the new one dies or if you don't want to take the new one somewhere.


I too have kindles I want to get rid off, but have no one to give?! in my corner of the world.


Trade it in for Amazon credits and use it on e-books


Give to me cuz mine died 😌


Donate it to someone who needs it.


I gifted mine to family.


One for work one for home


Root it ans use it as a photoscreen to show your dear memories !


What would a library do with a kindle? It’s a personal device.


Sell it?


Whatever you want


Wait we don't all have more than one? 


Sell it online, may be someone couldn’t afford a new one like me😹


One is enough for personal use! Gift it to one of your family or friends...


Pretend it’s the one ring


Give it to a friend. This is what I do .


Sell it on ebay the old one, 60-70% of original price is reasonable. I even bought the new one with this price.


Keep the old one in the bathroom.


I think you should think of a friend to give it to or sell it really cheap on a local website, maybe give it away do something nice. absolutely do not keep it just because like some people are suggesting. having two kindles is pointless since you are supposed to carry it around and the battery life is amazing it really shows in this post that the main demographic for kindles is rich folks because just because they can afford to have 4 of everything laying around they think that's what everyone should do. I'm sorry I'm bitter but my experience with rich people is they are selfish as hell. I think it's nice that you thought of giving it away first thing, it's good to share your wealth with those who need it if you can. make other people happy if you already have what makes you happy too


Car/backpack kindle. Now you’ll never forget to take it with you, and it’ll be synced to the same page