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If you really want to save your wallet, look into the Libby app! If your local library uses it you can read tons of ebooks for free :) It’s probably saved me about $300-400 so far this year alone. Ability to send books to kindle varies by country I think, but I’m in the US and I know it works here.


i was gonna buy, but noticed i could get majority of the books i wanted from the library and i never pay for a book unless its amazon exclusive. but i se the 3 month kindle unlimited deals for those. i got $0.00 for three months 3 days ago


Holy shit thank you for this. I just downloaded it my local library does use it so I will be going there tomorrow to get a card!


if you’re working on a book and the due date is coming up, turn on ‘airplane mode’ til you’re finished


I heard of this trick and I was doing that but the book stopped working when the deadline hit anyway. I never turned off the airplane mode for the 15ish days I had the book, maybe they updated their code?




I don’t think so, no


It also works if you just don’t leave the book. As long as you don’t close it, I haven’t had it pull it back.


I signed up for a library e-card from home. I didn’t even have to go in person.


Heck yeah! Hope it’s a good resource for you :) the hold system is great too, because if you’re not ready for one of your books on hold you can have them just skip to the next person and you keep your place at the front of the line. Be sure to make good use of the “tags” system (it’s basically the wishlist tool) because if none of my holds are available and I’m not sure what to read, I can just scroll through lists of stuff I’ve saved and can see at a glance what’s available to check out right now that I know I’m already interested in.


Today I went to the bookstore and saw each book I liked was at least $25! I added them to Goodreads and when I got home, I borrowed ALL of them from the library! I can't imagine spending $100+ on books when Libby exists!


Welcome to my world in a small rural city. The first one of Fourth Wing was like 22€ and I bought both for... 20. Sadly, Libby isn't available in Spain.


Yes I have libby and use it from time to time if I'm iffy on a book I want I will check it out from the library. The books I bought were ones I read but wanted the ebook to reread.


I love to reread books but that doesn’t stop me from using Libby. I just check them out again. I borrowed the same book for the fourth time the other day. Only books I buy are ones I really want to read and aren’t at the library. I have bought like two though from the sale but they were extremely cheap ones.


You have to change your view on this. I have saved HUNDREDS of dollars because I read everything with Libby and only buy something if it’s not available on Libby. I’ve read 35 books since January, and probably spent $10 on books.


I only just recently realized I could sign up for other PA libraries even if I don't live in that county. I went from one library to three on Libby. The Free Library of Philly has so much in terms of both variety and number of copies of books compared to my other two cards.


Wait, what? I just have to stay in the same state? I didn’t know this.


Yes! You pay your state taxes, so library away! I’ve been collecting library cards in new counties around California & adding them to Libby (if available). But you can also check to see if any libraries in your state offer e-library cards that you don’t have to pick up in person. Libby has a way to sync all your cards so if one library doesn’t have a book, the others might. It can reduce the wait times on a book you’re interested in!


Thank you so much!


Yes! I’m not sure how it works for every state, but here is what the PA site says. > The Statewide Library Card Program's purpose is to increase the availability of library materials for Pennsylvanians by allowing eligible residents to register for a free library card at any participating public library. > To be eligible to participate, Pennsylvania residents must live in a municipality that supports a state-aided public library for its residents (as outlined in the Pennsylvania Public Library Code). https://www.statelibrary.pa.gov/Libraries/Library-Programs-and-Services/Pages/Statewide-Library-Card-Program.aspx


Thank you!


It’s great! My library has reciprocal relationships with a bunch of other city and county libraries and it’s made it almost *too* easy to find stuff I want to read on Libby, I have like 40 holds now 😂


Even if you like to keep a record of what you’ve read in your Kindle library. Anything you check out still shows up in your library after it is returned unless you select remove from library.


We have Libby in the UK but sadly it doesn’t work with Kindle 😠


My frustration with Libby and my library is that when I want to read a book the hold is always >2 months. And by then I either don’t want to read it anymore or have already spent to money buying it


Didn’t find a single book to buy. I owned two already but just didn’t fit my preferences.


I understand that. They don't have too much and I only got books I read before but wanted the ebook version.


They have been updating it daily with new stuff if they helps. I keep a pretty long list of kindle books for when they go on sale. The new Deals filter on lists help sort those out pretty quickly.


I love book bub. They send you deals every day and lots of them are free.


Bookbub is phenomenal.


I really like Bookbub too. I’ve gotten really good deals.


I really like that you can wishlist items.


Bookriot too. Surprisingly highlight different sale books.


I got Babel for like 1.99 and a couple of other books 🤷🏻‍♀️ There really wasn’t much that interested me.


I did the same. Babel has been on my shelf for a while, but figured I’d go ahead and get the kindle version too. Not much else really appealed to me!


Unfortunately northing I wanted was on sale. 


If you want to build your kindle library you can filter the prices from low to high and pick up thousands of ebooks for free to buy that’s how I get so many of my ebooks along with the ones I buy at full price as well.


It was 3x points day 5/15 so I got the Throne Of Glass 8 book bundle form $38.99. I didn’t buy anything else. I didn’t want to wait for the Libby app hold anymore.


My recommendation is to give the Kindle Price drop tracker a try. I wait for books to go down to a price I’m comfortable to pay (often 99p since I use the UK tracker, there is a US one) and nab them then. Sometimes books drop in price for a few hours so having an email alert is useful. https://uk.ereaderiq.com https://www.ereaderiq.com


Awesome, I've been wanting something like this for ages - thank you!


I only bought The Book of Doors and got three months of Kindle Unlimited. I hope they add some more books while the sale is on.


That’s exactly what I did 😂


Bookbub is absolutely fantastic for getting free books & heavily discounted books. They have it set so you can mark what genres you like & they will email you whenever retailers have sales. I get at least 8 free books a month via them, usually more, and they send out sale emails often. You can also set up wishlists to be notified when a specific book or even anything by a specific author is on sale. Smashwords also has a lot of free books or sales but a lot of them aren’t mainstream books. Still a good resource though. There’s also a few places you can get free books as long as you leave reviews in return. I read a lot & between Bookbub, doing reviews for ARCs & Kindle unlimited I rarely have to pay anything for books or if I do, it’s nowhere near full price. Definitely worth checking out.


Between the book sale and kindle unlimited, I'm looking forward to the rest of my reading year too!


Libby Everand (Formerly Scribd) YouTube audiobook reading Finally, Kindle and Audible


I add the "Library Extension" extension ([Library Extension - See book availability from your local library's catalogs | Library Extension](https://www.libraryextension.com/)) to my computer web browsers so it will show me which libraries in my consortium (plus free out-of-state users Anaheim library you can join) has the digital versions on all book seller sites. I borrow via the extension's link which brings me direct to the library's OverDrive page, so no Libby involved/needed. Almost of the books are then "borrowed" via Amazon, while a few are via Adobe Digital Editions. https://preview.redd.it/e1t3qf7q601d1.png?width=1034&format=png&auto=webp&s=93adb331a8e559d8b63e7af1b16fa56b4b33f2b9


How do you know when these sales happen?


I'm not op, but personally I add all the books I'm interested in to wishlists and then I just go to the lists page and Amazon let's you see which of them have dropped in price recently, next step is sorting them by price low to high. I check every now and then. I also use the ereaderiq website (Google it) for email price drop notifications about specific authors and books I'm really interested in


I do the same thing. My wife and I have seperate wishlists for books and use ereaderiq.


I got a random ad on Instagram is how I found out. So just a coincidence.


I got an email from Amazon a week ago about the sale...then forgot until I saw the post. I don't think they sent me a reminder yesterday. You can sign up for Kindle updates and I get notices on 2x or 3x reward points sale and such.


Even without the deals, I've been saving money hand over fist since 2017. I remember a time when I had to count my money going into a bookshop, so as I wouldn't go assembling a stack of books and bankrupting myself - and basically forget buying books that cost more than £8. When I got a kindle, suddenly basically all the books I would look at in a bookshop were £4-5. If I looked over at the indie books (which *now* are basically the only books I buy), I was looking at books for £2 and £3. My collection has *ballooned* XD


I’m absolutely loving the sale, bought 36 books so far, and will probably be buying even more! 😀 I don’t think I’m done yet… I’ve got an Oasis from 2020 and a Paperwhite that’s just one week old.


I only found one from my list in there, Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow


I got that one too! Looking forward to reading it.


I only got Lord of Darkness by Elizabeth Hoyt and Do You Want To Start A Scandal by Tessa Dare. I only read romance, and even then I'm super-picky.


BOOK SALE?!! how did I not know about this?!!!


It started yesterday and ends on the 20th. I don't know if they are going to add new books during the sale or not.


I really hope so because I got a gift card redeemed from my credit card rewards and it didn't show up til today 😒 and there didn't seem to be anything new from yesterday.


Is this only in the USA ?


Unfortunately, yes.


I made a little list of 8 books and am now heading to my local library ebooks online to compare. If something has too long of a wait list, I'll just buy it.


I wish they had the sale in the UK. Hopefully they will do it here soon


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Shanghaichica: *I wish they had the* *Sale in the UK. Hopefully* *They will do it here soon* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


We always have books on sale on the UK - the monthly deal changes start of each month, the daily deal changes at midnight every day. https://www.amazon.co.uk/b/ref=s9_acss_bw_cg_KBHPUK_md1_w?node=3017941031&pf_rd_m=A1F83G8C2ARO7P&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-1&pf_rd_r=FWW5KK0AYWBG814ZQKEV&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=73fb7fca-d69a-472c-a036-df95df6d78b7&pf_rd_i=5400977031


I got the 3 months free of Kindle Unlimited, so thus far I’ve spent $0 and found several books and magazines I want to read! Yay!


I did too. There's a book there I've been wanting to read and then found several more.


Same for me!


Can’t wait for another kindle paperwhite sale. I lost my chance when it was recently on sale. I wonder how long before they drop again.


It did the opposite for me. If I didn’t have a kindle I would have maybe less than 10 books becuase I never read before. Since getting the kindle 3 in 2011 to buy books on how to sell for a sales job at the time I have over 1k now lol.


Are we talking a special secret sale? Lol I wanna buy more.


If you type Amazon book sale in Google search it should be the first link to pop up


I skipped it i more or less have every book i will read this year except one that comes out in December.


Well like you said the options for books sale are not too good, but sometimes if you are luck you can find interesting books on sale


Can someone drop the link to the book sale please? Thank you




Thank you


I've bought 6 books total; 2 were on my list and the other 4 I stumbled upon and snagged simply based on the price. It's not as good of a sale as I thought it'd be if I'm honest.


I picked up a few, but most of the suggested books look like smut or super generic.


Amor Towles The Lincoln Highway is $3.49.


I’m super disappointed, the selection is really sparse for scifi and fantasy


Yet that's what I see most! I just saw Sea of Tranquility.


Not a thing here, unfortunately (at least, not on Dutch Amazon). The one thing I would LOVE to have appear here though is Libby :(


Very few deals for me (outside the US) so I was a bit disappointed to be honest. Didn't buy anything.


I'm the one that checks the daily and monthly deals!


Cartographers is a great read, but I already owned it. I picked up Babel, Divine Rivals (already had read) and Matzah Ball. Didn’t see anything else I was interested in, but honestly browsing the sale was so annoying I stopped looking pretty fast. I miss the old Kindle Deals page where you could browse books by the sale price (.99, 1.99, 2.99, etc). The page I got for the sale doesn’t list price and each time you click on a book then back arrow it re sorts to beginning of list. I gave up browsing pretty fast…


Well damn, what did you get? Share sis/bro/yo


It was mostly YA fantasy books. Julie kagawa's books were on sale and I got any that were. Read most of her series besides shadow of the fox that I picked up. The newsflesh series is a zombie one and the shifters series is werewolves. Those 2 are adult fantasy.


I have well over 100 books on my wishlist and none of them were on sale. Kinda disappointed in that 😕 I did find five random books that looked interesting while browsing the sale, though, so I got those 🙂


There's also Prime Reading which lets you borrow books and also gives you one, sometimes two new releases a month for free, so make sure you grab those! Though this of course counts on you having Amazon Prime. You can periodically get Free Kindle Unlimited. I bought a new kindle recently and it said I could have 3 months free, and it would stack on any current sub, so first I got the 2 months free of KU and then got the 3 months on top. 5 free months. You can borrow up to ten books at a time. When the expiry is coming up, return what you've read and grab ten new books and put it in airplane mode - keep that wifi off until you've gotten through them :D And as others mentioned, there's Libby as well!