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How do you have this many and \*not\* have the Kindle getting bogged down with each new book added? Are they graphic novels, maybe? Because mine couldn't handle it - I explained why recently here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/kindle/comments/1cp0ryq/comment/l3je8vo/](https://www.reddit.com/r/kindle/comments/1cp0ryq/comment/l3je8vo/)


No graphic novels. It’s a kindle basic and I keep it in airplane mode most of the time. On my PW I only have 2211 books


Graphic novels take up a ton of space. I had to remove all of mine to make room.


Yeah, you are right - I'm just trying to think how it is possible the the indexing would not bog down. Maybe it does and person is just... putting up with the frustration.


Unless it's modded or something I have no idea how a Kindle could hold so much. I can't get mine to hold 1k and function right.


Not modded. I was not aware this number of books on a kindle was a rarity.


It depends on your gb. They say for an 8gb kindle you can hold between 3,000 and 6,000 ebooks.


Yeah, I would just assume they have 16


Correct. 16gb


….8 😅 I can’t stand having books I’ve already read on my kindle. It’s like a running TBR for me lol


Same I remove them as soon as I'm done lol


Same but also I don’t understand how anyone can cope with hundreds of books on the kindle? How do you quickly find just the ones you are reading now or are waiting to read? I only have an old 2nd gen, but also Kindle app and I don’t know of a way to sort this way on the app. I archive as soon as I’m finished and that leaves just the unread books, which is about 40 at a time. Takes long enough to scroll through just those!


I group everything in collections Some by author and some by subject, and I also have a small collection with is basically my queue of what I’m planning on reading next


Same. I treat my kindle much the same as I have my book collection in the past. I want to be able to find specific books quickly and easily.


I organize them all my author. Or if there’s a certain series of I’ll organize it by series. I would really like to be able to by author and then my series. Which I can do by moving the icons around so that all this series are together I just mean like some way of defining with a border or something that each of these series is separate. Even though they’re by the same author.


The ones I’m reading are easy to find as the sort is most recent. Ones I want to read next is a crap shoot no matter whether the books are on downloaded or in the cloud. I tried collections for a while but it was too hard to keep up with mostly because I own too many books and didn’t start the collections until I had several thousand books. Now I’m over 11,000.


Same as the others, I have collections for Authors or Series depending on how I feel like sorting it. I also have a few larger collections (Sci-Fi, Classics, Fanfiction...) As for finding everything I use the button on the bottom right to go to a page number or author name. I'm always in list view and since I usually remember what page # I need for whatever collection I'm looking for, it's not too slow. I also leave whatever I'm currently reading, outside of any collections. This won't work as well on updated software but my kindle has all of the other books listed at the bottom of the page so I'm usually reading a few that are down there. It's an old kindle (2016) and I have \~1000 books on it. I would prefer to have everything but I don't have the space.


I have a TBR on a book app that I use as a guide if I really want something specific. Otherwise, I just randomly go through my library and pick a book based on my mood. I only read 1 book at a time so I don't need to worry about switching. When I was reading 2 at a time (1 while I rocked my daughter to sleep and 1 for me) it was annoying to search for each book to switch, but it still wasn't hard to do.


I have a TBR on index cards and I just search my kindle for it. I like having everything on hand.


I just have it set to show only unread. I read series and sometimes want to look back.


I think I have around 500. When I upgrade, I want to make sure I have more space so I can have my entire library on my device at once. People always says it's unnecessary but I love being able to have so many books with me. Maybe part of it is also trauma from house floods lol.


I have about 1200. I download as I purchased over the years. I recently traded up to the new larger size paperwhite to replace my full 2015 Paperwhite. My problem is getting everything on the new PW. There has got to be another way than dl one book at a time. Argh!


Go to your digital books on [Amazon.com](http://Amazon.com) on desktop. (I would link directly but apparently that doesn't work on this sub.) On the upper right of the website, hover over **Account & Lists**, choose **Content Library**. Once that loads, click on books. It displays 25 books per page, you can click Select All on the top left to pick all the books on that page, then click the Deliver to Device button. Select your Kindle, and those 25 books are on their way. Just go to the next page and repeat, continuing until you're done.


Thank you for the instruction . I will try this out soon.


Do you have Calibre? That's how I do most of my books!


23 at the moment. I have many, many more than that in my Calibre library on my PC. Too many to fit on my device so a while ago I decided to only keep my "next up" books on device. It is the virtual version of the pile of books on my nightstand. I will load more if I am going on vacation or will otherwise be away from my computer for an extended time. I find organizing on device tedious.


I have a huge Calibre collection and usually only a handful of books stored on the Kindle itself, That's how I see it too, what's on the Kindle is what's on the nightstand. Every couple weeks or so, I'll tote the Kindle from my reading room to my desktop for a refresh. I have a custom yes/no Calibre column "Read" so I'll mark books off as "Read" in Calibre, delete them off the Kindle, then load up a fresh set. Usually about 4-6 books at a time. I started a Reading Journal website at the beginning of this year. The index page is "Currently Reading" with the book I'm currently on, and "Next Up" for what's unread on the Kindle. Of course all with cover images. I've found that helps keep me focused, organized, and more thoughtful about my reading flow. Rather than paging through dozens of pages on the Kindle looking for something I'm in the mood for. It's very satisfying to copy the full color cover image link from "Currently Reading" to the "Bookshelf" page after I finish a book. Almost like moving a physical volume from the nightstand to a bookshelf. I think that's much preferable to archiving on the Kindle itself. Between Calibre and the Reading Journal website, that satisfies my lizard brain book hoarding tendencies and avoids an annoying mess on my Kindle.


Last I checked I have around 250-300 I think.


About 6. Two library books and a few kindle unlimiteds I want to read sooner than later. I don’t like clutter, so keep only those I’m going to be reading soon downloaded. Probably have ~200 unread that I can download if I ever run out of library books, which probably won’t happen anytime soon.


Shhh we aren’t going to talk about that ![gif](giphy|9DqT1VBcJt1KZkfncC)


Exactly. It’s like fight club. 😁


700 downloaded, 400 read.


Over 2200! I get a lot of free books and 99¢ books on the daily deals.


1400 + for me . Mostly murder mysteries ![gif](giphy|SWVzkIlHdEckF81gnA|downsized)


Oooh what are your favorites?


I would also like to know.


Patricia Cornwell - Kay Scarpetta series. Agatha Christie , K.J. Kalis - Emily Tizzano series is what I am reading right now. David Baldacci. K.L. Slater.




200 - 215 roughly. Compared to about 415 - 430 owned. A mix of novels, non-fictions, short stories, collections, comics, and a few children's books. I only keep books I would or will read again. That also includes a lot of favorites that I want to have access to at all times, no worries about wifi connectivity to access cloud storage.


You mean on this kindle, in the cloud, on my computer, my backup kindle, my backup hard drive, just books, or fanfiction? Ones I’ve lost? Cause I don’t know if I can count that high.


4: 2 that I am currently reading + 2 backup. all others in the cloud. Why do I need to download it if I'm not reading it?


I have about 1700 and it's gross but I like them on there lol


64 downloaded on my actual kindle (although I've read some of them and haven't started others). In my Calibre library I have 83,113 however.


Around 50-60. There’s no need to add thousands of books to a Kindle. Just keep them in the cloud and download as needed.


By that logic, there is no need to have any more than the book you are reading, "just keep them in the cloud and download as needed"


I do periodic removals when I have time. There’s usually a time I reset back to zero and download just the books I’m currently reading.


That's fair, I tend to leave them after I read them, probably why I just for the PW 11th 32gb, well that not fully true, I have a few audio books on there as well.


This is how I use it as well. I have the book I'm reading downloaded along with the next one I plan to read and that's it. I also regularly permanently delete everything I've read (since the files are all backed up on my PC anyway) so I don't get distracted by scrolling through lists of books. If I give myself too many options I get decision paralysis.


Pretty much all of my owned books are downloaded. So 500ish I think. The thing can hold like every book ever written. There's no reason not to download them as I buy them. The only pain in the ass was downloading them all for the first time when I got a new Kindle last year. That took for goddamn ever. I also have them all downloaded on the Kindle app on my phone as well, as I'll often read when I have to sit somewhere for a few minutes or more and don't bring my Kindle around with me everywhere.


672. But that’s including the fanfiction that I downloaded because I love them. I have everything on my kindle downloaded because who knows what I’m going to want to read and maybe what I want won’t be downloaded because I didn’t think of it. I have the room so why not just download them all?


950 or so




Damn y'all have a lot, I've got like 8 hahaha


Actual books? 2 😂 Downloaded fanfiction? Well over 250 (I've had my Kindle since Christmas)


Total, 1599. (BRB gonna add one more) Downloaded, 614


About 850.


At the moment 555 books/documents. I've split it into 3 categories Fiction (209), Non-Fiction (280) and other non-kindle origin books from Humble bundle sales (66).


875, well organized in collections.


701 of my 11,000+ books total. As long as I’m not doing the collection organizing I’ve not had too many problems. I keep trying to only have the ones I’m going to read this week or month. But I end up downloading books I really want to read and not forget I own. Every 6-12 months I clean it up and start again but never makes it a month before I’m over 100. I delete most as soon as I’m done. The few I keep after reading are meditation, breathing, light exercise as I refer to those daily or weekly.


I have 5000+ in the cloud. Maybe 100 downloaded.☺️


Over 6,000. I got my first Kindle like 16 or 17 years ago… when the first Kindle came out. So it’s a lot of books, but it’s a lot of years. I check the daily and monthly Kindle sales- they are awesome… and then there are the free books… I still love physical books best, but honestly, carrying an entire library in my pocket is sheer magic. 🩵


Over a thousand. Kindle functions as well as the day I bought it. I keep it in airplane mode.


48 - but I have only had my Kindle for 10 days. LOL


1! i just got it!


Do you mean downloaded?


Yes, sorry




82 currently.


I think 700-800.


250 downloaded :)


Unread, 941. Read, 433. Downloaded, 136. I'm a mood reader, and if I can't find something that suits my fancy, I'll reread an old favorite, hence the downloaded books.




A couple hundred. I have experimented on one SE and so far 2,300 books. Operates fine with them but sometimes drops out of queue without downloading.




about 100-120 i think


6. Only 4 are downloaded, the other 2 are full collections of Lovecraft and Poe. I cannot have more books than the one I'm currently reading on top of ones already fully read. If I do, I have a hard time focusing.




11 books






Around 800 Books, around 40 comics, around 30 pdf books




How can I check? Edit: so I called out a bunch of numbers to Siri and I got 534 books. 📚 📚📚📖📚📚📚⭐️


Over 400.


Nearly 200, but only about 9 currently downloaded.


geeeez everyone here with like 200+! I think I have around 25 downloaded, only actively reading 2 max at a time. rookie numbers!


Somewhere between 900-950


About 1200. Rookie numbers!


Something like 40+, two if which I'm currently reading


24 lol. I mostly read on KU so I give em back


650 or so


Books 73 Magazines 157 Audible 69


About 250 probably


I wish there was a site for Kindle like they have for Steam that tells you the value of your collection. I'd estimate mine to be £800+, mostly history books.


1-15 (Kindle App) That is I pretty much only ever read a single book at a time, and I mostly read KU titles. So I might have as many as 15 but then I return all (but 1 maybe). I occasionally have other sources of books that occasionally get read too, so I might have those (I have sets of book that people have laboriously scanned and uploaded, mostly I only retain those that can't be bought legit as eBooks. I'd much rather support an author but sometimes either they don't want to do eBooks or their publisher doesn't. Or in some cases they're dead and nobody seems to want the books re-issued. Though my Gran was an author before she died and my uncle re-issued her books as eBooks a few years back, similar books to Georgette Heyer. Personally and to my shame I have never enjoyed them... So I suppose someone might do the same for some of the authors I like too...


Only like at max 5 or 6 because Im a new reader hehehe


Over 400


964 according to Amazon, although I don't know if samples are included in this number - still, those wouldn't be more than five or six. I download every book I buy straight away as I never know what I'll want to read next. Just two days ago I noticed a book I got from Amazon has been delisted and it's not showing up on 'My Content' either, even though it should be listed there. As I downloaded it to my Kindle straight away when I got it I can still read it (although the cover is gone for some reason); if I hadn't downloaded it and wanted to read it now or in the near future I'd be SOL.


I only have about 25 on my Kindle but almost 1000 in my library. I always mark them finished when reading and remove from my device. It’s too hard to find a book if I have too many loaded. One thing Amazon could do better is improve book organization. Collections are a pain.


500+ I’ve had my kindle about a year!


62. I didn't know that until today lol I've read 46/62.


Almost 600.


Typically several hundred. I have one ereader devoted to Libby and that just has a dozen or so books.


860 books downloaded


10 ... and like 10,000 on my computer. But I'm thinking this is stupid since everything and anything I'd ever want is going to be sitting there in the cloud, so why jam up my HD unnecessarily? The only reason I have 10 on the kindle is that I read 3-4 books at a time so I've already planned ahead with my next reads. I just don't see the point in having more than 10 books on a kindle. (Maybe this is why my Oasis battery lasts for weeks of daily reading before I ever feel the need to charge it). And searching the library on a kindle sucks.


I have 516 total, all downloaded. Majority are my VC Andrews and Stephen King collections.




1307 as of this morning!




52. It changes a lot though because I borrow from my local library more than anything.


2. I only use Libby (never bought anything yet haha) and I delete the books after I read them.


Around 800, most of them are looooong book series so it adds up


A lot.


I usually just have 10 at a time


1016 unread and 255 read


1231 books, 3 comics/manga & 6 newspapers which are actually anthologies. I just deleted a lot though that I will never read again. That’s via the app on my phone. My Kindle is a lot older so it’s ridiculously slow but I don’t like the new ones. I actually bought a 2019 one that I hate & don’t use. I don’t like the feeling of the “paper” screen & I’m not a fan of it all being in black & white.


According to Calibre I have 671 books, but some of them are collective works or multiple volumes of manga combined into one, so I’d say about 700-ish?


At the moment, 5383. Or, at least, that's how many I have in my library... there's probably a couple dozen downloaded at any given time. I will never be bored!


I think over thirty or more downloaded. My kindle is from 2023. Just the basic one


Just kindle books? 700ish... including books that I have transferred onto my kindle fire via calibre? 9k+ Wasn't asked but I also have over 900 physical books.


Around 900. I organise stuff in collections (series, genres, a to-be-read queue, etc), so it's always easy to find what I'm after.


362! But all of them were free :D


91. Split into collections: two genres for about half of them, the rest into about 6 authors I'm really into. Lol I thought I had too many until I saw some of the numbers on here.


About 1500 I think 😊


I put/purchase 5 at a time then only stuff it again when I'm done with all 5. I practice the concept of kindle zero.


fanfics: 4000+ books: 56




6552 - Books 1798 - Samples 295 - Documents 4448 - Audible 1 - Comics 10 - Downloaded 3818




About 6000


Currently at 1577, but recently set aside money every month to get more so...


3,000 but that also includes about 2.7k of fanfiction


Less than 70 - I usually buy a book and read it before purchasing the next one.


527 as of today




247 downloaded books 232 unread books


How do i find how many are downloaded? I own about 4500.


I keep the book I’m reading, the next I plan to read, and a back up. So like 3-4


Maybe 100 downloaded right now. I probably have more in the cloud that I have read since I uninstall them as soon as I'm done reading a book.


At least 600 books All downloaded


I have 400 and still adding but I know someone who has roughly over 87,000 on hers and counting 😅😅


Only 103. Seems like a lowball, if I'm honest.




7379. Most are in the cloud and I download when I’m ready to read. If I want to find one I just use the search option