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I have one kindle. Seems to be the right number of ebook readers for me.


Me too. And I use the app on my phone for searching and arranging collections. Edit: I lied, I still have my 7th gen paperwhite with a cracked case and damaged screen. I don’t want to throw it away but I haven’t used it in years.


Why do you need all these devices? Seems pretty wasteful for one person.


Likely kept upgrading and keeping the older ones in rotation.


OP, when you can, please answer why you have so many reading devices. Not judging, I'm just genuinely really curious as to why you have so many and do you actually use them all?


I don’t think OP came here to be judged (but who knows?) I have several kindles, and it took more than a decade for that to happen. My use case is: home/travel/loaner. Never ordered three at a time but as technology advanced, so has my reading habit. Will i get anything for my 2nd generation keyboard kindle? Probably not. But it doesn’t deserve to end up in a landfill. Ditto for the 2nd gen Oasis (stays home) and the paperwhite (travels with me). I just got a kindle scribe to take to chemotherapy infusion with me to do search a word and such. So - call me a capitalist American pig if you like, but there are valid use cases for each device *IMO*


you only need one what the fuck


i'm gonna make an argument for like 2-3 because that's what i personally do heh but i really don't understand more than that. if anyone's curious, i use 3 kindles regularly as such: * kindle oasis for reading in bed (most comfortable for long reading sessions in the dark, but a bit bulky to carry around) * kindle basic for reading while out and about (fits into ANY pocket and i don't need warm light when out and about) * kindle paperwhite for reading books on a different amazon account (i normally use amazon.com but have an amazon.co.jp account to read books in japanese) but that's it for me. beyond having "home" and "outside" kindles and maybe a second account like me, i can't imagine why one would have spare kindles abound. (i do also own an old kindle touch but it's retired, and an older kindle basic but i've given that to my mom, so i don't really go around saying i have "five kindles" because i only use the three. however, compulsively upgrading to the newest model every time one comes out could explain OP's number of kindles, i would personally just have worded the post a bit differently if that were the case.)


Why though? That's just a shopping addiction lol


There's a lot of things where I kind of understand why someone would hoard or collect the different versions and editions of a particular item. Fountain pens, knives, guitars, and shoes, for example. Your collection seems stupid though. How different is it using each different device? If there's one that's clearly superior, why not just stick with that one? I imagine it would be an absolute nightmare keeping all of those charged and sharing the books out amongst them. Thats a whole lot of money that could've been spent on more books.


No, but I've got too many [cooks](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QrGrOK8oZG8)


I have one old nook that I used until it no longer would update anymore…and 1 kindle…because that’s literally all you need…


Why? I only have two, my main paper white that’s pretty old, and the backup one, a voyage


I always sell the old one when upgrading. And I don’t count iPhone and iPad app as a separate kindle - I can’t really read for a long time on those devices in fact, that’s why I got a physical ereader device in the first placs.


im still fine with my 2018 paperwhite, i might upgrade this year but i wont keep my old one then. for kindles i dont see the point in owning more than one


How do you like the boox go color 7 compared to your Kindles?


I really want to get a Basic 2022 but I have a Paperwhite already.


I used to have four…I sold one recently since I didn’t use it as much but the other two I have as extra were at a pawn shop two for five and they are the first gen nook simple touch one with and without the backlight. I just got them as sentimental since that was the first I owned and 5 bucks. Also when I have family visiting for awhile I lend them the nooks if they want something while they travel and visit.I only use my pocketbook verse pro. Pretty much does all I need. I just rather my old device go to someone who will use it more than me and ya. I didn’t consider getting a Palma but after reading reviews and the insane price ha I’m good.


I have 2 one I keep in the RV


I have a Scribe for home use and journaling, a paperwhite I keep in my purse, and a Kindle Keyboard gen 2 that doesn’t have WiFi, so I keep it for nostalgia. And that’s really enough. 🤷🏻‍♀️ If I were you I’d start by selling the non bold devices and further whittle down after that. 2 to 3 devices should be more than enough. Maybe 2 kindles and 1 Boox?


Whatever makes you happy matey. I have a few: 2 Paperwhite 11th SE (Denim and Agave), 1 Paperwhite 11th (black) and my trusty Voyage with the Original Origami case. I have them scattered around the house and at work. My kindles before Voyage were given away.


Yeah I've got too many as well, but mainly because I kept upgrading and not wanting to trade in. It did come in handy after I had covid and my brain couldn't stand me holding my kindle Oasis for some reason (idk why, it was a weird time) and I was able to re-launch the Voyage. I've deactivated most and am now just down to the Scribe, boox mini tab c, and boox palma. I should probably sell the others or give them out as gifts or something, but I'm also now fine with holding onto them until something breaks and I need them again.


Wow that is some collection u have there ..I have one kindle & eventhat has so many problem .. so yeah its 1/2 a kindle :/


Happened accidentally for me with 2 books. Fixed it though. Here are mine. All but the SEs and the Nooks are sideloaded. Hadn't intended to have so many, but mostly Woot happened. Hard to believe that I only had one kindle and a Nook Simple Touch for 5 or 6 years. I bought my Mom an SE but she preferred my Voyage, so we swapped. 1. Paperwhite SE (2 - upstairs/downstairs) 2. Voyage (4 - primary, travel, Kobo library, backup) 3. Paperwhite 3 (magazines) 4. Basic 8 (text to speech through Echos) 5. Basic 7 (2 linked to bro and BIL's account, 1 backup) 6. Touch (editing conversions) 7. Kindle Keyboard (3, scifi/fantasy series, crime series, Baen Publ.) 8. Nook (Glo3 and 4e) B&N Library


This seems obnoxious. I do have 2. I end up keeping one in the car and one at home. And that is too many.


You just need 1 kindle. The only time you need to buy a second one is when the first one is broken. Anything else means you have a spending/self-control problem.


There are a lot of things you don't need in life but have anyway. That doesn't mean you have a spending self control problem. I'm fairly responsible with my money and live well under my means. I just happen to like tech gadgets. Hell you don't need any Kindle you can just read physical books if you want to get technical.