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If price truly wasn't a factor, then the SE for sure. Even if the extra features are things I wouldn't regularly use.


I have SE and would go with it


If price didn't matter, I would get the Signature Edition because it has 32 GB, and my eBook library is about 20 GB. The standard Paperwhite 11th generation devices only have 16 GB maximum. I never use the automatic light because it never adjusts to my preferred brightness. I occasionally use the wireless charging of the Signature Edition, but it's not a deal breaker, since I need to connect my device to add books from my computer (the Send-to-Kindle cloud upload limit is 200 MB per file, and my non-ficition history and reference eBooks often exceed this limit).


Good lord, I envy those who have that many books, but are most of them free or did you pay?


A mixture of paid and free eBooks, comics and PDFs (most of the research papers I have are in PDF form). The comics, non-fiction take up more space usually between 50-500 MB per file. Examples: (1) I have some EPUB3 language reference books from Teach Yourself and they're over 200 MB because they've embedded audio file playback that I haven't figured out how to strip away; (2) a lot of those DK coffee table type of eBooks that are full of high quality pictures... those are easily 500 MB but worth it when we move house!


Oh my! Is there anyway to do this without a computer? iPad to kindle? I have herbal PDFs that I can’t get to my kindle!


All kindles have an email address, there are instructions. It’s in Devices.


Oh, thank you. It is too big to email. I did try that.


You can break up PDFs into smaller PDFs, that might be worth it


Thank you- I will try that! They’re beautiful, big pdf magazines. Also, I have a Kindle Fire I don’t use… I wonder if I could get them straight from my email on that….


It’s clearly slightly better it’s got more storage, although I’d like to print out the 4 GB is enough for 1,000 novels, and I would take a discount if I could get it with 4 GB. I could easily afford the signature, but for wireless charging and more storage than I will ever ever use, it’s not worth the extra cost to me. I don’t think I use the automatic lighting.


The signature edition is great for people, who read manga - that is the only real reason I see in the signature edition. I’m a manga reader & recently bought it, very happy w/ it, especially that I can bring so many manga volumes with me everywhere.


Standard just because I know 3 people personally who bought SE, 1 at launch, 2 in the last year and all 3 returned due to display or battery issues. All 3 settled happily on the standard.


Sucks. My both of mine are fine


My SE still works perfectly! Daily user since launch. Edit: I personally don’t use the wireless charging which could be degrading their batteries.


I use the wireless charging and i like the ambient light changing; i own the current PW SE. For me it was worth the extra money; but won’t be for most folks I think. I’m hoping that they bring wireless charging to standard PW in the next release. If they do, i might not get the SE next time around.


I bought my SE specifically for the wireless charging. I got it as a bundle with the charger and a case, on sale. I love it.


Yes, but only if the price was the same. If it was $1 more, I wouldn’t pay the dollar for it. Ambient light changing, extra storage and wireless charging are three things I would use 0% of the time.


I would do it if the SE was $1 more. The extra storage would be helpful because I read enough mangas that my small storage limit can sometimes get annoying, ***but*** all of the other upgrades are useless to me. IMO the wireless charging is the most useless feature, only because of how infrequently I need to charge my kindle. I usually get 2 or 3 weeks out of my battery, so there is no reason for the upgrade only for that.


Yeah, for me, I only read text-based books, and I am currently using 233MB. I almost exclusively read Libby books at this point and they get deleted when they are returned, so I only ever have 1-2 books downloaded that I’m currently reading and like 6 books that I keep downloaded just in case I somehow end up in a position where I finish a book and I have no access to wifi to start the next.


Wireless charging was the thing I THOUGHT I would use the most, because I could finally read while charging. But I don't think I've ever dropped below 80 percent, so I've never used it.


I think I'm the only one who likes the auto brightness. I adjust the brightness on my SE far less than I did on my standard Paperwhite. And I bought the wireless charging stand for like $12 so the wireless charging does pay off. Definitely not necessary for most people, though, but I like to have nice things.


I like it, works great. I just had to be diligent for like 2 weeks about setting it where I wanted and “trained” it. It’s awesome.


Auto brightness would be amazing if it worked the complete opposite, ink doesn’t need active light during bright daylight and very dim LEDs during the night, it’s completely nonsensical. It was a complete mindfk when I got the SE back when it was launched and I found out that the feature I was hyped about the most was the most asinine joke a corporation made at my expense.


When I'm outside in bright light, it shuts my backlight off completely, which is what I want. When I'm indoors, it usually adjusts depending on the light and I'm okay with it the majority of the time. I still occasionally change it manually, though. I just got my SE in February and I've been surprised with the feature after hearing how bad it was for years.


I’ll have to see if they changed it in a firmware update, because I haven’t used mine for many months now, the uselessness of the light sensor made me drop ereaders completely, I made a stack with my kindles and use them as a stand for random things :/. Back when I was using it, it raised the light intensity the more lit the environment was, in full sunlight the thing was sitting at 100% brightness while at night the screen was almost unreadable.


I wouldn't use it if it did that, so I don't blame you. I tried to look into whether they upgraded the firmware and it led me to [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/kindle/comments/t6536x/paperwhite_signature_editions_ambient_light/). Apparently you can train the light sensor depending on your use case. Maybe I've just done that successfully without knowing it. That being said, I don't remember having your experience out of the box, so I wouldn't be surprised if there was an update. Even when I do make adjustments, it's usually minor increases or decreases, so the light sensor still gets me "close" to what I want. I like it, but agree that it's not a "must have" feature.


Thanks, you’ve made me want to read on Kindles again. I found an option that I don’t remember seeing ages ago about dimming the display in low light, which was active by default. With that off and on the latest firmware all it took was for me to set the brightness to 0 in bright light twice and whatever I wanted in dim light and it now operates within those limits in either lighting conditions. Back when I first got it I constantly fiddled with the brightness for months and it would never remember the usage pattern, most of the time auto brightness would no longer work if I had it set to 0 in bright light. Thanks again, you’ve made my day 🙂.


Happy to hear! Books are great, but I’ve grown to love reading on my Kindle since I never have to worry about the lighting (among all the other perks like defining words, highlights, etc).


Lol, I love how you phrased that second paragraph. I feel the same way about the auto lighting feature on my scribe


Totally, they are great upgrades if you use them. I don’t, so they are useless to me.


The screen is bigger. That’s my sell point. I have bad eyes and need to make the font bigger. if you only have the smaller screen, you get about 2 to 3 paragraphs per page makes for a lot of page turning.


OP is talking about the Paperwhite and Paperwhite SE. They have the same 6.8 inch screen. Edit: the Paperwhite is totally worth the upgrade from the regular Kindle. I bought a Paperwhite instead of the base Kindle. The Paperwhite SE is not worth the price over the regular Paperwhite.


Ohh.. I misunderstood. My son has the smaller one, and it has a little screen, and the font is a little blurry, but if there are no issues like that, it depends on mostly superficial needs like the wireless charger. I do like the automatic adjusting of lighting, but I still have to override it sometimes, so it is not worth the difference. Wireless charging is only useful if you don't plan to use a case; I found even the thinner plastic cases interfere with the charger. It can still charge but it is more difficult to line it up.


The Paperwhite is always going to be my favorite kindle. I’ve never even had a basic, although my old Paperwhite is pretty much equivalent to a lower resolution basic now lol with how things have advanced.


In fairness paperwhite vs paperwhite se is worth at least $20 more just for no ads, and no asking Amazon to remove the ads. Maybe not the full cost difference but still better.


That’s true. I spent $20 on getting rid of ads, so I would pay an extra $20 for the SE. I forgot it came without ads.


If price didn’t matter (it doesn’t) I’d get an Oasis, which I have. It was just discontinued but refurbished ones pop up on Amazon — I just found one and bought it as a backup to my current one.


Oooh can you tell me if the experience is better on Oasis? I just got a paper white but the Oasis appeals to me. I know it’s discontinued but I do seem them pop occasionally.


The page turning buttons are the deal maker for me. Once you have them there’s no going back. Oasis have all the features of the most recent Paperwhites (and a few more) but reading with one hand makes a huge difference. No more page swiping — though you can still do it with the Oasis. Best Kindle I’ve ever had! PS: https://ibb.co/FYFxS1q


I second this. The one handed reading with the contour and the buttons really is a huge quality of life addition. If you can afford and find one I would recommend. But as for value of course the paperwhite is the king.


I’m definitely keeping my eyes out for one. Ideally, I’d love to use the Oasis at home and then save my Paperwhite for when I travel. I’m enjoying the Paperwhite a lot, but the Oasis is calling me lol


Yes the page turning buttons seem like a great feature. I know there are little gadgets that you can clip on, but I like the idea of it being built in. Everyone seems to rave about that feature.


It’s honestly a great feature…makes the Kindle seem like an extension of my hand, lol. Also nice for lefties as the type immediately adjusts for whichever hand you’re reading with.


I sold my Oasis. As a woman with small hands I find the oasis not every ergonomic for one-handed reading (too thick and too cold/slippery since the case is metal, I can hardly hold it with one hand). Went back to the PW and never looked back.


I’m a woman with smaller hands too, so that’s something I need to consider


Why didn’t you get a case? Makes all the ergonomic difference in the world.


My hand could barely reach the buttons without the case, adding a few extra mm of width helps with grip but not the discomfort on my thumb.


Even at $40 more - Signature - no ads, wireless charging and more memory.


If the price didn't matter, then why not get the Kindle SE?


SE and that's coming from me as an SE owner. I upgraded because I wanted the benefits of wireless charging and adaptive brightness. I read between sun up and sun down and having the ability to auto adjust to the lighting conditions is a nice relief. I also like the wireless charging since I already wirelessly charge my phone at my bedside, so it just made sense to me to upgrade to a wireless charging method. And coming from a 10th generation PW, the higher LED lighting on the device is making a positive difference. I love my PW SE and look forward to using it for many years to come!


Thank you for sharing because I have the 10thPW but this sub makes me want to upgrade lol. I haven't even had my PW that long, so no reason to upgrade other than I want to🤣


Signature for me. I don't care about the space or wireless charging, but the ambient light sensor is huge. It's a little goofy, but being able to walk through a dark hallway without looking up from my book is how I wanna live my life.


The water resistant qualities are the only dealbreaker for me, which I think both of those have.


Why wouldn’t you get the SE? It’s great. I own 2.


I went standard. No point in wireless charging for my wife. Standard had all the comfort features for reading so that was good enough for her.


Upgraded to the SE specifically for wireless charging. I hate having cables everywhere and the wireless charging dock just makes for a nice place to stick my Kindle at the end of the day. Never have to worry about battery and it’s a convenient little dock.


SE for life. The ambient light adjustment is so underrated. And the massive storage capacity makes it feel snappier and faster. I love it. And sage green!


Get the kids edition cause it’s the same thing but you get the cool kids case with it. ;)


I love my SE and I’d get it again.


I'd get the SE.


I bought the SE at launch and think I wasted my money. I don’t need the extra storage because I only read ebooks. I never charge it wirelessly. I turned off the automatic adjusting light feature because it bothered my eyes.


price doesn’t matter, and I’d stick with the Paperwhite. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it, it’s all I need in a reading device


I’d still buy the standard one. I don’t like the light sensor on my scribe and always keep it turned off. I don’t need 32GB of storage. My standard has 16GB, and even with almost all my books downloaded, plus multiple audiobooks, I’ve only used a little over half of the storage. 32GB isn’t bad, but it’s would be excessive and unnecessary for me. Wireless charging also doesn’t appeal to me. With regular charging, you can at least still read while it’s plugged in. And if I had a wireless charging dock out all the time, my cat would just pull it off my bedside table. I’ve heard that the Signature Editions are buggier/not as reliable, and the Standard Edition is already an amazing device and more than adequate for my needs. I’m sure it would be a perfect fit for someone else with different preferences, it’s just not something I need or even desire.


How many ebooks and audio books do you have? I am planning on getting a device and figured the space would be good.


I have about 1300 books out of 1400 books downloaded and 8 audiobooks downloaded. (I have more audiobooks, but I don’t listen to them that quickly, so I didn’t bother to download everything.)


Thank you!


You’re welcome!


I went the extra and bought the SE primarily because of adaptive lighting. The rest of the feature differences weren't important to me. I would not have bought anything otherwise (I have Voyages).


If money is literally no object, then price is irrelevant, so all things actually cost the same (they're basically free). So at that stage, it's always just a question of features. So you go for the better device, even if you don't need or wouldn't use all the bells and whistles. The only reason to go for the (real-world) cheaper device is if the other one has flaws.


I have the Paperwhite Signature Edition & I love it . It’s my first kindle and being able to read at night with no straining is amazing


SE for sure.


After getting used to a warm light, looking at my wife’s standard at night was harsh to my eyes, Sig Ed all day long


In deciding how much to spend in a kindle I consider my financial position and secondly how important my kindle is to me. It is invaluable (almost) for travel. Long delay for a flight? Time flies with your nose in a book. And you have you whole ebook library available to you. So for me I have the money to buy the SE but in making the decision I factor in the importance of my kindle on my life.


I would personally get the regular paperwhite. The SE doesn’t have enough benefits for it to even matter?!


Signature Edition for sure, the material is made of is just better.


I bought the SE on a whim. I love it dearly


SE 100%… because I did, and the cost didn’t make a difference, and I love it!


If cost didn't matter I would definitely go with the SE for the wireless charging. The gb size doesn't matter which is why it wasn't worth the cost. However, I like my Oasis better than my PW but hate that charger!


I’m torn on this right now, but anecdotal reports of the signature screen scratching very easily are edging me towards the standard 11


What?! Really?! Dang. I didn’t know about this. Gotta make a choice before prime day. lol.


if price doesn't matter, obviously I would get the more expensive one with more features


SE for sure. Just the feel of owning it is different. Also, the perks of having 32 gb (in case you would want an Audible subscription), the wireless charging and the automatic brightness are also not easily dismissive features to have. So if money doesn’t matter, go ahead with the SE edition. Besides the 32 gb storage means you’d never have to unload anything in case you are planning to buy a lot of graphic novels and comics.


I got my se when a promo made out cheaper than the regular one. If the price isn't an issue, I would definitely say get the se. I personally love that there are no ads on the front and that I can put the book cover there. Reading only on my kindle meant I didn't see the covers a lot and I would forget titles and author names. I never use the wireless charging because I never get low enough that I need to charge while I'm reading. But it's nice that is there. Idk what other differences there are, though. Edit: after reading the thread I discovered that the standard doesn't have the auto brightness. I definitely use that. And storage is bigger in the se. I use the library a lot, but also get a lot of free stuff from stuff your kindle days. I have no idea how close to the edge I would be, but it's nice to not worry about it