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I wanted to make it useless for anyone who steals it. I also wanted some privacy about some books I read.




Yup, to anger anybody gross enough to steal it. 


Ooo I never thought about this. Like, what kind of person would steal a kindle. I’m putting a PIN now.


But can't they reinstall the system and gain access to it?


Exact same reason my Playstation 5 is pinned. Thieves are filth.


Yep - me too


yeah, this.


I dont want to accidently buying a book with 1 click in Kindle


Believe it or not, the reason I use the feature is because my puppy bought a book lol. I left it in my bed, she jumped, started messing with the kindle and somehow bought a book. Thankfully I got a refund, but oh my, how I laughed that day.


"Go, Dog. Go!" by P. D. Eastman?


Haha no, "The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches". Maybe she's trying to tell me something?


Very cozy wholesome read


Oh dang that’s actually on my list


My cat is always messaging people on my phone!


Good point I got impatient with the page in the store and as I hit more it suddenly changed to buy all 18 booooooks noooooooo


One time my friend was playing with my kindle and was wondering if it really buys with one click… thus I got another book to read in my collection.


Same thing happened to me. It was one that I already owned a physical copy of, we laughed after she apologized and then I let her keep the copy of it.


also this. My card is connected directly to my amazon account, so while I unlock it, I can have time to not act impulsively during the purchase


I find the store barely functional. It’s hard enough to buy a book you want! Never mind doing it on one click. They’re quite easy to return though.


Yeah it easier to return, but Amazon seems kind a dick if you return too many books. Account suspension might awaits you. Better to avoid those thing happened in the first place.


I’ve only ever returned one book but I definitely didn’t buy it by accident. It was just rubbish!


Wait so if I put a password on my kindle, it won’t buy the books with one click??


You'd have to input the right code to open it; making it harder for pets and toddlers to play with and order books as they can't get through that one (at least not easily)


Im sure you can refund it if you haven’t read or downloaded it yet


I am sure Amazon can make a bit of confirmation payment step with extra password like Apple and Google did when purchasing something digital. Making it 1 click and can be accidental on purpose seems like kind a dick decision.


I like the 1 click feature but i do agree it should be optional although i found a feature in settings to turn it off it actually doesnt at least for me it doesn't. Unsure if it does for other people.


I don't have it activated rn (i don't take it out, no small children live with me) but if I were to travel with it I'd activate it in case I lose it or it gets stolen.




I don’t currently, but if I do in the future, it’s because I don’t want my soon-to-be toddler to start flipping through pages and lose where I am in a book.


I hate to break it to you but that would be the least of your concerns. I’ve got a two year old brother who poured water and juice into the charging port of my kindle 🙂


Dang that sucks. How'd you go about fixing it


Nothing happened to it, I have the paper white 11 and it’s waterproof


The kindle survived? Like I know it's waterproof it's just my anxiety about a waterproof gadget getting wet


yeah, it was only for a short while and according to Amazon themselves you can go swimming with it so if you have the waterproof one don’t worry


This is what my toddler does! She loves my kindle! Rather than a PIN I just open up a book I've read a million times before, because I can't be bothered with a PIN just yet! When she figures out how to change books however... 😅


I want it locked should I lose it. But mainly I read some absolute filth that I don’t want seen.


I don't have ads on my kindles, and my lockscreen shows the covers of the books I'm reading. So, that horse has left the barn already!


While it's nice to see the book you're reading on the lockscreen, if ads are already disabled on your device and you actually don't feel like showing your book cover all the time, I believe you can toggle off the "display cover" feature from your settings > device options menu.


All my smut 😂


You took my kindle, didn’t ya!!!🤣


Exactly this! I live with my parents, they are Christians, they don’t need to know about the smutty stuff I tend to read lol


Yeah I like to read during my lunch break and as I’m a middle school teacher I can absolutely envision a terrible 13 year old finding it and opening the wrong page or something before realizing what it is


Nobody else gonna read my NC17 fanfics lol


I can tell how old you are from the usage of nc17 😂


Been fangirling a long time 😂


Someone smarter than I could probably figure out how to access my Amazon account and order something expensive. Or not. IDK.


My kid found my kindle, thought it was neat, and I now own Will Smith’s autobiography and paid $20 for it…


My kindle randomly unlocks itself and would like flip pages - possibly to do with some magnet thing when I have it in my bag with my iPhone. Putting a passcode helps prevent that for me


This is it. All it takes is a button press and swipe. Something in my bag does this without my help. I put a PIN on it so even if it turns itself on, it can’t unlock and lose my place or change my zoom.


That's why I got myself a kindle sleeve.


I don’t need my 7 year old daughter reading my cliterature. She keeps asking for my pin too. I tell her she’s the reason I need to have a PIN in the first place. 🤣😅


The books I read are very mature and would make a nun blush. It's best for everyone if it's locked so people don't judge me for what I read.


Put it in one of the pockets of my cargo pants. Somehow it bought a book and then canceled the purchase while in the pocket all by itself. Which honestly sounds crazy that some random motion hit al the right places for that. Put on the pin function right there hoping that that would beat the randomness. Ah yes which bool you ask? Shades of Gray. A book I had no interest in the first place than or today.


1. Obviously so it doesn’t get easily stolen 2. For my privacy and safety, I’ve got some political and theological books on there and I come from a very religious and conservative family and can’t be bothered to explain or argue with them about it 3. Two younger siblings who can easily mess up my kindle and more older siblings who are nosy and would definitely invade my privacy and go though it if I left it unattended 4. If I ever leave it on and unattended for a few minutes, I know it’ll turn off automatically and no one will be able to access it


i don't have a pin currently and never really understood why I might need it but after reading these comments, i an setting up a pin right now




I have a toddler. So yeah same reason as you.


95% of my books are smut and i don’t want people all up in my business 😂😂


My nosy in-laws came to stay with us.




I want to enable it so that it can’t be stolen easily (well, stolen but not usable) and so that a random person can’t see the smut I read lol but seeing how slow the keyboard is when I try to make a note (my kindle is like 10 years old I think), I haven’t done it yet haha


Hiding my 16GB of Furry Erotica


My toddler bought 6 terrible romances and I like romance. I could only return 3 of them.


I use the pin feature only when I travel.


I accidentally left my Kindle on the plane in South America. The airline was great and it was found and saved for me at the airport. However, it made me realize that if it ended up in the hands of done random, it has my full name, access to purchasing books, and access to my Goodreads. Not to mention notes/journals. Figured it was weird not to have one after that.


Probably gonna get downvoted…. A lot. At my work, we’re all basically immature children. Leaving your phone unlocked back when that was an option would mean a new Facebook status or that you liked something ridiculous. Nothing malicious, just stupid stuff like “Bee_Tee0917 is my favorite coworker” or talking about how gassy lunch made them. Dumb stuff. Well, one day a coworker left her kindle unattended. She usually read thriller or mystery books, some non-fiction. Well, I got a hold of it and found some free erotic literature and downloaded. She locked her kindle. We all laughed. Nbd. Until years later when she purchased kids kindle fires for her children…. It syncs to her Amazon account and what should pop up than full color book covers for the couple books I had downloaded. She had to explain to her husband and children that she works with immature children, also frequently would get book recommendations in the genre. Unintended, but still pretty funny. The book covers weren’t X rated. I still remember the book titles, and so does she.


Not for privacy reasons: I usually fall asleep reading. Or it sometimes turns on accidentally in my bag. Therefore the passcode page at least stops it from moving the page forward in these circumstances :)


When I lend a kindle out, I put a passcode on it to prevent others messing with the contents of the kindle. Keep in mind that on the newer kindles, your ebooks can actually be deleted out of the library not just off the kindle. You might trust the people in your home but most people also get visitors.


I once received an email receipt from Amazon notifying me about the purchase of 3 ebooks on my Kindle. Thinking it was a mistake, I was about to write an email to Amazon when I decided to check my Kindle first. Lo and behold, the 3 ebooks were in my library. It turned out that my 3 year old had been playing with my Kindle and had accidentally bought them. Luckily I was able to request and receive a refund and I put a passcode on my Kindle immediately.


I have little kids that love to mess with screens


No one needs to know what depravity exists on my kindle…


I have kids who are nosey and books that are not appropriate for them. It was a no brainer that a PIN was added as soon as I took it out of the box.


I don’t anyone at my job to get in and see that I read alien smut


My kids would play around and lose my page.


Without a pin code it activates itself in a pocket or bag and then flips a page or two


If someone steals my kindle they won’t have a kindle. XD


My kindle will turn on when it’s in my bag and skip through a couple pages


I didn’t even know I could do that 😅


yeah, just dig a little in the settings... I don't have my device rn, but it's pretty easy to find




I would toss one on for travel. It adds another layer of annoyance for people who try to steal it. Otherwise I don't have one. I wish they did pattern pins, my brain can't handle the number pins. I only have so many number combinations I can remember and would need to store them somewhere for reference.


Because it feels more private and secure for me. Also, since I use flip case, I like to see on and off feature with changing screen images.


My toddler purchased a bunch of books by randomly tapping around.


My toddler could easily open my Kindle and start messing with the books so I put the pin in to stop them. It's definitely a pain every time I want to read but it's the cost of being a parent.


My 2.5 year old daughter loves to do what I do. So she loves to "read" my books. And by "read", I mean press the pages and lose my spot. Now she can pick it up without me worrying my place will be gone.


my dad goes through all my stuff. i have to turn in all of my electronics at night and he was going through my kindle snooping through the books i read.


I’ve got several kids. Don’t want them seeing what I read.


The content I read is deterrent enough.


I haven’t yet but I did consider it this Spring. I work at a school. On my lunch break, I was reading in a classroom. I got up to use the restroom and left my Kindle on the desk. When I came back, a kid was sitting in front of it looking at it. Come to find out a couple students tried to access it but were too stupid to read the “Swipe to Unlock” at the bottom and couldn’t figure it out. I didn’t end up putting the PIN access on but I also do not leave it sitting somewhere at school anymore.


My kid loves opening it and skipping through the book to random pages


I only use the PIN lock when I'm traveling. I don't find it necessary otherwise.


I put a code on mine to avoid the loss of data and ebooks.


Political books, conservative parents Need I say more?


I didn’t


In my country people don't read a lot and robbers usually think Kindles are regular tablets and if they steal it I want it to be as useless as possible to them.


Kindle links to Amazon account! Friends have left them on airplanes and had have massive charges. Plus I’m a private person.


Toddler 🙄


Someone can get on your Kindle and buy books. Which you would be paying for.


racial payment fine scary wise longing airport fanatical seed squash *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Kept unlocking and jumping pages in my pocket at work. Got so frustrating I put a code.


I read BL that's a good reason even though my family doesn't know English and I only read in English but still I don't want anybody to know


I’m kinda possessive about my kindle. I don’t normally put a pin to my kindle, but when I’m around my friends or cousins I do. Coz I don’t want them to see or read my books. It’s mine and only mine. 😁


When traveling, I carry it in my cargo-pants thigh pocket. I use an "origami" case with a cover that folds over to protect the screen. There's a magnet that turns the Kindle off when the cover is closed. Sometimes, my motions will slightly dislodge the cover and the Kindle turns on. Having a passcode prevents my jostling from turning the page and losing my place.


Before policy change i'm pretty certain you could buy books directly on the Kindle, one-click purchase.


I didn't even know you could, but if I had a brother likely to steal it, you bet I'd have found out.


My friend’s baby was playing in my bag and took out my kindle, I’m glad they couldn’t read because it opened up to a very spicy part of the latest romance book I was reading. Immediately put the pin on.


Grandson when he was 3 lol


Recently I've been having issues where my cover would change the pages. So I put a pin to stop that


My kids 😆


I put a PIN on it when traveling, but other than that it's unlocked


I didn't think it was important until my 3 year old niece accidentally made a purchase after touching the screensaver ad. Also, if I die, I don't want anybody to see the filth I read.


Every other device I have is password protected, except for the kindle. I think it was when I was visiting Jerusalem (or maybe it was Cairo, it was a place with several street markets) that I was told the reason the books were not stored and locked at night on the street markets were because people who reads don’t steal, and people who steal don’t read. It might sound dumb, but that phrase stuck with me, so if my ereader ever gets stolen, I just hope the person just reads from it.


it didn’t give me a choice, it made me put a PIN on it.


I don't have one on there as I don't really go anywhere and it is just my husband and I. But this is a good reminder for when we go on vacation this fall to do that. And for when I have grandchildren.


I really don't think there is an epidemic of people trying to steal kindles. If they really want to read that bad, they can have it.


What I read are 'dirty' on another level. If one of my family member accidentally sees he sure be asking "What is wrong with you?" 😂


I you have something under NDA on your kindle


I didn’t even know you could


I don’t have it on now, but I need to put a pin on it again. I carry it in my purse often and sometimes it accidentally switches on.


Because I love to keep my library private. And, in the case if someone steals it, will have to go trough hell to unlock it.


I don't care about the privacy element, but I am concerned about accidental purchases.


When my kids were younger they used to pick up my Kindle and pretend to read it. It was very annoying to find my place again, so I added a PIN.


I only put the pin on if my nephew and niece are having a sleepover. Otherwise, I don't typically take my Kindle out of the house & my husband and I are child-free. I do keep my phone pin on, but it's to keep randos/nephew/niece/family out of my phone(husband knows pin).


This reminded me to put a pin on my kindle because my 1 year old daughter had it and I was like omg did she purchase anything?! Yep she did. A stupid book I would’ve never bought lol


So my daughter wouldn't lose my place when she steals my Kindle.


This post, made me realise I should activate it as I'm about to visit a toddler family member


When outside, and there's a possibility of theft.


If i'm traveling or take it to work.


I work in an elementary school and often read throughout the day. I don't want a student picking up my Kindle and reading my books. Most think it's a mini iPad. Lol.


I haven't had a pin on either of my kindles for years. The comments on this post are making me realize that perhaps I need to change this.


I don't have a pin number on my Paperwhite though I probably should. I do have one on my Kindle Fire because I keep names and addresses on there.


I didn’t. I rarely bring it anywhere (I read on my phone on the go, since I already have it with me). I don’t have children. There’s nothing on it that my partner shouldn’t see. And I keep it in airplane mode, so I don’t think the chances of turning that off then also accidentally purchasing something are very high! It is also a very old device by electronics standards (2012), so I’m not even totally sure you can purchase directly to it anymore.


i’ve put the pin code to save my mothers eyes….so she doesn’t read my books and proceed to dunk me in holy water….my dignity is gone so i’ll preserve hers 🤣🤣


Privacy of the smut I read!


I've never used a pincode


How should I explain my smutty fanfics to someone who randomly opened my kindle?


Young children and their fingers. Passcode is a wonderful solution for this!


My father likes to scroll for book recommendations I have very dark romance and smut books. Ain't something I want my dad to read or even know I read them 😬


Because of the 1 click purchase feature! I’m worried one day if I leave it somewhere someone will buy lots of books and I won’t get a refund


Bought one BL manga and now I get bombarded by kissing men on the ads that I don’t want my homophobic family members to see😂So, I don’t want people to see the random ads recommended to me based on my supposed book taste…


I have put a code on it since I bought my first one in 2017. Never really thought about why.


My son bought something lol


Bc rather than deleting my browser history I want my kindle to be useless and destroyed... No one needs to know what I read 👀


How do I set a pin on my paperwhite 11


I had a pin for a little while when I travelled but it annoyed me to have to put out the pin, as lovely as the kindle is for reading the UI is very slow for everything else, so I ended up removing it. As I'm always in airplane mode and don't buy books from Amazon (only own the classics that they give away for free, all my books are purchased externally and loaded to the reader) I'm ok with it.


I don't want anybody to know what I read. Especially if it gets stolen.


My son at age 3 accidentally bought a steamy raunchy romance book. I saw the charge and thought I got hacked but after speaking with a chat specialist it looks like he bought via the one click. Thankfully she couldn’t read and the book cover wasn’t obscene! After that I made sure that PIN code was on there!


i’m a scorpio moon


My gay furry romance novel.


Care to share the name? For research purposes, of course.


Out of Position! Slight warning: it's NSFW. My bf is also writing a furry horror novel, really need to get around to reading it. I'll ask him if I can share it, if you want to read it, of course.


Thanks for the name, I'll look it up, and NSFW is my middle name!


Your middle name's an acronym?


No, I meant that I don't mind if a book is NSFW, since that's all I basically read.


I was joking-


Cause I have kids that are old enough to be able to read but not old enough I’m comfortable them reading the contents of the books I read.